Showing posts with label SARASWATI-SINDHU CIVILIZATION. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SARASWATI-SINDHU CIVILIZATION. Show all posts

Saturday, December 6, 2014


The swastika symbol originated in India  and oldest swastika is 15,000 years ago.
Swastika is a Sanskrit word. SU means "good" ASTI means " to be "However, it is also known by different names in different countries - like ‘Wan’ in China, ‘Manji’ in Japan, ‘Fylfot’ in England, ‘Hakenkreuz’ in Germany and ‘Tetraskelion’ or ‘Tetragammadion’ in Greece.
Lord Shiva, gave the language Sanskrit to the Vedic civilization millions of years ago(not 10000 yrs ago).
The earliest swastika ever found was uncovered in Mezine, Ukraine, carved on an ivory figurine, which dates an incredible 12,000 years, and one of the earliest cultures that are known to have used the Swastika was a Neolithic culture in Southern Europe, in the area that is now Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, known as the Vinca Culture, which dates back around 8,000 years LINK

Swastika with Ganesha inset was found on Mohenjodaro and Harappan pottery of 3500BC ( Indus valley civilisation ).
Lalibela SwastikaOn the walls of the Christian catacombs in Rome, the symbol of the Swastika appears next to the words “ZOTIKO ZOTIKO” which means “Life of Life”. It can also be found on the window openings of the mysterious Lalibela Rock churches of Ethiopia, and in various other churches around the world
Archeologist Heinrich Schliemann found the Swastika symbol at Troy, where the Trojan war was fought in 1200 BC, there has been great western interest in the Swastika symbol .
The Russian Stonehenge more grander and much older than the British Stonehenge was unearthed at Arkaim, Cheliabinsk, at the Urals. Putin went to visit the site, when they found the ancient Aryan Swastika symbol on unearthed pottery.
Buddha was an Indian. He adopted the left handed Swastika for his religion in 1900 BC.
In Hinduism the left handed Swastika is the symbol for terrifying Kali, the destroyer goddess-- as a Yang symbol for Ying.( Tamas / Rajas ).
Swastika - Positive and Negative Shapes
The right handed Swastika is the second most important symbol for the Indian Hindu. The first is OM. OM is a sound carrier MANTRA.It represents the cosmic spinning vortex. Everything is energy. All energy is a vortex .
Swastika was a symbol of the Dryuhus ( Druids ) who migrated from Indian river Saraswati banks in 4000 BC. Druids are reputed to have built the British Stonehenge. All druid images have been unearthed in Vedic style meditative poses.
King Vikramaditya's hawks and homing pigeons ( fax machines of that age ) use to have a golden swastika royal seal strapped around their legs.
Navaho - SwastikaIn Nordic Myths, Odin is represented passing through space as a whirling disk or swastika looking down through all worlds. In North America, the swastika was used by the Navajos. In Ancient Greece, Pythagoras used the Swastika under the name ‘Tetraktys’ and it was a symbol linking heaven and earth, with the right arm pointing to heaven and its left arm pointing to Earth. It has been used by the Phoenicians as a symbol of the Sun and it was a sacred symbol used by the priestesses.


Swastica - PhoeniciansSame swastika that was used in Ancient India and copied to Japan, even USA(Military used by American military unit in WW1, in 1935 .
German scholars translated many Ancient indian text and copied them. Not only that Ancient VIMAN , aeroplane was first used by Ancient India per texts written way back in India before Wright brothers but as before, they all broke copyright law and put their name. Now westerners are making a cry that somebody in China, India breaking their movie copyright? HUH.
The swastika, the Phoenician sun symbol, on the Phoenician Craig-Narget stone in Scotland, and on the robe of a Phoenician high priestess. (Source)

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


A new study combining the latest archaeological evidence with state-of-the-art geoscience technologies provides evidence that climate change was a key ingredient in the collapse of the great Indus or Harappan Civilization almost >4000 years ago. The study also resolves a long-standing debate over the source and fate of the Sarasvati, the sacred river of Hindu.
Harappan RiversIndus valley civilization spread >1 million square kilometers across Indus River from the to the Ganges, over what is now , northwest India and eastern Afghanistan, the Indus civilization was the largest—but least known—of the first great urban cultures that also included Egypt and Mesopotamia. Harappans, named for one of their largest cities,lived close to river for fertile soil.
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) and lead author of the study published May 2012, in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, establishes SARASWATI RIVER  EXISTED ABOUT 4900 YRS AGO BEFORE IT WAS DRIED UP per satellite images.

