Gayatri Mantra is the Highest mantra of Hinduism.
Gayatri is a meter and has to be intoned.
It has to be in Five Padas, Five Groupings.
Gayatri is the Mother of all Meters,, Gayatrrem Chandasaam Maata,

Gayatri is a meter and has to be intoned.
It has to be in Five Padas, Five Groupings.
Gayatri is the Mother of all Meters,, Gayatrrem Chandasaam Maata,
Devi Gayatri
May we meditate on the Glory of the Lord, the Remover of pains and sorrows, the Bestower of happiness, Who has created the universe, and Who is the embodiment of knowledge and light. May the Lord, enlighten our intellect in the right direction by destroying all our sins and ignorance.
Meaning of each letter in mantra:
OM = Almighty God
BHOOR = Embodiment of vital or spiritual energy
BHUVAHA = Destroyer of suffering
SWAHA = Embodiment of happiness
TAT = That (indicating God)
SAVITUR = Bright, luminous, like and sun
VARENIYAM = Supreme, best
BARGO = Destroyer of sins
DEVASYA = Divine
DHEEMAHI = May receive
DHIYO = Intellect
YO = Who
NAHA = Our
PRACHODAYAT = May inspire.
OM = Almighty God
BHOOR = Embodiment of vital or spiritual energy
BHUVAHA = Destroyer of suffering
SWAHA = Embodiment of happiness
TAT = That (indicating God)
SAVITUR = Bright, luminous, like and sun
VARENIYAM = Supreme, best
BARGO = Destroyer of sins
DEVASYA = Divine
DHEEMAHI = May receive
DHIYO = Intellect
YO = Who
NAHA = Our
PRACHODAYAT = May inspire.
“May we meditate on the Glory of the Lord, the Remover of pains and sorrows, the Bestower of happiness, Who has created the universe, and Who is the embodiment of knowledge and light. May the Lord, enlighten our intellect in the right direction by destroying all our sins and ignorance.”
This can be translated: Aum. Let us contemplate the spirit of the divine of the earth, the atmosphere and heaven. May that inspire our minds. Savitri is the Sun and this mantra is recited at the three junctions or twilight of the day. Here is described how the mantra Aum hums in the base or Muladhara chakra, and moves through seven stages to the chakra above the head Sahasrara.
Maha Vishnu describes Aum as consisting of the following. Bhur is existence, Bhuvah is the elements, Svah is the Atma of everything, Maha is greatness and light, Tat is Brahman (the absolute). Tapah is all knowledge, Satyam is supremacy and internal wisdom. This tantra connects the three letters of Aum to the seven worlds.
Tat, refers to the first cause of all substance, as fire in the circle of the sun and is supreme Brahman. Savituhu is the source of all living beings. Varenyam is the excellent one who receives adoration.
Bharga destroys sin. Devasya means it is full of light, while Dheemahi refers to knowledge being golden and always within the sun. Dhiyo means Buddhi. Yo stands for energy (tejas).
The mantra is divided into three sections of eight letters and four sections of six letters.
A dhyana (meditation) – Gayatri as having four faces, which are white, yellow, red and black.
Yet the tantrik tradition has different views of the Gayatri. For example, in the Matrikabhedatantra, there is a couplet, which says a person who knows the Brahman (the absolute) is a Brahmin.
Gayatri is mother of Vedas. Sadhana of Gayatri mantra is the essence of all Vedas. Even God like Brahma mediates on and performs Jap of Gayatri at the time of twilight.
Gayatri Jap performed daily for three years realizes God and like air, acquires the power of going where the person wants to go.
Merely by offering water to the Sun and performing Jap of three thousand Gayatri mantra at the time of twilight, a person becomes adorable by God.
Maha Vishnu describes Aum as consisting of the following. Bhur is existence, Bhuvah is the elements, Svah is the Atma of everything, Maha is greatness and light, Tat is Brahman (the absolute). Tapah is all knowledge, Satyam is supremacy and internal wisdom. This tantra connects the three letters of Aum to the seven worlds.
Tat, refers to the first cause of all substance, as fire in the circle of the sun and is supreme Brahman. Savituhu is the source of all living beings. Varenyam is the excellent one who receives adoration.
Bharga destroys sin. Devasya means it is full of light, while Dheemahi refers to knowledge being golden and always within the sun. Dhiyo means Buddhi. Yo stands for energy (tejas).
The mantra is divided into three sections of eight letters and four sections of six letters.
A dhyana (meditation) – Gayatri as having four faces, which are white, yellow, red and black.
Yet the tantrik tradition has different views of the Gayatri. For example, in the Matrikabhedatantra, there is a couplet, which says a person who knows the Brahman (the absolute) is a Brahmin.
Gayatri is mother of Vedas. Sadhana of Gayatri mantra is the essence of all Vedas. Even God like Brahma mediates on and performs Jap of Gayatri at the time of twilight.
Gayatri Jap performed daily for three years realizes God and like air, acquires the power of going where the person wants to go.
Merely by offering water to the Sun and performing Jap of three thousand Gayatri mantra at the time of twilight, a person becomes adorable by God.
In Bhavanopanishad, one witness within oneself the effulgent figure of Divine Mother with the different phases of the waxing and waning Moon.
The Devi is to be meditated upon as of a ruddy complexion, with eyes expansive, as an ocean overflowing with waves of grace, with noose, goad, arrows of flowers and a twig of sugar- cane in her hand, surrounded by Anima and other deities and ultimately as one´s own self.
1. Complete faith unflinching loyalty backed by a clear heart towards the deity is required for Sadhana.
2. Do not start Mantra Shakti under any pressure. Trust in God, kindness and patience should be the virtues of a Sadhaka.
3. Avoid harsh speech, lust, anger, restless thoughts, evil company and egoism.
Do not get emotional.
Mantras on hearsay should be avoided, as they must be authentic.
4. Sadhana done without any specific aim bears fruits early.
In case you see any miracle, do not fear. Keep your WILL POWER strong and continue your Sadhana.
All troubles will vanish.
5. Brahmacharya or celibacy should be observed during Sadhana. In case of failure, do not lose heart. Try it again and again and you will be crowned with success.”
I will be posting the Text and Meaning of Bhavanopanishad in Tamil and English shortly.
Since each and every syllable is powerful and it awakens the energy spots in our body care should be taken while chanting the mantra. The right time will be either dawn, noon or dusk. The mantra should be chanted by pausing at four places. They are Om; Bhur bhuva Swaha; Tat Savitur varenyam; Bhatgo devasya dheemahi; Dhiyo yo nah prachodayat. The maximum benefit is attained when one chants it for 108 times but we can chant it for three, nine or eighteen times also as per our convenience and time limitations.
The right chanting of mantra:
Since each and every syllable is powerful and it awakens the energy spots in our body care should be taken while chanting the mantra. The right time will be either dawn, noon or dusk. The mantra should be chanted by pausing at four places. They are Om; Bhur bhuva Swaha; Tat Savitur varenyam; Bhatgo devasya dheemahi; Dhiyo yo nah prachodayat. The maximum benefit is attained when one chants it for 108 times but we can chant it for three, nine or eighteen times also as per our convenience and time limitations.
For more details on Gayatri,Savitri, Sarasvati, please read my posts and the following Link.
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