Many of us don't realize exactly how hazardous the chemicals in products we use every day can be to our health. Toxins in household cleaners, water bottles and lotions can affect you more than you realize. While this is a scary thought, it's one that can be managed if you have the right information.
We Come In Contact With 300 Toxins Before We’re Even Born.
A 2011 study found that many pregnant American women carry multiple hazardous chemicals in their bodies, including compounds used as flame retardants. Ninety-six percent of the women surveyed had traces of BPA in their systems.
Seventy-Three Chemicals Commonly Used In Consumer Products Have Been Linked To Tumor Growth.
According to one study, 216 chemicals are associated with increases in mammary gland tumors. These chemicals include chlorinated solvents, products of combustion, pesticides and dyes. Of these 216 chemicals, 73 exist in consumer products or as contaminants of food.
The Primary Law Responsible For Ensuring Chemicals Are Safe—The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)—Was Passed In 1976 And Has Never Been Updated. The law is so weak that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has only been able to require testing on less than two percent of the more than 80,000 chemicals that have been on the market at some point since TSCA was adopted.
One of Seventh Generation’s highest priorities is working towards a strong, effective law to regulate toxic chemicals in the United States. By strengthening and passing the Chemical Safety Improvement Act of 2013, Americans can better protect the health of children and future generations. Until this bill is strengthened, it will not protect children from toxic chemicals, or hold the industry responsible for the safety of the chemicals they use. If this is an issue you’d like to see fixed, head over to Seventh Generation’s website to learn how you can take action.
Toxins Can Lower IQs And Mess With Developing Brains.
A study released earlier this month found strong evidence that exposure to 11 chemicals, including lead, PCB, arsenic and fluoride, can lead to neurodevelopmental disorders in children.
Only 43 Percent Of Common Chemicals Have Been Tested For Potential Human Toxicity.
There are six basic toxicity tests that have been internationally agreed upon for screening mass produced chemicals. Yet, only 43 percent of common chemicals have actually undergone these six tests. (These tests are: acute toxicity, chronic toxicity, developmental/reproductive toxicity, mutagenicity, ecotoxicity and environmental fate.)
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Commonly Found Around The Home And Workplace Have Been Linked To Respiratory Health Issues And Allergies In Infants.
A study found there was an in increase in respiratory issues and allergies among children living in homes with higher concentrations of selected VOCs or VOC sources, including formaldehyde, some types of plastic softening agents, particleboard or new paint.
Over 150 Concerning Chemicals, Like Carcinogens And Parabens, Are Found In The Urine Of The Average American.
Many of these parabens are thought to come from preserved foods as well as body lotions and cosmetics.
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