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Showing posts with label SRI RAM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SRI RAM. Show all posts
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Sri Ram, God Rama story in Phillipines
Philippines of RAM Katha: mahaladiya lavan
Indonesia and the Philippines after the Islamization of the malyeshiya like the RAM as the new narrative was submitted in color. There is also the possibility that it would like Buddhist and Jains were deliberately distorted. Dr. John r. Phruainsisko IK marnav language of the Philippines discovered warped ramkatha hosted compiled in whose name is libyan medals. Its on the SITA swayamvar kathavastu, marriages, abduction, Exploration and reclamation of is clearly visible. Morehead is the son of the Sultan of burundi lavan masir. The vicious cycle of people gone. So banish the Sultan sent pulungar by him on the island. There he set fire to the Earth that vrishra was bonded. Angel grabs at the behest of tuhen (God) prevented him from making his sacrifice and her bridesmaid that his death only in court will be from the incisive made katyusha asra. Sultan of the meandering and incoming niyog mangavarg had two sons named. Sultan of the two brothers pulunvandai The unique beauty of the daughter of malaila received information. They headed out to sea in search of her visit. The way his ship crashed. Incidentally, both brothers were pulunvandai edge. An old woman picked them take your House added. Senses had the sweetest sound of music when they arrive. The old woman's name was kabaiyan. That they were aware of the malaila swayamvar. According to the swayamvara of Princess who is in the room of the bond of the cane rajkumar succeeds in phekne, the same had to be his wedding. Both brothers attended the examination, But success was big brother. When the ball went into the room, the Princess he ball with your napkin, toppled down charity and betel nut ring. Prince has donated a napkin, betel nuts and betel nuts to retain the ring and there gave chitara. Both princes walked the other pratyakshi began to announce their victory, But the Sultan wanted to know who his daughter ring added. He was kabaiyan's house where he got three things to meandering. Some other shata ç on completing of the meandering and became malaila. Malaila vivahoprant walked home with two brothers, But on the way home and began living an idyllic Bliss site. Princess in the bucolic surroundings, one day saw the Golden shrringon deer. She asked her husband to catch him. Princess meandering to their loads of security, saying it had to get mentally Anuj that if he came to assist him, even if he did not move from there. After she heard her husband's voice by the Princess. He mangavarn go early to assist their agraj said. Then he went berserk on the refusal. Forcing mangavarn had to go to, But when she asked to keep the window closed malaila and forbids her to knock on the opening. Access to two of the same color mainwaring deer appear began falling. Both deer ran away in two directions. Both brothers began to chase them in different directions. Sterilized after younger brother trying to reach their first residence. He saw the broken wall of the House and the Princess is missing. Neighbors showed that hijacked the malaila madeira lavan. Lavan's Raj Bhavan on both brothers saw that access only near lavan malaila around fire flames Protected-take as holds of the annulus.1 here it is noteworthy that in his presence discovered malaila lax resulted from a monkey who was Hanuman roles. War begins on lavan alternates both brothers to war. He was wounded in battle is not a type Because the slaughter in his court were the sharp pieces of wood had to be from asra. The Court of mandangiri of lax asra entering lavan and she turned her sharp RASP on wood there. Mandangiri hit on the same asra lavan causing his death. At the end of the war of lax has climbed back to two brothers with malaila tax proceeds niyog sparked. Lax was with them. Was a Grand function on incoming niyog. On this occasion as a beautiful Prince lax has changed.Anti-nuke glee around 2.
फिलिपींस की राम कथा: महालादिया लावन
इंडोनेशिया और मलयेशिया की तरह फिलिपींस के इस्लामीकरण के बाद वहाँ की राम कथा को नये रुप रंग में प्रस्तुत किया गया। ऐसी भी संभावना है कि इसे बौद्ध और जैनियों की तरह जानबूझ कर विकृत किया गया। डॉ. जॉन आर. फ्रुैंसिस्को ने फिलिपींस की मारनव भाषा में संकलित इक विकृत रामकथा की खोज की है जिसका नाम मसलादिया लाबन है। इसकी कथावस्तु पर सीता के स्वयंवर, विवाह, अपहरण, अन्वेषण और उद्धार की छाप स्पष्ट रुप से दृष्टिगत होता है। महरादिया लावन बंदियार मसिर के सुल्तान का पुत्र है। उसके कुचक्र से बहुत लोगों की जान चली गयी। इसलिए सुल्तान उसे निर्वासित कर पुलूनगर द्वीप पर भेज दिया। वहाँ उसने उस वृश्र में आग लगा दी जिससे पृथ्वी बंधी हुई थी। देवदूत गैब्रियस के कहने पर तुहेन (ईश्वर) ने उसे अपना बलिदान करने से रोका और उसे वर दिया कि उसकी मृत्यु केवल उसके राजभवन में रखे काष्ट पर तीक्ष्ण किये अस्र से होगी। आगम नियोग के सुल्तान को मंगंदिरी और मंगवर्ग नामक दो पुत्र थे। दोनों भाईयों को पुलूनवंदै के सुल्तान की पुत्री मलैला के अनुपम सौंदर्य की जानकारी मिली। वे लोग उसकी तलाश में समुद्र यात्रा पर निकल पड़े। रास्ते में उनका जहाज दुर्घटनाग्रस्त हो गया। संयोगवश दोनों भाई पुलूनवंदै के किनारे लग गये। एक बूढ़ी औरत उन्हें उठाकर अपने घर ले गयी। होश में आने पर उन्हें संगीत की मधुर ध्वनि सुनाई पड़ी। बूढ़ी औरत का नाम कबैयन था। उससे उन्हें मलैला के स्वयंवर की जानकारी मिली। राजकुमारी के स्वयंवर की शर्त के अनुसार जो कोई बेंत की बोंद को राजकुमीरी के कक्ष में फेकने में सफल होता, उसी से उसका विवाह होना था। दोनों भाईयों ने उस परीक्षा में भाग लिया, किंतु सफलता बड़े भाई को मिली। जब गेंद राजकुमारी के कक्ष में पहुँच गयी, तब उसने गेंद के साथ अपना रुमाल, सुपारी दान और अंगूठी नीचे गिरा दी। राजकुमार ने रुमाल, सुपारी दान और अंगूठी को अपने पास रख लिया और सुपारी को वहीं छितारा दिया। दोनों राजकुमारों के चले जाने पर अन्य प्रत्याक्षी अपनी-अपनी जीत की घोषणा करने लगे, किंतु सुल्तान यह जानना चाहता था कि उसकी पुत्री की अंगूठी किसके पास गयी। वह कबैयन के घर गया जहाँ उसे मंगंदिरी के पास तीनों चीजे मिली। कुछ अन्य शताç को पूरा करने पर मंगंदिरी और मलैला का विवाह हो गया। विवाहोपरांत दोनों भाई मलैला के साथ घर चल पड़े, किंतु रास्ते में ही एक रमणीक स्थल पर घर बनाकर रहने लगे। उसी ग्राम्य परिवेश में राजकुमारी ने एक दिन स्वर्ण श्रृंगों वाले हिरण को देखा। उसने अपने पति से उसे पकड़ने के लिए कहा। राजकुमारी की सुरक्षा का भार अपने अनुज को सौंपकर मंगंदिरी यह कहकर निकल पड़ा कि यदि वह स्वयं भी उसे सहायता के लिए पुकारे, तो भी वह वहाँ से नहीं हटे। उसके जाने के बाद राजकुमारी ने अपने पति की आवाज़ सुनी। उसने मंगवर्ण को अपने अग्रज की सहायता हेतु शीघ्र जाने को कहा। उसके मना करने पर वह बहुत उग्र हो गयी। मजबूर होकर मंगवर्ण को जाना पड़ा, किंतु जाते समय उसने मलैला को खिड़की बंद रखने के लिए कहा और खटखटाने पर भी उसे खोलने की मनाही की। मंगवर्न के पहुँचते ही एक ही रंग के दो हिरण दिखाई पड़ने लगे। दोनों हिरण दो दिशाओं में भाग चले। दोनों भाई अलग-अलग दिशा में उनका पीछा करने लगे। निष्फल प्रयत्न के बाद छोटा भाई पहले अपने निवास पर पहुँचा। उसने देखा कि घर की दीवार टूटी हुई है और राजकुमारी गायब है। पड़ोसियों से पता चला कि महारादिया लावन ने मलैला का अपहरण कर लिया। लावन के राजभवन पहुँचने पर दोनों भाईयों ने देखा कि लावन के निकट पहुँचते ही मलैला के चारों तरफ आग की लपटें सुरक्ष-वलय का रुप धारण कर लेती हैं।१ यहाँ यह उल्लेखनीय है कि मलैला की खोज-यात्रा में उनकी भेंट लक्ष्मण नामक बंदर से हुई जो हनुमान की भूमिका निभाने लगा। युद्ध आरंभ होने पर लावन बारी-बारी से दोनों भाईयों से युद्ध करने लगा। वह युद्ध में किसी प्रकार घायल नहीं होता था, क्योंकि उसका वध उसके राजभवन में रखे लकड़ी के टुकड़े पर तीक्ष्ण किये गये अस्र से ही होना था। लक्ष्मण मंदंगिरी के अस्र को लेकर लावन के राजभवन में प्रवेश कर गया और उसने वहाँ लकड़ी पर रगड़कर उसे तीक्ष्ण कर दिया। मंदंगिरी ने उसी अस्र से लावन पर प्रहार किया जिससे उसकी मृत्यु हो गई। युद्ध समाप्त होने पर लक्ष्मण के आदेश से एक घड़ियाल मलैला के साथ दोनों भाईयों को पीठ पर चढ़ा कर आगम नियोग चल पड़ा। लक्ष्मण उनके साथ गया। आगम नियोग पहुँचने पर एक भव्य समारोह हुआ। इस अवसर पर लक्ष्मण सुंदर राजकुमार के रुप में परिवर्तित हो गया।२ चारों ओर उल्लास छा गया।
God Ram in Turkistan
Khotani RAM Katha
Located on the Northwest border of Asia to the eastern part of turkistan called khotan whose language is khotani. H. dablu. Bailey and then khotani from the Paris manuscript museum Ramayana brought to light. According to his calculation is the ninth century its date.1 khotani is similar to several destinations on the Ramayana tibbiti Ramayana, But there are many such events that are not in Tibetan Ramayana. According to the Ramayana, King dasharatha of majestic khotani son sahastravahu were playing hunting in the forest where their presence was a dharmanishth Brahmin. He had received from his austere kamdhenu chintamniaur. By the grace of the Brahmin King plush kamdhenu welcomed. Departure from King's commandment when their range of Brahmin cow retainer Chale Gaye. Aware of the Brahmin son Parashurama. He made sahastravahu slaughter. Parshuram, the wife of his son sahastravahu of RAM and raishma (LAX) hid inside the Earth. After twelve years he brought out. RAM were unique archery. He said the State handle Anuj raishma and tracked down his father's killer made by Parshuram slaughter. Danvaraj dashagriv has a daughter. Seeing his horoscope said future speakers with my father shall cause all the monster total of nserc. Therefore it was shedding in the backround in boxes. He found a box Rishi. He did his upbringing. He was in a parterre of annulus protection. Were fascinated to see him RAM and raishma. Khotani Ramayana it is not quite clear how the relationship with him that was the RAM and raishma. According to the Ramayana miraculous khotani had the shape of a hundred eyes. RAM and raishma followed her. At the same period reached dashagriv in there But the Defense could not overcome the annulus. Then he went to bhikshuk disguised as SITA and picked them up on the annulus protection ran out. Sitanveshan in order to both brothers was from an old monkey offering. The same site two sibling monkeys were warring native numbering State. One of them was the other name sugreev and NAND. Rama NAND Maitri delusional. He made slaughter sugreev. NAND has discovered the monkeys by saying SITA was sent to search for SITA in seven days if they cannot Their eyes will be gouged. Six days were passed. Seventh day laphus called bandari, spoke of her children female Kak and listened. Telling your children that female Kak dashagriv, SITA is kidnapped. The monkey will not find them. So is eating them monkeys eyes kalh suyog. Found this news through bandari monkeys. However, this message was given to the RAM and raishma. RAM and raishma vanri were on the beach with the army. There are remnants of Brahma NAND on said cause upon stone by touch float in the water. Again, NAND in collaboration with the bridge construction and army including RAM and raishma arrived in Sri Lanka. Dashagriv got excited from the tumult of the monkeys. He went into the sky and the sea who'd flown in from a vishdhar Viper grabbed the same hit on banri army. Nagasra RAM become offended. NAND in order for nectar-sanjivani mortgage himvant mountain itself is brought up. Drugs have become healthier by using RAM. Raavan view the horoscope found out that his biography in his thumb. RAM told him to show his thumb. He soon showed his thumb RAM has made it to the invectives poke murchit. After it has been freed to atmasmapann. Due to his Buddhist influence was not slaughter. RAM and SITA spent a hundred years with raishma,. Meanwhile, the chart entering the soil lokapvad of SITA. Finally called Shakya Muni says that the protagonist of the story he was Maitreya and raishma RAM itself.
