Showing posts with label ISLAM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ISLAM. Show all posts

Thursday, August 11, 2016

अरब विजयता हिन्दू योद्धा बीसलदेव के बारे में सेक्युलर इतिहास 1 शब्द नहीं बताता

वीसलदेव (चाहमान वंश) के एक अति प्रतापी और विख्यात नरेश था, जिसने चाहमानों (चौहानों) की शक्ति में पर्याप्त वृद्धि तथा उसे एक साम्राज्य के रूप में परिणत करने का प्रयास किया । सन् 1153 में विग्रहराज चतुर्थ वीसलदेव शाकम्भरी राजसिंहासन पर बैठा और अरबों को खदेड़ा था 1153से 1164 तक राज्य किया, दिल्ली पर भी अधिकार किया था उन्होंने , 

मेवार से एक लेख प्राप्त हैं एवं मध्यकालीन इतिहास में लिखा हैं , को परास्त कर दिल्ली छीनकर अपने राज्य में मिला लिया था । डॉ. आर.सी. मजूमदार ने लिखा हैं की अपनी पराक्रम और शौर्य का परिचय देते हुये कई राज्य को जीत लिया था , अरबों को ना केवल भारत से खदेड़ा अपितु शौर्य का परचम तुर्क के शासक खुसरो शाह को परास्त कर लाहौर पर विजय पाया था । महाकवि सोमदेव ने वीसलदेव के प्रताप और शौर्य की प्रशंसा में 'ललित विग्रहराज' नमक ग्रन्थ लिखा ।

चाहमान वंश को आज नवीनतम इतिहास में चौहान कहा जाता हैं चाहमान वंश 2500 साल तक सम्पूर्ण जम्बूद्वीप के प्रहरी थे कुशल शासन द्वारा प्रजा और भारत माता के सेवा प्रदान किये, चाहमान वंश ने अरब , हूण और अस्सीरिया के अस्सूरों को धूल चटाया था ।

वीसलदेव चाहमान और अरबो के बीच कुल 8 से 10 युद्ध हुए पर दुर्भाग्यवश तीन युद्ध का वर्णन मिला बहोत खोज के बाद असल में वामपंथि इतिहासकार रोमिला थापर और भी कई वामपंथियों ने वीसलदेव को केवल एक संगीतकार बना कर पेश किया जो की पूरी तरह गलत हैं , वीसलदेव चाहमान अति पराक्रमी और प्रतापी राजा थे तुर्क, बेबीलोनिया, मिस्र , फातिमद साम्राज्य जिसमे काइरो, और मिस्र , तुर्क इत्यादि राज्य आते थे अरबो के खलीफा को परास्त कर मिस्र तुर्क एवं फातिमद साम्राज्य के कुछ राज्य पर भगवा ध्वज फहरानेवाले प्रथम वीर थे।

1)अरबो को हराया था प्रथम युद्ध सन् 1154 में अबुल-क़ासिम के साथ हुआ था यह मिस्र , तुर्क, बेबीलोनिया, सीरिया, काइरो आते थे, विग्रहराज चतुर्थ के पराक्रम के सामने क़ासिम की सेना धराशायी होगया था , विग्रहराज अपने प्रेम से और बल से आसपास के सभी राज्य जीत कर एकछत्र शासित राज्य की स्थापना किया था कासिम की सेना जाबालिपुर पर आक्रमण किया था विग्रहराज ने क़ासिम की सेना की कमर तोड़ दिया था (हमने 1971 की जंग में 94000 पाकिस्तानी सेना का आत्मसमर्पण अखबारो में आज भी देखते हैं ठीक उसी तरह इतिहासकार भी कुछ ईमानदारी भारतीय इतिहास पर तो आज हम इतिहास में यह भी पढ़ते) अरब के खलीफा क़ासिम की विशाल जिहादि की सेना को बंदी बनाकर जाबालिपुर में जुलुस निकाला था । 

2)तुर्क के साथ द्वितीय युद्ध सन् 1157 में हुआ था खुसरोशाह के साथ तुर्क तैमूर वंशज के क्रुर शासक थे जिन्होंने तलवार के बल पर एवं पैशाचिक सेना के बल पर सम्पूर्ण उज़्बेकिस्तान, मंगोलिया , कजाखस्तान को रौंध कर इस्लाम में तब्दील कर दिया था आधे से ज़्यादा मध्य एशिया के अधिकतर भू-भाग इस्लाम के क्रूरता का शिकार बन गया था , नददुल और दिल्ली को रौंधने का प्रयास खुसरो शाह की मृत्यु की वजह बन गया , 

विग्रहराज चतुर्थ की सेना 20000 से अधिक ना थी हर हर महादेव के शंखनाद से धर्मयोद्धाओं अलग सी ऊर्जा का संचय हुआ और भिड़त हुई लाखों मलेच्छों से तुर्क सेना नायक अहमद संजार की टुकड़ी सेना नायक अहनेद संजार के साथ खत्म होगया , और फिर खुसरोशाह की विग्रहराज के सेना नायक अरिवलसिन्ह तंवर द्वारा मृत्यु होने के पश्चात तुर्क की जिहादी सेना की हार हुई और वैदिक ध्वजा तुर्की तक फहराया चाहमान (चौहान) काल में अखंड जम्बूद्वीप पर मलेच्छो के कुल 64 से अधिक आक्रमण हुये थे जिसमे से केवल दो या तीन आक्रमण का ही उल्लेख मिलता हैं वह भी हारे हुए युद्ध का उल्लेख ।

3) तृतीय युद्ध सन 1155 में अतसिज़ ने किया था जो की ख्वारेज़्म के द्वितीय शाह थे सेल्जुक साम्राज्य के सुल्तान थे विग्रहराज चतुर्थ के साथ समरकन्द में युद्ध हुआ था समरकन्द (समारा+खांडा)यह एक संस्कृत नाम हैं जिसका मतलब होता हैं युद्ध क्षेत्र (region of war)जो की वर्तमान में उज़्बेकिस्तान का हिस्सा हैं यह उस समय विग्रहराज चतुर्थ (वोसलदेव चौहान) के साम्राज्य का हिस्सा था यहाँ अतसिज़ की सेना को परास्त होकर समरकन्द छौड़ कर भागना पड़ा था ।

4) चतुर्थ युद्ध को अंतिम युद्ध नहीं कह सकते क्यों की और भी युद्ध हुए जिनके वर्णन नहीं मिला खोज जारी हैं, सन् 1162 में नूर-अद-दीन के साथ युद्ध हुआ था नूर-अद-दीन जेंगीड़ साम्राज्य के सबसे क्रुर एवं हवसी राजा था जिस जगह भी गया ना केवल धन लूटता था औरतों को भी लूट में ले जाता था बैटल ऑफ़ इनाब् में यहूदियों के औरतों को लूटकर बज़ार लगाया था लाखों यहूदी नारियों के साथ नूर की सेना ने सामूहिक बलात्कार भी किया करते थे , 

नूर की क्रूरता का अंत भारत के वीर सपूत विग्रहराज के हाथो हुआ विग्रहराज चतुर्थ को पकड़ के उनके साम्राज्य एवं उनकी स्त्रीयों पर कब्ज़ा करने की योजना बनाते हुए अजमेर पर आक्रमण करने की भूल कर दिया सम्राट विग्रहराज के हाथों परास्त होकर लौटना परा मलेच्छो की सेना को ।

विग्रहराज चतुर्थ को दिग्विजय सम्राट कहना गलत नहीं होगा जम्बूद्वीप के महावीर शासक प्रजा हितेषी एवं वैदिक धर्म रक्षक वीसलदेव चौहान के साम्राज्य वर्तमान राज्य सीरिया, उज़वेकिस्तान, ताइवान, सेल्जुक साम्राज्य फातिमिद साम्राज्य को हराकर अरब तक फैल चूका था ।


मुस्लिम इतिहासकारो ने जहाँ अपने जिहादी लूटेरे राजाओं की हार की वर्णन कही किसी लेख में नहीं किया वही आजके नवीन इतिहासकार जैसे विवेक आर्य ने एक किताब लिखा हैं शिवाजी और उनकी मुस्लिम निति जिसमे शिवाजी महाराज का बस खतना करवाना बाकी छौड़ दिया हैं विवेक आर्य ने आज के नवीन वामपंथी इतिहासकार जहाँ शिवाजी महाराज , महाराणा प्रताप , विग्रहराज , जडेजा राजाओं को धर्मनिरपेक्ष , 

कायर बताने में लगे हैं वही मुस्लमान इतिहासकारो ने अपने किसी इतिहास में अपने जिहादी राजाओं के हार का वर्णन नहीं किया हैं, अपितु हिन्दुओं के कत्लेआम पर गाज़ी उपाधि से नवाज़ा जाता हैं इन बातों पर गर्व करते हुए लिखा हैं। और दूसरी और हमारे इतिहासकार लगे हैं इतिहास को दूषित करने शिवाजी महाराज को मुस्लिम ह्रदय सम्राट , महाराणा प्रताप को अकबर से हारा हुआ बताते हैं , सती देवी पद्मिनी को ख़िलजी की प्रेमिका बताते हैं ।

