Monday, October 5, 2015

Nostradamus Prediction about India for a King to reign from 2014-2024?

Is he a Ram Rajya King of Nostradamus

French prophet Nostradamus wrote in the French language in the Century text that from 2014 to 2026, a man will lead india, whom initially, people will hate but after that people will love him so much that he will be engaged in changing the country’s plight and direction. This was predicted in the year 1555.

In the end of Century 5 of his prophecy and in the beginning of Century 6, Nostradamus has written that from today i.e. 1555 A.D., exactly 450 years later i.e. in year 2006, a Hindu Saint (Chyren) will appear i.e. he will be talked of in the whole world. At that time, the age of that Hindu religious Saint (Chyren) will be between 50 and 60 years. Parmeshwar (Supreme God) showed to Nostradamus and explained all the events like a film. Nostradamus was born in the Fifteenth Century. He has mentioned the events occurring in the future by forming centuries of the future from the time of his birth. Like, has called the 1500 A.D. as the First Century, and likewise, the Nineteenth century as the Fifth Century. Similarly, has called the Twentieth Century as the Sixth Century. Nostradamus has said that, that religious Hindu leader i.e. Saint (Chyren) in the last year of the Fifth Century i.e. in 1999 A.D.,will come out and will guide the path of bhakti in accordance with the injunctions of the scriptures to his followers.
Note: Dear Readers may please read the following prophecy which the French Nostradamus had written in 1555 that “In 1998, an astrologer in Maharshatra by clarifying the coded language lettered in the prophecies of Nostradamus and by giving meaning to the future events mentioned in it, will publish his future book.” Read in the words of the translator from the book translated authentically by the same astrologer.

1. (On Page no. 32, 33): - Wait, the Golden Age (Ram Rajya) is coming. A middle-aged noble matchless great-power-holder will bring a golden age not only in India but on the whole Earth and reawakening his Sanatan (immemorial) Dharm (religion) and by telling the true path of bhakti will form the greatest Hindu nation. Thereafter in other countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Tibet, Afghanistan, Malaya (Malaysia) etc, he only will be the universal religious leader. He will have authority over those authoritative groups of people who fulfill their selfish objectives by deceiving common people. That leader (Chyren) will suddenly become known to the world; just keep watching.
2. (Then on Page no. 40, has written): - Wait, Ram Rajya (the Golden Age) is coming.
In the special revolution from June 1999 A.D. to 2006 A.D., there will be ascent of the Golden Age. The Taaranhaar (Saviour) Chyren who will appear in Hindustan will grant happiness, prosperity and peace to the world. Nostradamus has said with certainty that the Chyren, who will appear, is not known yet, but he is definitely not a Christian or a Muslim. He will only be a Hindu and I, Nostradamus, am wholeheartedly proud of him even now because as soon as that divine, independent, sun Chyren will rise, all the former great leaders who were called learned, becoming dull, will have to become polite in front of him. That Hindustani (Indian) Great Tattavdrshta Saint will grant an unprecedented State to everyone. He will form equal rules, equal regulations, and will not discriminate between men-women, rich-poor and castes and creeds; he will not let injustice happen to anyone. All the people will show special respect to that Tattavdarshi (God-realised saint with complete knowledge) Saint. Mother and father are indeed respectable, but on the basis of holiness that Chyren (Tattavdarshi Saint) will hold a special devotional place distinct from the mother and father. Nostradamus himself was a Jew and a citizen of France. He had adopted Christianity. Even then Nostradamus has said without doubt that the Chyren, who will appear, will only be a Hindu.