खोतानी राम कथा
एशिया के पश्चिमोत्तर सीमा पर स्थित तुर्किस्तान के पूर्वी भाग को खोतान कहा जाता है जिसकी भाषा खोतानी है। एच.डब्लू. बेली ने पेरिस पांडुलिपि संग्रहालय से खोतानी रामायण को खोजकर प्रकाश में लाया। उनकी गणना के अनुसार इसकी तिथि नौवीं शताब्दी है।१ खोतानी रामायण अनेक स्थलों पर तिब्बीती रामायण के समान है, किंतु इसमें अनेक ऐसे वृत्तांत हैं जो तिब्बती रामायण में नहीं हैं। खोतानी रामायण के अनुसार राजा दशरथ के प्रतापी पुत्र सहस्त्रवाहु वन में शिकार खेलने गये जहाँ उनकी भेंट एक धर्मनिष्ठ ब्राह्मण से हुई। उन्होंने अपनी तपस्या से चिंतामणिऔर कामधेनु प्राप्त किया था। कामधेनु की कृपा से ब्राह्मण ने राजा का भव्य स्वागत किया। प्रस्थान करते समय राजा की आज्ञा से उनके अनुचर ब्राह्मण की गाय लेकर चले गये। इसकी जानकारी ब्राह्मण पुत्र परशुराम को हुई। उसने सहस्त्रवाहु का वध कर दिया। परशुराम के भय से सहस्त्रवाहु की पत्नी ने अपने पुत्र राम और रैषमा (लक्ष्मण) को पृथ्वी के अंदर छिपा दिया। बारह वर्षों के बाद दोनों बाहर आये। राम अद्वितीय धनुर्धर थे। उन्होंने अपने अनुज रैषमा को राज्य संभालने के लिए कहा और स्वयं अपने पिता के हत्यारे परशुराम को ढूंढ़ कर वध कर दिया। दानवराज दशग्रीव को एक पुत्री हुई। भविष्य वक्ताओं ने उसकी कुंडली देखकर कहा कि वह अपने पिता के साथ समस्त दानव कुल के नाशकर कारण बनेगी। इसलिए उसे बक्से में बंदकर नदी में बहा दिया गया। वह बक्सा एक ॠषि को मिला। उन्होंने उसका पालन पोषण किया। वह रक्षा वलय के बीच एक वाटिका में रहती थी। राम और रैषमा उसे देखकर मोहित हो गये। खोतानी रामायण में यह स्पष्ट नहीं हुआ है कि राम और रैषमा का उसके साथ कैसा संबंध था। खोतानी रामायण के अनुसार चमत्कारी मृग की सौ आंखे थी। राम और रैषमा ने उसकी पीछा किया। इसी अंतराल में दशग्रीव वहाँ पहुँचा, किंतु वह रक्षा वलय को पार नहीं कर सका। इसके बाद वह भिक्षुक वेश में सीता के पास गया और रक्षा वलय के बाहर आने पर उन्हें उठाकर भाग गया। सीतन्वेषण क्रम में दोनों भाईयों की भेंट एक बूढ़े बंदर से हुई। उसी स्थल पर दो सहोदर बंदर पैत्रिक राज्य के लिए युद्धरत थे। उनमें से एक का नाम सुग्रीव और दूसरे का नंद था। राम की नंद से मैत्री हो गयी। उन्होंने सुग्रीव का वध कर दिया। नंद ने यह कह कर बंदरों को सीता की खोज करने के लिए भेजा कि यदि वे सात दिनों में सीता की खोज नहीं कर पाते, तो उनकी आँखें निकाल ली जायेगी। छह दिन बीत गये। सातवें दिन लफुस नामक एक बंदरी ने मादा काक और उसके बच्चों की बात को सुन लिया। मादा काक अपने बच्चों से कह रही थी कि दशग्रीव ने सीता का अपहरण कर लिया है। बंदर उन्हें खोज नहीं पायेंगे। इसलिए कल्ह उन्हें बंदरों की आँखे खाने का सुयोग है। बंदरी के माध्यम से यह समाचार बंदरों को मिला। फिर, यह संदेश राम और रैषमा को दिया गया। राम और रैषमा वानरी सेना के साथ समुद्र तट पर गये। वहाँ पहुँचने पर नंद ने कहा ब्रह्मा के वरदान के कारण उसके द्वारा स्पर्श करने पर पत्थर जल में तैरने लगते हैं। फिर, नंद के सहयोग से सेतु का निर्माण हुआ और सेना सहित राम और रैषमा लंका पहुँचे। बंदरों के कोलाहल से दशग्रीव उत्तेजित हो गया। वह उड़कर आकाश में चला गया और समुद्र से एक विषधर सांप को पकड़कर उसी से बानरी सेना पर प्रहार किया। नागास्र से राम आहत हो गये। नंद अमृत-संजीवनी लाने के क्रम में हिमवंत पर्वत को ही उखाड़कर ले आया। औषधि के प्रयोग से राम स्वस्थ हो गये। रावण की जन्म कुंडली देखने पर पता चला कि उसकी जीवनी उसके अंगूठे में है। राम ने उसे अंगूठा दिखाने के लिए कहा। उसने जैसे ही अंगूठा दिखाया, राम ने उस पर बाण प्रहार कर उसे मुर्छित कर दिया। आत्मसमपंण करने के बाद उसे मुक्त कर दिया गया। बौद्ध प्रभाव के कारण उसका वध नहीं किया गया। राम और रैषमा ने सीता के साथ सौ वर्ष बिताया। इसी बीच लोकापवाद के कारण सीता धरती में प्रवेश कर गयी। अंत में शाक्य मुनि कहते हैं कि इस कथा का नायक राम स्वयं वे ही थे और मैत्रेय रैषमा था।
Ramayan in Rock Paintings

majpahit lineage in 1347E rajatva jayvishnuvardhani humbucker. Was completed in But it had an earlier start was the emperor. Chandi RAM panatran rock legend 106 pictures.3 which of the following to display the main form of Hanuman is mighty. This is from the Sinhalese and Hanuman to get started kumbhakarn after the death of the narrative ends. Shilachitra of Hindu prambanan-javani is engraved, in style While panatran is a complete shilashilp of javani. These painted vasrabhushan and asra-shasra also shapes the characters with Japanese-style effect. Ankorvat Temple located at campo Emperor suryavarman II (1112-53E.) took place in the rajatvakal. The force of the Emperor in the temple corridor-women of Heaven-Hell, manthan dev-demon war, Mahabharata, There are many associated with the Ramayana harivansh Rai and shilachitra. Here is a very brief narrative in rupayit RAM shilachitron. These series of Ravana shilachitron slaughter of adoration by the gods for begins with. Then SITA swayamvar scene. The presentation of these two major events of balkand after Leipzig paper yesterday spoke and the keg has been depicting the slaughter. Next shilachitra Golden deer bow RAM-invectives appear, runners behind. Then there is the view of the friendship of the RAM from sugreev. Again, Vali and sugreev's dvendva war is portrayed. All shilachitron in the presence of Hanuman, Rama in Ashok parterre-Ravana war, SITA RAM Ayodhya ordeal and return of scene.4 ankorvat of shilachitron rupayit in RAM is extremely sparse and brief narrative though, however it is important, Because of its presentation has been a professional adikavya. Also important in Thailand shilachitron RAM narrative space. Thailand's capital of Bangkok court complex on the southern edge of Wat-Po or jetuvan is the kindergarten. 152 shilapton marble in its initiation on RAM Katha pictures are passed. J. m. "in his book" the romanic pictures of cadets and their study has been done. This treatise is divided into nine sections to the shilachitron have been doing their analysis-1. SITA-haran, (2) travel (3) Sri Lanka Hanuman Lanka Dahan, (iv) eviction, vibhishan (5) pseudo SITA case, bridge construction (6), (7) Lanka Serv
शिला चित्रों में रुपादित रामायण