Sunday, July 24, 2016

सनातन धर्म का रक्षक महान सम्राट पुष्यमित्र शुंग।

सनातन धर्म का रक्षक महान सम्राट पुष्यमित्र शुंग।

मोर्य वंश के महान सम्राट चन्द्रगुप्त के पौत्र महान अशोक ने कलिंग युद्ध के पश्चात् बौद्ध धर्म अपना लिया। अशोक अगर राजपाठ छोड़कर बौद्ध भिक्षु बनकर धर्म प्रचार में लगता तब वह वास्तव में महान होता । परन्तु अशोक ने एक बौध सम्राट के रूप में लग भाग २० वर्ष तक शासन किया।
आचार्य चाणक्य ने भी जिस अखंड भारत के निर्माण हेतु आजीवन संघर्ष किया उसका लाभ भी सनातन धर्म को न मिल पाया, आचार्य चाणक्य जीवन भर चन्द्र्गुप्य मौर्य को संचालित करते रहे, परन्तु आचार्य चाणक्य के स्वर्गवास के बाद चन्द्रगुप्त मौर्य जैन बन गया, और जैन सम्प्रदाय के प्रचार प्रसार में ही जीवन व्यतीत किया, अंत में संथारा करके मृत्यु को प्राप्त हुआ । चन्द्रगुप्त मौर्य का पुत्र बिन्दुसार हुआ जो आगे जाकर मखली गौशाल नामक व्यक्ति द्वारा स्थापित आजीविक सम्प्रदाय में दीक्षित हुआ, आजीविक सम्प्रदाय भी पूर्णतया वेद-विरोधी था, अर्थात बिन्दुसार ने भी आजीवन आजीविक सम्प्रदाय के प्रचार प्रसार हेतु ही सारा जीवन लगाया ।
बिन्दुसार के बाद उसका पुत्र चंड-अशोक गद्दी पर बैठा, जिसने वैदिक धर्म पर अधिक से अधिक प्रतिबंध लगाए, यज्ञों पर प्रतिबन्ध लगाये, गुरुकुलों को बोद्ध-विहार में परिवर्तित किया, मन्दिरों को नष्ट किया, शास्त्रों में हेर-फेर भी करवाए, अधिक से अधिक सनातन धर्मियों को बोद्ध सम्प्रदाय में तलवार के जोर पर और धन आदि का लालच देकर भी बोद्ध सम्प्रदाय की जनसंख्या बढाई । अहिंसा के पथ पर भी अशोक को वास्तविकता और आवश्यकता से कहीं अधिक बढ़ा चढ़ा कर महिमामंडित किया गया, जबकि अशोक की हिंसा और अहिंसा के सत्य का एक पहलु तो यह भी है कि अशोक के जन्मदिवस पर एक बार एक जैन आचार्य ने अशोक को एक चित्र भेंट किया जिसमे महात्मा बुद्ध को जैन महावीर के चरण स्पर्श करते हुए दिखाया गया, क्रोधवश छद्म अहिंसावादी चंड अशोक ने 3 दिन के भीतर ही 14000 जैन आचार्यों की हत्या करवाई ।
अहिंसा का पथ यह भी कैसा कि कलिंग विजय के बाद शस्त्र त्याग दिया, यह तो कुछ ऐसी बात हुई कि आपने कोई परीक्षा देते हुए सभी प्रश्नों के उत्तर लिख दिए अब आप कह रहे हैं कि मैं आगे किसी भी प्रश्न का उत्तर नही लिखूंगा… जीवनभर हिंसा करके अंतिम अविजित स्थान पर विजय पाकर आपने शस्त्र त्यागे और उसे त्याग की परिभाषा दी जाती है । अहिंसा का पथ अपनाते हुए उसने पूरे शासन तंत्र को बौद्ध धर्म के प्रचार व प्रसार में लगा दिया। अत्यधिक अहिंसा के प्रसार से भारत की वीर भूमि बौद्ध भिक्षुओ व बौद्ध मठों का गढ़ बन गई थी। उससे भी आगे जब मोर्य वंश का नौवा अन्तिम सम्राट बृहदरथ मगध की गद्दी पर बैठा ,तब उस समय तक आज का अफगानिस्तान, पंजाब व लगभग पूरा उत्तरी भारत बौद्ध बन चुका था । जब सिकंदर व सैल्युकस जैसे वीर भारत के वीरों से अपना मान मर्दन करा चुके थे, तब उसके लगभग ९० वर्ष पश्चात् जब भारत से बौद्ध धर्म की अहिंसात्मक निति के कारण वीर वृत्ति का लगभग ह्रास हो चुका था, ग्रीकों ने सिन्धु नदी को पार करने का साहस दिखा दिया।
सम्राट बृहदरथ के शासनकाल में ग्रीक शासक MENINDER जिसको बौद्ध साहित्य में मिलिंद और मनिन्द्र कहा गया है ,ने भारत वर्ष पर आक्रमण की योजना बनाई। मिनिंदर ने सबसे पहले बौद्ध धर्म के धर्म गुरुओं से संपर्क साधा,और उनसे कहा कि अगर आप भारत विजय में मेरा साथ दें तो में भारत विजय के पश्चात् में बौद्ध धर्म स्वीकार कर लूँगा। बौद्ध गुरुओं ने राष्ट्र द्रोह किया तथा भारत पर आक्रमण के लिए एक विदेशी शासक का साथ दिया। सीमा पर स्थित बौद्ध मठ राष्ट्रद्रोह के अड्डे बन गए। बोद्ध भिक्षुओ का वेश धरकर मिनिंदर के सैनिक मठों में आकर रहने लगे। हजारों मठों में सैनिकों के साथ साथ हथियार भी छुपा दिए गए।(जैसे कि आजकल के मस्जिद-मदरसों में हो रहा है)
दूसरी तरफ़ सम्राट बृहदरथ की सेना का एक वीर सैनिक पुष्यमित्र शुंग अपनी वीरता व साहस के कारण मगध कि सेना का सेनापति बन चुका था । बौद्ध मठों में विदेशी सैनिको का आगमन उसकी नजरों से नही छुपा । पुष्यमित्र ने सम्राट से मठों कि तलाशी की आज्ञा मांगी। परंतु बौद्ध सम्राट बृहदरथ ने मना कर दिया (आजकल की सरकारें भी ऐसा नही होने देतीं)
किंतु राष्ट्रभक्ति की भावना से ओत प्रोत सेनापति पुष्यमित्र शुंग, सम्राट की आज्ञा का उल्लंघन करके बौद्ध मठों की तलाशी लेने पहुँच गया। मठों में स्थित सभी विदेशी सैनिको को पकड़ लिया गया,तथा उनको यमलोक पहुँचा दिया गया,और उनके हथियार कब्जे में कर लिए गए। राष्ट्रद्रोही बौद्धों को भी गिरफ्तार कर लिया गया। परन्तु वृहद्रथ को यह बात अच्छी नही लगी।
पुष्यमित्र जब मगध वापस आया तब उस समय सम्राट सैनिक परेड की जाँच कर रहा था। सैनिक परेड के स्थान पर ही सम्राट व पुष्यमित्र शुंग के बीच बौद्ध मठों को लेकर कहा सुनी हो गई। सम्राट बृहदरथ ने पुष्यमित्र पर हमला करना चाहा परंतु पुष्यमित्र ने पलटवार करते हुए सम्राट का वद्ध कर दिया। वैदिक सैनिको ने पुष्यमित्र का साथ दिया तथा पुष्यमित्र को मगध का सम्राट घोषित कर दिया। सबसे पहले मगध के नए सम्राट पुष्यमित्र ने राज्य प्रबंध को प्रभावी बनाया, तथा एक सुगठित सेना का संगठन किया। पुष्यमित्र ने अपनी सेना के साथ भारत के मध्य तक चढ़ आए मिनिंदर पर आक्रमण कर दिया। भारतीय वीर सेना के सामने ग्रीक सैनिको की एक न चली।
मिनिंदर की सेना पीछे हटती चली गई । पुष्यमित्र शुंग ने पिछले सम्राटों की तरह कोई गलती नही की तथा ग्रीक सेना का पीछा करते हुए उसे सिन्धु पार धकेल दिया। इसके पश्चात् ग्रीक कभी भी भारत पर आक्रमण नही कर पाये। सम्राट पुष्य मित्र ने सिकंदर के समय से ही भारत वर्ष को परेशानी में डालने वाले ग्रीको का समूल नाश ही कर दिया।
बौद्ध धर्म के प्रसार के कारण वैदिक सभ्यता का जो ह्रास हुआ, पुन: ऋषिओं के आशीर्वाद से जाग्रत हुआ। भय से बौद्ध धर्म स्वीकार करने वाले पुन: वैदिक धर्म में लौट आए। कुछ बौद्ध ग्रंथों में लिखा है की पुष्यमित्र ने बौद्दों को सताया, किंतु यह पूरा सत्य नही है। सम्राट ने उन राष्ट्रद्रोही बौद्धों को सजा दी, जो उस समय ग्रीक शासकों का साथ दे रहे थे।
उपरोक्त चित्र भारत में कई स्थानों पर पाए जाते हैं जो कि तत्कालीन वैदिक धर्मावलम्बियों द्वारा बोद्ध धर्म पर विजय के रूप में स्थापित किये गये, जिसमे बोद्ध सम्प्रदाय का प्रतीक हाथी है जिस पर सनातन धर्म का प्रतीक सिंह विजय प्राप्त करके उसे नियंत्रित करता हुआ दिखाई दे रहा है । पुष्यमित्र ने जो वैदिक धर्म की पताका फहराई उसी के आधार को सम्राट विक्रमादित्य व आगे चलकर गुप्त साम्राज्य ने इस धर्म के ज्ञान को पूरे विश्व में फैलाया। साम्राज्य के विभिन्न भागों में राजकुमार या राजकुल के लोगो को राज्यपाल नियुक्त करने की परम्परा चलती रही। पुष्यमित्र ने अपने पुत्रों को साम्राज्य के विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में सह-शासक नियुक्त कर रखा था। और उसका पुत्र अग्निमित्र विदिशा का उपराजा था। धनदेव कौशल का राज्यपाल था। राजकुमार जी सेना के संचालक भी थे। इस समय भी ग्राम शासन की सबसे छोटी इकाई होती थी। पुष्यमित्र का शासनकाल पूरी तरह से चुनौतियों से भरा हुआ था। उस समय भारत पर कई विदेशी आक्रान्ताओं ने आक्रमण किये, जिनका सामना पुष्यमित्र शुंग को करना पड़ा। पुष्यमित्र के राजा बन जाने पर मगध साम्राज्य को बहुत बल मिला था। जो राज्य मगध की अधीनता त्याग चुके थे, पुष्यमित्र ने उन्हें फिर से अपने अधीन कर लिया था। अपने विजय अभियानों से उसने मगध की सीमा का बहुत विस्तार किया।विदर्भ को जीतकर और यवनों को परास्त कर पुष्यमित्र शुंग मगध साम्राज्य के विलुप्त गौरव का पुनरुत्थान करने में समर्थ हुआ था। उसके साम्राज्य की सीमा पश्चिम में सिन्धु नदी तक अवश्य थी। दिव्यावदान के अनुसार ‘साकल’ (सियालकोट) उसके साम्राज्य के अंतर्गत था। अयोध्या में प्राप्त उसके शिलालेख से इस बात में कोई सन्देह नहीं रह जाता कि मध्यदेश पर उसका शासन भली-भाँति स्थिर था। विदर्भ की विजय से उसके साम्राज्य की दक्षिणी सीमा नर्मदा नदी तक पहुँच गयी थी। इस प्रकार पुष्यमित्र का साम्राज्य हिमालय से नर्मदा नदी तक और सिन्धु से प्राच्य समुद्र तक विस्तृत था। पुष्यमित्र ने जो वैदिक धर्म की पताका फहराई उसी के आधार को सम्राट विक्रमादित्य व आगे चलकर गुप्त साम्राज्य ने इस धर्म के ज्ञान को पूरे विश्व में फैलाया।पुराणों के अनुसार पुष्यमित्र ने 36 वर्ष (185-149 ई. पू.) तक राज्य किया। भारतीय इतिहासकारों ने पुष्यमित्र शुंग के साथ बहुत अन्याय किया है, महान इतिहासकार KOENRAAD ELST का कहना है कि अशोक से अधिक धर्म-निरपेक्ष पुष्यमित्र शुंग था, जिसने वैदिक धर्म का प्रचार प्रसार तो किया परन्तु शांतिप्रिय बौद्धों को भी जीवन यापन की समस्त स्वत्रंता प्रदान की और उन्हें परेशान नही किया।

