


Monday, June 1, 2020

Why baby live in womb for 9 months and 9 days

what is the scientific way to make a child great?
People believe very little on astrology because astrologers have destroyed astrology because of their incomplete knowledge.
Why the baby live in the womb for
9 months and 9 days. It has a scientific basis. The 9 planets of our universe develop the child growing in the womb with their own rays.

Every planet develops the parts of the child's body according to its nature.
If a planet is weak at the time of the child growing in the womb, then it can be cured by remedy.

1. Venus remains in effect for 1 month from pregnancy, if Venus is weak during pregnancy, then Venus should be strengthened.
 If Venus is strong then the child will be very beautiful.  And at that time, a woman should eat spicy typo things, do not donate to Venus, if donated, Venus will be weak.
Some clumsy astrologers donate Venus due to incomplete knowledge.Donate only to those planets who are sinful and cruel and are at risk of miscarriage.
2. Mars is in effect in the second month. Eat sweet and strengthen Mars and wear more red clothes.
3. The Guru remains in the third month. Eat sweets or sweets made of milk and wear yellow clothes more.
4. The influence of the Sun remains in the fourth month. Eat juices and wear more of Mahroon clothes.
5. The fifth month is the effect of the moon. Eat milk and milk- rice and white things and wear more white clothes.
6. Saturn remains in effect for six months. Take calcium and juices of astringent things and wear more sky clothes.
7. Effect of Mercury on seventh month, drink plenty of juices and fruits and wear more green clothes.
8. The eighth month is again the influence of the Moon and the ninth month the Sun. During this time, if a planet is traveling in the low, then havan Yagya should be done for the whole month.
The more the womb will be warmed by the rays of the planets, the more the child will be great and meritorious, as if a chicken gives more heat to its eggs then its child is born stronger.
If the heat is less, then its chick will be very weak. Similarly, the stronger the mother is, the stronger it will be with the rays of the planets.
For example, Duryodhana's body became like a thunderbolt due to the sharp rays of Gandhari's eyes.
By Mamta Yas

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Ram Setu- a marvel of ancient engineering

More than 1.7 million years old Ram Setu- also called  adam's bridhe was constructed by Ram and other neinderthals ,people call then Vanara,monkeys to bring God Ram's wife from clutches of Ravana. This was pretty wide bridge as there were millions of Vanaras to cross from Rameswaram to Lanka, was several kilometers long .

Was Ram setu built by lord Rama?
According to epic Ramayana, this bridge was built more than 1.75 million years ago to assist lord Rama in crossing the Indian Ocean to reach sri lanka where he fought the war with King Ravana to free her wife ‘sita’ incarcerated by king Ravana.
This bridge made of floating stones can still be seen between India and sri lanka from Rameshwaram, the place where Lord ram prayed to lord Shiva and started the construction of the bridge. Since this story is very old and unproven, many historians, scientists and archaeologists deny accepting this bridge to be built by lord Rama but at the same time they are unable to explain the concept of floating stones found in rameshwaram. There are no proofs of this bridge being built by lord rama but there are many evidences for the same which can be found in the two article listed below:
Rama Sethu-Proof of India great ancient science
Strange floating stones of rameshwaram
Strange fact about these floating stones is that they are found only on the coastal regions of rameshwaram. These stones are similar to any other stone and possess the same features, physical and chemical composition like the stone you may find in your locality. Seeing these stones from a far distance, you may feel that this stone is made of corals but on physical examination, it is found that this is not a coral stone and it has same 40 kind of chemical compositions, like you find in a normal stone

In above video, you can see the floating stones shot by a group of youngsters traveling through rameshwaram
Scientist has been claiming far and wide that the stones of ram setu are actually coral formation.  Nasa scientists even release the photo where they claims the Ram setu underwater bridge to be coral formation. Below is the image release by their space shuttle ‘endevaour’ in February 2000.

In the above image, sri lanka is shown as a giant tear drop falling from the southern tip of Tamil nadu(South Indian state). They claim India and sri lanka to be separated by the 50km wide Palk Strait, along the side of a series of stone coral islets known as Ram setu that almost form a land bridge between the two countries
  G Mohan Das, a historian, priest and caretaker of the stones, said the following words on this stone.
“We believe there is no difference in these stones. Both the stones do not have air in them. The composition is the same and it has 40 kinds of chemicals”.
Coral stones don’t float on water
Even the scientist claim of floating coral stones is not true since coral stones don’t float on water. Corals are marine animals (class Anthozoa, phylum Cnidaria) who typically lives in compact colonies called "polyps". Corals include the reef builder who secretes calcium carbonate to produce a hard Skelton which doesn’t float on water. There is nothing like floating coral in this world because coral is calcium carbonate, and its chemical composition is too dense to float on water. Geologist claims that after years of formation of layers on ocean bed, coral stones are formed within the layer, but when they were asked why these stones were formed only in rameshwaram and nowhere else on other sea bed or ocean bed then they were speechless and called it as the act of nature. However, other geologist disagrees with such views since coral stones doesn’t occur naturally in the sea, they occur only on land/hard surface.