जो कथा किसी भाषा के माध्यम से कही जाती है, उसे उस भाषा के जानने वाले ही समझ पाते हैं, किंतु जो कथा चित्रों में रुपायित होती है, उसे सब समझ सकते हैं। संभवत: इसी कारण दक्षिण-पूर्व एशिया के अनेक स्थलों पर शिलाचित्रों में रामकथा की अभिव्यक्ति हुई है। कई देशों में शिलाचित्र श्रृंखलाओं में रामचरित का वर्णन हुआ है। उनमें जवा के प्रम्बनान तथा पनातरान, कंपूचित्रा के अंकारेवाट और थाईलैंड के जेतुवन विहार के नाम उल्लेखनीय हैं। जावा के हरे-भरे मनमोहक मैदान में अवस्थित प्रम्वनान का पुरावशेष चंडी सेवू के नाम से विख्यात है। इसे चंड़ी लाराजोंगरांग भी कहा जाता है। इस परिसर में २३५ मंदिर के मग्नावशेष हैं। इसके वर्गाकार आंगन के मध्य भाग में उत्तर से दक्षिण पंक्तिवद्ध तीन मंदिर हैं। बीच में शिव मंदिर है। शिव मंदिर के उत्तर ब्रह्मा तथा दक्षिण में विष्णु मंदिर हैं। शिव और ब्रह्मा मंदिर में राम कथा और विष्णु मंदिर में कृष्ण लीला के शिलाचित्र हैं। चंडी लाराजोंगरंग के मंदिरों का निर्माण दक्ष नामक राजकुमार ने नौवीं शताब्दी के उत्तरार्ध में करवाया था। प्रम्बनान के मंदिरों को १५४९ई. के आस-पास मेरापी ज्वालामुखी के विस्फोट में काफी क्षति पहुँची। वे सदियों तक ज्वालामुखी के लावा के नीचे दबे रहे। योग्यकार्टा के पुरातत्व विभाग द्वारा १८८५ई. में उसकी खुदाई शुरु हुई। फिर तो, उसके अवशेष को देख कर लोग अचंभित हो गये। तीन सौ वर्षों से मुसलमान बने लोग मंदिर में धूप-दीप लेकर पूजा अर्चना करने दौड़ पड़े। इस घटना का चश्मदीद गवाह फ्रांसीसी यात्री जूल ने हाजियों को भी हिंदू मंदिर में पूजा करते देखा था।१ इंडोनेशिया के पुरातत्व विभाग ने १९१९ई. में पूरे मनोयोग के साथ प्रम्बनान मंदिर परिसर स्थित विशाल शिवालय के पुनर्निमाण का कार्य पूर्ण वैज्ञानिक पद्धति से आरंभ किया। इस कार्य में अनेक यूरोपीय विद्वानों ने सक्रिय रुप से सहयोग किया। सन् १९५३ई. में यह दु:साध्य कार्य पूरा हुआ। इसे वास्तव में पुरातत्त्व अभियंत्रण का चमत्कार ही कहा जा सकता है। इसके अंदर रामायण शिलाचित्रों को यथास्थान स्थापित कर दिया गया है। जर्मन विद्वान विलेन स्टूरहाइम ने इन रामायण शिलाचित्रों का अध्ययन किया है। प्रम्बनान के शिव मंदिर में रामकथा के ४२ और ब्रह्मा मंदिर में ३० शिला चित्र हैं। इस प्रकार ७२ शिलाचित्रों में यहाँ संपूर्ण राम कथा रुपायित हुई है।२ प्रम्बनान के शिलाचित्रों में उत्कीर्ण राम कथा में आदि कवि की रचना से अनेक स्थलों पर भिन्नता है। इनमें सीता हरण के समय रावण द्वार दानव की पीठ पर स्थापित यान से यात्रा करना, सीता द्वारा जटायु को अंगूठी देना, सेतु निर्माण के समय मछलियों द्वारा पत्थरों को निगलना, रावण के दरबार में अंगद का कान काटा जाना आदि प्रसंग वाल्मीकि रामायण में नहीं हैं। इस विशाल श्रृंखला में कुछ चित्र ऐसे भी हैं जहाँ व्याख्याकारों को उसी प्रकार अंटक जाना पड़ता है, जिस प्रकार महाभारत के लिपीकार को व्यास के दृष्टिकूटों को समझने के लिए कलम रोकनी पड़ती थी। प्रम्बनान के शिलाचित्रों की स्थापना के चार सौ वर्ष बाद पूर्वी जावा में पनातरान के शिला शिल्प में पुन: राम कथा की अभिव्यक्ति हुई है। चंडी पनातरान ब्लीटार जिला में केतुल पर्वत के पास दक्षिण-पश्चिम की तलहटी में स्थित है। यहाँ चारों ओर से वृत्ताकार दीवार से घिरा एक शिव मंदिर है जिसका मुख्य द्वार पश्चिम की ओर है। इसका निर्माण कार्य मजपहित वंश के राजकुमार हयमबुरुक की माता जयविष्णुवर्धनी के राजत्व काल में १३४७ई. में पूरा हुआ था, किंतु इसका आरंभ किसी पूर्ववर्ती सम्राट ने ही किया था। चंडी पनातरान में राम कथा के १०६ शिला चित्र है।३ इनमें मुख्य रुप से हनुमान के पराक्रम को प्रदर्शित किया गया है। इसका आरंभ हनुमान के लंका प्रवेश से हुआ है और कुंभकर्ण की मृत्यु के बाद यहाँ की कथा समाप्त हो जाती है। प्रम्बनान के शिलाचित्र हिंदू-जावानी शैली में उत्कीर्ण है, जबकि पनातरान का शिलाशिल्प पूरी तरह जावानी है। इनमें चित्रित वस्राभूषण तथा अस्र-शस्र के साथ पात्रों की आकृतियों पर भी जापानी शैली का प्रभाव है। कंपूचिया स्थित अंकोरवाट मंदिर का निर्माण सम्राट सूर्यवर्मन द्वितीय (१११२-५३ई.) के राजत्वकाल में हुआ था। इस मंदिर के गलियारे में तत्कालीन सम्राट के बल-वैमन का साथ स्वर्ग-नरक, समुद्र मंथन, देव-दानव युद्ध, महाभारत, हरिवंश तथा रामायण से संबद्ध अनेक शिलाचित्र हैं। यहाँ के शिलाचित्रों में रुपायित राम कथा बहुत संक्षिप्त है। इन शिलाचित्रों की श्रृंखला रावण वध हेतु देवताओं द्वारा की गयी आराधना से आरंभ होती है। उसके बाद सीता स्वयंवर का दृश्य है। बालकांड की इन दो प्रमुख घटनाओं की प्रस्तुति के बाद विराध एवं कबंध वध का चित्रण हुआ है। अगले शिलाचित्र में राम धनुष-बाण लिए स्वर्ण मृग के पीछे दौड़ते हुए दिखाई पड़ते हैं। इसके उपरांत सुग्रीव से राम की मैत्री का दृश्य है। फिर, वालि और सुग्रीव के द्वेंद्व युद्ध का चित्रण हुआ है। परवर्ती शिलाचित्रों में अशोक वाटिका में हनुमान की उपस्थिति, राम-रावण युद्ध, सीता की अग्नि परीक्षा और राम की अयोध्या वापसी के दृश्य हैं।४ अंकोरवाट के शिलाचित्रों में रुपायित राम कथा यद्यपि अत्यधिक विरल और संक्षिप्त है, तथापि यह महत्वपूर्ण है, क्योंकि इसकी प्रस्तुति आदिकाव्य की कथा के अनुरुप हुई है। राम कथा के शिलाचित्रों में थाईलैंड का भी महत्वपूर्ण स्थान है। थाईलैंड की राजधानी बैंकॉक के राजभवन परिसर के दक्षिणी किनारे पर वाट-पो या जेतुवन विहार है। इसके दीक्षा कक्ष में संगमरमर के १५२ शिलापटों पर राम कथा के चित्र उत्तीर्ण हैं। जे.एम. कैडेट की पुस्तक 'रामकियेन' में उनके चित्र हैं और उनका अध्ययन भी किया गया है। इस ग्रंथ में उन शिलाचित्रों को नौ खंडों में विभाजित कर उनका विश्लेषण किया गया है- (१) सीता-हरण, (२) हनुमान की लंका यात्रा, (३) लंका दहन, (४) विभीषण निष्कासन, (५) छद्म सीता प्रकरण, (६) सेतु निर्माण, (७) लंका सर्वेक्षण, (९) कुंभकर्ण तथा इंद्रजीत वध और (९) अंतिम युद्ध। दक्षिण-पूर्व एशिया के रामायण शिलाचित्रों के संदर्भ में एक महत्वपूर्ण तथ्य यह है कि भारत में वैष्णव और शैव विचारों का समन्वय की प्रवृत्ति मध्यकाल में विकसित होते है, जबकि इस क्षेत्र में इस परंपरा का आरंभ प्रम्बनान के शिवालय से ही हो जाता है जिसकी तिथि नौवीं शताब्दी है। इसके साथ ही यहाँ वैष्णव और शैव के साथ बौद्ध आस्था का भी समन्वय हुआ है।
god vishnu,
Sunday, November 30, 2014
This article will put forth various facts which will help in resolving the issue of Rama`s existence and will strongly conclude that Rama was an historical Mahanayaka and not any mythological character-

Maharishi Valmiki wanted to write an historical epic which can act as guiding principle for future generation. He was in dilemma over this issue. When he consulted Narada Muni. Narada Muni then suggested Valmiki to write about Rama, son of Dasratha who was born in the clan of Raghu. Here one should remember that Valmiki wrote Ramayana long after the period of Rama . This facts goes contrary to the prevalent legend that Valmiki wrote Ramayana before Rama was born. This fact has been very well stated in Valmiki`s Ramayana.