Thursday, June 2, 2016

The Saviors of Hindu Dharma in South India – Part 1

It is assumed that south India did not get as much barbaric attacks and conversion by INVADERS ISLAMIC MUSLIMS but on contrary it is half truth. Many Hindu kingdoms were destroyed, many conversion took place. Tipu Sultan sent army to either convert or slaughter in Kerala and all south India. Even Sword of Tipu Sultan say:
Sultan Tipu's favorite sword reads in Arabic "Slaughter Hindu Get Victory With Allah's Help" displayed in his shrine. And Hindus are as stupid as 2000 years before.

Peaceful brave Hindus ruled for several centuries before and had nurtured the flowering of Dharma in various forms such as literature, philosophy, art, and architecture in Southern India.
These kingdoms were among the most prosperous kingdoms in the world, as can be seen in references given to them in numerous chronicles and testimonies. This Article will make all of you to learn from history and wake up before another Bangladesh, Pakistan or Iran or Iraq or middle east created from present India. It is time to get together and help BJP under MODI to grab all India and create old SANATAN DHARMA back in India and forget CASTE and Religion for sake of country.
It is important to bear in mind that the Islamist invading armies were aided via espionage and subversion by several Sufi ‘saints’ who had traveled into the South for preaching. In many cases as with the Yadavas at Deogiri and Pandyas at Madurai, the very Sufi preachers they had patronized acted as spies providing intelligence to the foreign invaders.
It was topography of the South, which would have presented a greater challenge for any invader.
You all must know that your forefathers have shed their blood in the millions to defend the very land we walk upon, several great heroes from the Southern realms of Bharatavarsha have been lost in history by Nehru Gandhivian philosophy and terrorist like Akbar and Tipu Sultan was told that they were freedom fighters. Time is now to re learn truth of false history we were told and bring back our heroes like Pritviraj Chouhan, Rana Sanga, Maharana Pratap, Shivaji , Great Asoka etc.
There was a motivated effort to deliberately erase them from our consciousness to either erase history of Hindus or convert them to either Muslim or Christianity. Thanks to the inscriptions and records they left behind in the ruins of the great empires they raised, or from the accounts of the scribes and historians affiliated to invader hordes. This is a story retold about south Indian kingdoms-
Four Kingdoms

In 11th and 12 centuries AD, the Cholas of Tamil region ruled over a vast  territory  from East Central India to present SriLanka and Malaya and were among the world’s mightiest kingdoms of the time. There was abundance prosperity, good  governance and taxation systems and promotion of trade, culture and stability for  sea trade routes.
They were also master architect who built  temples and monuments that still stand today rank among the greatest examples of Hindu architectural story. Their decline in the latter half of the 13th century lead to the resurrection of the fortunes of the Pandya Dynasty of the same region, who were formerly subordinate to the Cholas.

The Pandyas were among the 4 ruling kingdoms of Peninsular India of that time and ruled in an area encompassing most of modern day TN and Kerala. The Hoysalas ruled over most of what’s now Karnataka, while the Kakatiyas ruled over the lands of Telangana and Andhra. The 4th kingdom of the Yadavas ruled over most of the upper bounds of Peninsular India, in an area from Goa to Maharatta country right up to the Vindhya Mountains.
The last great Pandyan king Maravarman Kulasekhara Pandya I ascended the throne in AD 1268 and ruled for 42 years, ushering in an era of peace and prosperity. After his death, the infighting between his 2 sons, who sought to rule over his kingdom, lead to conditions precipitating the first Muslim invasion of Southern India.

First Blood

Meanwhile, in the year AD 1292, in faraway Karra (now known as Allahabad, UP), the newly appointed governor Ghazi Alauddin Khilji heard an exciting news from his spies. They told him of a rich prosperous Hindu kingdom that lay just over South of the Vindhyas that was ruled by an aging ruler who was busy fighting wars in his Southern frontiers with his son leading bulk of his army.

Alauddin marched across the Vindhya mountains with a force of 8000 cavalry, concealing his actions from the knowledge of his Uncle, the Sultan in Delhi. En route to Deogiri, the capital of the Yadava empire, he circulated the rumor that he’s only the advance guard of a much larger cavalry force before laying siege to the city.
The Yadava King Ram Deo offered ransom while letting Alauddin know his son Shankar Deo was due to return along with the main army anytime. While Shankar Deo did in fact return with his army, Alauddin deployed a clever ruse, to make it appear that the much larger rumored Muslim cavalry force is attacking, causing Shankar’s army to flee in alarm.
Under cover of darkness, Alauddin then pressed on with the siege of Deogiri’s main citadel, slaughtering several hundreds of its inhabitants, including many men of the Brahmana caste. The beleaguered King Ram Deo then offered an enormous ransom of gold, silver, diamonds, and elephants, and yearly tribute to Alauddin Khilji ‘s state. Thus satisfied, Alauddin marched back into Kharra and into history as the first successful Muslim invader of the Deccan, paving way for the invasions of wealthy Southern India.
News of Alauddin’s exploits reached the Sultan’s court in Delhi and the worried Sultan Jalaluddin Feroz visited his nephew in Kharra, where in familiar Sultanate tradition, he was promptly murdered right in front of Alauddin in the middle of dinner service. Jalaluddin’s sons were fighting at distant frontiers while a victorious Alauddin made his way to Delhi to ascend the throne of the Sultan in AD 1296, buying support with the massive wealth he plundered from the Yadavas of Deogiri.