One more false claim of comparing floating stones with pumice
Some archeologist compared this floating stones with pumice which is a kind of volcanic rock which floats on water. But according to me, this comparison is very foolish and juvenile. Pumice is a kind of rock made from water and lava (of volcanoes) and is very lightweight. Such kinds of rocks are usually found near volcanic regions like the recent one in New Zealand. (Check the link below)
Mass of volcanic rocks floating off New Zealand

There is no volcano near rameshwaram nor is there any evidence which claims the existence of volcano in the areas surrounding rameshwaram over the last few millions of years. Also, floating stones of rameshwarm are not light weighted like pumice rocks and doesn’t have the chemical composition similar to pumice rocks. It might be possible that this is some special kind of heavy pumice rocks found only at rameshwaram but if this would have been the case, then it would have been confirmed by indian archealogists. According to visitors, some of the stones do look like pumice but are extremely heavy to be called as pumice. Also, color of the pumice rocks is white or creamish in color but there are many black floating stones in rameshwaram which you can see in the above videos(one shot from train and another one in patna).
Scientific explanation of Ram setu floating stones is wrong
On immersing an object in a liquid, it displaces the liquid to occupy a small volume of space, earlier occupied by the liquid. An object floats on a liquid only when the weight of the liquid displaced by the object is equal or more than the Weight of the object itself. This also means that the amount of object immersed on the water depends upon the relative densities of the object and displaced liquid. For ex: only 90% of the ice floats on water and remaining 10% can be seen floating outside the water.
This is why only stones which are very light weighted or are hollow or have air inside floats on water. Since there are air cavities inside stone, the weight of the water displaced by stone is more than the weight of the stones and hence, it allows the stone to float on top of water.
A nice attempt but I find it extremely difficult to believe. In the below video you see a 15 kg stone floating on water. Any normal stone of that size without any air cavities also weighs 15 kilograms. Also if they believed that there is air cavities inside Ram setu floating stones then why didn’t they went there and broke one of those stones to see if there are any air cavities inside. Moreover, I am not able to digest the fact that the weight of the water, displaced by a 15 kg stone in a small tub, is greater than 15 kg.

Same news can be read in the below article
One more false claim of uniformity in density  On carefully examining one of the stones, one of the emerging scientist (Student) made the following claim about this stones. He said that on immersing the stone into the water, always the same part of the stone stays on the top while the opposite part remains on bottom. This suggest that the stone is not uniformly built and a part of the stone has higher density compared to the opposite part and this is why, even when I throw the stone keeping the more denser part on top, the stones realigns itself and changes it position to float with the less denser part on the top. This situation fits the law of physics which states that stones would always float in a position where its potential energy is minimum. He concluded by saying that the stones don’t have uniform density and has air cavities located near the surface which makes it floats on the water.
One more futile attempt by a scientist, but this was again refuted by Vikasa Swami Maharaj, a devotee of iskcon.  In the below image, Swami immerse a stone weighing about 20-25 pounds from both sides at Rama Kund of Rameswaram temple.  
Both sides of the stones floating on water can also be seen in below video.

Ram setu was built by Lord Rama
Ramasethu is an engineering masterpiece which was made of floating stones. If this stones were coral then sage valmiki must have mentioned it as corals since there is a precise word for corals in Sanskrit. If any sage says it is made of stones then by de facto, it is made of stones. From scientific point of view, I can say that the technology once existed to make stones float on water and the architect like nal and neel were two advanced in building a bridge from India to sri lanka within 5 days with the help of dedicated work force of million Vanaras. Even in valmiki Ramayana, there is a concept of civil engineering in building this bridge. This bridge was not constructed just by throwing stone with lord name but there were many engineering methods used by nal and neel

Below verse says about cutting of trees to construct bridge Valmiki Ramayan, Yuddha kanda, chapter 22, verse 53
te nagaan naga samkaashaaH shaakhaa mR^iga gaNa R^iSabhaaH
babhanjur vaanaraas tatra pracakarSuH ca saagaram | 
Translation Those army-chiefs of monkeys, who resembled mountains, broke the rocks and trees there and dragged them away towards the sea.
Below verse talks about the mechanical device used to carry wood and stones Valmiki Ramayan, Yuddha kanda, chapter 22, verse 58
hastimaatraan mahaakaayaaH paaSaaNaamshca mahaabalaaH
parvataamshca samutpaaTya yantraiH parivahanti ca | 
The huge bodied monkeys with mighty strength uprooted elephant-sized rocks and mountains and transported them by mechanical contrivances.