3. (On Page 41): - Making everyone follow the same rule, regulation and discipline, will bring them on the true path. I (Nostradamus) prove one thing indisputably that, that Chyren (religious leader) will discover a new knowledge. That True-pathdirecting Taaranhaar (Saviour) will take birth in that country in Asian region which has an ocean by its name (Indian Ocean). He will neither be a Christian, nor a Muslim, nor a Jew; he will definitely be a Hindu. He will be more intelligent than the former religious leaders and will be invincible. (Nostradamus in the Century 6 Quatrain 70 of the prophecy is telling an important hinted message.) Everybody will love him. He will be highly renowned. He will also be feared. Nobody will think of doing any wrong. His name and fame will reverberate beyond the sky in the three worlds. He will awaken the society deeply asleep in the slumber of ignorance until now, with the light of Tattavgyan. The entire mankind will wake up in alarm and will do bhakti-sadhna (worship) based on his Tattavgyan. He will make the entire society do true sadhna. As a result of which, taking all the worshippers to their ancestors in their eternal place (Satyalok), will make them attain a permanent place there (will make them heir). He will liberate them from this cruel Earth (Kaal lok); this word will sound.
4. (On Page 42, 43): - Who is this cruel Krurchandra (MahaKaal), where is he, only Chyren (Tattavdarshi Saint) will tell this. Only that Chyren will liberate from that Krurchandra. Under the leadership of Chyren (Tattavdarshi Saint), the Golden Age will descend on the sacred land (Hindustan/India) of this Earth, and then it will spread in the whole world. The glory of that world-leader and his virtuous qualities will be sung even after him. There will be so much popularity of the serenity, humility and nobility of his heart that the description in the last line of Century 6 Quatrain 70 mentioned earlier that, his word sounds itself and Chyren himself is saying that “Chyren only says three words about himself “A Victorious Scholar”. Do not attach any other adjective to it; it will not be acceptable to me. (This is from description 4 on page no. 42, Century 6 Quatrain 70). Hindu Chyren will again unconditionally bring to light the unique, eminent legislation (Tattavgyan) brightened by his knowledge, (Chyren will be chief of the world, loved, feared and unchallenged) and will honestly reform the human culture; there is no doubt in this. Nobody knows yet, but when his time will come, just as Narsinh appeared suddenly, likewise, that great world-leader (Great Chyren) will become renowned by his logical, infallible knowledge and the brilliance of his Bhakti (worship). I (Nostradamus) am astounded. Neither do I know his country (from where he will incarnate i.e. Satlok country), nor him; I am even seeing him in front of me. No one can illustrate his glory in words. I only call him Great Chyren (Great Religious Leader). Disturbed by the contemporary problems and pitiable state of his religious brothers, arising the sun of independent knowledge, by the brilliance of his bhakti, the saviour of the world, at the end of the 5th Century (in the last year of 19th century) in 1999 A.D., a middle-aged great world-leader like a glorious lion-man (Great Chyren) stepping over the threshold, in a perplexed state, is probing my (Nostradamus) heart and I, while welcoming him, am struck with wonderment; I am also feeling sad because, because of the world not being aware of him, my Chyren (Tattavdarshi Saint) is becoming a subject of contempt. Do not disdain my (Nostradamus’s) soul-piercing prophecy, and that Universal lion-man. On his manifestation and the rise of his brilliant sun of Tattav Gyan, there will be resurrection of idealistic eminent persons and the dawn of the Golden Age will begin in the 6th century .
5. (Page 44, 45, 46): - (Nostradamus is again confirming) In the island surrounded by ocean on the three sides, that Great Saint will be born. At that time, because of the absence of Tattavgyan, there will be darkness of ignorance. There will be tumult after decline of morality. That Chyren (Religious Leader) regarding Guruvar i.e. Guru Ji as the Var (most honourable) will do his sadhna and make others do it.
(Note: - The prophecy of Nostradamus was written in French. Later an Englishman named Paul Brunton lived in France for a few years and understood this prophecy of Nostradamus, “Century Book”, and then wrote it in English. He, considering the word ‘Guruvar’ as ‘Guruvaar’ i.e. ‘Thursday’, wrote that he (Chyren) will make (Brahspativaar) Thursday the basis of his worship. Actually it is ‘Guruvar’ word; its meaning is, one Tattavgyata (knower of the True Spiritual Knowledge) who is the most superior among all the gurus, and to do sadhna (worship) regarding Guru as the chief. In Ved language, the meaning of ‘Brahspati’ is Supreme Lord i.e. Parmeshwar; the second meaning of ‘Brahspati’ is also Jagatguru. Jagatguru and Parmeshwar are also meanings of Brahspati. Another meaning of ‘Guruvaar’ is that — ‘Guru’ means ‘heavy’; ‘Vaar’ means ‘attack or blow’. Therefore, the meaning of ‘Guruvaar’ becomes ‘A heavy attack’. The purport is that that Tattavdarshi Saint, by telling the truth of Tattavgyan, will attack with genuine words. The blow of that true knowledge will be so heavy that no saint will be able to stand before it. For this reason also, Guru (heavy) Vaar (attack/ blow) has been said to be the basis of worship.)
