


Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Hinduism is the most Ancient religion in the world. It is also known as "Sanatan Dharma", which means the eternal right path.

Alan Watts put forward a worldview, drawing on Hinduism, Buddhism, Chinese philosophy, Pantheism, and Modern science, in which he maintains that the whole universe consists of a cosmic self playing hide-and-seek (in Sanskrit-Lila), hiding from itself (In Sanskrit-Maya) by becoming... all the living and non-living things in the universe, forgetting what it really is; the upshot being that we are all IT in disguise. In this worldview, Watts asserts that our conception of ourselves as an "ego in a bag of skin" is a myth; the entities we call the separate "things" are merely processes of the whole. You're IT.
Hinduism is more than a religion; it is a way of life. It is not a man made religion, founded or created by any prophet. It has no origin and no end. It is a religion of freedom and, unlike most other religions it allows absolute freedom of one's faith and mode of worship. Indeed, it is the only religion in the world, which respects the right of people to realize the Almighty by their own free will.

The History of Hinduism has proved that it is a living force. Both hostile rulers and Foreign brutal religious aggressors could not banish it because it is a religion of Scholars and Warriors with self-experience and self-realization. It is
not based on any dogmas or set of rules to be accepted with blind faith which is why atheism is also accepted in it. Yet, Hinduism has a very close understanding of and relationship with the Almighty God.
Excellent Links to Understand INDIA and its Survival:

1. Hindu Survival and Buddhist Disappearance during Islamic Conquest:

2. HINDUISM: A Polytheism Religion:

3. Europe's True Pagan Identity and its History:

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