We also have the Sakam Gayatri,.
While the regular Gayatri is meant for Self realization as the primary goal, our Rishis were aware, that though the regular Gayatri Mantra shall deliver
other benefits as a side spin-off, ordinary Mortals require specific desires to be fulfilled and they need a special Mantra for a specific desire in Mind.
These Gaytris are to be addressed to 24 Deities.
These Gayatris also contain the twenty-four Aksharas when intoned correctly as in regular Gayatri.
Gayatri’s effect on Human Body.Image Credit. http://indiascanner.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/EffectofGayatriMantraonthebody_thumb.jpg
1. Ganesh Gayatri: The repetition of this mantra is done for the destruction of obstacles and to succeed in difficult tasks.
2. Vishnu Gayatri: To develop sustaining power, this mantra is used.
Om Narayanaya Vidmahe
Vasudevaya Dhimahi
Tanno Vishunha Prachodayat
Vasudevaya Dhimahi
Tanno Vishunha Prachodayat
3. Shiv Gayatri: To invoke auspiciousness, That is to have pure thoughts and high spiritual feelings, this mantra is used.
Om Panchavaktraya Vidmahe
Mahadevaya Dhimahi
Tanno Rudraha Prachodayat
Mahadevaya Dhimahi
Tanno Rudraha Prachodayat
4. Brahma Gayatri: To increase productiveness, that is to increase the power of creative shakti, this mantra is used.
Om Chaturmukhaya Vidmahe
Hansa Rudraaya Dhimahi
Tanno Brahma Prachodayat
Hansa Rudraaya Dhimahi
Tanno Brahma Prachodayat
5. Rama Gayatri: This mantra is used to establish proper conduct and ethical behavior.
6. Krishna Gayatri: To bring dynamic energy into one’s lify in order to be able to do anything, intense sadhana is done for this Divine power with this mantra.
Om Devaki Nandanaya Vidmahe
Vasudevaya Dhimahi
Tanno Krishna Prachodayat
Vasudevaya Dhimahi
Tanno Krishna Prachodayat
7. Indra Gayatri: To ward off any form of attack, intense sadhana is done for this Divine shakti using this mantra.
Om Sahasranetraya Vidmahe
Vajrahastaya Dhimahi
Tanno Indra Prachodayat
Vajrahastaya Dhimahi
Tanno Indra Prachodayat
8. Hanuman Gayatri: When there is a lack of fulfilling one’s duty within oneself, then this mantra is used.
Om Anjanisutaya Vidmahe
Vayuputraya Dhimahi
Tanno Marutih Prachodayat
Vayuputraya Dhimahi
Tanno Marutih Prachodayat
9. Surya Gayatri: Worship with this mantra is very beneficial for curing grievous diseases.
Om Bhaskaraya Vidmahe
Divakaraya Dhimahi
Tanno Suryah Prachodayat
Divakaraya Dhimahi
Tanno Suryah Prachodayat
10. Chandra Gayatri: For the removal of suffering and to get peace from dejection and worries, this mantra has been used for the worship of this Divine Shakti.
11. Yum Gayatri: This is universal prayer to gain fearlessness from death.
Om Putryaya Vidmahe
Mahakalaya Dhimahi
Tanno Yumahah Prachodayat
Mahakalaya Dhimahi
Tanno Yumahah Prachodayat
12. Varun Gayatri: To develop sweetness and melodiousness at all levels, in speech, action, dealing with others, etc.., this mantra is used.
Om Jalbimbaya Vidmahe
Neel Purshaya Dhimahi
Tanno Varunah Prachodayat
Neel Purshaya Dhimahi
Tanno Varunah Prachodayat
13. Narayana Gayatri: In order to establish discipline and make people listen to orders, one concentrates on this mantra.
Om Narayanaya Vidmahe
Visudevaya Dhimahi
Tanno Narayanah Prachodayat
Visudevaya Dhimahi
Tanno Narayanah Prachodayat
14. Nrishinga Gayatri: This mantra is used in order to acquire this Divine Shakti, which has shown itself to be successful in increasing our efforts and in acquiring bravery.
