


Thursday, April 3, 2014

All Religions are not equal

Photo: No Muslim will declare that all religions are equal and no Christian will ever concede that all religions are similar. Their prophets and books have indoctrinated that their god is the only god and other Gods are false and the followers of the false Gods are to be killed or converted. So, for them a question of equality in religions never arises. A thought that all religions are equal is itself a heresy or Kufr for Christians and Muslims. 

Ram Swarup’s statement that hatred for others is a theological requirement for them is very much true.

But a Hindu, without having good knowledge on Hinduism, and no knowledge on Islam and Christianity, will declare from the roof top that all religions are equal and they teach the same thing.

Today the best propagandists of Christianity and Islam are the Hindus of all kinds – politicians, academics, media persons, swamis, swaminis and most of the general Hindu population. By declaring all religions to be equal, these Hindus want to give equal respect to Islam and Christianity. That means one has to give equal respect also to an inferior teaching which the desert cults give. When Hindus look at these West Asian ideologies in an image of Hinduism, it is an act of promotion of a hostile and intolerant ideology.

The Hindus have fast forgotten that both Christianity and Islam have a very long, black and blood-soaked history of slaughtering millions of innocent Pagans and Hindus around the world. 

Despite the repeated Islamic invasions into India, the Hindus never tried to study the purpose of the invasions and the religious and ideological motives of the Islamic invaders. 

They thought that it is also one kind of a religion. However, as an exception, few persons like Bankim Chandra, Swami Dayanand Saraswati, Vivekanand and Shri Aurobindo understood the nature of the prophetic cults, both Islam and Christianity.

But it was Shri Ram Swarup, who had the necessary scholarship and courage, examined these cults critically and found them simply to be an imperialist ideology meant to use in the conquest of the world under the cover of the name of god. He finds nothing comparable between Hinduism and these persecutory cults, intellectually or spiritually. Hinduism and persecutory cults of Christianity and Islam differ radically in their approach and ethos on most important questions relating to man, divinity, nature, ethics and moksha. There is no truth in prophetism’s claim that god can be known indirectly through a ‘pet go-between’, a ‘sole begotten son’ or a ‘last prophet’.
No Muslim/christians will declare that all religions are equal and no Christian will ever concede that all religions are similar. Their prophets and books have indoctrinated that their god is the only god and other Gods are false and the followers of the false Gods are to be killed or converted. So, for them a question of equality in religions never arises. A thought that all religions are equal is itself a heresy or Kufr for Christians and Muslims.

Ram Swarup’s statement that hatred ...for others is a theological requirement for them is very much true.

But a Hindu, without having good knowledge on Hinduism, and no knowledge on Islam and Christianity, will declare from the roof top that all religions are equal and they teach the same thing.

Today the best propagandists of Christianity and Islam are the Hindus of all kinds – politicians, academics, media persons, swamis, swaminis and most of the general Hindu population. By declaring all religions to be equal, these Hindus want to give equal respect to Islam and Christianity. That means one has to give equal respect also to an inferior teaching which the desert cults give. When Hindus look at these West Asian ideologies in an image of Hinduism, it is an act of promotion of a hostile and intolerant ideology.

The Hindus have fast forgotten that both Christianity and Islam have a very long, black and blood-soaked history of slaughtering millions of innocent Pagans and Hindus around the world.

Despite the repeated Islamic invasions into India, the Hindus never tried to study the purpose of the invasions and the religious and ideological motives of the Islamic invaders.

They thought that it is also one kind of a religion. However, as an exception, few persons like Bankim Chandra, Swami Dayanand Saraswati, Vivekanand and Shri Aurobindo understood the nature of the prophetic cults, both Islam and Christianity.

But it was Shri Ram Swarup, who had the necessary scholarship and courage, examined these cults critically and found them simply to be an imperialist ideology meant to use in the conquest of the world under the cover of the name of god. He finds nothing comparable between Hinduism and these persecutory cults, intellectually or spiritually. Hinduism and persecutory cults of Christianity and Islam differ radically in their approach and ethos on most important questions relating to man, divinity, nature, ethics and moksha. There is no truth in prophetism’s claim that god can be known indirectly through a ‘pet go-between’, a ‘sole begotten son’ or a ‘last prophet’.

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