


Sunday, November 30, 2014


Photo: Quotes From Rig Ved :-

Law :  

(Rig Ved 3.7.7)

 देवा देवानामनु हि वरता गुः 

" The gods move according to the law of the workings of the gods."

Purport :-

Even the Gods observe a law and that law is the law of Truth. For the Gods are themselves born of Truth, grow in Truth and live in Truth. They are emanated from the vast Being of the Supreme to carry out its Truth-Will in the manifestation. They uphold and follow the workings of this Will, its law of effectuation. They are both the guardians and the functionaries of this Law.  

Mantra :

(Rig Ved 1.171.2)

एष व सतोमो मरुतो नमस्वान हर्दा तष्टो मनसा धायि देवाः | 

" Lo, the hymn of your affirmation, O Maruts, it is fraught with my obeisance, it was framed by the heart, it was established by the mind, O ye Gods. "  

Purport :-

Mantra is the Word that expresses a truth, Stoma the Word that confirms and establishes it. This Word of affirmation must be voiced with an utter surrender of the whole being, an attitude that is symbolically expressed by the outer act of obeisance.

This World is not constructed by the intellect or composed by any poetic faculty. It is a Word that slowly gathers and forms in the heart, the chamber of the soul, without mention and then emerges into the mind when it is silently cogitated upon and allowed to take rounded shape in the language of the mind.   

Māya :

(Rig Ved 9.83.3)

मायाविनो ममिरे अस्य मायया 

" The Masters of Maya shaped all by His Maya. "  

Purport :-

Māya is a Power of Knowledge, for knowledge—not a power of falsehood. It is the self-power of the Godhead—devātma shakti—working to bring out and manifest the marvels of the Infinite in terms of the finite. The gods who preside over its formations shape things by the force and intelligence of this Māya which is inseparable from the Lord creator.  

Lotus of the Head :
(Rig Ved 6.16.13)

तवामग्ने पुष्करादध्यथर्वा निरमन्थत | 
मूर्ध्नो विश्वस्य वाघतः || 

" O Fire, Atharwan churned thee out from the Lotus of the head of every chanting sage. "  

Purport :-

Of him who has found the word of Truth and who voices it in his speech, the highest centre in the head, i.e. Mind, is activated and opened to the workings of the Higher Consciousness. There gather all his articulate movements of thought and feeling, aspiration and enlightenment and from their stress is born Agni, the flaming Seer-Will who takes charge of the journey to the Divine Goal.

Magic :
(Rig Ved 8.23.15)

न तस्य मायया चन रिपुरीशीत मर्त्यः | 
यो अग्नये ददाश हव्यदातिभिः || 

" Not even by magic can the mortal foe master the man
Who offers himself to the Fire with his gifts of oblation. "  

Purport :-

It is possible to harm in many ways, open and secret, human and non-human. By pressing into service the aid of supraphysical entities in the universe one can affect another adversely. By various means such as incantations, nefarious procedures known as black magic and similar processes evil can be directed to strike at the unwary victim. There is, however, one effective safeguard against such unexpected and behind-the- scenes attacks. And that is to offer oneself, with all that one has, to God Agni who knows all that is born, jātavedas. Once one entrusts oneself unto him there is no danger from any quarter, known or unknown.   

Mahi :

(Rig Ved 1.8.8)

एवा हयस्य सून्र्ता विरप्शी गोमती मही | 
पक्वा शाखा न दाशुषे || 

" Thus Mahi for Indra full of rays, over-flowing in her abundance, in her nature a happy truth, becomes as if a ripe branch for the giver of the sacrifice. "  

Purport :-

Mahi is the Goddess of the Vast World. She brings to the awakened and purified mind not only the World of Truth but also the largeness of the Truth characteristic of its natural being on its own plane. She is replete with the illuminations of Truth, bursting in her opulence, and bears the Truth that is auspicious. She makes herself accessible in all her abundance to him who gives himself and his all to the Divine.  