Check the above video for scientific construction of bridge as depicted in child animated movie ‘Ramayana’
Below verse talks about constructing poles, measuring bridge, same like we use to construct buildings 
Valmiki Ramayan, Yuddha kanda, chapter 22, verse 62 and 63
daNDananye pragR^ihNanti vicinvanti tathaapare ||
vaanaraiH shatashastatra raamasyajJNaapuraHsaraiH |
meghaabhaiH parvataabhashca tR^iNaiH kaaSThairbabandhare ||  
Some monkeys were holding poles for measuring the bridge and some others collected the material. Reeds and logs resembling clouds and mountains, brought by hundreds of monkeys, lead by the command of Rama, fastened some parts of the bridge.

Below verse says about using a string to make sure the rocks are kept on a straight line Valmiki Ramayan, Yuddha kanda, chapter 22, verse 60
samudram kshobhayaamaasurnipatantaH samantataH ||
suutraaNyanye pragR^ihNanti hyaayatam shatayojanam | 
The rocks befalling on all sides perturbed the ocean. Some others drew up strings a hundred Yojanas long.
More such verses can be found in the below link

Thousands of devotees visit rameshwaram daily to see floating stones
Every day, devotees in large numbers from all across the country visit the ancient Rama temple of rameshwaram to worship Lord Rama and to have a glance on the so-called "floating stones". Four to five floating stones, each weighing 10 to 20 kilograms have been kept here since ages and can be seen at this temple even today. Adjacent to this temple is the panchmukha Hanuman Temple where you can find few more floating stones used by 'Nal - Neil ' to build the stone bridge to Sri Lanka
Below is the video (with south Indian background music) which shows a five kg stone immersed on water

A point to note about this city is that India greatest nuclear scientist and Ex President Dr A.P.J.Abdul Kalam hails from Dhanushkodi area of Rameshwaram. In spite of being an Indian Muslim and a scientist, APJ Abdul kalam regards bhagavad gita with high respect and encourage young scientist to research Vedas. This may be because he has seen so much that internally, he also feels the presence the god.

Scientist and government play politics
Nature is the biggest magical engineer. Our mind is very limited in understanding the beauty and laws of nature (God). Many scientists are of the idea that if all people start believing in god then their theories and discoveries will not be held in high regard as the people will treat their discoveries as the act of god. Hence, many scientists try to make scientific claims behind every event because they believe whole foundation of science will be demolished if all people start believing in god.
When the lord can create whole planets with oceans and mountain to float in space, then why can’t stones float on water? Scientist can only give you an explanation on how things happen but not why things happen or why it was created that way.
Even when scientist are finding it very difficult to explain the mystery behind floating stones of Ram setu unfortunately, without any research, our Indian government in their initiative of constructing setu samundram bridge, said it very easily that there is no evidences of ram setu being built by lord rama.
Above image shows the evidences of lord ram. First two are the floating stones of lord Ram Bridge, exactly as mentioned in Ramayana. Third image shows the portion of floating stone bridge and the last one show the satellite image of the bridge connecting India and sri lanka.
Unfortunately, we believe in scientific theories like evolution even when there is no solid evidence to prove evolution and at the same time, very easily, we discard our religious theories like reincarnation & karma by terming it as a mythology. 
Conclusion Being a secular country, our constitution doesn’t allow government school to teach ancient religious scriptures. Luckily, I read and learned about Mahabharata and Ramayana at my house and I am very glad that I did so.
Everything is the creation of nature (God). There is an immediate cause and ultimate cause for each action. Whether these stones float due to air cavities or varying density, it just reveals the greatness of God. Scientist can only make assumptions but cannot perceive this vast creation through their mundane mind because this materialistic creation is beyond any logic and explanation. Only those who meditate and concentrate their mind & senses on the divine soul can realize the supreme and absolute truth. In my next article, we will see the conspiracy behind the destruction of Ram setu.  


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Science in Hinduism


The Vedas have indefinite knowledge and depth of knowledge about science. When we talk of gravity what comes to our mind. Certainly newton, because that is what is being taught in schools today. But if we go one step down and ask how newton discovered force of gravity. Then one would say, through rigorous experimentation. Similarly, Vedas consist of real life information perceived by Rishis (sages) after intense penance, spiritual austerities and meditation. In order to realize the supreme truth, one needs to practice the concepts mentioned in the Vedas and recommended by great souls like dayanand saraswati, Vivekananda etc.