Jihad Further South

The celebrated Sufi Muslim bard Amir Khusrau, who was employed at the court of Alauddin Khilji, records with unconcealed delight in the Tarik i Alai–
The great Ghazi Alauddin Khalji, who had successfully extinguished the depraved Satanic ways of Hindus with his sword from the mountains of Ghazni to mouth of the Ganges, by destroying their temples and putting to death their holy-men (Brahmans), was possessed by a zeal to spread the light of the Mohammedan faith to hitherto untouched regions, namely the Deccan and Southern India.’
Malik Kafur, Alauddin Khilji‘s best general, was originally an attractive slave boy sexually exploited by Alauddin . After successful expeditions in Gujarat and Rajputhana, Malik Kafur in the years AD 1307 and 1309 respectively, conquered and extracted, rich tribute from the Yadava kingdom at Deogiri and Kakatiyas at Warangal.

After a protracted bloody siege of Warangal, under threat of a mass slaughter, Malik Kafur extracted from the Kakatiya King Rudra Deva, almost his entire country’s wealth in diamonds, gold, silver, gems, horses, and elephants. The last was a particular attraction for the Delhi sultans in Southern India, given the importance that the elephant had as a war machine during that time. Malik Kafur then returned to Delhi with the loot of Warangal burdening a ”1000 camels under the weight of treasure”, according to Aamir Khusrau’s excited testimony.
With Deogiri Yadava and Warangal Kakatiyas looted and denuded of their riches and dignity, the Hoysalas of Karnata and Pandyas of Tamil country were the only 2 major Hindu kingdoms in the entire Indian mainland, who remained untouched by the sword of Islam in the year AD 1310.

Next wave of Southern Jihad 

Having brought the Yadava and Kakatiya kingdoms into submission, Alauddin Khilji set his sights further southwards to the regions of Ma’bar (present day Tamil Nadu and Kerala), which as Aamir Khusrau sagely informs us, were so distant they could be reached only after a 12 month march from Delhi and ‘‘never saw the arrow of a Holy warrior”.

The army of Islam, led by Malik Kafur, arrived at the gates of Dwarasamudram (Halebidu), capital of the Hoysalas few months later, leaving behind a trail of destruction and demanded that the ruler convert to Islam or pay an enormous amount as Jaziya or die. The Hoysala ruler was then forced to part with nearly all of his treasure (except his sacred thread as Khusrau gleefully records) and was made to agree to pay an annual tribute to the tyrant in Delhi.
Having humbled the Hoysalas thus, Malik Kafur pressed southwards, setting his sights on Ma’bar, where following the death of the great Pandyan King Maravarman Kulasekhara, his sons Sundara and Vira Pandya were locked in a fratricidal war over their right to rule as successor. Malik Kafur pressed his army to the Pandya capital, leaving behind an enormous trail of massacres and destruction, the likes of which had never been witnessed before in the entire history of Southern India.
The great temple cities of Kanchipuram, Chidambaram, Madurai, Srirangam, and Rameshwaram in the Tamil country were completely devastated by the Mohammedan onslaught. As our genteel Sufi Bard Aamir Khusrau triumphantly records:
”the holy places of the Hindus, which the Malik Kafur dug up from its foundations with the greatest care… and the heads of the Brahmans and other idolaters danced from their necks and fell to the floor with torrents of blood. The stone idols called Ling, which had existed for a long time and until now, the kick of the horse of Islam hadn’t attempted to break… the Mussalmans destroyed all the idols”.
Khusrau also records that Malik Kafur seized over 500 elephants, 5000 horses, and over 500 mounds of gems of every imaginable manifestation (rubies, pearls, diamonds, emeralds etc.).The warring Pandyan brothers, meanwhile, upon hearing the fate that befell the Hoysala King, set their differences aside, went into hiding and continued to wage guerrilla war against the invading Jihadi army.
While Malik Kafur was ultimately unsuccessful in forcing the Pandyas to pay tribute, he did return to Delhi with a loot in the South, in addition to leaving behind a garrison of soldiers in Madurai, the Pandyan capital. This would later lead to the genesis of the first Muslim ruled state in Southern India.

Turmoil in Delhi

While his confidant General Malik Kafur was causing a green Holocaust in the previously un-despoiled Holy land of Dakshina Bharata, the tyrant Sultan Alauddin Khilji, was being consumed by a kind of putrid hate and madness that comes only at the end of a lifetime of violence and rape. Paranoia combined with the Sultan’s zeal for repression was suffocating a large section of the population, especially the Hindus. Even Muslims born into other ethnicities weren’t spread of the mad King’s wrath. Upon Alauddin’s orders, over 30,000 newly converted Mongol origin Muslims, who had settled in Delhi, were massacred on the streets and their women and children sold into slavery. This incident sent shockwaves throughout India. Revolt was brewing and it was into this quagmire that Malik Kafur returned with the colossal wealth he had brutally looted from the Southern realms, vastly increasing the Sultanate’s fortunes.
Alauddin Khilji, died in the month of January in 1316. Malik Kafur, the most powerful figure in Delhi post the Sultan, then wasted no time in decimating the entire Khilji clan. However, in a stunning twist of fate, the assassins he had paid to kill one of Alauddin’s sons, turned against him and dispatched him to hell, bringing an abrupt end to his fantastic career as of one the greatest Ghazis of all time.
Mubarak Shah, Alauddin Khilji’s son succeeded him on the throne in AD 1317. He appears to have inherited his father’s taste in drinks and handsome boys, and thus had taken a Gujarati Hindu sex slave (born into a deprived caste) and christened him Khusrau Khan. Like Malik Kafur before him, Khushrau ascended the ranks quickly and became a Vazir in the service of the Sultan.

Hindu Kingdom fight back

The confusion in Delhi gave the Deccan and Southern Kingdoms a reprieve and they stopped sending tribute of treasure and elephants to Delhi. The distant Hoysala Emperor Raja Veera Ballala III rebuilt his ruined city and consolidated his hold over his empire and parts of Tamil country.  In Devagiri, the Yadava King Harapala Deva ascended the throne and stopped sending tribute over to the Delhi sultanate. The Kakatiya Raja Pratap Rudra did the same and strengthened his hold over the frontiers of the old Kakatiya realm. While further down south the estranged Pandya brothers, Vira and Sundara began their fratricidal war again.
This enraged the new Sultan Mubarak Shah and he descended upon Devagiri with his huge army in AD 1318, while KhusraWarangal, the seat of the Kakatiyas to teach Pratap Rudra a lesson. The brave Harapala Deva put up a spirited defense, but was defeated, captured, and in typical barbarous Sultanate fashion killed, flayed, his skin stuffed with straw and displayed from the gates of Devagiri. Thus passed the end of the last great ruler of the Yadavas, who had ruled for nearly 600 years over the Deccan, claiming descent from Lord Krishna himself.

Mubarak Shah then partitioned the Maratha countryside to various Mohammedan governors, bringing the Deccan under the direct Muslim rule for the first time. The Sultan then ordered the main temples of Devagiri (city of the Gods) demolished and erected a huge Mosque with the pillars of the smashed temples, the first ever masjid in the Deccan. This domed monstrosity was a replica of the Qutub Minar’s masjid, similarly ‘decorated’ with Hindu temple parts. The Sultanate sought to reimagine Delhi in the Deccan.

Meanwhile, Khusrau Khan successfully waged war upon the Kakatiyas in Warangal and forced them to submit and pay tribute. He then turned to meet his Sultan in Devagiri, who by then had grown suspicious of rumors emanating from Delhi and left for it.

Mayhem in Delhi

In typical Sultanate fashion, Khushrau Khan gained power over an increasingly mad Mubarak Shah and finally gets him killed. Remarkably then, Khusrau Khan, to the consternation of the Muslim Ulema and nobility at Delhi, begins a process of Hinduization of the administration, appointing Hindu ministers and generals and banning slavery of Hindus.
The anguished Ulema and the Muslim nobility then select Ghazi Malik, Governor of Deobalpur (in modern day Pakistan Punjab) to intervene on their behalf. The Ghazi Malik raises a huge army and attacks Delhi. Khushrau Khan empties his treasury to pay his Muslim soldiers to defend the city, but they decamp after taking the money from him to join the Ghazi. Khusrau is subsequently captured, tortured and killed and Ghazi Malik ascends the Throne as the first Tughluk emperor, Ghiyasuddin Tughluk in AD 1320.

The renewed Jihad

The Tughluk Sultan then turned Eastwards on a campaign of terror and destruction, launching invasions of Bengal and Odisha, which proved to be partly unsuccessful. Meanwhile, his favorite eldest son and heir apparent, Ulugh Khan, in the year AD 1322, launched an invasion of the Kakatiya empire, laying siege to the Kakatiya King Pratap Rudra‘s fort at Warangal. The Hindus, under Pratap Rudra, offered brave resistance withstanding the siege, in a cat and mouse game.
Some rumors were spread in the Tughluk camp saying that the Sultan in Delhi had died and that Ulugh Khan was planning to execute his generals, plummeting the morale and adding confusion amongst the ranks. The Hindus of the Kakatiya army then took advantage of the chaos and attacked, routing the army of Islam, which was at their gates. Ulugh Khan, then retreated to the Sultanate’s bastion at Devagiri (rechristened Daulatabad), waited for reinforcements to arrive from Delhi and re-launched the attack upon Warangal.

