Showing posts with label BIGBANG. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BIGBANG. Show all posts

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Flawed Big Bang Theory and Darwin's evolution theory

Shiva-Lingam-UniversecreationBig Bang Theory Is As Flawed as Modern Cosmologists and Darwin's followers of creation-
As per so called modern scientists, the Big Bang theory is the prevailing cosmological model for the early development of the universe. The key idea is that the universe is expanding. Consequently, the universe was denser and hotter in the past. Moreover, the Big Bang model suggests that at some moment all of space was contained in a single point, which is considered the beginning of the universe. Modern measurements place this moment at approximately 13.8 billion years ago (billions of years taking cue from Srimad Bhagwad Gita – Before 19th century scientists used to rely on earth being thousands of years old, following biblical’s arc theory), which is thus considered the age of the universe based on citings from Vedas.
Thereafter scientists devised that after the initial expansion, the universe cooled sufficiently to allow the formation of subatomic particles, including protons, neutrons, and electrons. Though simple atomic nuclei formed within the first three minutes after the Big Bang, thousands of years passed before the first electrically neutral atoms formed. The majority of atoms produced by the Big Bang were hydrogen, along with helium and traces of lithium. Giant clouds of these primordial elements later coalesced through gravity to form stars and galaxies, and the heavier elements were synthesized either within stars or during supernova.

We Are Taught Wrong Theories on Creation of Universe

Big Bang Theory is False and Full of Flaws
The Somehow Theory of Modern Science extended even to cosmology which Scientists should be ashamed of before claiming to be experts of Science and Cosmology
The recent scientific theory of creation is that there was a big bang, which created the material elements (earth, water, gases, chemicals etc..). These material elements then somehow combined together and created the various planets somehow and one species of living beings somehow. These living beings then somehow changed their bodies and became another species, and so on. In this way the millions of species of living beings we know of were created – SOMEHOW ?!. These unproven theories are backed by another theory termed as evolution, thus one body changes into another and so on.

The scientific theory of creation leaves many unanswered questions.

  • What or who caused the big bang?
  • How earth, water, gases, chemicals were created, when there was nothing to create them?
  • If a big bang created all the Universes and millions of Planets. Then according to this scientific logic, it should be possible to create a small planet or something with a small bang. Can any scientist create anything with a bang?
  • Some chemicals mixed together created the first living being. The scientists have all the chemicals in the world; can they mix them and create a living being?
  • What gave life to those living beings, how they came to know their natural simulation?
  • All the millions of planets are shaped like a sphere, is this by chance?
  • The sun has been giving exact amount of sunlight to the various planets including Earth for millions of years. Is this by chance? Too much sun or too little can destroy all life on Earth. Even +/-10 percent rise/drop of sudden change in temperature cause huge climatic change in Earth. How is this managed so precisely by whom?
  • If Evolution theory is correct – then why not even single intermediate staged fossil of at least one of the species were found by these Scientists or Physicists – that could have shown that evolution lead to species changing shapes.
It is already shown in previous posts that Evolution is/was a convenient way for the Scientists to shy away from logical explanation of emergence of such vast variety of animals, plants and aquatic lives.