Let us see some of the verses before we proceed further
Rigveda 8.12.28
As planets come closer to sun due to attraction, their speed of coming closer increases proportionately -
The above verse was later proved by kepler and is known today as Kepler law or conservation of angular momentum

Rig Veda 8.12.28“O Indra! By putting forth your mighty rays, which possess the qualities of gravitation and attraction-illumination and motion - keep up the entire universe in order through the Power of your attraction.”
Rig Veda 5. 45. 9 
Seven horses draw the chariot of Surya".

Lod surya(Sun) on his seven divine horses 

Rig Veda 1.6.5, Rig Veda 8.12.30“O God, You have created this Sun. You possess infinite power. You are upholding the sun and other spheres and render them steadfast by your power of attraction.

Rig Veda 1.35.9“The sun moves in its own orbit but holding earth and other heavenly bodies in a manner that they do not collide with each other through force of attraction.

Rig Veda 1.164.13

“Sun moves in its orbit which itself is moving. Earth and other bodies move around sun due to force of attraction, because sun is heavier than them.

Yajur Veda 33.43“The sun moves in its own orbit in space taking along with itself the mortal bodies like earth through force of attraction.”
Atharva Veda 4.11.1“The sun has held the earth and other planets”
Above verses are self-explanatory. Now let us see verses from some other texts in details.
On seeing a fruit falling down from a tree, Newton derived the notion of gravitational force.  However, millenniums before the birth of Newton, Indian spiritual sages recorded the concept of gravitational force in various ancient texts. For example, In Surya Siddhartha (written around 400 AD), Bhaskaracharya stated that
"Objects fall on the earth due to one force. The Earth, planets, constellations, moon and sun are held in orbit because of that one force".
Statue of bhaskaracharya at patnadevi (Birth place)

According to Indian spiritual gurus, all knowledge is pre-existing, and needs to be "recovered" rather than "discovered", by researching Vedas and similar ancient indian texts.

The words gravity and gravitational force in sanskrit is called as “GURUTVA AKAARSHANA SHAKTI”. ‘Gurutva’ meaning ‘mass’ and ‘Akaarshana’ means ‘attractive pull’. 

The Taittiriya branch of Krishna Yajurveda says -

The above verse says sun is holding the earth and other planets in space. kristheeh Means attraction. So, above verse says sun has power of attraction (kristheeh) and shines without interruption. (Which means sun is shining even at night).
Saying that the sun attracts earth implies that the earth is also an onject with different type of repulsive force (Gravitational force). Otherwise, if sun had attractive force and earth doesn’t have any force of its own, then they would have collided long back.
This same idea is also reflected in verse of Varahamihira (6th  century AD) 
Above verse means earth is like a sphere made up of the five basic elements, and is placed
At the middle of a cage, this cage is made up of the galaxies and stars and hence, earth is dangling in the sky, like an iron ball in the middle of a cage of magnetic balls.
Above verse also says that earth was not made only of earth. Instead it had five basic elements like fire, soil, water etc.  Bhaskaraacharya (12th  century AD) rediscovered this concept in his work “Goladhyaya”.

Above verse means “Without any support, Earth is hanging in the space through his
own internal energy (shakti), because of which the whole solar system rotates in
specified orbits, while creatures  like demons, humans, animals etc rests on her surface.
Notice the five basic elements in the above verse which combiningly forms the earth
Five elements of earth

In above verse, it is said that earth is hanging in space because of her own energy.  So, what is this energy? Bhaskaracharya answers in the subsequent verse


Above verse translates as “Ball of earth has energy of aakrushti shakti meaning “attraction”. Because of this attractive force, the earth pulls eveything towards her (svastham) and this power is her own and natural. Due to this attractive false, all objects dropped on earth appears to be falling down.”

  Bhaskara concludes his topic by answering the question, “Is earth falling down in space?”
By answering this question, he was actually referring to a group of western scholars who proposed that earth must be falling down at a great speed since objects thrown in space falls down in varying speed as per their size and earth itself is a very heavy object.