King Pratap Rudra committed the folly of thinking that the Muslim invaders had left and opened his fort granaries in celebration. But, despite this folly, Pratap Rudra and his brave soldiers managed to withstand the siege for another 6 months, when Ulugh Khan arrived with an enormous army.
Ultimately, the starving Kakatiya army was routed, most of Pratap Rudra’s family killed or enslaved, and the Kakatiya Raja himself was bound and taken to Delhi. Pratap Rudra then committed suicide en route in AD 1323, ending the old Kakatiya dynasty forever.
In a curious twist of events, Prince Ulugh Khan contrived to get his father, the Sultan killed in a bizarre accident and then ascended the throne as Muhammad Bin Tughlak in the year AD 1325. He then launched a series of Jihads across the country, which were very successful and placed him at the head of the largest Muslim Empire ever to rule over Bharata, whose frontiers extended from Gujarat to Bengal and from Punjab to Tamil Nadu.
Sultan Muhammad Bin Tughlak sought to rule over such a vast empire through a policy of repression and political intrigue. The follies and horrors he committed would constitute several separate books by itself, such as his ruinous attempt at conquering China or introducing paper money or changing his capital from Delhi to Daulatabad, forcibly moving the entire population southwards, to name a few. But, it is suffice to say that the condition of the lay Hindus became so dire in his rule, that ‘they were forced to flee to the jungles after abandoning their farms, a move done only in times of great distress’, as the Mohammedan chronicler Ziauddin Barani notes.

Southern Hindu struggles

The chaos and mayhem brought about by the Mad Sultan in Delhi did not escape the attention of the Southern Kings. His nephew Bahauddin Garshap, the governor of Gulbarga province (in modern day Karnataka), was apparently a moderate Muslim, who retained cordial relations with his neighboring Hindu rulers. In the year AD 1326, he declared himself as an Independent. He then entered into an alliance with his neighboring Hindu chieftain Kampili Deva, then a vassal of the Hoysala emperor. The enraged Sultan Muhammad sent a huge army under the leadership of Mujir Al Din Abu Rjia, the Mushriff of Deogiri, who then attacked Garshap causing him to flee and take refuge with Kampili Deva.
Rija, then attacked Kampili at Hosadurga, but the latter’s brave resistance and ingenious battlefield tactics caused the former to flee and return with a larger army. In the clash that followed, the Kampili raja enabled Bahauddin to flee to Dwarasamudra, the capital of the Hoysala state and prepared for a siege at his fort in Hosadurga. Facing a huge army with dwindling supplies, the resolute and brave Raja Kampili died fighting the enemy.
The Tughlak armies, then gave chase to Bahaduddin Garshap right up to the gates of Dwarasamudram, the capital of Hoysalas and launched a catastrophic attack, despoiling the numerous temples and palaces of the ancient city, including the grand temple of Shiva (Hoysaleeshwara), the ruins of which can be seen even to this day. Never again would Dwarasamudram regain a shadow of its former glory, as it was abandoned in AD 1327 forever following the attack of the army of Islam under the leadership of Tughluk.

The Hoysala King fled and took refuge at Thiruvannamalai, his outpost deep within Tamil country, avoiding the barbaric fate that befell Bahauddin Garshap. The Sultan’s nephew was tortured, killed, flayed, and stuffed with straw and displayed for all to see. Then, his flesh was cooked with rice and sent over to his wife and children.
In AD 1330, with the ancient Yadavas, Kakatiyas, and Kampilideva dynasties all dead and gone and the Pandyas having degenerated into numerous petty feuding chieftains, the Hoysala Monarch Veera Ballala III was the last remaining major Hindu ruler in the Deccan and Southern India. A calamity had been unleashed upon the South by the invasions of the Muslim Sultanate over the previous 30 years, resulting in the wiping out of several ancient Southern dynasties, demolition of countless ancient temples, and death and displacement of thousands of Hindus.

Madurai Sultanate

Meanwhile, in Madurai, the erstwhile capital of the Tamil Pandya rulers, the local Muslim governor Ahsan Shah after having observed the events in Delhi and around him, decided to throw off Delhi’s yoke and crowned himself the Sultan of Madurai in AD 1335. A force was then promptly dispatched by Sultan Tughlak to teach Ahsan Shah a lesson, but ended in failure. Madurai Sultanate quickly achieved immense notoriety in the 50 years of its brutal existence by the barbaric treatment it meted out to the native Tamil Hindus.
Among the numerous sultans of Madurai, the most notorious Sultan for his cruelty was Ghiyasuddin Al Damaghani, who crowned himself the Madurai Sultan after murdering Ahsan Shah’s son. A particularly blood curdling eye witness account of his cruelty by the famed Mohammedan traveler and chronicler Ibn Batutta (who was touring India then) is as follows,
”…The next morning, the Hindu prisoners were divided into four sections and taken to each of the four gates of the great catcar. There, on the stakes they had carried, the prisoners were impaled. Afterwards, their wives were killed and tied by their hair to these pales. Little children were massacred on the bosoms of their mothers and their corpses left there. Then, the camp was raised…
“This is shameful conduct such as I have not known any other sovereign guilty of. It is for this that God hastened the death of Ghiyath-eddin [Ghiyath-ud-din]. One day whilst the Kadhi (Kazi) and I were having our food with [Ghiyath-ud-din], the Kazi to his right and I to his left, an infidel was brought before him accompanied by his wife and son aged seven years. The Sultan made a sign with his hand to the executioners to cut off the head of this man; then he said to them in Arabic: ‘and the son and the wife.’ They cut off their heads and I turned my eyes away. When I looked again, I saw their heads lying on the ground…
“I was another time with the Sultan Ghiyath-eddin when a Hindu was brought into his presence. He uttered words I did not understand, and immediately several of his followers drew their daggers. I rose hurriedly, and he said to me: ‘Where are you going?” I replied: ‘I am going to say my afternoon (4 o’clock) prayers.’ He understood my reason, smiled, and ordered the hands and feet of the idolater to be cut off. On my return I found the unfortunate swimming in his blood…”
Needless to say, this was the general character of rule of the Madurai Sultanate and Islamist rulers of the South, though Ghiyasuddin Al Damaghani ranks amongst its most depraved. The piteous condition of the Hindus in Tamil country was later immortalized in words of the Goddess of Madurai in the famous poem Maduravijayam composed by a Vijayanagar Princess.

Hindus Fight Back

The aging Hoysala Raja Veera Ballala III was a battle hardened veteran. Having ascended the throne in AD 1292, he had made his mark suppressing numerous revolts in his kingdom and fended off a Yadava invasion in AD 1303. He had also dabbled his hand in siding with one of the warring Pandya brothers of the Tamil country. But it was against the Muslim conquerors starting from Malik Kafur to Khusrau Khan to Muhammad Bin Tughlak, that he proved his real mettle as the sole torchbearer of the Southern Hindu resistance of to the Jihad of the Delhi Sultanate.
Taking advantage of the chaos in Delhi post Alauddin Khilji’s death, he had swiftly re-established his control over the Kingdom and ventured into Tamil country, building outposts setting up a strong chain of defense against invasions from the North. With deft strategic skills, he prevented a Muslim garrison being set up within his territory. He ruled from three capitals, two of them in the present Tamil country after his main capital in Dwarasamudram (Halebidu). He managed to create a strong Hindu resistance to the Islamist depredations that had ravaged the South.
After hearing about the atrocities meted out to Hindus in Madurai by Al Damaghani and troubled by the Madurai Sultanate’s repeated attacks on his territory, in AD 1342 the 80 year old King Veera Ballala III assembled a large army of over 100,000 soldiers to launch an attack on Madurai. He had one of his capitals in Kannur (nearby present day Srirangam, in Tiruchirappalli district, TN), which was strategically located towards the North of Madurai, en route to the core Hoysala territory. This was to prevent reinforcements from reaching the Madurai sultanate from the former Kakatiya regions, which had become part of the Sultanate in Delhi.
In Kannur, the Sultanate army numbered a mere 6000 of which as Ibn Batuta remarks, ‘over half of them were worthless’. This was quickly crushed by the far larger Hoysala force under Veera Ballala III. In an inexplicably stupid move, however, Al Damaghani was allowed to retreat to Madurai as Veera Ballala III made his way to the ancient city, intending to seize it and end the first Muslim state in the South for good.
The old King Veera Ballala III then gave an ultimatum to Sultan Al Damaghani to surrender, which was read out in the prayer congregation of the main mosque in Madurai. The Sultan knowing that his end was near resolved to not surrender and decided to give one last desperate attempt to fight.
Under the cover of darkness, as the Hoysala camps slept around the walls of Madurai, Al Damaghani and a small force of loyal Muslims set out and fell upon the sleeping Hoysala army. In the panic and confusion, the aged Hoysala Monarch Veera Ballala III attempted to mount a horse and flee but was captured by Al Damaghani’s nephew Nasiruddin near the gates of Madurai. This was a turning moment in the history of South India.
The elderly king was then taken to Sultan Al Damaghani. In apparent consideration for his status, the Hoysala Monarch was treated kindly by the Muslim ruler while being asked to give his riches and elephants in return for his safe release. After his wealth was extorted from him, the 80 year old Hoysala Raja Veera Ballala III, the last great Hindu ruler of the South, was murdered, his skin stuffed with straw and displayed on the gates of Madurai for the whole world to see. Thus, passed the last great torchbearer of Hindu resistance to the Islamic Jihad in the entire Indian subcontinent.
When apparently the last hope of Dharma was killed and displayed on the gates of Madurai, a new revolution was brewing on the banks of the Tungabhadra River further up North, deep inside Karnata country, where two brothers Harihara and Bukka would forever change the fate of South India and Dharmic civilization across the subcontinent.
To be continued.