"Until now, speculations abounded about the links between this mysterious ancient culture and its life-giving mighty rivers."
This complex culture in South Asia with a population that at its peak may have reached 10 percent of the world's inhabitants, was completely forgotten until 1920's.
The new study suggests that the decline in monsoon rains led to weakened river dynamics, and played a critical role both in the development and the collapse of the Harappan culture, which relied on river floods to fuel their agricultural surpluses.
Sarasvati Harappan SettlementsIndus Sarasvati River Civilization
The archaeological sites along the dried up Sarasvati River basin are represented by black dots.

From the new research, a vast picture of 10,000 years of changing landscapes emerges. Before the plain was massively settled, the wild and forceful Indus and its tributaries flowing from the Himalaya cut valleys into their own deposits and left high "interfluvial" stretches of land between them.

Indus Mega RidgeAmong the most striking features the researchers identified is a mounded plain, 20 meters high, > 100 kilometers wide, and running almost 1000 kilometers along the Indus, called"Indus mega-ridge," built by the river as it purged itself of sediment along its course.
The mega-ridge is a surprising indicator of the stability of Indus plain landscape over the last four millennia.
Journal reference:Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Saraswati-Sindhu Culture

Saraswati-Sindhu Civilization

Beautiful article Written by Dr. S. Kalyanaraman

The recent discovery of the courses of ancient River Saraswati_ from the Himalayas to
Gujarat presents a new perspective on indigenous evolution of and the continuing cultural
traditions of India. The earthquake (8.1 on the Richter scale) in Rann of Kutch which
occurred on January 26, 2001 is a reminder of historical tectonic events recorded during
quaternary periods in North-west India, in the region abutting the Deccan and Tibetan
continental plates. The plate formations are parallel to the ancient courses of Rivers
Sindhu and Saraswati. The secular sequence of desiccation of River Saraswati and the
dates of the tectonic events correspond with the carbon-14 dates of the Harappan

The Rigvedacontains a number of references to River Saraswati attesting to
the composition of the hymns mostly on this River Basin. We thus have an
apparent concordance of the locus of Vedic culture and the locus of the Harappan
civilization. (Out of 2,600 archaeological sites of the civilization listed in a Gazetter –
Gregory L. Possehl, 2000, Indus Age: the Beginnings, over 1600 (many of Pre- and
Mature-Harappan periods in the 3rd millennium BCE) are located on the Saraswati_ River
Basin, making the basin the substratum of the Harappan civilization).
The river is the high-way of communication between the Vedic and Harappan cultures.

The Basin is rich in copper resources (Khetri mines of marusthali_ or the Great Indian
Desert in Rajasthan) and together with the mineral resources available in Rann of Kutch
and Saurashtra (Gujarat), and the forest resources of the Punjab and Haryana, the
indigenous evolution of the urban cultures of the civilization can be explained. The
desiccation of River Saraswati_ also explains the internal migrations into the Ganga-
Yamuna doab and towards Saurashtra and southwards to the Godavari valley along the
Sindhu sa_gara (Arabian ocean) as attested by Late and Post-Harappan megalithic
cultural sites of Central and South India. in the 2nd millennium BCE

Thursday, December 26, 2013


Hindu History

History with its flickering lamp,
Stumbles along the trail of the past;
Trying to reconstruct its scenes, to revive its echoes,
And re-kindle with pale gleams the passion of former days.

Nowhere is this observation more true than in the case of Hindu History. In tracing the roots of this ancient religion, we find ourselves floundering in the mists of time as there are few archeological evidences remaining that can corroborate the legends described in our ancient Puraans.

Ancient Map of India

The many facets of Indian history mirror the Geographical, Racial, Linguistic and Cultural complexities of the vast Indian sub-continent and as such are not very easy to decipher. However, it is abundantly clear that the chain of events extends way back into the pre-historic times..

That the Early Man, was present and thriving in the Indian heartland, is evident from the Cave-paintings of Bhimbetka in Madhya Pradesh. These paintings date from 40,000 BCE (earlier known as BC) and show the antiquity of human existence in this part of the world.

Pre-historic paintings from Bhimbetka Caves

A large amount of information is available through literary evidence of the Hindu Vedas, Persian Avesta, regional literature and assorted accounts of travelers from both East and West throwing ample light on different aspects of early Hindu civilization.

Through the analysis of these literary masterpieces and corroborating them with the evidence unearthed in recent excavations from Rajasthan and Gujarat in India and the North-western region of Pakistan have pushed back origins of ancient Indian civilization by at least three millenia more!

Earliest sites of Civilization in the Indian sub-continent

While the proto-cities excavated in Mehrgarh have been dated to around 6500 BCE, discoveries in the Gulf of Cambay, off the coast of Gujarat (where the fabled city of Dwarka was located), have revealed dates corresponding to >35000 BCE which is older than ANY other civilization in the World!