Mystery :

(Rig Ved 6.9.2)

नाहं तन्तुं न वि जानाम्योतुं न यं वयन्ति समरेऽतमानाः | 
कस्य सवित पुत्र इह वक्त्वानि ...

" I know not the woof, I know not the warp, not what is this web that they weave moving to and fro in the field of this motion and labour. These are secrets that must be told. "  

Purport :-

In spite of all the laboured knowledge vaunted by the reasoning mind of man, there is much that is still to be known in and about the creation of which he is a part. This universe is not a chance formation, a product of some giant caprice. It is a carefully woven pattern of manifestation, dynamic with movement and purposive effort. All is a working out of a Truth-Idea, on the lines pre-visioned in that Truth-Consciousness, ritam. The secrets of this cosmos, the why, how and where, are still to be unveiled. See also (1.170.1) under Reality.   

Offering Shaped by Heart :

(Rig Ved 6.16.47)

आ ते अग्न रचा हविर्ह्र्दा तष्टं भरामसि | 

" We bring to thee by the illumining word an offering that is shaped by the heart, O Fire "  

Purport :-

Consecration, offering of oneself in all movements of the being, is a capital way of fruitful approach to the Divine. To have an intention in the mind to offer, even a mental conviction of its necessity, is not enough. One has to work out the intention in the consciousness, dig it deep in the heart and from there orientate and shape one’s life-movements in that direction. After organizing the consecration in the being in this manner, it is to be given a clear, dynamic expression in life. For this expression confirms the consecration and makes it a force—not only in one’s own existence but in that of others as well.

One and Many :

(Rig Ved 10.12.6)

दुर्मन्त्वत्राम्र्तस्य नाम सलक्ष्मा यद विषुरूपाभवाति | 

" Hard to seize by the mind in this world is the name of the immortal because he puts on features and becomes divergent forms. "  

Purport :-

The ultimate is Reality is One, absolute, indeterminable. The same Reality is here in the Universe, the One manifest in and as the Many, unity spread out in diversity, the Indeterminable determining itself, the Formless putting on forms. But the mind which is lost in the multiplicity is unable to seize the clue to this phenomenon, incapable of knowing the truth of the underlying and indwelling oneness. A higher Light or a deeper vision of the soul has to aid the mind to perceive this fact of manifestation.

Occult :

(Rig Ved 7.61.5)

न वां निण्यान्यचिते अभूवन

" The truths occult exist not for the mind of the ignorant. "  

Occult Unity :

(Rig Ved 10.12.8)

यस्मिन देवा मन्मनि संचरन्त्यपीच्ये न वयमस्य विद्म | 

" The thought in which the Gods meet together, when it is occult we know not of it. "  

Purport :-

The world that we live in and see around us is not the whole of the universe. Things, forms, events are not entirely what they appear to be. Behind the seen there is much that is unseen; looming over the patent is the occult. Physical Nature is only a front behind which there is a whole world or series of worlds, each less gross and more subtle than the others, a vast organization with its own laws, process and movements. In fact what happens on the material plane is a result of workings on these other, occult planes of existence. But this occult side of life is not open to the physical eye blinded by ignorance. One has to awake in knowledge, develop the inner vision, before one comes to know the truths of the occult order of things. To the human mind, multiplicity, division is the obvious truth of life; even the gods, the powers that preside over their respective spheres in the cosmos, are separate from each other, each zealously guarding his own domain. But that is not the whole truth. Behind diversity there is an underlying unity. A oneness bases all multiplicity, oneness is its heart, oneness its summit. The gods too converge in a oneness in the Home of Truth where each realizes himself to be a ray, an emanation of the One creative Godhead. But this Truth-Consciousness in which all recover this unity is beyond the reach of the human mind labouring in Ignorance. It can know of it only when it reveals itself directly or indirectly through reflection, veiled projection and other ways.  

