Its configuration makes things as different.
A Table, A Pot or a Galaxy are essentially the same if one were to take into account their atomic structure.

Things appear the way they do is because of the wave length of the one who perceives things.
We are endowed with some qualities to perceive certain things, hear some things……
For instance, our eyes can see light rays falling in between the Ultraviolet and the Infra-red of the Spectrum because the Wave length of the Ultraviolet
rays are longer than what we can see and the Infra-red shorter.
All these vibrate, right from the Massive objects in the galaxies to the sub atomic particles.
These particles ,when they vibrate create Motion and energy.
When thee energies/ vibration are in such a frequency that can be perceived by the instruments they are known.
If we can set our frequencies to this level we can perceive them.
Now as things vibrate they are also susceptible to being affected by the vibrations of the other objects.
This means any vibration in the Universe affects every one/ every thing else.
This forms the Fundamental element of Unified Field Theory of Higher Physics.
At a still advanced level in Quantum, this field id is a Vacuum, called the Quantum Vacuum Filed (QVF)
Till this point Quantum has reached a level of agreement with Hindu philosophy.
Vedic Seals Moha Je Daro
Things that vibrate affect the things that are seen and perceived and they alter the seen, perceived object.
It is to say that your mental thoughts have the power of altering what you see or perceive.
This too has been accepted and proved by Quantum
What is to be understood by the Quantum is that these vibrations are applicable to genetics too.
DNAs vibrate , they affect other DNAs, yours and others as well.
Read these from ancient Hindu Texts, excerpts are given below.
“Accepted theory about the DNA is that it was first isolated by Swiss physician Friedrich Miescher in 1869. Its double helix structure was first revealed by Watson and Crick in 1953 which is the acceptable structure till date.Dr Trivedi claims that the evidence of the discovery of DNA and the cell division process are visible in the archeological seals and stones of the Mohenjo and Daro settlements.
“The DNA was termed as Tvashta and Vivasvat in Vedas. Its pictorial representation is visible on the seals of the Indus Valley civilization,” says Dr Trivedi.According to the scholar, group of tiny seals expresses evolution of the creation from pre-cosmic condition to evolution of man symbolically in chronological order. The pictorial representation on the seals is akin to the detailed structure of DNA and the gene transfer process as depicted in the modern day science, he says.
Dr Trivedi earlier wrote to the prime minister office about his claims on DNA. “The PMO forwarded my request to the department of culture, Government of India. But nothing has happened since then,” he rues. Dr Trivedi has presented several papers on evidence of DNA in Vedic interpretations abroad. “I recently presented my paper in Athens and my findings received great appreciation there,” said Dr Trivedi. “
“The first-created: water consists of H2O, it has been expressed by three warm the Earth while holding water reservoir, and from their separation came the letter, and two of these convey the murmuring moisture is H+ & OH־ ions. It expresses the phenomena of ionization Rig-Veda 10- 27-23.”
The DNA replication is regulated by the Triple bond of Hydrogen H ≡ H Rig-Veda 1-163 .
The building block of the Creation is Atom and the building block of the living-beings is DNA De oxy ribose Nucleic Acid Rig-Veda 4-58. The Creation has evolved from the single unified force- fundamental energy under the laws of thermodynamics Rig-Veda 10-90.
The first life has generated in water Rig-Veda 1-163-1.
The living-beings have evolved from the DNA with genetic recombination and the Mendel’s laws of inheritance. The life on the earth is supported by the ozone layer O3. The conversion of the hydrogen into Helium H3 on the surface of the sun, and the water molecules H2O.
The triple bond of Hydrogen H Ξ H has the key for the genetic recombination of the DNA Rig-Veda 1-163- 2,3,4
Maxmüller Science of Religion
Hymns of Rigveda – Griffith, Motilal Benarasidas, New Delhi.
The creation has evolved from the fundamental energy with energy transformation. The laws of thermodynamics have been expressed by the three faces of the symbolic Man showing origin.
The horned hood express the synthesis of DNA from the atoms and molecules. They have synthesized the cell and the genomic chromosome. The surrounding animals have been evolved from the single cell with genetic recombination and crossing over.
The U shape structure is the symbol for the genomic chromosome and the fish like structure is symbol for the cell.”
Flashback #1
All these days modern scientists used to think that 90% of the DNA is useless and even termed it junk DNA! Why? Because they only knew the functionality of 2% of the human DNA which was about manufacturing proteins. Since they did not SEE via experiments what other 98% of the DNA did, they had concluded that it is junk (non-coding DNA in scientific terms, as if God has given us a bond saying that DNA would be only about coding proteins 

Flashback #2
Ancient vedic seers had always said that human body is capable of being influenced by sound and light, that the core of creation is represented by the ultimate sound OM and that the positive light emanated from fire rituals called Yagnas would create universal harmony. They had designed specific hymns with specific areas of influence, and had always advocated chanting of these hymns in specific pitches or frequencies, and performing specifically designed yagnas on a regular basis. One would recognize this if one listens to the chanting of the vedic hymns, the highlight of which is laser sharp focus on pronunciation and pitch. The ancients had also strongly advocated that we should always think only about positive thoughts and speak good.
The Missing Link
Now if you are wondering about the relations between the above mentioned Flashback #1 and Flashback #2, a Russian experiment has proved that, what was thought to be junk DNA till yesterday is actually the DNA which creates aBiological Internet – which of course is wireless in nature, communicating via light and sound waves! That the genetic code is similar to that of the grammar of human spoken languages. The syntax and semantics of these genes are similar to the way human languages are designed, and also that it responds to precisely focused vibrational patterns of human languages! In other words, it looks like the languages we speak actually evolved from the nature of our DNA itself!
You call it sound therapy or DNA therapy or whatever it takes, you can converse with your body (ie your genetic material) via vibrations and waves and can heal ailments, fine tune your health, control body functions etc without the need of anyphysical intervention like surgery or medicinal drugs!
The expirements by Pjotr Garjajev, the Russian Biophysicist, and his colleagues about the vibrational behavior of our DNA has proved that DNA responds toextremely focused light and sound vibrations at particular frequencies and hence can be instructed to perform tasks or exchange information accordingly!
So things like intuition, self-healing, telepathy, light-auras surrounding spiritual masters, influences of positive thinking, etc are no longer a domain to be studied outside the boundaries of modern science. The truth is that modern science itself had a blind belief about these otherwise scientifically valid facts all these days. As I have always been saying, modern science is NOT AN ABSOLUTE SCIENCE, it is always a work under progress, parts of it which are accepted as facts today might turn out to be wrong tomorrow, things which modern science considers as blind faith today might turn out to be real science tomorrow. So anybody who talks the language of – modern science being 100% accurate ..”
It is very interesting nevertheless on my phone I cant read the blue and red texts... 😔