When in his middle-age, he, becoming a (Gyata) knower of the Tattavgyan and a (Gyey) giver of the knowable knowledge (i.e. will start delivering discourses), will acquire fame in the three worlds. His new solution, Sadhna-mantra, is seeming so unrelenting to me (Nostradamus), like, a Gardu, a snake-charmer overpowers a highly venomous snake by a mantra. That maker of the new solution and new regulation, Tattavveta (Knower of the Truth) will emerge before the world. I (Nostradamus) am calling him only as “Great Chyren” in amazement. By the influence of the divine brilliance of his knowledge, an aggressive storm, commotion, will be raised in that dweepkalp (imaginary island) (India) i.e. he will be revolted by the unknowledgeable saints. Only he will know the way to pacify it; like, a cruel female snake is subjugated. He will be powerful like a lion and will have a body composed of masses of light. I, Nostradamus, am telling this in clear words that he is endowed with Kundalni Shakti (power). The next clear statement is that, at that time, that ocean, in which there is an (dweepkalp) island where that Chyren will appear, will have its name derived from the name of that island/country. The distinguishing feature would be that the True Master will be fully acquainted with the Bhujang Sarpini Shakti (Kundalni Shakti) of that country. That Chyren (Great Religious Leader) will be nobleminded, merciful, kind, brilliant, holder of the immemorial empire, follower of the Aadi Purush (The oldest God who was present before creation) (Satya Purush - Eternal True God). His authority/power will be universal, his glory, solution — faith in Guru, devotion to Guru i.e. no sadhna is successful without a Guru; he will consolidate this principle. By doing satsang of Tattavgyan, awakening the religious brothers (Hindus) sleeping in the slumber of ignorance, tearing the veil of the sadhna opposed to the scriptures, which they are doing with blindfaith, will spread the light of hidden profound knowledge (Tattavgyan). By making follow his Sanatan Dharm (immemorial religion), will make them attain supreme peace. Nobody will be able to equal his (Great Tattavdarshi Saint) knowledge i.e. nobody will be able to match him. Even the brightness of the sun will be less before his profound knowledge (Tattavgyan). Therefore, that Universal Lion-greatman would be so great that I (Nostradamus) will not be able to express his glory in words. I (Nostradamus) am seeing that great Chyren.
The meaning of the above-mentioned description is that “the Tattavgyan will become evident in the scriptures to that world-leader at the age of 50 years i.e. at the age of 50 years, in the year 2001, after reading the holy scriptures of all the religions, he will become knowledgeable (Tattavgyani) about them and thereafter will become the Gyey (giver of knowable knowledge) of that Tattavgyan, and his spiritual birth will occur on an Amaavasya (the last day of the dark fortnight of a lunar month). At that time (in the year 2006), his spiritual age will be young i.e. will be around 16, 20 or 25 years. The age of his body will be between 50 and 60 years i.e. he will be middle-aged, and when he will become famous, at that time his age will be between 50 to 60 years.
6. (Page 46, 47): - Nostradamus says that, undoubtedly, regarding the supreme Tattavgyata (Great Chyren), if you will try to match word for word of my prophecy to any of the leaders in the world and argue it, then nobody will match the standard. I (Nostradamus) am boldly saying word for word that the method of action of my Chyren and his profound hidden knowledge (Tattavgyan) only will flay everyone. Just let 2006 year come. Chyren only will fully confirm each and every word of this rule.
7. (Page 52): - Nostradamus has said in his prophecy that in the beginning of the 21st century, there will be rise of ‘Chyren’ on the horizon of the world. Whatever change will take place, will not be by my (Nostradamus’s) wish; rather, all the changes will inevitably take place by the order of Chyren according to the wish of Niyati (destiny). Among that, the new change means Hindustan (India) will become the most superior country. Not seen for many centuries, such prosperous empire of the Hindus will become visible. The religious saint born in that country only will be Tattavdrshta, the saviour of the world and the giver of the knowledge to the world. The knowledge of that Tattavdarshi Saint will be different and even more advanced than the knowledge of Ramayan, Mahabharat (epics) etc., which is famous among the Hindus in the regions of Asia. He will be a follower of SatPurush (Eternal God). He will be an unequalled saint.
8. (Page 74): - Numerous Saint-leaders will come and go. All will be the traitor of God and arrogant. I (Nostradamus) have had an inner (interview with) audience of that Chyren. The Hindu saint of Hindustan, provider of a new light to the imminent benighted (blind because of the lack of knowledge of bhakti), catastrophic (out of selfishness, a brother is killing a brother, a son has turned away from the father, a Hindu is enemy of a Hindu, a Muslim has become enemy of a Muslim) and gloomy (the impatient society in the race for wealth) world, the greatest world-conqueror religious world-leader will have no desire apart from his sadness i.e. except the worry for the salvation of the mankind, he will have no self-interest, nor will have arrogance. It will be a matter of pride for my prophecy that in reality that Tattavdarshi Saint will definitely become famous in the world. The knowledge imparted by him will prevail for centuries. That Saint will dazzle the eyes of the modern scientists; he will perform such spiritual miracles. All his knowledge will be evident in the scriptures. I (Nostradamus) say that wise men should not disdain him; should not consider him a small lamp of knowledge. Establishing (making him sit on a seat) that Tattavveta greatman (Chyren) on a throne, worship him regarding him as a worshippable God. That follower of Aadi Purush (SatPurush) will be the deliverer of the world.


