![Keep your mind stable in sorrow, happiness, anxiety, anger, passion and fear and become a "STABLE MINDED" saint and attain Brahman [Liberation].
Om Tat Sat](https://scontent-b-dfw.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/s480x480/10363602_806012282798086_4925616471017711601_n.jpg?oh=080f2d91fd9e9f13570d5694618e2118&oe=556267CB)

"With a single fragment of My Power (Yogashakti) I pervade and support this entire Universe"
---------- Shri Krishna (Ishvar) in the Gita: 10: 42
"मैं इस सम्पूर्ण जगत को अपनी योगशक्ति के एक अंश मात्र से धारण करके स्थित हूँ"
----------श्री कृष्ण [ईश्वर]: श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता: 10: 42
!["With a single fragment of My Power (Yogashakti) I pervade and support this entire Universe"
---------- Shri Krishna (Ishvar) in the Gita: 10: 42
"मैं इस सम्पूर्ण जगत को अपनी योगशक्ति के एक अंश मात्र से धारण करके स्थित हूँ"
----------श्री कृष्ण [ईश्वर]: श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता: 10: 42](https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/s480x480/10626851_750798471652801_8164088555394104927_n.jpg?oh=92ea095816d83b0da023e796180f961f&oe=552C06AF&__gda__=1428972785_bbe5ce3e183b6200c2096f211ed8e518)

Are we really taught that we have the right to perform our prescribed duties and not entitled to the fruits of action. No rituals I remember from childhood has taught me this until I came accross self. I observed that more we taught to pray to God to get out of distress or accomplish some task than to be a seeker of knowledge or to become wise (submitting to Almighty).
Does God needs to born in human form? Holy Scriptures clearly says Almighty is unborn beginningless BG 10:3. So Who is not born can't have dimensions, means idol etc. Yajur veda 32:3 confirms that He has no idol. Also this is confirmed in Swetaswatorupanishad (SU) 4:19. Also nothing is beyond Him in many verses of BG and now I find in SU 6:9. "Thee has no lord, no controller, beyond gender, reason of everything, also lord of all living having senses, has no principal.".