Click on the Big Bang image below for enlarged view


Top Big Bang rebuttals highlighted by Michael Turner

(1) Static universe models fit observational data better than expanding universe models.
Static universe models match most observations with no adjustable parameters. The Big Bang can match each of the critical observations, but only with adjustable parameters, one of which (the cosmic deceleration parameter) requires mutually exclusive values to match different tests. Without ad hoc theorizing, this point alone falsifies the Big Bang. Even if the discrepancy could be explained, Occam’s razor favors the model with fewer adjustable parameters – the static universe model.
(2) The microwave “background” makes more sense as the limiting temperature of space heated by starlight than as the remnant of a fireball.
The expression “the temperature of space” is the title of chapter 13 of Sir Arthur Eddington’s famous 1926 work, Eddington calculated the minimum temperature any body in space would cool to, given that it is immersed in the radiation of distant starlight. With no adjustable parameters, he obtained 3°K (later refined to 2.8°K ), essentially the same as the observed, so-called “background”, temperature. A similar calculation, although with less certain accuracy, applies to the limiting temperature of intergalactic space because of the radiation of galaxy light.  So the intergalactic matter is like a “fog”, and would therefore provide a simpler explanation for the microwave radiation, including its blackbody-shaped spectrum.
Such a fog also explains the otherwise troublesome ratio of infrared to radio intensities of radio galaxies. The amount of radiation emitted by distant galaxies falls with increasing wavelengths, as expected if the longer wavelengths are scattered by the intergalactic medium. For example, the brightness ratio of radio galaxies at infrared and radio wavelengths changes with distance in a way which implies absorption. Basically, this means that the longer wavelengths are more easily absorbed by material between the galaxies. But then the microwave radiation (between the two wavelengths) should be absorbed by that medium too, and has no chance to reach us from such great distances, or to remain perfectly uniform while doing so. It must instead result from the radiation of microwaves from the intergalactic medium. This argument alone implies that the microwaves could not be coming directly to us from a distance beyond all the galaxies, and therefore that the Big Bang theory cannot be correct.
None of the predictions of the background temperature based on the Big Bang were close enough to qualify as successes, the worst being Gamow’s upward-revised estimate of 50°K made in 1961, just two years before the actual discovery. Clearly, without a realistic quantitative prediction, the Big Bang’s hypothetical “fireball” becomes indistinguishable from the natural minimum temperature of all cold matter in space. But none of the predictions, which ranged between 5°K and 50°K, matched observations. And the Big Bang offers no explanation for the kind of intensity variations with wavelength seen in radio galaxies.
(3) Element abundance predictions using the Big Bang require too many adjustable parameters to make them work.
The universal abundances of most elements were predicted correctly by Hoyle in the context of the original Steady State cosmological model. This worked for all elements heavier than lithium. The Big Bang co-opted those results and concentrated on predicting the abundances of the light elements. Each such prediction requires at least one adjustable parameter unique to that element prediction. Often, it’s a question of figuring out why the element was either created or destroyed or both to some degree following the Big Bang. When you take away these degrees of freedom, no genuine prediction remains. The best the Big Bang can claim is consistency with observations using the various ad hoc models to explain the data for each light element. Examples: for helium-3; for lithium-7; for deuterium; for beryllium; and for overviews.
(4) The universe has too much large scale structure (interspersed “walls” and voids) to form in a time as short as 10-20 billion years.
The average speed of galaxies through space is a well-measured quantity. At those speeds, galaxies would require roughly the age of the universe to assemble into the largest structures (superclusters and walls) we see in space, and to clear all the voids between galaxy walls. But this assumes that the initial directions of motion are special, e.g., directed away from the centers of voids. To get around this problem, one must propose that galaxy speeds were initially much higher and have slowed due to some sort of “viscosity” of space. To form these structures by building up the needed motions through gravitational acceleration alone would take in excess of 100 billion years.
(5) The average luminosity of quasars must decrease with time in just the right way so that their average apparent brightness is the same at all redshifts, which is exceedingly unlikely.
According to the Big Bang theory, a quasar at a redshift of 1 is roughly ten times as far away as one at a redshift of 0.1. (The redshift-distance relation is not quite linear, but this is a fair approximation.) If the two quasars were intrinsically similar, the high redshift one would be about 100 times fainter because of the inverse square law. But it is, on average, of comparable apparent brightness. This must be explained as quasars “evolving” their intrinsic properties so that they get smaller and fainter as the universe evolves. That way, the quasar at redshift 1 can be intrinsically 100 times brighter than the one at 0.1, explaining why they appear (on average) to be comparably bright. It isn’t as if the Big Bang has a reason why quasars should evolve in just this magical way. But that is required to explain the observations using the Big Bang interpretation of the redshift of quasars as a measure of cosmological distance.
By contrast, the relation between apparent magnitude and distance for quasars is a simple, inverse-square law in alternative cosmologies. Arp shows great quantities of evidence that large quasar redshifts are a combination of a cosmological factor and an intrinsic factor, with the latter dominant in most cases. Most large quasar redshifts (e.g., z > 1) therefore have little correlation with distance. A grouping of 11 quasars close to NGC 1068, having nominal ejection patterns correlated with galaxy rotation, provides further strong evidence that quasar redshifts are intrinsic.
(6) The ages of globular clusters appear older than the universe.
Even though the data have been stretched in the direction toward resolving this since the “top ten” list first appeared, the error bars on the Hubble age of the universe (12±2 Gyr) still do not quite overlap the error bars on the oldest globular clusters (16±2 Gyr). Astronomers have studied this for the past decade, but resist the “observational error” explanation because that would almost certainly push the Hubble age older (as Sandage has been arguing for years), which creates several new problems for the Big Bang. In other words, the cure is worse than the illness for the theory. In fact, a new, relatively bias-free observational technique has gone the opposite way, lowering the Hubble age estimate to 10 Gyr, making the discrepancy worse again.
(7) The local streaming motions of galaxies are too high for a finite universe that is supposed to be everywhere uniform.
In the early 1990s, we learned that the average redshift for galaxies of a given brightness differs on opposite sides of the sky. The Big Bang interprets this as the existence of a puzzling group flow of galaxies relative to the microwave radiation on scales of at least 130 Mpc. Earlier, the existence of this flow led to the hypothesis of a “Great Attractor” pulling all these galaxies in its direction. But in newer studies, no backside infall was found on the other side of the hypothetical feature. Instead, there is streaming on both sides of us out to 60-70 Mpc in a consistent direction relative to the microwave “background”. The only Big Bang alternative to the apparent result of large-scale streaming of galaxies is that the microwave radiation is in motion relative to us. Either way, this result is trouble for the Big Bang.
(8) Invisible dark matter of an unknown but non-baryonic nature must be the dominant ingredient of the entire universe.
The Big Bang requires sprinkling galaxies, clusters, superclusters, and the universe with ever-increasing amounts of this invisible, not-yet-detected “dark matter” to keep the theory viable. Overall, over 90% of the universe must be made of something we have never detected. By contrast, Milgrom’s model (the alternative to “dark matter”) provides a one-parameter explanation that works at all scales and requires no “dark matter” to exist at any scale. (I exclude the additional 50%-100% of invisible ordinary matter inferred to exist by, e.g., MACHO studies.) Some physicists don’t like modifying the law of gravity in this way, but a finite range for natural forces is a logical necessity (not just theory) spoken of since the 17th century.
Milgrom’s model requires nothing more than that. Milgrom’s is an operational model rather than one based on fundamentals. But it is consistent with more complete models invoking a finite range for gravity. So Milgrom’s model provides a basis to eliminate the need for “dark matter” in the universe at any scale. This represents one more Big Bang “fudge factor” no longer needed.
(9) The most distant galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field show insufficient evidence of evolution, with some of them having higher redshifts (z = 6-7) than the highest-redshift quasars.
The Big Bang requires that stars, quasars and galaxies in the early universe be “primitive”, meaning mostly metal-free, because it requires many generations of supernovae to build up metal content in stars. But the latest evidence suggests lots of metal in the “earliest” quasars and galaxies. Moreover, we now have evidence for numerous ordinary galaxies in what the Big Bang expected to be the “dark age” of evolution of the universe, when the light of the few primitive galaxies in existence would be blocked from view by hydrogen clouds.
(10) If the open universe we see today is extrapolated back near the beginning, the ratio of the actual density of matter in the universe to the critical density must differ from unity by just a part in 1059. Any larger deviation would result in a universe already collapsed on itself or already dissipated.
Inflation failed to achieve its goal when many observations went against it. To maintain consistency and salvage inflation, the Big Bang has now introduced two new adjustable parameters: (1) the cosmological constant, which has a major fine-tuning problem of its own because theory suggests it ought to be of order 10120, and observations suggest a value less than 1; and (2) “quintessence” or “dark energy”. This latter theoretical substance solves the fine-tuning problem by introducing invisible, undetectable energy sprinkled at will as needed throughout the universe to keep consistency between theory and observations. It can therefore be accurately described as “the ultimate fudge factor”.
Anyone doubting the Big Bang in its present form (which includes most astronomy-interested people outside the field of astronomy, according to one recent survey) would have good cause for that opinion and could easily defend such a position. This is a fundamentally different matter than proving the Big Bang did not happen, which would be proving a negative – something that is normally impossible. (E.g., we cannot prove that Santa Claus does not exist.) The Big Bang, much like the Santa Claus hypothesis, no longer makes testable predictions wherein proponents agree that a failure would falsify the hypothesis. Instead, the theory is continually amended to account for all new, unexpected discoveries. Indeed, many young scientists now think of this as a normal process in science! They forget or were never taught that a model has value only when it can predict new things that differentiate the model from chance and from other models before the new things are discovered. Explanations of new things are supposed to flow from the basic theory itself with at most an adjustable parameter or two, and not from add-on bits of new theory.