"Om Shanti Shanti Shanti"
Quotes From Rig Ved :-

Law : 

(Rig Ved 3.7.7)

देवा देवानामनु हि वरता गुः

" The gods move according to the law of the workings of the gods."

Purport :-

Even the Gods observe a law and that law is the law of Truth. For the Gods are themselves born of Truth, grow in Truth and live in Truth. They are emanated from the vast Being of the Supreme to carry out its Truth-Will in the manifestation. They uphold and follow the workings of this Will, its law of effectuation. They are both the guardians and the functionaries of this Law.

Mantra :

(Rig Ved 1.171.2)

एष व सतोमो मरुतो नमस्वान हर्दा तष्टो मनसा धायि देवाः |

" Lo, the hymn of your affirmation, O Maruts, it is fraught with my obeisance, it was framed by the heart, it was established by the mind, O ye Gods. "

Purport :-

Mantra is the Word that expresses a truth, Stoma the Word that confirms and establishes it. This Word of affirmation must be voiced with an utter surrender of the whole being, an attitude that is symbolically expressed by the outer act of obeisance.

This World is not constructed by the intellect or composed by any poetic faculty. It is a Word that slowly gathers and forms in the heart, the chamber of the soul, without mention and then emerges into the mind when it is silently cogitated upon and allowed to take rounded shape in the language of the mind.

Māya :

(Rig Ved 9.83.3)

मायाविनो ममिरे अस्य मायया

" The Masters of Maya shaped all by His Maya. "

Purport :-

Māya is a Power of Knowledge, for knowledge—not a power of falsehood. It is the self-power of the Godhead—devātma shakti—working to bring out and manifest the marvels of the Infinite in terms of the finite. The gods who preside over its formations shape things by the force and intelligence of this Māya which is inseparable from the Lord creator.

Lotus of the Head :

(Rig Ved 6.16.13)

तवामग्ने पुष्करादध्यथर्वा निरमन्थत |
मूर्ध्नो विश्वस्य वाघतः ||

" O Fire, Atharwan churned thee out from the Lotus of the head of every chanting sage. "

Purport :-

Of him who has found the word of Truth and who voices it in his speech, the highest centre in the head, i.e. Mind, is activated and opened to the workings of the Higher Consciousness. There gather all his articulate movements of thought and feeling, aspiration and enlightenment and from their stress is born Agni, the flaming Seer-Will who takes charge of the journey to the Divine Goal.

Magic :

(Rig Ved 8.23.15)

न तस्य मायया चन रिपुरीशीत मर्त्यः |
यो अग्नये ददाश हव्यदातिभिः ||

" Not even by magic can the mortal foe master the man
Who offers himself to the Fire with his gifts of oblation. "

Purport :-

It is possible to harm in many ways, open and secret, human and non-human. By pressing into service the aid of supraphysical entities in the universe one can affect another adversely. By various means such as incantations, nefarious procedures known as black magic and similar processes evil can be directed to strike at the unwary victim. There is, however, one effective safeguard against such unexpected and behind-the- scenes attacks. And that is to offer oneself, with all that one has, to God Agni who knows all that is born, jātavedas. Once one entrusts oneself unto him there is no danger from any quarter, known or unknown.

Mahi :

(Rig Ved 1.8.8)

एवा हयस्य सून्र्ता विरप्शी गोमती मही |
पक्वा शाखा न दाशुषे ||

" Thus Mahi for Indra full of rays, over-flowing in her abundance, in her nature a happy truth, becomes as if a ripe branch for the giver of the sacrifice. "

Purport :-

Mahi is the Goddess of the Vast World. She brings to the awakened and purified mind not only the World of Truth but also the largeness of the Truth characteristic of its natural being on its own plane. She is replete with the illuminations of Truth, bursting in her opulence, and bears the Truth that is auspicious. She makes herself accessible in all her abundance to him who gives himself and his all to the Divine.