  1. South India and Her Muhammadan Invaders – by S Krishnaswami Aiyangar, published 1921.
  2. The Delhi Sultanate: A Political and Military History – by Peter Jackson, published 1999.
  3. Tarikh i Alai – by Syed Aamir Khusrau, contemporary Moslem historian scholar at Alauddin Khilji’s court in 14th century.
  4. Tarikh-i-Firuz Shahi by Ziauddin Barani, contemporary Moslem historian scholar at Muhammad Bin Tughlak’s court in 14th century Delhi.
  5. Ibn Battuta’s chronicles of travels in Southern India, 14th century.
The article is Originally published in  blog .
Disclaimer: The facts and opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Islam and its peaceful Terrorism

Rayvi Kumar's photo.1.What ISLAM has done to HINDU SUN WORSHIP in Multan,Pakistan?
A. SUN TEMPLE OF MULTAN . The original Sun Temple at Multan is said to have been built by Samba, son of Krishna in 3000BE to gain relief from the symptoms of his leprosy....
Rayvi Kumar's photo. This Sun Temple has been mentioned also by Greek Admiral Skylax, who passed through this area in 515 BC. Multan, earlier known as Kashyapapura, and its temple are also mentioned by Herodotus. Hsuen Tsang is said to have visited this temple in 641 AD and had described the deity made of pure gold with eyes of large red rubies. Gold, silver and gems were abundantly used in its doors, pillars and shikhara. Thousands of Hindus regularly went to Multan to worship Sun God. He is also said to have seen several dancing girls (devadasis) in the temple. He further mentions the deities of Shiva and Buddha were also installed in the temple. After the conquest of Multan by Umayyad Caliphate in 8th Century AD, under Muhammad bin Qasim, the Sun Temple became a source of great income for the Muslim invaders.
At Multan, 6000 custodians of the Sun-temple were made captive and their wealth confiscated. The temple housing the great idol (sanam) was a source of great wealth for the town, receiving pilgrims from across the region. Muhammad bin Qasim left the idol where it was;, but he hung a piece of cow flesh on its neck by way of mockery.

2.(From the accounts of arikh-i-Yamini of Utbi the secretary of Mahmud of Gaznavi)
 -At Thaneshwar: "The blood of the infidels flowed so copiously at Thanesar that the stream was discolored, not withstanding its purity, and people were unable to drink it. The Sultan returned with plunder which is impossible to count. Praise be to Allah for the honor he bestows on Islam and Muslims."
 -At Somnath: "The Muslims paid no regard to the booty till they had satiated themselves with the slaughter of the infidels and worshipers of sun and fire.... The number of infidels killed exceeded 50,000"
 -At Mathura: "The infidels...deserted the fort and tried to cross the foaming river...but many of them were slain, taken or drowned... Nearly fifty thousand men were killed."
According to American Thinker:
The Islamic conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history. — Will Durant, as quoted on Daniel Pipes site.
Conservative estimates place the number at 80 million dead Indians.
According to some calculations, the Indian (subcontinent) population decreased by 80 million between 1000 (conquest of Afghanistan) and 1525 (end of Delhi Sultanate). — Koenrad Elst as quoted on Daniel Pipes site
80 Million?! The conquistadors’ crimes pale into insignificance at that number. No wonder Hitler admired Islam as a fighting religion. He stood in awe of Islam, whose butchery even he did not surpass.
Over 110 Million Blacks were killed by Islam.

A minimum of 28 Million African were enslaved in the Muslim Middle East. Since, at least, 80 percent of those captured by Muslim slave traders were calculated to have died before reaching the slave market, it is believed that the death toll from 1400 years of Arab and Muslim slave raids into Africa could have been as high as 112 Millions. When added to the number of those sold in the slave markets, the total number of African victims of the trans-Saharan and East African slave trade could be significantly higher than 140 Million people. — John Allembillah Azumah, author of The Legacy of Arab-Islam in Africa: A Quest for Inter-religious Dialogue
Add just those two numbers alone together, and Islam has surpassed the victims of 20th-century totalitarianism.
In the Middle Ages…
Many slaves were passed through Armenia and were castrated there to fill the Muslim demand for eunuchs. — Slavery in Early Medieval Europe.
The same practice ran through Islamic Spain. North Europeans captured from raids up to Iceland, or purchased, were butchered in the castratoriums of Iberia. Many died from the operations that ran for centuries.
Don’t forget the 1.5 million Armenian Christians killed by the Turks during WWI.
Most liberals, including Obama, are clueless of this history. This is not a religion of peace but a religion of war and blood.

Correct and real history of islam brutality
Jewsnews---2-4-million hindus raped and killed

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Pakistan succeed wiping out knowledhe of Hinduism and become terrorist country

Pakistan succeeded in wiping out Hindu Culture from Luvpur (Lahore), once a heart of Hindu Culture

Established by Luv, the son of Shriram, birthplace of the great Sanskrit grammarian, Panini and capital city of Raja Jaipal - Luvpur (Lahore) !

Ancient name of Lahore was Luvpur ! Luv, son of Shriram established this city on bank of river Râvi. Later, it was known as 'Lahawar' and now as 'Lahore'. It is the birthplace of great Sanskrit Grammarian, 'Panini' and the capital city of Raja Jaipal of 10th century.
Lahore - a city of very mystifying temples where hundreds of Hindus lived !

There were nearly about a hundreds of Sanskrit pâtshâlas (schools) in Lahore. Like Kashi, it was a maternal mansion/renowned for the study of ved and shastra. Great Pundits who lived there used to ritualistically follow the daily chores. Vedic brahmans and philosophers used to perform regular Shraut yadnya (ritual of sacrificial fires). Smarth yadna were also performed there. Lahore was city of very mystifying temples where hundreds of hindus lived !
Temple of Shriram in Luvpur (Lahore)!

Since thousands of years, hundreds of temples in Lahore were as it is. Regular daily worship were offered everywhere along with the vedic chants. Shriram temple in Lahore was stunning ! Temple entrance was outstanding. Walls, pillars and dome? of the temple had beautifully carved ancient sculptures of rich âryâvrat heritage and paintings depicting incidents from Ramayan. Shriram was worshipped religiously (trikal ?) by chanting of vedic hymns. Since the era of Shriram, hundreds of hindu temples of Sanâtan heritage were there in Luvpur and for ages it was known worldwide for ancient remnants of sanâtan heritage.
Exquisite idol of Shriram drenched the entire city of Lahore in devotion

The mesmerising dome of Shriram temple was so beautiful that one would be enchanted by it. The entrance, pillars, dome of the temple and the exquisite idol all spelled out devotion unto Shriram and entire city of Lahore was drenched in devotion !

In 1992, Ram mandir of Ayodhya in Bharat created a chaos everywhere. Dome of Babri Masjid was demolished. About the same time, the editor of 'Nava-e-wakt' writes, ' Although our country is Islamic, ancient Shriram mandir of Lahore stands safe. Lahore which was established by sons of Shriram, Luv and Kush is safe and we are proud of it.
Pakistan government destroyed glorious temple for constructing a six storey shopping complex

Temple in Lahore was as old as that in Ayodhya. But Pakistan government demolished this glorious temple in such a manner that no remnants of the temple remain. This temple had an area of one acre but nothing remains of it now ! Contractors are planing to construct six storey shopping complex there in accordance to the plans of the government which includes a ground floor and a basement too. Bhartiya government has shown a careless attitude as if it has nothing to do with the Shriram temple. This pseudo secular government which believes in Nehru ideals must be elated by the demolition of the temple in their hearts of heart.
How did Lahore go to Pakistan during partition?