The entire rebuttal section of Mr Turner is filled with contradictions

If you suggest controlling the parameters of Universe and then further adjusting it even by other means of formation of new and old galaxies – then one basic principle of driving force he is missing…who is controller and who is adjuster ? How can it be logical to suggest theories for infinite occurrences with finite mediums and sources ? When there are billions of creations/annihilations of stars, galaxies, universes happening at a time then how can one-logic-fits-for-all work here – when there are endless different and unique compositions of elements, chemicals resulting in each of the phenomena?
The further rebuttals on logics explained by Mr Turner are basics of Science, some of them, we see everyday in our lives and experiments.
Srimad Bhagvatam is one of the greatest Puran which cover creation of Universes, planets, living beings and dwell into even their destructions.
There are billions of Universes, galaxies with trillions of planets – each occurring under unique set of circumstances. A common man with limited set of materialistic features can only subscribe to theories of dark energy and evolution – as it is impossible to reveal such distant secrets of cosmos with limited mental ability, devoid of consciousness.

Now when the above material science fails, Science of Consciousness takes over.

Lord Krishn in Srimad Bhagvatam clearly states that the knowledge which is relevant to earthly people will be revealed to them – so that they move to higher planets with their good Karmas. On the same lines, the Supreme Godhead suggest not to use your mind while researching for things which are beyond human beings. Submit your mind to Lord Krishn and then began your expedition.
While Vishnu is asleep, a lotus sprouts of his navel (note that navel is the root of creation!). Inside this lotus, Brahma resides. Brahma represents the universe which we all live in, and it is this Brahma who creates life forms.

Click on the Navel of Vishnu (Big Bang) image below for enlarged view

Brahma being controller, represents our universe which has birth and death, (a big bang and) a big crunch from a navel singularity. Vishnu being protector, represents the eternity that lies beyond our universe which has no birth or death and that which is eternal! Many such universes like ours exist in Vishnu.
Vedas say that thousands of brahmas have passed away!  In other words, this is not the first time universe has been created.
This cosmic creation is 155 trillion years old – 1000’s of Brahmas means – 1000’s X 2 X 155 trillion years of creations have passed
“The Hindu dharm (Sanatan dharm) is the only faith in the world dedicated to the idea that the Cosmos itself undergoes an immense, indeed an infinite, number of deaths and rebirths. It is the only dharm in which the time scales goes beyond those of modern scientific cosmology. Its cycles run from our ordinary day and night to a day and night of Brahma, 8.64 billion years long. Longer than the age of the Earth or the Sun and about half the time since the Big Bang or creation. And there are much longer time scales still.” A Modern Physicist
But still to revoke some of the basic apprehensions, Lord Krishn gave great insights through Sukhdev Ji in Srimad Bhagvatam.
  • The total lifespan of the Universe is 311 trillion and 40 Billion years. This Universe is 155.522 trillion years old and it will end in 155.518 trillion years time. This calculation is based on the life of Brahma.
  • There are millions of Universes with millions of Planets, with living beings. This Planet Earth is simply a drop in the ocean of Planets.
  • All Universes have life, are closed, of different size and properties.
  • The whole material creation with Millions of Universes constitutes just a quarter of creation. The other three quarters of creation is Spiritual, called Vaikuntha.
  • During the lifetime of each Universe, there are partial creations and annihilations. At the beginning of each day of Brahma there is creation and at the end of each day there is partial annihilation. One day of Brahma is 4.32 Billion years; the night is also of the same duration. We are currently half way through the current day of Brahma, thus we have existed for approximately 2.16 Billions years in the current small cycle.
There are 8.4 million species of living beings in the whole of creation.
    900,000 species of aquatic
    2,000,000 species of plants
    1,100,000 species of insects
    1,000,000 species of birds
    3,000,000 species of beasts
    400,000 species of human beings
Not all these species are present on this planet. There are 4 ages or Yugas in which we keep circulating one after another.
srimadbhagvatam brahma creation
Satya Yuga: The age of the truth and true religion. Everyone in the world is truthful and follower of the only religion in the world, the Vedic religion. The yuga (age) lasts 1.728 million years and the lifespan of humans is up to 100,000 years.
Treta Yuga: The introduction of ignorance takes place in this age. The Vedic religion is the only one in the world. The yuga (age) lasts 1.296 million years and the lifespan of humans is up to 10,000 years.
Dvapara Yuga: Increased decline in the truth and religious values takes effect in this age. The Vedic religion is the only one in the world. The yuga lasts 864,000 years and the lifespan of humans is 1,000 years.
Kali Yuga: The age of irreligion and ignorance. Lifespan of 100 years, later at the end of Kaliyuga only 12 years. There is complete decline in religious principles. In the first few thousand years there are many religions, which will gradually completely disappear from the face of the Earth one by one. Only the Vedic religion will survive, but there will be very few followers. By 15,000 years into Kali Yuga, 99.9% of the humans in the world will become atheistic. Things will get so bad in Kali Yuga such that parents will eat their own children. There would be no family tradition – the piouness among parents to children would diminish and they would soon behave like animals. Corruption, loot, deceit, hatred, animosity would be some of the traits of respectable human beings. We are currently 5000 years into Kali Yuga.
The knowledge of Science of Consciousness from Lord Krishn has 1000’s of factual evidences found today in the museums world over in the form of bones, skulls, artifacts, tools used by humans spanning into millions of years, further proving that civilized humans did existed for millions of years.
upnishads creationTill 18th century no Scientist talked with conviction about World being round, billions of years old – leave alone talking about Universes, they didn’t had completely translated Vedas at that time to suggest existence of Universes with scientific proofs.
But later after lifting Vedic theories and Srimad Bhagvatam concepts they changed their stance. So indeed, Human race being millions or even billions of years old as informed to all of us in Srimad Bhagvatam, is true.