Similarly Mahakavi Kalidas wrote Raghuvansham. This books throws light on lineage of Raghu and also states various kings who ruled after Rama. So, now the point of argument is that if Rama was a mythological character than how Valmiki could provide history of forefathers of Rama ?
Whereas in Raghuvansham how Kalidasa has provided details of forefathers of Rama and his various Santatis(successor) who ruled after him. In present times various books dealing with stories of Rama are prevalent in India and around the world. We will throw light on this issue in the latter part of this article.
WHEN WAS RAMA BORN:-(based on Valmiki`s Ramayana)
The burning topic in present times is, when was Rama born ?
Before dwelling on this point, first of all we have to understand that our great Maharishies has systematically divided period of shristi in Manvantars. Each Manvantar is furthur divided into chaturyugis. Each chaturyugis consist of Krita(satyuga), traita, dwapar and kaliyuga. Present Manvantar is Vaivast Manvantar. Already 27 chaturyugies of this Manvantar have passed. This is the 28th chaturyugi and first charan(period) of this chaturyugi is in continuation.
It is well known fact that Rama was born during the latter part of traita. Hence, if we assume that Rama was born in the present chaturyugi then it means he was born at least 10,00,000 years ago. The period of his birth may be more then this.
However, Vayu purana provide us the correct chronological period of Ramayana. If we take Vayu purana period into consideration then period of Rama goes to atleast 1,80,00,000 years back. Hence we can easily conclude that period of Rama is atleast 10,00,000 years to 1,80,00,000 years(this issue will be resolved in another topic “Blunders of Indian History”) .
This view is also supported by the fact that when Hanuman went to Lanka in search of Sita, there he saw elephants having four teeth . Hence this is now for archeiologist/biologist to ascertain when did such elephants existed on earth ? (The calculations of chaturyugies will be dealt in another topic “Age of present shristi”.
Whereas difficulties encountered in establishing chronological correctness of historical events for period before Christ will be dealt in “blunders of history” ). Another interesting fact that has been mentioned in Valmiki Ramayana is that the paternal home of Bharat and Shatrughan was in a country where mode of transportation was vehicle being carried by dogs or deer. When both the brothers returned to Ayodhya from their maternal home they crossed many places covered by snow and were wearing wollen clothes. Which place does this episode points to has to be ascertained.
By our logic it is Russia, as phonetically Russia sounds like misnomer of Rishi (this has been established in our article blunder of Indian/World history) Above mentioned facts clearly give us an insight into the period when was Rama born. So those who claim that Rama is only a mythological character we are providing them some more proofs which will establish that before the advent of Christinity and Islam Rama was revered throught out the world as an international cult figure.
The Deccan Herald, dtd 15 dec 1972, at its front page gave a news which state that in Elista, capital of Kalmyk in Russia, story relating to Ramayana had been published. The news furthur state that various legends of Ramayana are popular among people of Kalmyk. Various version of Ramayana are already stored at libraries in Kalmyk. The news clearly state that legends of Ramayana are very popular since time immemorial. Domodin Suren, a Russian writer, has compiled various legends popular among Mongolian and Kalmyk peoples. Prof C F Glostunky`s manuscript ‘Academy of sciences’ is stored at Siberian Branch of erstwhile U S S R. That book deals with various legends popular along the coast of Volga river. This manuscript is in Kalmyk language. In Leningrad also various books dealing with stories of Ramayana in Russian and Mangolian languages are preserved.
In china, collection of Jatak stories relating various events of Ramayana, belonging to 251 AD. were complied by KANG_SENG_HUA . Another book, of 742 AD, relating story of plight of Dasratha after Rama was ordered to go for Vanvasa is still found in China. Similarly in 1600 AD, His-Yii-Chii wrote a novel with title Kapi(monkey) dwelling on the stories of Ramayana, predominantly that of Hanuman.
Naresh Kumar Dhatusena alias Kumardasa, who ruled Srilanka in 617 AD wrote ‘Janakiharan’. This is the oldest Sanskrit literature available in Srilanka. In Modern times C Don Bostean and Jhon d`silva have written stories based on Ramayana. Till today majority of population adore and revere Rama and Sita.
Various rock inscription belonging to 700 AD are found in Khmer region of Combodia. These rock inscription are based on stories of Ramayana. Various temples constructed during the reign of Khmer dynasty depicts the story of Ramayana on their wall. The temples of Ankor are very famous for the stories of Ramayana and Mahabharata. These temples belong to the earlier part of 400 AD to 700 AD. One astonishing fact in these engraved pictures is that Hanuman and rest other Vanars are not shown with tail as against the popular belief of masses. (Wether Hanuman etc are monkeys, this issue will be dealt latter)
According to De Casperis, there was temple named ‘Chandi loro jongrong’ which have stories of Ramayana engraved on its wall. This temple was of 9th century AD. In Indonesia another version of stories of Ramayana named Kakavin is very popular. This story was bit different from that of Prambanan . Besides that various other version of Ramayana stories were very in early centuries after christ which itself proves that Ramayana was very popular among Indonesian people before advent of Islam. It is also an astonishing fact that first international convention on Ramayana was organized in Indonesia few years back.
Local people when pronounce Loas in their language it phonetically sounds like the name of one of the son Rama. Besides temple of Vat- she-fum and Vat-pa-Kev remains depicts the story of Ramayana on their walls. Whereas temples of Vat-pra-kev and Vat-sisket are having books containing epic of Ramayana. Lafont, French traveler translated story of ‘Pa laka-Pa lama’ in his book named P`ommachak in french. This book also deals with story of Ramayana popular among masses of Laos.
Stories of Ramayana are still very popular among masses. In early centuries after Christ many kings has Rama as either prefix or suffix in their name ruled this country. Just like as in India we organize play of Ramayana, similarly various dramatic version or Ramayana are oraganised in Thailand till today. Similar dramatic version of Ramayana are still organized in various sout east asian countries like Indonesia, Malaysia, Combodia etc.
In Malaysia till today plays are oraganised based on the stories of ‘HIKAYAT SERI RAMA’ ,written in 14 century AD,. Dalang society organize nearly 200-300 plays relating to Ramayana. Before commencement of the play people conduct various prayers and abulations revering RAMA and SITA.
9) RAMAYANA IN BURMA:- King Kayanjhitha who reigned during 1084 –1112 AD; regarded himself as desecendant of clan of Rama. Various books relating to the stories of Ramayana as earlier as 15 century AD are still found in Burma. Books like ‘Kavyadarsh’ , ‘Subhasit Ratanidhi’ are based on the stories of Ramayana. Zhang-Zhungpa, commentary of Ramayana was written by Taranath, which is not available in modern times. In Burma also various form of plays are conducted based on the stories of Ramayana.
Oldest version of Ramayana, belonging ot 1075 AD is still found in Nepal.
Effect of stories of Ramayana can easily felt in the customs, traditions and legends of majority of masses. Prof Juon R Francisco found that in Marineo Muslims, legend based on Ramayana is popular, in which Rama has been depicted as Incarnation of God. Similarly among Magindanao or Sulu folk Muslims also various legends based on the stories of Ramayana are popular.
In Hyderabad city, capital of Andhra Pradesh, there is museum name Salarjung. There one portrait which is depicting a burly monkey having a very big stone in its hand. This portrait reminds one of Hanuman holding Dronagiri. Similarly Marco Polo in his book (translated by Sir Henry Yule in English) wrote at page no 302, vol II about a peculiar belief among Muslims, spread from Afganistan to Morocco and Algeria. These Muslims believed that members of imperial house of Trebizond were endowed with short tails while mediavel continentals had like stories about Englishmen as- Mathew Paris relates…. ; .
We are of the belief that if one seriously start investigating various legends prevalent, before advent of Islam and Christianity, in Arabic countries and European countries than existence of Ramayana and Mahabharta can be proved. Due to barbaric and dogmatic acts of these peoples wide range of literature and buildings of historical importance has been wiped out.
In Italy, when excavation were carried out in the remains of Astrocon civilization, then various houses were found having peculiar type of paintings on their wall. These paintaings, on closure investigation, seems to be based on the stories of Ramayana. Some of the paintings shows peculiar persons having tails along with two men bearing bows and arrow on their shoulders, while a lady is standing besides them. These paintings are of 7 century BC. It should be remembered that once Astrocon civilization was spread over 75 pct of Italy.
Sir Henry Yule in his translation of works of Marcopolo has refered to the belief prevalent among Medival Europeans that there Ancestors were having small tails. The same fact has been referred by Maharishi Dayanand in his magnum opus ‘Satyarth Prakash’. There Swamiji state that people of Europe were called as Vanaras(monkeys) ,due to their appreance in our epic like Mahabharta, Valmiki Ramayana etc. If we a analyse this statement in present context, then how we are going to define various statements like kangaroos(Australian team) meet men in blue(Indian team) at Calcutta.
Similar sort of epithets were used during World war to describe armies of different countries or else we see that we have helicopters named cheetah etc. As these words(epithets) are just a way to describe different set of people, arms etc, similarly world like Rakshas, Vanaras etc were used in our legends. These facts clearly indicates that legends of Ramayana are not work of fiction and were very popular around the world .
People of Ethiopia call themselves as descendents of Cushites. This word Cush is basically phonectic misnomer of Kush, the son of Rama. This fact is verly established by Satpath Brahamans, commentary on Vedas. These Brahamans while explaining various mantras of Vedas uses many histrorical events to elucidate the topic.
Astonishingly in Satpath Brahaman we find reference regarding the rule of King Bharata (predecessor of Kaurav and Pandavs) in Rhodesia .
Besides many inconsistent legends inspired by epic of Ramayana are prevalent in African Communities and they basically refers to various activities of vanars.