Mystery :

(Rig Ved 6.9.2)

नाहं तन्तुं न वि जानाम्योतुं न यं वयन्ति समरेऽतमानाः |
कस्य सवित पुत्र इह वक्त्वानि ...

" I know not the woof, I know not the warp, not what is this web that they weave moving to and fro in the field of this motion and labour. These are secrets that must be told. "

Purport :-

In spite of all the laboured knowledge vaunted by the reasoning mind of man, there is much that is still to be known in and about the creation of which he is a part. This universe is not a chance formation, a product of some giant caprice. It is a carefully woven pattern of manifestation, dynamic with movement and purposive effort. All is a working out of a Truth-Idea, on the lines pre-visioned in that Truth-Consciousness, ritam. The secrets of this cosmos, the why, how and where, are still to be unveiled. See also (1.170.1) under Reality.

Offering Shaped by Heart :

(Rig Ved 6.16.47)

आ ते अग्न रचा हविर्ह्र्दा तष्टं भरामसि |

" We bring to thee by the illumining word an offering that is shaped by the heart, O Fire "

Purport :-

Consecration, offering of oneself in all movements of the being, is a capital way of fruitful approach to the Divine. To have an intention in the mind to offer, even a mental conviction of its necessity, is not enough. One has to work out the intention in the consciousness, dig it deep in the heart and from there orientate and shape one’s life-movements in that direction. After organizing the consecration in the being in this manner, it is to be given a clear, dynamic expression in life. For this expression confirms the consecration and makes it a force—not only in one’s own existence but in that of others as well.

One and Many :

(Rig Ved 10.12.6)

दुर्मन्त्वत्राम्र्तस्य नाम सलक्ष्मा यद विषुरूपाभवाति |

" Hard to seize by the mind in this world is the name of the immortal because he puts on features and becomes divergent forms. "

Purport :-

The ultimate is Reality is One, absolute, indeterminable. The same Reality is here in the Universe, the One manifest in and as the Many, unity spread out in diversity, the Indeterminable determining itself, the Formless putting on forms. But the mind which is lost in the multiplicity is unable to seize the clue to this phenomenon, incapable of knowing the truth of the underlying and indwelling oneness. A higher Light or a deeper vision of the soul has to aid the mind to perceive this fact of manifestation.

Occult :

(Rig Ved 7.61.5)

न वां निण्यान्यचिते अभूवन

" The truths occult exist not for the mind of the ignorant. "

Occult Unity :

(Rig Ved 10.12.8)

यस्मिन देवा मन्मनि संचरन्त्यपीच्ये न वयमस्य विद्म |

" The thought in which the Gods meet together, when it is occult we know not of it. "

Purport :-

The world that we live in and see around us is not the whole of the universe. Things, forms, events are not entirely what they appear to be. Behind the seen there is much that is unseen; looming over the patent is the occult. Physical Nature is only a front behind which there is a whole world or series of worlds, each less gross and more subtle than the others, a vast organization with its own laws, process and movements. In fact what happens on the material plane is a result of workings on these other, occult planes of existence. But this occult side of life is not open to the physical eye blinded by ignorance. One has to awake in knowledge, develop the inner vision, before one comes to know the truths of the occult order of things. To the human mind, multiplicity, division is the obvious truth of life; even the gods, the powers that preside over their respective spheres in the cosmos, are separate from each other, each zealously guarding his own domain. But that is not the whole truth. Behind diversity there is an underlying unity. A oneness bases all multiplicity, oneness is its heart, oneness its summit. The gods too converge in a oneness in the Home of Truth where each realizes himself to be a ray, an emanation of the One creative Godhead. But this Truth-Consciousness in which all recover this unity is beyond the reach of the human mind labouring in Ignorance. It can know of it only when it reveals itself directly or indirectly through reflection, veiled projection and other ways. 

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