  1. Nostradaumus mentioned about white rays emenating from the great leaders body.

    This refers to that Great leader will have "Surya Kanthi" , means he will be shining like sun.

    Specifically he refers to aura of that great leader, there are seven colours in human body, when all of these are perfectly balanced and free from any impurity that is SIN, ALL SEVEN AURA COLORS WILL MERGE AND FORM WHITR RAYS, sàme will give shining colour on the body of that great leader

  2. Reason and Relation of SUN=9(BIG=9) & SON=3(SMALL=3)

    Here=9 Real=9 RE+A+SON=9 IS Big/Sun comeagain(taking birth as a son) Re-5(Again-5) A-1 Son-3=513=9 with "FLESH-5 AND-1 BLOOD-3=513=9. So he is 'OUR=9 ORIGIN=9 OR SOURCE=9".


    “NUMERIC-2 VALUE-7=9 “ OF THE=9” “COMING-7 BEAST-2=9”.
    As per Bible revelation 13/17; So that “no one=9” could buy or sell unless he had the mark,(prayer-2 mark-7=9) which is the name of the beast or the number “of his name=9”. 18; This calls for wisdom. If anyone has “IN-5 SIGHT-9”, let him calculate the Number of beast, for it is man’s number. His number is 666.
    In Holy quran.(Naml/ the ANT-8/IGNOR-9+ANT-8) 27/82 And when the Word has fallen on them, We will bring out for them from the earth a creature which will say to them that the people are uncertain of Our revelations.

    “I=9 AM=5 HE=4 = 9”

    COMING-7 BEAST-2 = 9 = LAST-7 MESSIAH-2 = 9
    ME=9 OUTWITED=9 F O X = 9 6 6 6 = 18 = 9
    Coming with “ his=9” “Instinct=9 ruse=9”

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    A B C D E F G H I
    J K L M N O P Q R
    S T U V W X Y Z

    As per BIBLE Revelation 13/18 - "coming-7 beast=2= 9 Is "FOX 666"= 18=9
    (REVELATION.21/17 says "RATIO=9 OF A "RATIONAL=9 BEING IS 144=9 STADIA=9 "
    Similar =9 to mans number with 9 digit. ( ANIRUDHAN-159934815=45=9).
    phonotic=9 effect=9
    k=2 / ch=2 (Krishna / christ)
    ph=6 / f=6 (prophecy / professor)
    si=1 / cy=1 (silicon / cylinder)
    u=3 / oo =3 (surya (sun) / soon(sun=9)
    DIVINE =494955=36=9 CODE= 3645=18=9
    No one=9 can=9 add=9 with HIM (9), if you try he will leave you alone with your "quality number",
    “ Just wait and see=9”; How it is happening?
    1+9=10 = 1, 2+9=11 =2 same will repeats up to the end ie 8+9=17 =8,
    "HE IS "SELF EXISTENT" (Trans-9 gress-5 from this 1 to 8 qualities then he will enter)
    If you calculate 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8 =36 =9 or 1+8=9, 2+7=9, 3+6=9, 4+5=9.
    But at last when he come to multiply "Whole=9 world=9” everybody will go back in same "ORIGIN=9 / SOURCE=9" as follows; 12345678 X 9 = 111,111,102 =9 (multiple=9 style=9),
    Even it is much bigger than today’s “Bagillion=9” Number.
    “TO BE IN THE SWIM=9”. So make your “LAST TIME=9 “PROSPEROUS=9” BY=9 “LAST MESSIAH=9”.

    1. I think anirudham is great chyren according to nastradamous

  4. You seem to understand Nostradamus.
    This person is actually a simple being.
    All solutions lie in simplicity.

  5. i find it fascinating.. good to know righteousness and truth have space :)