Egypt basically derives its name from Ajpati which is one of the name of forefather of Rama. If analyse various legends prevalent in Egypt there we will found references of Dasratha(father of Rama). These facts can be very well established from various historical refernces of Brahamans.(for the proof of it see our article Blunders of Indian/World history)
Before Columbus discovered North American continent European people were not knowing about it. However A DE QNATREFAGES in his book, THE HUMAN SPECIES, categorically says that Chinese people were aware about the American continent and the use to have trade relations with them America was referred as Fad-Sang. Similarly in Japanese people it was known as Fad-See. Similarly, if we refer to various historical reference in Mahabharata, Valmiki Ramayana etc we will find that American continent has been reffered as Patal Desh(Patal means below foot). If we geographically see then we will find that American continent is just below the Indian Subcontinent. We will throw greater light on this issue in our topic, BLUNDERS OF INDIAN HISTORY/WORLD HISTORY.
But for your reference we are providing you some prevalent legends.
a) beautiful girl in Mexican tribal area till today are called as Ulopy. If we see in Mahabharata we find reference of Arjuna marrying girl named Ulopy who was daughter of King of Patal Desh.
b) W H Prescott in his book , ‘ History of conquest of Mexico’, provides various reference which prove that earlier civilization of American subcontinent have major similarities with that of Indian(Aryan) civilization.
However here we are providing you one reference which clearly state that Ramayana is not mythological epic but it bears historical testimony. According to writer of the book there is popular legend in Aztec community which state that a beautiful person named Quevtsal Katal came there from east and taught them various aspects of advanced civilization as a result his period was treated as golden era. He then went back to his original homeland because of persecution by some divine creature. This legends surprisingly does not throw light on the reasons why he returned.
Another interesting fact that has been stated by Prescott is that this legend is available in documented form. Now, none except Indian tradition can claim that they bear root to this legend. The same story has been narrated in Valmiki Ramayana, in uttarkand where it is mentioned that Salkantak Rakshas who dwelled in Lanka were persecuted by Vishnu. Due to this persecution they left Lanka and went to Patal Desh. The leader of this group was Sumali. According to Ramayana they lived in Patal Desh for long time. When they found condition congenial they returned to their homeland.
It is for readers to decide when such conclusive proof are there to establish that epic of Ramayana is not mythological legend but it is historical evidence which bears testimony to various legends prevalent around the world. Till today play named Ramasitotav is played in various communities of Mexico. To our amazement Rama has been mentioned in Bible, new testament, Mathew ch 2/18, where it is mentioned “ his voices was heard in RAMA”. Rama is proper noun there, now it is for biblical society to define who was Rama and why he has been mentioned in Bible.
Even the name of Dasratha and Ayodhya are there in Bible. We will be referring to these facts in Blunders of Indian/world History.
Now we would pose some tickling questions to the historians:
1) Why month of fasting among muslims is called Ramadhan ?
2) Why place in Gazastrip is called Ramallaha ?
3) Why place in London is named as Ramsgate ?
4) Why capital of Italy is known as Rome(misnomer of Rama)
We can provide various examples where word Rama has been used as suffix or prefix with the names of various historical places/persons or misnomer of Rama has been used as name for historical places/persons. None of the historical evidence provides conclusive answer to these facts unless we take Indian historical evidences into account.
In our article ‘ Blunders of Indian/World history ‘ we will provide proof for it. We also believe that if barabaric religion like Christinity and Islam have not gained popularity than we would have more datas to prove our point conclusively. These two semetic religion have inflicted unparrelled havoc on historical datas and buildings. They destroyed all the libraries/monuments of historical importance which does not confer their beliefs.
Still we have lot with us and we can recreate correct chronological data of world history. It is widely accepted that the King Alexander invaded India. It really sounds ironical that we are accepting this theory without any historical evidence, on the other hand we go on to deny existence of Rama despite various historical evidences are there to prove that he was not mythical but a historical Mahanayak.
These historians inorder to defy Rama`s existence are ridiculously harping the same old tone of theory of evolution which does not have any scientific proof.(why and how theory of evolution gained importance will be dealt in our article How the universe is created. The only thing of significance regarding theory of evolution, we want to state here is that it was a tool which was invented to challenge the anarchaic/draconian supremacy of church. The church use to claim that this world was created by God out of nothing and the age of this Univerese is not more than 10000 years. By the help of evolutionary theory scientific world challenged the supremacy of churh and overcame the clergy.)
This is for readers to decide by themselves how they are going to treat Rama. We think that we have provided lot of food for thought. Those who are illogically biased may still refute the existence of Rama while those who are logical and believe that mythological character can never gain such world wide respect/reverence will start looking upon Rama from wider historical evidences.

Maharishi Valmiki wanted to write an historical epic which can act as guiding principle for future generation. He was in dilemma over this issue. When he consulted Narada Muni. Narada Muni then suggested Valmiki to write about Rama, son of Dasratha who was born in the clan of Raghu. Here one should remember that Valmiki wrote Ramayana long after the period of Rama . This facts goes contrary to the prevalent legend that Valmiki wrote Ramayana before Rama was born. This fact has been very well stated in Valmiki`s Ramayana.
Similarly Mahakavi Kalidas wrote Raghuvansham. This books throws light on lineage of Raghu and also states various kings who ruled after Rama. So, now the point of argument is that if Rama was a mythological character than how Valmiki could provide history of forefathers of Rama ?
Whereas in Raghuvansham how Kalidasa has provided details of forefathers of Rama and his various Santatis(successor) who ruled after him. In present times various books dealing with stories of Rama are prevalent in India and around the world. We will throw light on this issue in the latter part of this article.
WHEN WAS RAMA BORN:-(based on Valmiki`s Ramayana)
The burning topic in present times is, when was Rama born ?
Before dwelling on this point, first of all we have to understand that our great Maharishies has systematically divided period of shristi in Manvantars. Each Manvantar is furthur divided into chaturyugis. Each chaturyugis consist of Krita(satyuga), traita, dwapar and kaliyuga. Present Manvantar is Vaivast Manvantar. Already 27 chaturyugies of this Manvantar have passed. This is the 28th chaturyugi and first charan(period) of this chaturyugi is in continuation.
It is well known fact that Rama was born during the latter part of traita. Hence, if we assume that Rama was born in the present chaturyugi then it means he was born at least 10,00,000 years ago. The period of his birth may be more then this.
However, Vayu purana provide us the correct chronological period of Ramayana. If we take Vayu purana period into consideration then period of Rama goes to atleast 1,80,00,000 years back. Hence we can easily conclude that period of Rama is atleast 10,00,000 years to 1,80,00,000 years(this issue will be resolved in another topic “Blunders of Indian History”) .
This view is also supported by the fact that when Hanuman went to Lanka in search of Sita, there he saw elephants having four teeth . Hence this is now for archeiologist/biologist to ascertain when did such elephants existed on earth ? (The calculations of chaturyugies will be dealt in another topic “Age of present shristi”.
Whereas difficulties encountered in establishing chronological correctness of historical events for period before Christ will be dealt in “blunders of history” ). Another interesting fact that has been mentioned in Valmiki Ramayana is that the paternal home of Bharat and Shatrughan was in a country where mode of transportation was vehicle being carried by dogs or deer. When both the brothers returned to Ayodhya from their maternal home they crossed many places covered by snow and were wearing wollen clothes. Which place does this episode points to has to be ascertained.
By our logic it is Russia, as phonetically Russia sounds like misnomer of Rishi (this has been established in our article blunder of Indian/World history) Above mentioned facts clearly give us an insight into the period when was Rama born. So those who claim that Rama is only a mythological character we are providing them some more proofs which will establish that before the advent of Christinity and Islam Rama was revered throught out the world as an international cult figure.
The Deccan Herald, dtd 15 dec 1972, at its front page gave a news which state that in Elista, capital of Kalmyk in Russia, story relating to Ramayana had been published. The news furthur state that various legends of Ramayana are popular among people of Kalmyk. Various version of Ramayana are already stored at libraries in Kalmyk. The news clearly state that legends of Ramayana are very popular since time immemorial. Domodin Suren, a Russian writer, has compiled various legends popular among Mongolian and Kalmyk peoples. Prof C F Glostunky`s manuscript ‘Academy of sciences’ is stored at Siberian Branch of erstwhile U S S R. That book deals with various legends popular along the coast of Volga river. This manuscript is in Kalmyk language. In Leningrad also various books dealing with stories of Ramayana in Russian and Mangolian languages are preserved.
In china, collection of Jatak stories relating various events of Ramayana, belonging to 251 AD. were complied by KANG_SENG_HUA . Another book, of 742 AD, relating story of plight of Dasratha after Rama was ordered to go for Vanvasa is still found in China. Similarly in 1600 AD, His-Yii-Chii wrote a novel with title Kapi(monkey) dwelling on the stories of Ramayana, predominantly that of Hanuman.
Naresh Kumar Dhatusena alias Kumardasa, who ruled Srilanka in 617 AD wrote ‘Janakiharan’. This is the oldest Sanskrit literature available in Srilanka. In Modern times C Don Bostean and Jhon d`silva have written stories based on Ramayana. Till today majority of population adore and revere Rama and Sita.
Various rock inscription belonging to 700 AD are found in Khmer region of Combodia. These rock inscription are based on stories of Ramayana. Various temples constructed during the reign of Khmer dynasty depicts the story of Ramayana on their wall. The temples of Ankor are very famous for the stories of Ramayana and Mahabharata. These temples belong to the earlier part of 400 AD to 700 AD. One astonishing fact in these engraved pictures is that Hanuman and rest other Vanars are not shown with tail as against the popular belief of masses. (Wether Hanuman etc are monkeys, this issue will be dealt latter)
According to De Casperis, there was temple named ‘Chandi loro jongrong’ which have stories of Ramayana engraved on its wall. This temple was of 9th century AD. In Indonesia another version of stories of Ramayana named Kakavin is very popular. This story was bit different from that of Prambanan . Besides that various other version of Ramayana stories were very in early centuries after christ which itself proves that Ramayana was very popular among Indonesian people before advent of Islam. It is also an astonishing fact that first international convention on Ramayana was organized in Indonesia few years back.
Local people when pronounce Loas in their language it phonetically sounds like the name of one of the son Rama. Besides temple of Vat- she-fum and Vat-pa-Kev remains depicts the story of Ramayana on their walls. Whereas temples of Vat-pra-kev and Vat-sisket are having books containing epic of Ramayana. Lafont, French traveler translated story of ‘Pa laka-Pa lama’ in his book named P`ommachak in french. This book also deals with story of Ramayana popular among masses of Laos.