Weak and impotent Indian administration and English/ convent educated Hindus who look down upon Hindu culture as uncivilized

Indian administration is weak and impotent such that anybody may bully it. If those bullying it say that, 'Bharat is a country of slaves and the inmates are destined to be so', they accept it as though slavery is in their blood. They do not deserve independence. They are incapable of it and mere thought of facing the enemies baffle them. Britishers have disgraced the Hindu Sanatan culture such that English educated hindus of today look down upon Hindu Sanatan culture as uncivilized and feel honoured to follow the footsteps of / emulate the Britishers.
Radcliffe, the authority / mentor to decide where Lahore would be after partition

Later during the British rule, in 1849, Lahore went in the hands of the Britishers. During partition, the fate of Lahore was in the hands of a British officer, Radcliffe. In front of him laid the map of Akhand Bharat (Undivided Bharat) and he held red and blue colour pencils in his hands. The map would be demarcated with blue for the cities and villages which would remain in Bharat and those marked with red would go to Pakistan. He had his eyes set on Lahore ! Would it be marked with red or blue ! Its fate was in his hands ! Hindu activist were labouring hard to prevent Lahore from going Pakistan / so that Lahore remained with Bharat. History was a witness to the fact that Lahore should remain with Bharat and there were proof on Adhibhoutik (Physical), Adhyatmik (spiritual), Adhidavik (Divine) grounds to say why Lahore should remain with Bharat.
Hindu leaders were unable to give bribe of two lakhs rupees and thus Lahore went to Pakistan when Jinha League arranged for the money :

Radcliffe, corrupt by nature, demanded bribe. British and their language, both manipulative knew only to deal in terms of pounds ! They could destroy culture for the sake of mere wealth. They were indifferent to what is right or wrong. Britishers were basically dishonest and crazy ! Eight highly posted Viceroys like Warren Hasting, Dalhousie were corrupt and left no stone unturned to loot Bharat. If we look at history, we realise that they cheated people like Unichand by looting wealth. Money meant all for them ! Radcliffe had nothing to do with culture or historical proofs / history, all he knew was money. He straight forwardly demanded a bribe of two lakhs rupees from Hindu leaders. 'Pakistan Herald', a newspaper from Lahore brought a detailed report about this. Similarly, there was an editorial and a five column detailed article. Although hindu leaders tried hard; they failed to give the bribe. Jinha league arranged for it and Radcliffe got his demand met. Immediately, Lahore was marked red in the map and Lahore became a part of Pakistan.

- Dr. Kate Swami (Sapthahik Sanatan Chintan, 29.9.2011)

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Just as TAJO MAHAL is told to be bult by MUSLIMS.Infact it was TAJO,MAHAL-LINK

The Royal Emblem of King Anangoal, the true builder of the Red Fort, just above the entrance of the Khas Mahal in the Red Fort.
The close up view of the rntrance to the Khas Mahal.
The figure 7 shows the grand entrance to the Khas Mahal, while the figure 7 shows an enlarged view of the same gate, where one observes the resplendent Hindu midday sun (from whom Hindu rulers claim their descent) in the arch above flanked by sacred OM. This proves the hollowness of the claim of Shah Jahan’s authorship of the Red Fort. The figure 8 shows two life size elephants flanking the Delhi Gate of the Red Fort. It should be mentioned here that it is a sin for the Muslims to imitate Allah’s creation through painting, or by sculpture, or by any other means. This implies that, had Shah Jahan been the builder of the Red Fort, he would have never allowed to install the said life size elephants mentioned above. On the contrary, decorating homes, forts, palaces and temples with elephants is a pure Hindu tradition. To the Hindus, an elephant symbolizes might, power, glory and wealth. So, these life size elephants, flanking the Delhi Gate of the Red Fort, are an unmistakable sign of the fort’s Hindu origin. There is no doubt that, this is one of the conclusive proofs that the Red Fort was commissioned by Raja Anangoal (1060 AD), and not by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan (1639-48), as is erroneously believed. The fort therefore predates Shah Jahan by 600 years. Many believe that, there were two similar big life-size stone elephants decorating the Naqqar Khana (Music House) gate and they were destroyed by the Muslim invaders. The chopped up pieces may still be found stored in the Khas Mahal basement.
Agra Red Fort is a Hindu Building, P.N. Oak, HISTORY Books, Vedic Books

Two life size elephants flanking the Delhi Gate of Delhi’s Red Fort.


PICTURE ABOVE- shows the entrance of the Moti Masjid inside the Red Fort. The archaeological tablet, raised outside, claims that the mosque was built by Aurangzeb, son and successor of Shah Jahan. But many believe that the claim is baseless due to the following reasons. Firstly, the entrance is of a temple design. Secondly, the arch between the domes there are stone carvings of banana bunches, which is used by the Hindus while worshipping their deities. Thirdly, the naming buildings after gems (Moti means pearl) is purely a Hindu custom. Fourthly, the truncated Hindu perambulatory passage may still be seen to exist on the building’s left flank. All these evidence suggest that, originally it was a Hindu temple and, later on, converted into a mosque by the Muslim invaders.
 Indian history has been distorted to keep so called psudocesular issues active, which is basically let minority rule on majority and majority agree with that. What is the use of history that give a false teaching.It has been pointed out earlier that Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, the prophet of nonviolence, was the originator of the politics of Muslim appeasement in India. As we know, he was the most trusted as well as the most loyal stooge of the British Empire, it was not possible for him to demand India’s independence.
It should be noted that his concept of Hindu-Muslim amity was entirely biased and prejudiced. Only Hindus were to make every sacrifice for the sake of the said Hindu-Muslim amity. To achieve that Hindu-Muslim amity, Gandhi suggested alteration or distortion of Indian history, partcularly the period of Muslim rule. and two major guidelines, he set for this purpose, were, (1) Muslim rulers were not foreign invaders as they lived in India and died in India and (2) the Muslim rule in India was not a colonial rule but a golden period of Indian history. And following these guidelines, a group of dirty people called the secular historians, set to distort Indian history in a big way.

But what was the real nature of that Muslim colonial rule and what was the nature of Dhimmitude the Hindus had suffered for centuries after centuries? It is best described through a dialogue between Sultan Alauddin Khilji and a qazi called Mughisuddin. The incident has been narrated by Alauddin’s court chronicler Ziauddin Barni in Tarikh-i-Firozshahi. Barni wrote,

“One day Qazi Mughisuddin visited the court of Sultan Alauddin Khilji and the Sultan asked the qazi, ‘How are Hindus designated in the (Islamic) law, as payers of tribute (Kharaj-gauzar) or giver of tribute (Kharaj-dih)?’ The kazi replied, ‘They are called payers of tribute and when the revenue officer demands silver from them, they should, without question and with all humility and respect, tender gold. If the officer throws dirt into their mouths, they must without reluctance open their mouths wide to receive it. By doing so they show their respect for the officer. The due subordination of the Zimmi (tribute payer) is exhibited in this humble payment and by this throwing of dirt in their mouths. The glorification of Islam is a duty. … Allah holds them in contempt, for He says, ‘Keep them in subjection’. To keep the Hindus in abasement is especially a religious duty because they are the most inveterate enemies of the Prophet and because the Prophet has commanded us to slay them, plunder them and make them captive, saying, ‘Convert them to Islam or kill them, enslave them and spoil their wealth and property. No doctor but the great doctor (Hanifa), to whose school we belong, has asserted to the imposition of the jizya (poll tax) on Hindus. Doctors of other schools allow no other alternative but ‘death or Islam’.” (H. M. Elliot & J. Dowson, HISTORY OF INDIA: As Told by It’s Own Historians, III,184).

In the First Part of the article, it has been narrated that, how the so called secular historians of India are wrongly projecting the barbaric Muslim ruler Shahjahan as the author of the famous Red Fort of Delhi, which was built by the Hindu Kings several centuries before the times of Shahjahan. In this Second Part, we shall discuss how these secular historians are narrating another cruel,barbaric and lecherous Muslim ruler Akbar as the author of the invincible fortress of Agra.
 The Fort at Agra:
Like the Red Fort in Delhi, the fortress at Agra also suffers similar misrepresentation. The invincible fort at Agra, as we see it today, was not built by any foreign Muslim invader and its authorship is falsely atributed to Akbar.. This marvellous exhibit of Hindu architecture, was also built by the Hindu kings well before the arrival of the barbaric Muslim invaders in India. Like the Red Fort in Delhi, the Muslim invaders forcefully occupied it and used it as their royal court and residence. During the time of Mahabharata, Agra belonged to the kingdom of Mathura ruled by the oppressive king Kansa, who used the prison at Agra to incarcerate his political rivals. In this regard, the Muslim chronicler Abdulla in his Tarikh-i-Daudi writes, “He (Sultan Sikandar Lodi) generally resided at Agra; it is said by some that Agra became a city in his time, before which it had been a mere village , but one of the old standing. The Hindus, indeed, Assert that Agra was a strong place in the days of Raja Kansa, ruled in Mathura, and who confined everyone who displeased him, in the fort at that place, so that in course of time it had become the established state prison”.

But in the same work, chronicler Abdulla says that Muhammad of Ghazni captured Agra and reduced it to a heap of ruins and writes, “In the year when the army of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni invaded Hindustan, he so ruined Agra that it became one of the most insignificant villges of the land and after that it improved from the times of Sultan Sikandar, and at length, in Akbar’s time, became the seat of the government of Delhi, and one of the chief cities of Hindustan”.[1] It is important to note here that the above description admits that before the invasion of Mahmud of Ghazni, Agra was city and not a village.