What Does the Vedic Scriptures State about the Age of this Universe and Humans.

This Universe has existed for 155.522 trillion years and this is just in the current cycle of creation and annihilation. Before this cycle there were countless other cycles and after this cycle which will end in 155.518 trillion years time. There will be countless other cycles. The cycle of creation and annihilation is based on the life of Brahma, the engineer of the Universe. At the beginning of each day of Brahma, he creates everything in this Universe and then at the end of each day, there is partial annihilation Each day (12 hours) of Brahma is 4.32 billion years. Brahma lives for 311 trillion and 40 billion years, after this time there is complete annihilation of this Universe and the current Brahma dies. Then there is another Brahma and cycle repeats itself. This Universe is the smallest in Gods creation. There are other Universes, which are thousands and even millions of times bigger than this Universe.
Within each day of Brahma, there are 14 Manus. We descend from the 7th Manu. Manu is the first man created by Brahma, and his wife, the first woman is called Satarupa.
There is a vast difference between the teachings of the Vedic scriptures and non-Vedic scriptures. The Vedic scriptures are eternal and the Vedic knowledge comes from God himself. The fact that the Vedic scriptures are the oldest on the Planet proves that it’s the absolute truth. And time and again theories of modern scientists fall flat in front of great teachings of Vedas and Lord Krishn.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

OM Visual Sri Yantra Radiate from Stars

Stars Sirius A and Sirius B radiate OM.
OM Radiates Energy. Image .jpg.
The Science of Cymatics  has proved that the Visual Form of  AUM is Sri Yantra.(Cymatics (from Greekκῦμα “wave”) is the study of visible sound and vibration, a subset of modal phenomena. Typically the surface of a plate, diaphragm, or membrane is vibrated, and regions of maximum and minimum displacement are made visible in a thin coating of particles, paste, or liquid.[1] Different patterns emerge in the excitatory medium depending on the geometry of the plate and the driving” 
2. AUM  or OM is the fractal sound pattern of Big Bang.
The spinning mass of Sirius B (love spun him out) generated the first sound as it moved into its elliptical orbit at the center of the Primal Star. Without movement there is no sound. Love was God’s motivation.
This first sound in the creation was/is the first sound of AUM, the A, and is said like the a in America, (uh), in the tone F. This first movement and its sound continue to exist as Sirius B and its elliptical orbit.
The counter-point, counter spin, and counter-flow, of Sirius B’s first spinning orbital movement now exists as Sirius A and its elliptical orbit, and generates the second sound in AUM, the U, said like the u in tune, in the tone F#.
The third sound in AUM, the nasalated M, is generated by the double helical spiral vortex that extended from the center of the Primal Star to the top and bottom. This double helix flow form was generated by and tuned to the movements of Sirius A and B at the center of the Primal Star.
This double helix form provided the unlimited fractal encodement capability required for the creation of the infinite detail of the cosmos, including planetary biospheres and the DNA-based creatures that occupy them.
The spinning form of this primal double helix extending from the top to the bottom of the Primal Star caused countless smaller vortices to expand throughout the plasma of the Primal Star that would become the galaxies, stars, and planetary systems of the universe.
When the internal vortex motion and the resulting sound generated by AUM and the F, F#, G, tritone reached full resonance, the Primal Star, suddenly expanded into the infinite detail of the created universe, in the event known as the Big Bang.”
3.Hans Jenny’s work in the science of Cymatics (the study of the interrelationship of sound and form) has shown that when AUM is spoken, the pattern of circles and triangles of the Sri Yantra appears in sand on a resonator plat, or in an electron vibration field sensor called a Tonoscope. (See below left).
Jenny also discovered that when the sounds of the Vedic Sanskrit alphabet are spoken, the written form of the letter appears. The sound of the letter is the vibratory form of the letter.
Sri Yantra produced by Sound Waves. image.jpg
Sri Yantra produced by Sound Waves.

Fifty Letters of Sanskrit Distributed in Sri Yantra.image.jpg
Fifty Letters of Sanskrit Distributed in Sri Yantra