Stories of Ramayana are still very popular among masses. In early centuries after Christ many kings has Rama as either prefix or suffix in their name ruled this country. Just like as in India we organize play of Ramayana, similarly various dramatic version or Ramayana are oraganised in Thailand till today. Similar dramatic version of Ramayana are still organized in various sout east asian countries like Indonesia, Malaysia, Combodia etc.
In Malaysia till today plays are oraganised based on the stories of ‘HIKAYAT SERI RAMA’ ,written in 14 century AD,. Dalang society organize nearly 200-300 plays relating to Ramayana. Before commencement of the play people conduct various prayers and abulations revering RAMA and SITA.
9) RAMAYANA IN BURMA:- King Kayanjhitha who reigned during 1084 –1112 AD; regarded himself as desecendant of clan of Rama. Various books relating to the stories of Ramayana as earlier as 15 century AD are still found in Burma. Books like ‘Kavyadarsh’ , ‘Subhasit Ratanidhi’ are based on the stories of Ramayana. Zhang-Zhungpa, commentary of Ramayana was written by Taranath, which is not available in modern times. In Burma also various form of plays are conducted based on the stories of Ramayana.
Oldest version of Ramayana, belonging ot 1075 AD is still found in Nepal.
Effect of stories of Ramayana can easily felt in the customs, traditions and legends of majority of masses. Prof Juon R Francisco found that in Marineo Muslims, legend based on Ramayana is popular, in which Rama has been depicted as Incarnation of God. Similarly among Magindanao or Sulu folk Muslims also various legends based on the stories of Ramayana are popular.
In Hyderabad city, capital of Andhra Pradesh, there is museum name Salarjung. There one portrait which is depicting a burly monkey having a very big stone in its hand. This portrait reminds one of Hanuman holding Dronagiri. Similarly Marco Polo in his book (translated by Sir Henry Yule in English) wrote at page no 302, vol II about a peculiar belief among Muslims, spread from Afganistan to Morocco and Algeria. These Muslims believed that members of imperial house of Trebizond were endowed with short tails while mediavel continentals had like stories about Englishmen as- Mathew Paris relates…. ; .
We are of the belief that if one seriously start investigating various legends prevalent, before advent of Islam and Christianity, in Arabic countries and European countries than existence of Ramayana and Mahabharta can be proved. Due to barbaric and dogmatic acts of these peoples wide range of literature and buildings of historical importance has been wiped out.
In Italy, when excavation were carried out in the remains of Astrocon civilization, then various houses were found having peculiar type of paintings on their wall. These paintaings, on closure investigation, seems to be based on the stories of Ramayana. Some of the paintings shows peculiar persons having tails along with two men bearing bows and arrow on their shoulders, while a lady is standing besides them. These paintings are of 7 century BC. It should be remembered that once Astrocon civilization was spread over 75 pct of Italy.
Sir Henry Yule in his translation of works of Marcopolo has refered to the belief prevalent among Medival Europeans that there Ancestors were having small tails. The same fact has been referred by Maharishi Dayanand in his magnum opus ‘Satyarth Prakash’. There Swamiji state that people of Europe were called as Vanaras(monkeys) ,due to their appreance in our epic like Mahabharta, Valmiki Ramayana etc. If we a analyse this statement in present context, then how we are going to define various statements like kangaroos(Australian team) meet men in blue(Indian team) at Calcutta.
Similar sort of epithets were used during World war to describe armies of different countries or else we see that we have helicopters named cheetah etc. As these words(epithets) are just a way to describe different set of people, arms etc, similarly world like Rakshas, Vanaras etc were used in our legends. These facts clearly indicates that legends of Ramayana are not work of fiction and were very popular around the world .
People of Ethiopia call themselves as descendents of Cushites. This word Cush is basically phonectic misnomer of Kush, the son of Rama. This fact is verly established by Satpath Brahamans, commentary on Vedas. These Brahamans while explaining various mantras of Vedas uses many histrorical events to elucidate the topic.
Astonishingly in Satpath Brahaman we find reference regarding the rule of King Bharata (predecessor of Kaurav and Pandavs) in Rhodesia .
Besides many inconsistent legends inspired by epic of Ramayana are prevalent in African Communities and they basically refers to various activities of vanars.
Egypt basically derives its name from Ajpati which is one of the name of forefather of Rama. If analyse various legends prevalent in Egypt there we will found references of Dasratha(father of Rama). These facts can be very well established from various historical refernces of Brahamans.(for the proof of it see our article Blunders of Indian/World history)
Before Columbus discovered North American continent European people were not knowing about it. However A DE QNATREFAGES in his book, THE HUMAN SPECIES, categorically says that Chinese people were aware about the American continent and the use to have trade relations with them America was referred as Fad-Sang. Similarly in Japanese people it was known as Fad-See. Similarly, if we refer to various historical reference in Mahabharata, Valmiki Ramayana etc we will find that American continent has been reffered as Patal Desh(Patal means below foot). If we geographically see then we will find that American continent is just below the Indian Subcontinent. We will throw greater light on this issue in our topic, BLUNDERS OF INDIAN HISTORY/WORLD HISTORY.
But for your reference we are providing you some prevalent legends.
a) beautiful girl in Mexican tribal area till today are called as Ulopy. If we see in Mahabharata we find reference of Arjuna marrying girl named Ulopy who was daughter of King of Patal Desh.
b) W H Prescott in his book , ‘ History of conquest of Mexico’, provides various reference which prove that earlier civilization of American subcontinent have major similarities with that of Indian(Aryan) civilization.
However here we are providing you one reference which clearly state that Ramayana is not mythological epic but it bears historical testimony. According to writer of the book there is popular legend in Aztec community which state that a beautiful person named Quevtsal Katal came there from east and taught them various aspects of advanced civilization as a result his period was treated as golden era. He then went back to his original homeland because of persecution by some divine creature. This legends surprisingly does not throw light on the reasons why he returned.
Another interesting fact that has been stated by Prescott is that this legend is available in documented form. Now, none except Indian tradition can claim that they bear root to this legend. The same story has been narrated in Valmiki Ramayana, in uttarkand where it is mentioned that Salkantak Rakshas who dwelled in Lanka were persecuted by Vishnu. Due to this persecution they left Lanka and went to Patal Desh. The leader of this group was Sumali. According to Ramayana they lived in Patal Desh for long time. When they found condition congenial they returned to their homeland.
It is for readers to decide when such conclusive proof are there to establish that epic of Ramayana is not mythological legend but it is historical evidence which bears testimony to various legends prevalent around the world. Till today play named Ramasitotav is played in various communities of Mexico. To our amazement Rama has been mentioned in Bible, new testament, Mathew ch 2/18, where it is mentioned “ his voices was heard in RAMA”. Rama is proper noun there, now it is for biblical society to define who was Rama and why he has been mentioned in Bible.
Even the name of Dasratha and Ayodhya are there in Bible. We will be referring to these facts in Blunders of Indian/world History.
Now we would pose some tickling questions to the historians:
1) Why month of fasting among muslims is called Ramadhan ?
2) Why place in Gazastrip is called Ramallaha ?
3) Why place in London is named as Ramsgate ?
4) Why capital of Italy is known as Rome(misnomer of Rama)
We can provide various examples where word Rama has been used as suffix or prefix with the names of various historical places/persons or misnomer of Rama has been used as name for historical places/persons. None of the historical evidence provides conclusive answer to these facts unless we take Indian historical evidences into account.
In our article ‘ Blunders of Indian/World history ‘ we will provide proof for it. We also believe that if barabaric religion like Christinity and Islam have not gained popularity than we would have more datas to prove our point conclusively. These two semetic religion have inflicted unparrelled havoc on historical datas and buildings. They destroyed all the libraries/monuments of historical importance which does not confer their beliefs.
Still we have lot with us and we can recreate correct chronological data of world history. It is widely accepted that the King Alexander invaded India. It really sounds ironical that we are accepting this theory without any historical evidence, on the other hand we go on to deny existence of Rama despite various historical evidences are there to prove that he was not mythical but a historical Mahanayak.
These historians inorder to defy Rama`s existence are ridiculously harping the same old tone of theory of evolution which does not have any scientific proof.(why and how theory of evolution gained importance will be dealt in our article How the universe is created. The only thing of significance regarding theory of evolution, we want to state here is that it was a tool which was invented to challenge the anarchaic/draconian supremacy of church. The church use to claim that this world was created by God out of nothing and the age of this Univerese is not more than 10000 years. By the help of evolutionary theory scientific world challenged the supremacy of churh and overcame the clergy.)
This is for readers to decide by themselves how they are going to treat Rama. We think that we have provided lot of food for thought. Those who are illogically biased may still refute the existence of Rama while those who are logical and believe that mythological character can never gain such world wide respect/reverence will start looking upon Rama from wider historical evidences.
Monday, October 6, 2014
Dr. P. V. Vartak from Pune has written a
researched version of Ramayana which is titled
Vastav Ramayan (Real Ramayana). According to
this version, South America was known
during the Ramayan era. Indians migrated to South
America which is called “Patal Lok” in sanskrit.
The book highlights many places in South America
which reflect Indian culture, such as a
Sun Temple, Elephants, Lord Ganesha, snakes
carved on ancient monuments and even Lord
Hanuman, etc.
In Ramayan, when King Sugriv directs his men in
all directions in search of Sita, the wife of Sri
Rama (who ruled India from the city of
Ayodhya), after she is abducted by Ravana, the
king of the mighty Lanka kingdom. He instructs
one group to go towards the east direction and
asked them to look for a Trident etched on a
mountain. King Surgive says that the Trident is
“A long Golden flag-stick with three limbs stuck on
top. It always glitters in when seen from sky”.
This trident is on the west coast of Peru – Lima
and it really can be seen glittering from the sky
even today! Trident is called The Parades
Candelabra of the Andes. The Ramayana refers to
the Andes as the ‘Udaya’ Mountains. ‘Udaya’ (उदय)
is Sanskrit for ‘Sunrise’.