Another Muslim chronicler Nizmuddin Ahmed in his Tabaquat-i-Akbari writes, “In the year 972 H (1565 AD), the command was given by Akbar for building a new fort of hewn stone at Agra, instead of the old citadel, which was of bricks and had become ruinous. The foundation was laid and in four years the fortress was completed”.[2] A Muslim poet named Diwan-i-Salman, who lived during the time of Muhammad Ghori, wrote some poems of historical value. In one of his poems, he said that during the time of Muhammad Ghori, the fortress of Agra was under the control of a Rajput king Jaipal. In the same poem he described the Agra fort and wrote, “The fort of Agra is built amongst the sands like a hill, and its battlements are like hillocks. No calamity had ever befallen its fortification, nor hd deceitful time dealt treacherously with it”.[3] So, the question naturally arises- Which fort Diwan-i-Salman had seen? The fort he saw was definitely made of stone, otherwise he would not have compared it with a hill. Above all, is it possible to finish the construction of a massive fort made of stone, as we see it today, within a period of 4 years?

It should also be mentioned here that the Muslim chroniclers, who claim Akbar’s authorship of the fort at Agra, differ widely regarding the time taken by Akbar to complete the job. According to Abul Fazl, one of the ministers at the Akbar’s court, Akbar took 8 years to build the fort. While according to Jahngir, the son of Akbar, he took 15 years to complete the construction.[4] It has been said earlier that according to Nizamuddin Ahmed, the job was done within a shortm period of 4 years.[12] It is important to note here that there are other evidence that suggest that the fort of Agra was there during the time of Babur. Babur set his foot at the fort of Agra for the first time on May 4, 1526, and before that his son Humayun had taken control of the fort. Thereafter, Babur left Agra on February 11, 1527, and proceeded to face Maharana Sangram Singh in the battle of Khanua, leaving the fort in the care of his son Humayun.[5] So, the rational conclusion is that, there was a massive fort, made of stone, at Agra under the control of a Rajput King Jaipal and Muhammad Ghori occupied it by defeating Jaipal in the year 1192. Thereafter, when the fort came under the control of the Mughals, Akbar might have undertaken some repair and renovation work of the then existing fort.

Above all, there is no dispute among our historians that, whether it is the Red Fort in Delhi or the invincible fortress at Agra, Hindu style, particularly the Gujarati and Rajasthani style, is very prominent in the construction of the interior palaces, courts, halls and so on. Especially, the pillars and the gateways of these halls and courts bear pure Hindu style of stone carving. It seems amusing when our historians, in their attempt to explain this overwhelming and pervasive Hindu influence, say that the Muslim rulers who, according to their belief, were very sympathetic to the Hindus, deliberately encouraged Hindu style in building their edifices to promote Hindu-Muslim amity.

So, a group of historins, having more rational views, believe that all the historical monuments of Delhi and Agra, the authorship of which is at present being wrongly atributed to the Muslim rulers, were, in fact, built by the Hindu kings well before the arrival of the foreign Muslim invders. They also believe that in their endeavour to give these monuments an Islamic face, the Muslim rulers, in the name of repair and renovation, removed almost all the Hindu symbols from these monuments and buried them somewhere within the peripfery of those monuments. So a thorough scientific and archaeological investigations is urgently called for revealing the truth and settling all such contrary views.
Red Fort as mentioned in Prithviraj Raso
According to Oak, Prithviraj Raso, a contemporary chronicle tells us that Prithviraj Chauhan, the king who ruled Ajmer and Delhi, lived in a palace on the bank of river Yamuna. Traditional accounts also tell us that Prithviraj’s palace was known as Lal-Kot, that is, a red-walled structure. The only building in Delhi which answers four-square to these specifications is what is today known as the Red Fort. And yet the Mogul emperor Shahjahan is being wrongly given the credit of having built the Red Fort in Delhi.

Old Delhi was not founded by Shahjahan
Taimurlang who invaded Delhi in 1398, that is nearly 250 years before Shahjahan, refers to Old Delhi whose inhabitants he massacred. And yet Old Delhi is mentioned in our histories as a city founded by Shahjahan. In fact Old Delhi is built around the axial road – The Chandni Chowk - which joins the Red Fort with the building which is now known as the Fatehpuri Mosque but which was the temple of the hereditary deity of Delhi’s Hindu rulers. So even 400 years before Shahjahan, Old Delhi, Red Fort and Chandnin Chowk did exist.

Raj Ghat or Badshah Ghat
The Yamuna bank to the rear of the fort is known as Raj-ghat. That is a Sanskrit word. It could not have stuck on unless several generations of Rajas had occupied the Red Fort prior to Shahjahan and his predecessors. No Rajas ever ruled from the Red Fort after Shahjahan, the fifth generation Mogul ruler. Had Shahjahan built the fort, the bank stretch of the Yamuna at the rear would have been known as the Badshah Ghat and not Rajghat.

Architectural evidence
The Delhi gate of the fort has a pair of stone elephants outside it. Islam strictly forbids the raising of any images while Rajput monarchs were known for their love of the elephant. On either side of the fort, archways are embossed with stone-flower emblems which appear on all mediaeval Hindu buildings. Running water channels, through which Yamuna water coursed its way throughout the fort, again suggest Rajput construction because Muslims with a desert tradition could never have thought of running-water channels.

Architectural evidence
The Sbravan and Bhado pavilions and the Kesar Kund in the Diwan-i-Khas are again all Hindu terms. The Diwan-i-Khas and the Diwan-i-Aam do not have a single dome or minaret which the Muslim architecture is believed to insist on. The marble balcony in which the ruler used to sit in the Diwan-i-Aam has a temple type ceiling with stalactite style ends nicking out obliquely. The Diwan i-Khas has a striking similarity with the royal apartment inside Ambar (old Jaipur) built by the Rajputs in pre-Mogul times.

Architectural evidence
Every one of the Mogul rulers had a harem of 5,000 women as mentioned in memoirs and chronicles. All of them, the ruler himself and his many children could by no stretch of imagination be accommodated in the two-three rooms that comprise the Diwan-i Khas. The Diwan-i_khas and the Diwan-i-Aam have a mandap style ornate Hindu workmanship. Besides, the Diwan-i-Khas bears a close resemblance to the interior palace in Ambar (Old Jaipur) built around 984 A.D.

Symbol of justice
A marble grill wall near the Diwan-i-Khas displays a balance motif symbolic of royal justice. The Mogul rulers who regarded 99 per cent of their subjects as mere vermin could never think of flaunting that symbol of justice in their palace. But the Rajput rulers advised by their Brahman councillors did certainly have the dispensation of justice as one of their primary functions constantly impressed on them through the scales motif.

Heaven on earth?
A Persian couplet inlaid on a wall of the Diwan-i-Khas proclaims the place as a veritable "Heaven on Earth'. Such a boast can only emanate from a captor. Had Shahjahan been the original builder of the fort he would never have described the building in such superlative terms. The original builder is often very modest about his construction. Moreover a builder is more conscious of the building's defects to ever think of calling it a veritable "Heaven on Earth'.

A psychological principle
Another important psychological principle also applies in this case. A person calls his building a shack or a cottage rather than a paradise. It is also worthwhile considering that no matter how beautiful a wife a man may have he would never shout about her beauty from the road square or housetops. Similarly a person who toils and spends money to build a building is not the one who boasts about it. On the other hand neighbours or strangers, who have an evil eye on a building or a woman, are the ones who praise the physical beauty of those attractions.

A psychological principle
We have on actual instance from mediaeval history. Padmini, the queen of Chitor fort is famed for her physical allure. There could have been hundreds of women as beautiful as her in India's Kshatriya households. But histories have been silent regarding their physical beauty precisely because such beauty was never bragged about at least in India in public. But Padmini's physical beauty came to be talked about only because Allauddin Khilji was so enamoured of her that he moved heaven and hell to capture her.

The couplet was inlaid by the captors
This should convince visitors to the Red Fort, and historians that the bragging Persian couplet in the Diwan-i Khas is yet another very strong proof that the couplet was inlaid by the captors of the fort who, dazzled by the ornate beauty of the monument that came to them as war booty, characterized it as a veritable paradise.

Non-Islamic shrines near Red Fort
Emerging from the Red Fort we see that the two nearest shrines, only a stone’s throw from the fort, are both non-Moguls. One is the red Jain Temple and the other the Gauri Shankar Temple. Had Shahjahan built the Red Fort he would never have allowed the two non-Islamic shrines to remain there. These two temples are there because the fort was constructed by the Rajputs several centuries before Shahjahan.

Chandni Chowk’s inhabitants
Chandni Chowk, the main thoroughfare stemming from the fort is almost exclusively inhabited by Hindus. Had the Moguls built the fort we should have seen Turks, Afghans, Persians, Arabs and Hindu converts settled in Cbandni Chowk. The whole of Old Delhi has a teeming and over-whelming Hindu population. In its complicated, winding alleys all their homes too are built in the traditional Hindu style. To maintain that a cruel despot like Shahjahan built houses for Hindus and fortified the whole city with a massive wall is absurd. As Taimuriang's autobiography testifies Old Delhi existed centuries before Shahjahan.
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