


Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Sun temple of Multan

Sun temple of Multan

1 comment:

  1. How to read reversal Japanese candlesticks
    In order for a trader to be able to read Japanese reflexive candles, it is necessary to understand the psychology of the formation of these candles. The candle consists of a central part known as the Real Body, and it previously appeared in white or black. Nowadays, it has become possible to color reflexive candles in various colors according to... Trading programs used, where the color of the candle determines its direction whether it is bearish or bullish.انواع الشموع الانعكاسية
    For example, if the color of the candle is white, the close price is located at the top of the candle body, while the open price is located at the bottom of the candle body, and in that case the candle is bullish. However, when the candle color is black, and the opening price is higher than the closing price, then The candle is bearish.