The perfect description can only mean that either
Sugriv or somebody even earlier must have seen
this trident from the sky, probably from an airplane
( Vimana)! Around 100 miles
from this hill with the Trident, there are the now
well known Nazca lines , massive geometric
shapes drawn on land spread over miles. These
can be seen only from the sky. Was it an
ancient airport?
Dr. Vartak says that the trident, a sign of the east
was created by Lord Vishnu around 15000 – 17000
years ago. And the Nazca lines, according to him,
are the signs of the ancient airport of King Bali,
Sugriva’s brother, around
15000 years ago! It may be also be noted that
Maya, who started the Mayan civilization, is
also mentioned in Ramayan as Ravana’s friend
who eventually assisted him in the war with Ram.
Ravana, as is well-known was a friend of
Bali too. So were Bali and Maya close
associates too?
In Ramayana, Sage Valmiki describes about a
circular city which is towards west of bharata
khanda (India). This could be the city of Yerevan in
Armenia, which is one of the oldest
continually inhabited cities of the world.
Source: Vaastav Ramayana By Dr. Vartak
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Satyamev Jayate: How the truth won over Secular and waqf deception-AYODHYA PART 4.
Continue from Ayodhya after partition secular lies -PART 3.

Secularists’ lies and unscathed Truth - In the winter of 2002-2003, the Court had secretly ordered a search of the site with a ground-penetrating radar by the company Tojo Vikas International Ltd., which had gained fame with its role in the construction of the Delhi underground railway. Canadian geophysicist Claude Robillard concluded from the scans that “there is some structure under the mosque” (Rediff.com, 19 March 2003). In early 2003, the Court ordered the ASI to start excavations and either confirm or disprove the provisional conclusions of the radar scan. Strictly speaking, the existence of the medieval temple had already been proven by a wealth of documentary and archaeological evidence. It was only because of the brutal denial of the evidence by a group of vocal academics and allied politicians that the Court considered it wiser to come up with a new and as yet unchallenged type of evidence. The archaeologists were permanently scrutinized by archaeologists and historians employed by the Muslim parties. Moreover, many of the excavators were Muslims, unlikely to be willing accomplices in a pro-Hindu manipulation. According to the Press Trust of India (11 June 2003): “There were 131 labourers including 29 Muslims engaged in the digging work today”. All this was done to ensure truth from being manipulated.
In the months when the digging took place, the newspapers reported new findings once in a while. Thus, “an ancient stone inscription in the Dev Nagari script and a foundation were discovered in the ongoing excavation in the acquired land in Ayodhya today”, while “stone pieces and a wall were found in other trenches” and “a human figure in terracotta, sand stone netting, decorated sand stone in three pieces were found in one trench” (The Hindu, 5 May 2003). Following this, a Babri Masjid supporter, Naved Yar Khan, approached the Supreme Court with a petition to prohibit all archaeological digging at the contentious site which was rejected (“SC rejects plea against excavation”, The Hindu, 10 June 2003). The secularists had always opposed archaeological fact-finding at the site, arguing that this would open a Pandora’s box of similar initiatives at the literally thousands of mosque sites where temples used to stand.
On June 11, after the ASI had been registering new findings for months, pseudo-secularist newspapers started spreading absolute lies that nothing had been found: “ASI finds no proof of structure below Babri Masjid: report”, claimed the Times of India. The occasion was the ASI’s filing of an interim report, yet none of these papers quoted the report, only “sources”. In interviews of Hindu or Muslim leaders, questions were opened with a reference that “nothing was found” underneath the Babri Masjid. However, RSS website came up with detailed findings of the ASI report. There, on 24 June 2003, Chetan Merani wrote: “The excavations so far give ample traces that there was a mammoth pre-existing structure beneath the three-domed Babri structure. (…) The bricks used in these perimeters predate the time of Babar. (…) More than 30 pillar bases have been found at equal spans. (...) Beautiful stone pieces bearing carved Hindu ornamentations like lotus, kaustubh jewel, alligator facade, etc., have been used in these walls. (…) An octagonal holy fireplace (yajna kund) has been found. (…) Terracotta idols of divine figurines, serpent, elephant, horse-rider, saints, etc., have been found. (…) The excavation gives out the picture of a vast compound housing a sole distinguished and greatly celebrated structure used for divine purposes.”
The pseudo-secularist effort had been very strenuous. By contrast, the VHP took a very lackadaisical attitude towards the excavations. It had never attached too much importance to the history debate, firstly because it was a false and contrived debate about a demolished temple which all honest observers knew to have existed; and secondly because the Hindu claim to the site rested less on past history than on the continuous and present fact that Hindus consider the disputed site as a sacred site today. The VHP knew perfectly well that the excavations were bringing up more confirmation by the day of the existence of the temple. And all this while, the Marxist hate campaign targetted the ASI, a scientific institution, as much as it targetted the VHP.
For those unfamiliar with modern Indian history: the Marxists were handed a near-monopoly on institutional power in India’s academic and educational sector by Indira Gandhi involved in an intra-Congress power struggle when she needed the help of the Left. Her confidants P.N. Haksar and Nurul Hasan packed the institutions with Marxists. When, during the Emergency dictatorship (1975-77), her Communist Party allies threatened to become too powerful, she removed them from key political positions but left the Marxists’ hold on the cultural sector intact. They at once set out to falsify history and propagate their own version through the official textbooks. After coming to power in 1998, the BJP-dominated government made a half-hearted attempt to bring transparency at least in the history textbooks. This led the Marxists to start a furious hate campaign against the so-called “saffronization” of history.
In spite of a very aggressive campaign of lies by a few spearheads of “secularism”, the broad outline of the true story was in the public domain for anyone with the curiosity to find out. Yet, the International media’s reporting on the interim report consisted exclusively in copying the most mendacious version. The Reuters despatch for 11 June 2003 was titled: “Dig finds no sign of temple at Indian holy site”, quoting not the actual report, but a ‘source’. Like a babe in the wood, the world press never thought of taking a critical look at the secularist version. The BBC News titled: “‘No sign’ of Ayodhya temple” (11 June 2003). Here again, no information from the horse’s mouth, only from “widespread reports across the Indian media”. Distorted or even totally false reporting on communally sensitive issues is a well-entrenched feature of Indian journalism. No reporter or columnist or editor ever gets fired or formally reprimanded or even just criticized by his peers for smearing Hindu nationalists. And foreign correspondents used to trusting their Indian secularist sources have likewise developed a habit of swallowing and relaying highly distorted news stories.
Satyamev Jayate - In the Ayodhya case, for two decades, the secularists had worked hard to keep the lid on the evidence and they didn’t want some puny radar scanner or muddy-handed archaeologist to bring the facts to light and thereby expose their mendaciousness. After all the wild claims made about their findings, the experts themselves had finally spoken. Their report confirmed that the disputed site contains the foundations of a large building complex. And this time too, the religious purpose of the building can be inferred from the numerous religious artefacts found in between the pillar-bases.
In a normal setting, the ASI findings should have finished once and for all the campaign of history denial by the Marxists and their Muslim camp followers. But the world of Indian secularism is a fantasy-land where hard facts don’t count for much. Like spoilt children, the secularists are used to having it all their own way, and when reality interferes, they close their eyes, shut off their ears and refuse to know. And they will lie and cheat in order to prevent others from knowing. The secularists claimed that the existence of the temple became part of Hindu rhetoric in the dialogue process begun in 1989 between the All India Babri Mosque Committee and the hard-line Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP). In reality, the existence of the medieval temple was a matter of long-standing consensus. What became part of someone’s rhetoric towards 1989 was its denial, launched by the secularists and picked up by the Muslims.
The irresponsible and downright evil campaign of history denial by the secularist opinion-makers has prolonged the Ayodhya dispute by at least a decade. Denouncing all pragmatic deals, these secular fundamentalists insisted on having it their way for the full 100%, meaning the total humiliation of the Hindus. They exercised verbal terror against Rajiv Gandhi, Narasimha Rao and all politicians suspected of wanting to compromise with the Hindu movement, making them postpone the needed steps towards the solution. This way, they exacerbated the tensions in return for the pleasure of indulging their self-image as implacable secularists. A real secularist would have sought to minimize a religious conflict, but this lot insisted on magnifying it and turning it into a national crisis. For them, it was a holy war, a jihad, just as it was for their Islamist pupils and paymasters. So, the blood of all the people killed in Ayodhya-related riots from 1989 onwards is at least partly on their heads.
But now, the historical evidence has definitively been verified. After every single historical and archaeological investigation had confirmed the old consensus, the secularists have now been defeated in the final test. The deceit turns out to be their own. Their lies stand exposed and recorded for all to see. Their strategy to sabotage peace and justice in Ayodhya was based on history falsification. With all the blood on their hands, they have disgraced the fair name of secularism. Henceforth, India should be kind enough to ignore them except to hear the confession of their sins. Ideas have consequences, and so do lies. Before the “eminent historians” and other militant secularists are called up to purgatory, they would do well to clear their conscience by offering restitution to the scientists and Hindus they have smeared. And by begging forgiveness from the families of the Hindu and Muslim victims of riots triggered by a controversy that could have been old history already by 1989, had there not been the secularist obstruction.
On 30th September 2010, the three judge bench of Allahabad High Court delivered its landmark judgment. All the 3 judges agreed to the fact that there indeed was a “Hindu religious structure” below the disputed Babari mosque. Justice Aftab Alam did not concede that the temple was demolished to construct the mosque. He maintained that the mosque was constructed on the ruins of the temple. Justice Dharmveer Sharma and Justice Sudhir Agrawal ruled that the mosque was constructed after demolishing the temple and using its material. Justice Agrawal and Justicee Aftab Alam ruled for the division of the disputed site giving 2/3rd to the Hindus and still giving 1/3rd to Muslims, while Justice Sharma ruled that all land must go to Hindus. Justice Sharma retired the same day with a unique track record under his cap - none of his judgments, when challenged in the Supreme Court, were ever turned down, i.e. whatever Justice Sharma ruled, was always upheld by the Supreme Court. Interestingly enough, the concerned parties challenged the decision of the Allahabad High Court in the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court, in its hearing on May 9th, termed the decision of splitting the land into 3 parts given by Justice Agrawal and Justice Khan as ‘surprising’ and stayed it, making it amply clear that the land will only go to one party, seemingly resonating with Justice Sharma’s observations.