3.The Rig Veda confirms that AUM is the source of the fifty sounds of the VedicSanskrit language.
Since we know that AUM comes from the Sirius System, and it has been scientifically proven that the Sri Yantra is the visual form of AUM, it is logical that the Sri Yantra would separate and contain the fifty sounds of Vedic Sanskrit.
How does this happen?
The orbital periods of Sirius A and B around each other and their common center of mass takes exactly fifty years.
The fifty sounds of the Vedic Sanskrit alphabet are created by the division of their fifty year combined orbits into fifty segments of sound that are separated by the annual eclipses of the Sirius system by our Sun. Fifty years, fifty eclipses, fifty segments, fifty sounds.
The diagram above represents the 60-year conjunctions of Saturn and Jupiter, and takes 2,400 years to complete.
“The Goddess Vac has a thousand syllables containing all possible sounds, which she uses for the creation of the universe. The Rig Veda bases its approach to the creation on the power of sound, and personifies that sound as a Goddess, Vac, the Word (AUM).”
“The power of sound brings forth the material world. The concrete universe is composed of the collective sounds of the letters of the Vedic alphabet.”
Man as Microcosm in Tantric Hinduism, p. 10 and p. 61
The fifty sounds of Vedic Sanskrit are three dimensional fractal sound formulas that can resonate into being all the possible constructs and processes in the creation, nano to astro.
All physical forms are vibrating sound resonance fields, and are contained within the fifty astral sound forms of the Goddess’ language. The Goddess creates the cosmos with these fifty sounds and their combinations.
The annual eclipses of the Sirius system by the Sun are extremely precise. Sirius rises just before the Sun on the morning of June 19th, exactly 365 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes, and 9.54 seconds after its last rising. For most of the history of the planet, its people and nations have started their new year at the moment of the rising of Sirius on the 19th of June.
The fifty sounds of Vedic Sanskrit also appear on the lotus petals of the chakras of the human body, and are the sound patterns that create and maintain our organ systems.
4. Distribution of the fifty sounds of Vedic Sanskrit on the human Chakras
The fifty sounds of Vedic Sanskrit are distributed on the chacras of the human spine. These 50 sounds generate and maintain the organ systems and framework of the human body.The fifty sounds of Vedic Sanskrit are distributed on the chacras of the human spine. These 50 sounds generate and maintain the organ systems and framework of the human body.
Our bodies are the expanded totality of the language of the living word (AUM) that has unfolded by sound resonance into our physical being.
The male endocrine system is tuned to the vibrational frequencies of Sirius B’s orbit and helical spiral linar motion.
The female endocrine system is tuned to the vibrational frequencies of Sirius A’s orbit and helical spiral linear motion.
These vibrational frequencies determine maleness and femaleness in all creatures.
There are twenty inflections (slightly different pronunciations) for each of the fifty sounds of Vedic Sanskrit. These twenty inflections are the twenty aspects the Sirius system passes through between its annual eclipses by the sun. Fifty sounds, multiplied by twenty inflections per sound, produces the thousand sounds that appear on the lotus petals of the Crown Chakra.
The fifty sounds of Vedic are shown as fifty different postures of the Goddess, symbolizing the written forms of the Vedic sounds. AUM, the Sri Yantra, the Goddess, and Her language are one thing.
The covers of these two books of the Goddess’ thousand names, show that when the Goddess is not pictured in her red dress with white spots, it is totally acceptable to picture Her as the Sri Yantra.
The covers of these two books of the Goddess' thousand names, show that when the Goddess is not pictured in her red dress with white spots, it is totally acceptable to picture Her as the Sri Yantra.The covers of these two books of the Goddess' thousand names, show that when the Goddess is not pictured in her red dress with white spots, it is totally acceptable to picture Her as the Sri Yantra.
The Vedic alphabet starts with A and ends with HA (AHA!). No matter what language a person speaks, when they suddenly see the meaning of something, they will say, AHA, the first and last sounds of Vedic Sanskrit.
This is the universal mind’s way of saying that it has comprehended something from beginning to end (from A to Z), from A to HA. When the mind becomes amused, it just repeats the last sound of Vedic over and over, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA. Therefore, the Vedic word for laughter is HA’S (multiple HA). “There were a lot of HA’S (laughter) at the party.”
The language starts over again (goes from HA to A) when Sirius B passes directly between Sirius A and our solar system once every fifty years. The last transit of Sirius B in front of Sirius A was in 1989, and extremely accurate measurements of the Earth’s daily spin speed in relation to Sirius showed that the Earth’s spin speed slowed down by a full second per day for several weeks before the event, and then increased by a second per day over a period of several weeks after the event, as it returned to normal. This slow-down causes the sound of the A in HA (ah) to quickly again become the flatted A (uh), that is the first sound of the Vedic alphabet.
These fifty sounds of Vedic Sanskrit that continuously radiate from the Sirius system, are the universal Mother Tongue, the visionary language of the hymns of the Rig Veda.
Most linguists are unaware of the existence of an original universal language, or that Vedic Sanskrit is that language.
5. How was this Sacred Visionary Language revealed to Mankind?
The Vedic language and the contents of the Rig Veda, the oldest body of sacred knowledge on the Earth, was revealed to the people of the Himalaya after they had eaten or drunk the juice of a divine plant called Soma.
The discovery of the Rig Veda by Europeans made the identity of the Soma plant become the biggest mystery in botany. The mystery of the Soma plant’s identity became even more compelling in the 1960s when the science of linguistics determined that the languages of Europe are descendants of Vedic Sanskrit. Vedic is the Mother language, the visionary language of the hymns of the Rig Veda, and was revealed by the Soma plant.
This greatest botanical mystery was solved in 1968, with the publication of the book Soma: Divine Mushroom of Immortality, by R. G. Wasson.
From the descriptions of Soma given in the Rig Veda, Wasson determined that the divine Soma plant was Amanita muscaria, a red mushroom with white spots on its cap, that has a far reaching reputation in mythological and religious realms.From the descriptions of Soma given in the Rig Veda, Wasson determined that the divine Soma plant was Amanita muscaria, a red mushroom with white spots on its cap, that has a far reaching reputation in mythological and religious realms.
The descriptions are a perfect match. A red mushroom with white spots can only be described in so many ways, no matter how inspired the poet may be. By reading some of the many descriptions of Soma in the Rig Veda, it is easy to see that the descriptions do in fact fit a red mushroom with white spots.
The divine mushroom lives in the roots of the white birch tree in a symbiotic relationship, and the epilogue of Wasson’s book is titled: The Tree of Life and the Marvelous Herb, and describes this special relationship.
The Soma plant is described throughout the Rig Veda, and is identified with the Goddess Herself.
This divine plant contains and reveals the fifty sounds of Vedic Sanskrit, the Mother Language, and the entire contents of the Rig Veda are revealed to the person who consumes this divine mushroom.
The Vedic Sanskrit language, and the contents of the Rig Veda, are encoded in the DNA of the Soma mushroom, and are downloaded to the person who eats (or drinks the juice of) the mushroom.
DNA is a fractal information compression system with unlimited memory capability. Stored information can be downloaded to other DNA.
Citation -