To counter these arguments, Bhaskaracharya started with the assumption that heavier object falls with greater speed than lighter object. Let us now suppose an arrow is shot up, it goes to a certain distance and then its starts falling down. The arrow started falling down, and since the earth itself is traveling down, arrow should never fall back to the earth surface since the earth is mighty compared to arrow and is falling down at a heavier speed than a light weighted arrow. But it is not so. Hence, bhaskacharya suggested everyone to accept earth is not falling down.
Today, this concept is well known by the formulae 
Bhaskaracharya gave one more argument to prove his theory. He said that for a person standing on the northern hemisphere, word ‘downward’ means a direction from head to feet.  At the same moment, a person standing on the southern hemisphere feels the same but it is actually in the opposite direction.  Now, if the earth is falling down, then which way it is falling, from the northern hemisphere side or the southern hemisphere?  So, it is worthless to say that earth is falling down.
Bhaskara also gave a third technical argument. Suppose the sun is in the star “Bharani”. On such a date, at the time of sunset, the face of the Dhruva fish (fish shaped group of stars around dhruva the pole star) moves to the western direction.  The next morning when the Sun rises in the east, the face of Dhruva fish turns to the eastern side.  This can be clearly observed by anybody. If the earth is falling down, the same Sun, who was on the western end of the Dhruva fish yesterday, cannot appear on the eastern end of the same fish in a gap of 12 hours. If that is the case, we may have to agree that there are two Suns, which is absurd.  So, Bhaskara concluded that it cannot be said that the earth is falling down. 

Objects are falling down because of the attractive force of earth. Referring to this idea, Aryabhatta(5th   century AD) said that livings beings in different location are not scattered away into the space because of the attractive force of earth. 

In this verse, Aryabhatta used flower as synonyms of this universe objects.
Above verse translates as “Each flower is a cluster of co-centric smaller flowers, all of which put together make a ball like single flower. The smaller flowers of the Kadamba flower are tied to the center of the cluster, all the water living, the surface living and the sky living creatures are tied to the center of the earth.  ”
Indian scriptures also say that not all objects falls on earth.

This verse states that one should not say that every object in this earth falls down. In fact, every element of this Universe has a quality of attracting other objects of its own class, and repelling those of other classes. Sage Valmiki (who wrote Ramayana) takes the example of the falling fruit.
Scientific formula for attractive force

Sage Valmiki says that, since the fruit is a smaller part of the earth, it is attracted by the earth and hence it travels towards earth. It is neither going down nor up. It is going towards earth. Take a ball, which is hanged in the space by the help of a small thread.  Now suppose some ants walk all around the ball in a zigzag way. Now, how will you determine the downward direction for these ants? Every ant says that his legs are in the downward direction and his back is towards the upper direction. All ants are right even those who are in the downward direction relative to earth but upward direction relative to ball. So, there is nothing like a downward or upward direction.
There is only a travel of an object towards another object of its own class.

Interestingly the same example is repeated in Surya Siddhanta.  
Above verse questions that if every element of panchabhutas has a quality of repelling the other bhutas, how is it that water, air and fire are also available on the surface of the earth itself. He says that the other elements on the earth are studded in her, just like a few gems in a big golden bangle. The panchabhutas available to us are not pure ones. They are intermixed by a process called “panchikarana.”  Hence, every particle in this Universe has a few traces of other elements also with in itself. Hence, the earth cannot totally repel other elements living on her surface.
That is why they stay there, just like studded stones in a bangle.  If it were a piece of her own category, that would not have remained like a stone in a bangle, but it would have been totally absorbed in the earth in due course. That means, the power of attraction between two atoms of the same category is maximum

Attractive and repulsive force

This statement straightaway reminds us about the most recent EPR paradox, established by Einstein and subsequently development by Dr. Bell. According to Bell’s theorem, it was proved experimentally that two atoms of the same category, separated by seven to eight lakh miles, behave as if they are inter connected. They have termed this connection as “superluminal”. 
It is very clear that Valmiki’s understandings of the principle of gravity are subtler and more logical than that of the medieval Vedic scientists (Sages).

According to modern concept of cosmos, no celestial body is static in space. Each and
Every celestial body is rotating about itself and also about another heavier one, nearby. 
The earth does so about sun.  Likewise, the sun also is revolving about a celestial body
named by scientists as “SERIUS” .  As such, the entire solar system is to be considered as
Rotating about that ‘Serius’.   That being so, the locus of Earth in space, or of any other member of the solar system, cannot be considered as a simple ellipse (which is a closed conic).  It may, for the time being, be assumed to be an Elliptical spiral.  The statement that the orbit of Earth is
elliptic is only relative and limited to the solar system - only under the assumption that
the Sun is static - which is not a reality.  
That being so, we have come, in some other path, near to the concept of earth’s falling

Thus, we saw the concepts of gravitational force and repulsive force between objects in deep and I hope you liked this depth explanation.

So, before I end, Let us pray to the supreme god for his divine creation by embracing the below image which shows the magnificence of sun rays and how sun makes objects look extremely beautiful.
Jai shree krishna

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