Om Ugranrishinghaye Vidmahe
Vajrankhaya Dhimahi
Tanno Nrishinghaha Prachodayat
Vajrankhaya Dhimahi
Tanno Nrishinghaha Prachodayat
15. Durga Gayatri: This mantra is used to acquire this Divine Shakti, which is used to gain victory over enemies, attackers and obstacles.
Om Girijayei Vidmahe
Shiva Priyayei Dhimahi
Tanno Durga Prachodayat
Shiva Priyayei Dhimahi
Tanno Durga Prachodayat
16. Laxmi Gayatri: This is the one Shakti believed to help in acquiring wealth, status, greatness, and fame; therefore, this mantra is used to invoke this Shakti.
Om Maha Laxmayei Vidmahe
Vishnupriyayei Dhimahi
Tanno Laxmi Prachodayat
Vishnupriyayei Dhimahi
Tanno Laxmi Prachodayat
17. Radha Gayatri: This is a unique Shakti to fill the activities with the feelings of Divine Love; therefore, this mantra is used to invoke this Shakti.
Om Vrishbhaanujayei Vidmahe
Krihsnpriyayei Dhimahi
Tanno Radha Prachodayat
Krihsnpriyayei Dhimahi
Tanno Radha Prachodayat
18. Sita Gayatri: To develop the Shakti of penance, it is very necessary to do worship with this mantra.
19. Saraswati Gayatri: Learned scholars have said that the use of this mantra can help to increase the Shakti of the intellect and mental sharpness.
Om Saraswateyei Vidmahe
Brahmaputriye Dhimahi
Tanno Devi Prachodayat
Brahmaputriye Dhimahi
Tanno Devi Prachodayat
20. Agni Gayatri: This is a famous mantra used to bring effulgence into the life/force of the body and in every activity of love.
Om Mahajwalyei Vidmahe
Agnidevaya Dhimahi
Tanno Agnih Prachodayat
Agnidevaya Dhimahi
Tanno Agnih Prachodayat
21. Prithvi Gayatri: This mantra is considered useful in strengthening one’s Shakti to remove wavering of resolve and in bringing steadfastness.
Om Prithvi Devayei Vidmahe
Sahasramurtayei Dhimahi
Tanno Prithvi Prachodayat
Sahasramurtayei Dhimahi
Tanno Prithvi Prachodayat
22. Tulsi Gayatri: To remove selfishness, increase selflessness, and make doing selfless service the goal of one’s life, this mantra is very helpful.
Om Tulsayei Vidmahe
Vishnu Priyayei Dhimahi
Tanno Vrinda Prachodayat
Vishnu Priyayei Dhimahi
Tanno Vrinda Prachodayat
23. Hansa Gayatri: To awaken discrimination, this is a very powerful mantra.
Om Param Hansaye Vidmahe
Mahahansaye Dhimahi
Tanno Hansah Prachodayat
Mahahansaye Dhimahi
Tanno Hansah Prachodayat
24. Hayegriva Gayatri: When one is surrounded by fear on all four sides and is in need of courage, then this mantra is used.
Om Vanishavaraye Vidmahe
Hayegrivaye Dhimahi
Tanno Hayegrivah Prachodayat.
Hayegrivaye Dhimahi
Tanno Hayegrivah Prachodayat.
Samput : Samput are some specific words used in the mantra. These can be used at the start, middle or end of the mantra. The samput has great shakti and should be used carefully.
Gayatri Mantra “Om bhur bhava suha tatsa vetur vareneyam bargo devasyaha dhimi diyo yona parachodayat.” Few words can be added after Om bhur bhava swaha as samput to fulfill various desires. Some samput with their purposes are given below.
Gayatri Mantra “Om bhur bhava suha tatsa vetur vareneyam bargo devasyaha dhimi diyo yona parachodayat.” Few words can be added after Om bhur bhava swaha as samput to fulfill various desires. Some samput with their purposes are given below.
- Om aeeng kaleeng soo – for proficiency in words.
- Om shareeng hareeng shareeng – for wealth and comforts.
- Om aeeng hareeng kaleeng – enemies are destroyed, troubles vanish and the individual is blessed with joy and happiness.
- Om shareeng hareeng kaleeng – Blessed with progeny.
- Om hareeng – Recovery from diseases.
- Om aeeng hareeng kaleeng – Protection from all evil forces. Hopes and wishes are realised.