Thursday, January 9, 2014


Eastern and western mythological and religious traditions agree that a Word,a primal sound, is the origin of the creation.
The Bible says:
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God; all things were made through Him, and without him was not anything made that was made.”
– Bible, John 1:1
John is clearly referring to a single creative Word, not to the Bible collectively.
When you find the Word, you have found God!
The gospel of John is only one example of the ancient and universal belief that God created the Universe by means of a vibratory emanation, a divine Word.
Quantum physics agrees that vibration (sound) is the essence of all forms in the creation. Sound vibration brings into being the visual world of forms.
The Rig Veda revealed long ago that this primal sound, this ‘Word of God’, is AUM (OM).
The Vedic, Persian, Egyptian, Sumerian, and other ancient cultures teach that AUM radiates from the Sirius star system, Sirius A and Sirius B.
The acoustics of the Sirius Star System will reveal the truth concerning this Word of God.
How is AUM generated by Sirius A and B, and how is it said correctly?
The three sounds and tones of AUM are generated by the individual orbits of Sirius A and B, and their combined double helical spiral linear motion:
1. The A is generated by Sirius B’s orbit, and is said like the A in America, uh, in the tone F.
2. The U is generated by Sirius A’s orbital motion, and is said like the u in tune in the tone F#.
3. The M is generated by their combined double-helix linear motion, and is said in the tone G.
The animation below shows the actual orbits and double helical linear pathway of Sirius A and B, and how these motions generate the three sounds and tones of AUM.

Why would God use the F, F#, G, tritone?
AUM is the ultimate fractal information compression system. The F, F#, G, tritone used to say AUM creates an infinity of overtones and undertones.
AUM is the ‘Mandelbrot Set of sound’ that encodes the entire creation. To be more exact, AUM is the transposed sound of the Mandelbrot Set of fractal geometry.
(AUM in the F, F#, G tritone) = (Z=Z squared+C)

The science of Cymatics provides visual proof of the ‘sound equals form’ axiom, so we can now see the vibratory form of AUM.
Hans Jenny’s work in the science of Cymatics (the study of the interrelationship of sound and form) has shown that when AUM is spoken, the pattern of circles and triangles of the Sri Yantra appears in an electron vibration field sensor called a Tonoscope. (See below left).
Images of the Sri Yantra have always shown the fifty sounds of Vedic Sanskrit distributed throughout the diagram of the Sri Yantra.Images of the Sri Yantra have always shown the fifty sounds of Vedic Sanskrit distributed throughout the diagram of the Sri Yantra.
The very ancient traditional image of the Sri Yantra has always shown the fifty sounds of the Vedic Sanskrit language distributed throughout the diagram of the Sri Yantra. (See above right)
Jenny also discovered that when the individual sounds of the Vedic Sanskrit alphabet are spoken, the written form of the letter appeared in the tonoscope. The sound of the letter is the vibratory form of the letter.
The fifty sounds of the Vedic Sanskrit alphabet are known to have their origin with AUM.
The fifty sounds of this divine alphabet are in fact generated by and radiate from the Sirius system because Sirius A and B go through a fifty year orbit around each other that is divided into fifty segments of sound by fifty eclipses.
The modern languages of Europe are called Indo-European languages because they are ‘daughters’ of Vedic Sanskrit, the ‘Mother Tongue.’
The AUM Symbol and Fractal Geometry
The science of Cymatics has shown that the Sri Yantra is produced by the sound of AUM, but what is the origin of the AUM symbol?
Although the AUM symbol is drawn in many different ways, the correct form and proportions of the AUM symbol are determined by the visual outline that appears in the Sri Yantra.
Locating the AUM symbol in the Sri Yantra is as simple as entering dots on the corners of the triangles that approximate the form of AUM, and then connecting the dots.Locating the AUM symbol in the Sri Yantra is as simple as entering dots on the corners of the triangles that approximate the form of AUM, and then connecting the dots.Locating the AUM symbol in the Sri Yantra is as simple as entering dots on the corners of the triangles that approximate the form of AUM, and then connecting the dots.
Locating the AUM symbol in the Sri Yantra is as simple as entering dots on the corners of the triangles that approximate the form of the AUM symbol, and then connecting the dots.
The form and proportions of the AUM symbol that appears in the Sri Yantra, are an exact match for the form and proportions of Sirius A and B at their once every fifty years conjunction.
The form and proportions of the AUM symbol that appears in the Sri Yantra, are an exact match for the visual outline and proportions of Sirius A and B at their once every fifty years conjunction.The form and proportions of the AUM symbol that appears in the Sri Yantra, are an exact match for the visual outline and proportions of Sirius A and B at their once every fifty years conjunction.
The form and proportions of the AUM symbol appearing in the Sri Yantra are also the form and proportions of the outline of the Mandlebrot set.
The form and proportions of the AUM symbol appearing in the Sri Yantra are also the form and proportions of the outline of the Mandlebrot set.The form and proportions of the AUM symbol appearing in the Sri Yantra are also the form and proportions of the outline of the Mandlebrot set.
The Mandlebrot Set is the visual representation of the fractal formula Z = Z squared + C. This fractal formula is the origin of the beautiful and infinitely varied imagery of fractal geometry, the geometry of DNA and the natural world.
AUM is the fractal sound formula for the Mandlebrot set, and the infinity of auditory and visual forms generated by the M-Set.
AUM and the Mandlebrot set are fully transposable and represent the true infinity of sound and form (Sanskrit nama and rupa) of the created universe.
AUM = (Z=Z squared + C). AUM in the creative F, F#, G, tritone is what the Mandlebrot set sounds like, and is the sound made by the DNA at cell division (mitosis).
The excellent book on fractal geometry: The Colors of Infinity, includes a copy of this educational and visually inspiring documentary.
It is an astonishing fact that the outline and proportions of the AUM symbol appearing in the Sri Yantra is a perfect match for the outline and proportions of Sirius A and B at their conjunction, the Mandlebrot Set, and the sitting Buddha.