A patient India and Hindus across the world waits for the final verdict. Ram has ruled Indian and Hindu psyche since time immemorial, and the importance of Ayodhya can never be erased. For an Indian Muslim, they need to be told the fact that their brothers in Ayodhya themselves never went to offer a namaz at Babri mosque since 1934, a fact that a ‘secular’ media and wicked politicians deliberately hid from them, disturbing the peace. Like every nationalist peace loving Indian, IBTL too hopes for a quick and just settlement of the dispute and a feeling of comity prevail, through Ayodhya, across India, and India could truly become a Ramrajya of peace and development.
Disclaimer: The information presented in this series has been primarily taken from the documentary on Ram Janmbhoomi researched and scripted by Vivek Apte and the book “Ayodyha, The Finale: Science versus Secularism the Excavations Debate” by Dr. Koenraad Elst, an eminent Dutch Indologist. IBTL values Secularism but denounces its abuse as a tool to suppress truth and create tensions among countrymen. IBTL holds nationalism and foremost, Truth as most sacred and revered.
Secularists’ lies and unscathed Truth - In the winter of 2002-2003, the Court had secretly ordered a search of the site with a ground-penetrating radar by the company Tojo Vikas International Ltd., which had gained fame with its role in the construction of the Delhi underground railway. Canadian geophysicist Claude Robillard concluded from the scans that “there is some structure under the mosque” (Rediff.com, 19 March 2003). In early 2003, the Court ordered the ASI to start excavations and either confirm or disprove the provisional conclusions of the radar scan. Strictly speaking, the existence of the medieval temple had already been proven by a wealth of documentary and archaeological evidence. It was only because of the brutal denial of the evidence by a group of vocal academics and allied politicians that the Court considered it wiser to come up with a new and as yet unchallenged type of evidence. The archaeologists were permanently scrutinized by archaeologists and historians employed by the Muslim parties. Moreover, many of the excavators were Muslims, unlikely to be willing accomplices in a pro-Hindu manipulation. According to the Press Trust of India (11 June 2003): “There were 131 labourers including 29 Muslims engaged in the digging work today”. All this was done to ensure truth from being manipulated.
In the months when the digging took place, the newspapers reported new findings once in a while. Thus, “an ancient stone inscription in the Dev Nagari script and a foundation were discovered in the ongoing excavation in the acquired land in Ayodhya today”, while “stone pieces and a wall were found in other trenches” and “a human figure in terracotta, sand stone netting, decorated sand stone in three pieces were found in one trench” (The Hindu, 5 May 2003). Following this, a Babri Masjid supporter, Naved Yar Khan, approached the Supreme Court with a petition to prohibit all archaeological digging at the contentious site which was rejected (“SC rejects plea against excavation”, The Hindu, 10 June 2003). The secularists had always opposed archaeological fact-finding at the site, arguing that this would open a Pandora’s box of similar initiatives at the literally thousands of mosque sites where temples used to stand.
The pseudo-secularist effort had been very strenuous. By contrast, the VHP took a very lackadaisical attitude towards the excavations. It had never attached too much importance to the history debate, firstly because it was a false and contrived debate about a demolished temple which all honest observers knew to have existed; and secondly because the Hindu claim to the site rested less on past history than on the continuous and present fact that Hindus consider the disputed site as a sacred site today. The VHP knew perfectly well that the excavations were bringing up more confirmation by the day of the existence of the temple. And all this while, the Marxist hate campaign targetted the ASI, a scientific institution, as much as it targetted the VHP.
For those unfamiliar with modern Indian history: the Marxists were handed a near-monopoly on institutional power in India’s academic and educational sector by Indira Gandhi involved in an intra-Congress power struggle when she needed the help of the Left. Her confidants P.N. Haksar and Nurul Hasan packed the institutions with Marxists. When, during the Emergency dictatorship (1975-77), her Communist Party allies threatened to become too powerful, she removed them from key political positions but left the Marxists’ hold on the cultural sector intact. They at once set out to falsify history and propagate their own version through the official textbooks. After coming to power in 1998, the BJP-dominated government made a half-hearted attempt to bring transparency at least in the history textbooks. This led the Marxists to start a furious hate campaign against the so-called “saffronization” of history.
In spite of a very aggressive campaign of lies by a few spearheads of “secularism”, the broad outline of the true story was in the public domain for anyone with the curiosity to find out. Yet, the International media’s reporting on the interim report consisted exclusively in copying the most mendacious version. The Reuters despatch for 11 June 2003 was titled: “Dig finds no sign of temple at Indian holy site”, quoting not the actual report, but a ‘source’. Like a babe in the wood, the world press never thought of taking a critical look at the secularist version. The BBC News titled: “‘No sign’ of Ayodhya temple” (11 June 2003). Here again, no information from the horse’s mouth, only from “widespread reports across the Indian media”. Distorted or even totally false reporting on communally sensitive issues is a well-entrenched feature of Indian journalism. No reporter or columnist or editor ever gets fired or formally reprimanded or even just criticized by his peers for smearing Hindu nationalists. And foreign correspondents used to trusting their Indian secularist sources have likewise developed a habit of swallowing and relaying highly distorted news stories.
Satyamev Jayate - In the Ayodhya case, for two decades, the secularists had worked hard to keep the lid on the evidence and they didn’t want some puny radar scanner or muddy-handed archaeologist to bring the facts to light and thereby expose their mendaciousness. After all the wild claims made about their findings, the experts themselves had finally spoken. Their report confirmed that the disputed site contains the foundations of a large building complex. And this time too, the religious purpose of the building can be inferred from the numerous religious artefacts found in between the pillar-bases.
In a normal setting, the ASI findings should have finished once and for all the campaign of history denial by the Marxists and their Muslim camp followers. But the world of Indian secularism is a fantasy-land where hard facts don’t count for much. Like spoilt children, the secularists are used to having it all their own way, and when reality interferes, they close their eyes, shut off their ears and refuse to know. And they will lie and cheat in order to prevent others from knowing. The secularists claimed that the existence of the temple became part of Hindu rhetoric in the dialogue process begun in 1989 between the All India Babri Mosque Committee and the hard-line Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP). In reality, the existence of the medieval temple was a matter of long-standing consensus. What became part of someone’s rhetoric towards 1989 was its denial, launched by the secularists and picked up by the Muslims.
The irresponsible and downright evil campaign of history denial by the secularist opinion-makers has prolonged the Ayodhya dispute by at least a decade. Denouncing all pragmatic deals, these secular fundamentalists insisted on having it their way for the full 100%, meaning the total humiliation of the Hindus. They exercised verbal terror against Rajiv Gandhi, Narasimha Rao and all politicians suspected of wanting to compromise with the Hindu movement, making them postpone the needed steps towards the solution. This way, they exacerbated the tensions in return for the pleasure of indulging their self-image as implacable secularists. A real secularist would have sought to minimize a religious conflict, but this lot insisted on magnifying it and turning it into a national crisis. For them, it was a holy war, a jihad, just as it was for their Islamist pupils and paymasters. So, the blood of all the people killed in Ayodhya-related riots from 1989 onwards is at least partly on their heads.
But now, the historical evidence has definitively been verified. After every single historical and archaeological investigation had confirmed the old consensus, the secularists have now been defeated in the final test. The deceit turns out to be their own. Their lies stand exposed and recorded for all to see. Their strategy to sabotage peace and justice in Ayodhya was based on history falsification. With all the blood on their hands, they have disgraced the fair name of secularism. Henceforth, India should be kind enough to ignore them except to hear the confession of their sins. Ideas have consequences, and so do lies. Before the “eminent historians” and other militant secularists are called up to purgatory, they would do well to clear their conscience by offering restitution to the scientists and Hindus they have smeared. And by begging forgiveness from the families of the Hindu and Muslim victims of riots triggered by a controversy that could have been old history already by 1989, had there not been the secularist obstruction.
On 30th September 2010, the three judge bench of Allahabad High Court delivered its landmark judgment. All the 3 judges agreed to the fact that there indeed was a “Hindu religious structure” below the disputed Babari mosque. Justice Aftab Alam did not concede that the temple was demolished to construct the mosque. He maintained that the mosque was constructed on the ruins of the temple. Justice Dharmveer Sharma and Justice Sudhir Agrawal ruled that the mosque was constructed after demolishing the temple and using its material. Justice Agrawal and Justicee Aftab Alam ruled for the division of the disputed site giving 2/3rd to the Hindus and still giving 1/3rd to Muslims, while Justice Sharma ruled that all land must go to Hindus. Justice Sharma retired the same day with a unique track record under his cap - none of his judgments, when challenged in the Supreme Court, were ever turned down, i.e. whatever Justice Sharma ruled, was always upheld by the Supreme Court. Interestingly enough, the concerned parties challenged the decision of the Allahabad High Court in the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court, in its hearing on May 9th, termed the decision of splitting the land into 3 parts given by Justice Agrawal and Justice Khan as ‘surprising’ and stayed it, making it amply clear that the land will only go to one party, seemingly resonating with Justice Sharma’s observations.
A patient India and Hindus across the world waits for the final verdict. Ram has ruled Indian and Hindu psyche since time immemorial, and the importance of Ayodhya can never be erased. For an Indian Muslim, they need to be told the fact that their brothers in Ayodhya themselves never went to offer a namaz at Babri mosque since 1934, a fact that a ‘secular’ media and wicked politicians deliberately hid from them, disturbing the peace. Like every nationalist peace loving Indian, IBTL too hopes for a quick and just settlement of the dispute and a feeling of comity prevail, through Ayodhya, across India, and India could truly become a Ramrajya of peace and development.
Disclaimer: The information presented in this series has been primarily taken from the documentary on Ram Janmbhoomi researched and scripted by Vivek Apte and the book “Ayodyha, The Finale: Science versus Secularism the Excavations Debate” by Dr. Koenraad Elst, an eminent Dutch Indologist. IBTL values Secularism but denounces its abuse as a tool to suppress truth and create tensions among countrymen. IBTL holds nationalism and foremost, Truth as most sacred and revered.
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