The 'Discovery' of Saraswati, the most glorified river in the Vedas, has given a huge boost to the efforts of finding a common ground between Hindu History and Mythology. The oft mentioned and much extolled river of ancient Hindu texts, was ironically not to be seen at all in modern India, and this had placed a great burden on scholars who endeavored to analyze the sacred texts from a historical view-point.

The Original course of Saraswati

However, recent research carried out by international archaeologists has shed a great deal of light on the origin, course and final disappearance of the mighty river referred to as the 'Mother of all rivers' in the Rigveda and can even help date the scriptures to a large extent!

In the article titled {The Riddle of India's Ancient Past}, the French proto-historian Michel Danino believes there are strong links between the Veda and the Harappan culture.

'We find statues and seals depicting yogis and yogic postures, we find a Shiva-like deity, worship of a mother-goddess, fire altars, all of which are suggestive of Vedic culture. Harappan symbols include the Trishul, the Swastika, the Conch shell, the Peepal tree, all of which are central to later Indian culture. The Rig-Veda itself is full of references to fortified cities and towns, to oceans, sailing, trade and industry, all of which are found in the Harappan civilization.'

Ruins of Mohenjodaro

Vedic altars found in these sites re-affirm that the culture followed in these sites extending from Pakistan-Iran border in the West to Uttar Pradesh in the East; and Kashmir in the North to Godavari in the South was a part of Vedic culture.

Similarly, thoughts are echoed by David Frawley, the director of the American Institute of Vedic Studies, in the article {The Myth of Aryan Invasion},

'The term 'Destroyers of cities' was used to disregard the Vedic as a primitive non-urban culture that destroys cities and urban civilization. However, there are also many verses in the 'Rig Veda' that speak of the Aryans as having having cities of their own and being protected by cities upto a hundred in number.

Destruction of cities also happens in modern wars; this does not make those who do this nomads. The idea of Vedic culture as destroying but not building the cities is based upon ignoring what the Vedas actually say about their own cities.'

With the new insights available, even the nomenclature of the Indus Valley Civilization is no more apt as a majority of sites in later excavations fit perfectly along the banks of the newly discovered course of Saraswati. Some scholars have therefore started referring to it as the Indus-Saraswati Civilization.

Indus Valley Seals

About this continuity of Indian civilzation, Jean Michel Varenne, a French Orientalist wrote in his book,{Yoga and the Hindu Tradition},

'The only remaining testimony to the prestigious civilization of ancient Egypt lay buried in archaeological remains; which meant that inhabitants of the Nile Valley had to wait for Champollion to decipher their hieroglyphics before they could know anything of the beliefs of their ancestors!!

Yet during all this time, Hindu families continued, and still continue today, to venerate the same Vishnu, who is celebrated in the hymns of the Rig Veda!'

Scholarly endeavors like Indian historian and freedom fighter Bal Gangadhar Tilak's phenomenal work, The Arctic Home in the Vedas; French historian Michel Danino's outstanding research, The Lost River: On the trail of Saraswati and American Indologist David Frawley's, The Eternal Tradition-Sanatan Dharma throw new light on ancient Hindu history.

Other scholars have tried to interpret the Astrological references in ancient literature and have come up with pretty conclusive dates. Verse 3.1.15 of the Taitreya Brahman describes Jupiter crossing the Pushya constellation thereby suggesting a date close to 4650 BCE.

Similarly, the Aitreya Brahman gives the date of 6000 BCE while the Rig Veda has references which throw up time-frames close to 10,000 BCE! One of the Medieval Islamic scholars, Al-biruni, lists many ancient Indian Astronomers who were well versed with the knowledge of both Space-science as well as Mathematics:

Brahmagupta (The first man to use Zero),
Aryabhata (The first man to calculate the value of Pie),
Bhaskar acharya (The first man to write numbers in decimal system) and
Varahamihira (The first astronomer to collate Hindu, Greek and Roman astronomy).

Other visitors like Hiun-Tsang, Fa-Hien and Megasthenes also left extensive accounts of life and its various nuances in ancient India.

Indian Empires were biggest in the world at one point of time

The actual dates of origin of the Indian civilization may yet be shrouded in the mists of time, but help has come from a totally unexpected branch of Science - Genetics.

According to the research findings such as MtDNA Haplogroup Study in Indian Peninsula and the Indian Genome Variation project, Indian sub-continent saw the first wave of migration of humanity out of Africa, directly into India about 50,000 years ago! It was from here that waves of people migrated to other parts of Asia as well as the continents of Europe and America!

The results also indicate that there has never been an Aryan Invasion NOR Migration INTO India. Our present genetic diversity evolved as waves of initial settlers in the central regions moved towards both north as well as south of the country, all the time intermixing and migrating to other countries.