These are scientifically provable connections between the fractal sound formula of AUM, and the fractal visual formula of the Mandelbrot Set that describe the curvilinear forms of the DNA-based creatures of the living world.
In Clarke’s documentary, Dr. Michael Barnsley says of the Mandlebrot Set, “It’s just like the DNA,” and Dr. Ian Stewart says, “Some people actually call it the thumbprint of God.”
Where else does this miraculous tritone appear?
1. Cell division (mitosis): The F, F#, G, tritone of AUM accompanies the miracle of cell division when the DNA creates a new strand of DNA (and checks it for errors).
Cells are sound chambers. All the molecular processes and functions in the cell are controlled by the sound radiated by the DNA. The tritone occurs at mitosis when the DNA creates a copy of itself, and then it just hums along in a G tone until the next replication.
“The F, F#, G tritone is particularly intense briefly before mitosis (cell division) when two nuclei with identical genetic information are formed. Mitosis is only one of many creative microcosmic processes that are accompanied by this sacred tritone.” Nada Brahma: The World is Sound: Music and the Landscape of Consciousness, p. 69
From a single cell, our entire organism grew out by using the F, F#, G, tritone of AUM.
2. Photosynthesis:
“The F, F#, G, tritone forms the key tension in the nitrogen atom during photosynthesis when sunlight is transformed into chlorophyll, into living green. From sunshine grows living matter. The Word made flesh.”
Nada Brahma: The World is Sound: Music and the Landscape of Consciousness, p. 70
The same miraculous tritone that transforms light into living vegetation also accompanies the cellular growth of the creatures that will consume that vegetation. God would keep it simple.

3. Creation
: AUM is the fractal sound pattern of the Big Bang.

In the beginning, the mass of the entire creation was contained in one Primal Star. This Star is sometimes referred to as the Singularity.
Even though it contained the mass of the entire cosmos, the Primal Star seemed infinitely small in relation to the boundless space around it. It was the “singularity” of physics.
This Primal Star was undivided awareness and consciousness.
Love was the motivation that caused the first movement within the plasma of the Primordial Star. God is love.
The spinning mass of Sirius B generated the first sound as it moved into its elliptical orbit at the center of the Primal Star. Without movement there is no sound.
This first sound in the creation is the first sound of AUM, the A, and is said like the “a” in America, (uh), in the tone F. This first movement and its sound continue to exist as Sirius B and its elliptical orbit.
The counter-point, counter spin, or counter-flow, of Sirius B’s first orbital movement now exists as Sirius A and its elliptical orbit, and generates the second sound in AUM, the U, said like the “u” in tune, in the tone F#.
The third sound in AUM, the nasalated M in the tone G, is generated by the double helical spiral vortex that slowly extended from the center of the Primal Star to the top and bottom.
This double helix flow form was generated by and tuned to the orbits of Sirius A and B at the center of the Primal Star. (The outline of this primal double helix is still visible in x-ray pictures of the Sirius system, and will soon be posted here).
This primal vortex is historically referred to as the Axis of the Universe, or Hamlet’s Mill, which generated the universe.
As this primal double helix generated by the orbits of Sirius A and Sirius B slowly extended from the center to the top and bottom of the Primal Star, it caused countless smaller vortices to form that would become the galaxies, stars, and planetary systems of the universe.
When the internal vortex motion and the resulting sound generated by AUM and the F, F#, G, tritone reached full resonance, the Primal Star, suddenly expanded into the infinite detail of the created universe, in the event known as the Big Bang.
This double helix form provided the unlimited fractal encodement capability required for the creation of the infinite detail of the cosmos, including planetary biospheres and the DNA-based creatures that occupy them.
AUM is the fractal sound formula for the entire creation. It is the Mandelbrot Set of sound, or to put it more correctly, AUM is the transposed sound of the Mandelbrot Set.
The alchemists called this three part sound (AUM in the F, F#, G, tritone) the “quintessence,” and said that this tritone accompanies all creative processes, including the creation of the universe.
They are correct. AUM is the quintessential creative sound. If it was anything less, it would not qualify as the Word of God that “ordered” the Big Bang.
Please be tolerant of the very basic nature of the following animations, they will soon be improved:
What practical benefit does this information have for me?
Saying AUM correctly in the creative F, F#, G, tritone induces resonance in the soft palate in the roof of our mouth, and transfers this resonance to our pineal gland, which sits directly above the soft palate.
This specific resonance causes our pineal gland to secrete dimethyltryptamine into our blood.
Dimethyltryptamine is a powerful mind-manifesting, visionary, and meditative substance that is metabolized out in 20 to 30 minutes after it enters the blood. A brief but beautiful experience caused by the Word of God.
Our pineal gland is known as our third eye, and is recognized as the connecting point of our physical and spiritual being.
This sound resonance connection between the Word of God and our pineal gland was designed into our DNA by the Creator.
By saying AUM in the F, F#, G, tritone, we are creating the fractal sound formula of our own DNA, and consciously activating our pineal gland (our third eye) using sound resonance. Good plan.

Why Was This Tritone Banned by the Catholic Church?
The miraculous and creative F, F#, G, tritone of AUM is the only sound ever banned by the Catholic Church, who declared it to be diablos en musica, the devil in music.
Because AUM cannot be said correctly without using this tritone, the Catholic Church has in effect banned theWord of God.
When contacted, Catholic Church authorities were unable to explain or offer any reason.
In any case, they do not want us to say the Word of God, and gain access to our third eye and the visionary consciousness that was designed into our being by the Creator.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

BIG BANG THEORY DEBUNKED. Modern Physics and Hindu Philosophy #Debunked Big Bang

big bangNow scientist are confused saying big bang never hapenned and Universe was forever, so there is no end and begining , infinite as Ancient India sages, scientists always say"The Big Bang singularity is the most serious problem of general relativity because the laws of physics appear to break down there," Ahmed Farag Ali at Benha University and the Zewail City of Science and Technology, both in Egypt, told and coauthor Saurya Das at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta, Canada, have shown in a paper published in Physics Letters B that the Big Bang singularity can be resolved by their in which the universe has no beginning and no end.

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Modern Physics and Hindu Philosophy

There are amazing similarities between implications of theories of modern physics and ancient Hindu philosophy as expressed in Vedas and Upanishads. The basis of Hindu philosophy is the mystical idea of Brahman. The Brahman is usually described by the words “Neti, Neti “meaning, not this, not this! When I went into study of physics, I realized that, as far as knowledge of ultimate reality is concerned, physicists are in exactly same situation as the ancient Rishis. Both cannot describe it in everyday language. In Mundak Upanishad, knowledge is divided into two parts: Para Vidya which deals with the eternal truth that can lead to self realization and Apara Vidya which deals with knowledge about material world. Under this classification, Physics might come under Apara Vidya. But, I would like to convince you that Modern Physics is also Para Vidya!

 A number of early pioneers in quantum theory such as Bohr, Schrodinger, Heisenberg and later Bohm, were deeply influenced by eastern mystical ideas. A number of books have been written on this subject. Fritz Capra’s book in seventies on “The Tao of Physics” started the ball rolling. More recently, physicists Subhash Kak, Amit Goswami, John Hagelin (Maharshi Mahesh Yogi’s group) and some others have published extensively on this subject.

Now, I will describe briefly implications of some of the theories of modern physics for non-physicists. Physics which was discovered before the 20th century is known as classical physics which describes everyday physics like major parts of mechanics, heat, electricity-magnetism, optics etc which are used extensively in engineering and technology. At the beginning of 20th century, experimental data and certain inconsistency problems compelled physicists to accept two revolutionary theories: Quantum theory and Relativity theory. Physicists were forced to change their view of nature drastically as a result. Initially, there was immense reluctance to give up classical ideas. They were forced into quantum theory and relativity theory kicking and screaming. First of all, it was found that the world is not made out of rigid firm objects like billiard balls or bricks. At the atomic and sub-atomic level it consists of fuzzy wavelike objects and lot of empty space. So the solid nature of objects we see around is only apparent. As one goes deeper and deeper, one keeps on finding vacuum all the way. cosmology of hinduism is more advanced

This reminds one of the ideas of sunyata and Maya or illusion covering the whole universe, as Adi Shankaracharya said “Brahma Satyam, Jagat Mithya”. Brahman is the only truth; the world is a false illusion. Now, just like us, he must have seen solid bodies, rigid walls and trees. I believe he realized that all of this disintegrates and thus cannot be fundamental reality. Thus, because of the covering of Maya, one does not see the underlying real Brahman. (Previously, the concept of Maya from Mandukya Upanishad was emphasized by Shankaracharya’s spiritual grandfather Gaudapadacharya). Similarly, in physics, one sees only the material objects around and does not see strange quantum fuzzy world underlying all the matter. Moreover, the particles of modern physics are believed to be in some kind of suspended state devoid of any specific properties until they are measured. They are in some sense both here and there at the same time and are described by a wave function, a superposition of seemingly contradictory properties. Such a description is very similar to the description of Brahman e.g. in Ishopanishad: “It moves and it moves not; it is far and it is near; it is within all this and it is also outside all this.” Then the ultimate shock of quantum theory came when Bell’s theorem and subsequent experiments proved the so called entanglements to be right. In such cases, two or more atoms, electrons or photons demonstrate correlated properties even at distances where no communication is possible between them during the given time. These developments are the most important developments in the history of physics and perhaps in the whole of science. They give rise to the idea of the interconnected wholeness of the world and non-local interactions in contrast to the separate identities with local interactions. Thus atoms also exhibit holistic like properties and perhaps some primitive relationship to consciousness. So it is not proper to say that any analysis starting with atoms is reductionist and not holistic.
The four Mahavakyas express similar concept about individual and Brahman. Pragnanam Brahman - "Consciousness is Brahman" (Aitareya Upanishad 3.3 of the Rig Veda) Ayam Atma Brahman - "This Self (Atman) is Brahman" (Mandukya Upanishad 1.2 of the Atharva Veda) Tat Tvam Asi - "That Thou art " (Chandogya Upanishad 6.8.7 of the Sama Veda) Aham Brahmasmi- "I am Brahman" (Brhadaranyaka Upanishad 1.4.10 of the Yajur Veda). Thus Brahman is present in everything. This matches very well with the concept of modern physics that everything is made out of the same fundamental particles. Another basic finding of quantum theory is the involvement of the observer in the observed things. It is impossible to separate the effect of the measuring apparatus from the object measured. Detachment of the two is just not possible. Such an idea about the observer and the object of observation is also emphasized in Upanishads. It is behind the holistic philosophy about mind and body.

A leading current model of origin of universe assumes that there was total vacuum in the beginning and the universe arose from a quantum fluctuation. In this way something came out of nothing. At that time it was totally dark since light had not emerged from vacuum yet! Compare this model with the following quotation from Vayupuran about origin of universe. "In the beginning, there was nothing in the universe. The Brahman (the divine essence) alone was everywhere. The Brahman had neither color nor scent; it could not be felt or touched. It had no origin, no beginning or no end. The Brahman was constant and it was the origin of everything that was destined to be in the universe and the universe was shrouded in darkness. nasadiya sukta  of Rig Veda(story of creation) also mentions that there was total darkness before creation.

There are strange facts in the theory of relativity also: It requires that measurement of time depends on observer’s motion and also the strength of gravitational field he/she is in. An often recurring mention in Hindu scriptures is that Brahma’s time is different from ours. When one hears about Arjun looking at the past, present and future in the mouth of Lord Krishna in Vishwaroop Darshan (Ch.11 of Bhagvatgeeta), one is reminded of collapse of the space time coordinate system near singularities of general theory of relativity. Also, it is well known that Hindu scriptures came up with the correct order of magnitude of the age of universe of several billion years, when other religious systems insisted on the age to be a few thousand years.
Per Upanishad’s, Brahman cannot be understood by logic! If it can be understood, it is not Brahman! There is a story about two yogis.
Some parts of Vedas are full of worship of natural elements like wind, water, fire etc and also picture Gods to look like human beings in the form of avatars. In some parts of Vedas and many Upanishads, we see clearly concept of abstract, omnipresent, invisible, eternal, transcendent and immanent Brahman who has qualities unfamiliar in our everyday life. 

Scientist such as Penrose, Hameroff and Stapp have suggested that consciousness in our brain may arise from atomic size domains and hence consciousness may be quantum mechanical in nature. but currently there is no real understanding of
There is an all pervading holistic non-local layer which we may call Brahman. Part of our consciousness may draw on this. This connection may be what is called Atman. Non-local entanglements of atoms may be also related to this layer.