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Showing posts with label Vedas and Indian Philosophy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vedas and Indian Philosophy. Show all posts
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Idol worship is always allowed in Vedas.
मूर्ति पूजा का विरोध क्यों ? जिस प्रकार मनुष्य का शरीर पञ्चतत्त्व से निर्मित होता है ऐसे ही दारु-धातुमय विग्रह भगवान् का शरीर होता है । मूर्ति पूजा की निन्दा करने वाले वास्तवमें मूर्तिका अर्थ केवल पाषाण ही समझते हैं , किन्तु मूर्ति का अर्थ है भगवान् का आकार या स्वरूप । रंग रूप आकार रहित भगवान् का अर्चन कैसे करें ? इसीलिए मूर्तिमय भगवान् का अर्चन किया जाता है । जैसे माता-पिता गुरुजनोंकी सेवा करना , यद्यपि माता-पिता अस्थि-चर्मसे निर्मित शरीर नहीं हैं , शरीरके अंदर... रहने वाले भगवदंश आत्मा ही हैं तथापि आत्मा की सेवा नही की जा सकती ,शरीरके द्वारा ही माता पिताकी सेवा की जाती है । अस्थि-चर्म निर्मित शरीरके द्वारा माता-पिताकी सेवाकी जाती है फिर भी ये नहीं कहते कि अस्थि-चर्मकी सेवा कर रहे हैं इसी प्रकार भगवान् का अर्चन श्रीविग्रहके द्वारा किया जाता है क्योंकि देव परोक्षप्रिय होते हैं -- "परोक्षप्रिया इव हि देवा: " !(ऐतरेय० १/३/१४) अब यदि कहो कि हम तो केवल यज्ञ किया करते हैं ,मूर्ति पूजा नहीं करते तब तो अज्ञानता ही है सुनिए - मूर्तिके द्वारा भगवान् का अर्चन कैसे करते हैं ? दारु-धातु-मृण्मय श्रीविग्रहकी षोड्शउपचारों द्वारा (धूप-दीप-नैवेद्य आदि) भगवद् अर्चन किया जाता है जिसे आप मूर्ति पूजा कहते हैं अब यज्ञके द्वारा यजन सुनिए - १०८०० इष्टकाओं,मृण्मयसे निर्मित यज्ञकुण्डमें समिधा द्वारा दूध ,दही ,घी ,सोमलता ,यवागू ,भात ,कच्चे चावल ,फल और जल इत्यादि से किया जाता है । अब दोनों ही पूजाओंमें क्या अंतर रहा ? इष्टकाओं-मृण्मय यज्ञकुण्डसे पूजन करना क्या मूर्ति पूजा नहीं है? भगवान् ने सृष्टिके समय यज्ञके रूप में अपनी मूर्तिकी पूजा की स्थापना की थी -- " अथैनमात्मान: प्रतिमामसृजत यद् यज्ञम् ,तस्मादाहु: प्रजापतिर्यज्ञ इत्यात्मनो ह्येनं प्रतिमासृजत !! (शतपथ ब्राह्मण ११/१/८/३) प्रजापति परमात्माने अपनी प्रतिमा (मूर्ति)के रूपमें सर्वप्रथम यज्ञको उतपन्न किया । अतः यज्ञ साक्षाद् भगवान् का स्वरूप हैं ।। निश्चित ही मूर्तिपूजा है ! हिन्दू यज्ञके द्वारा ,श्रीविग्रह के द्वारा सर्वशक्तिमान ईश्वरकी आराधना करता है न कि यज्ञ-मूर्तिकी ।
अन्धन्तम: प्रवशन्ति येऽसंभूतिमुपासते ! ततो भूय ऽ इव ते तमो यऽउ संभूत्या ँ् रताः !!( शुक्ल यजुर्वेद ४०/९) अर्थात्
जो असम्भूति (अव्यक्त प्रकृति ) की उपासना करते हैं ,वे घोर अंधकारमें प्रवेश करते हैं और जो सम्भूति (कार्यब्रह्म) में रत हैं ,वे मानो उनसे भी अधिक अंधकारमें प्रवेश करते हैं ।
।" यहाँ श्रुति भगवती सम्भूतिकी(कार्य ब्रह्म -पृथ्वी-पाषाणादि) उपासना करने का फल अंधकारमय बता रही हैं
अब अगला मन्त्र देखिए -
"सम्भूतिं च विनाशं च यस्यद्वेदोभय ँ् सह ! विनाशेन मृत्युं तीर्त्वा सम्भूत्यामृतमश्नुते !!( शुक्ल यजुर्वेद ४०/११) अर्थात् -जो असम्भूति और कार्यब्रह्म( पृथ्वी-पाषाणादि) इन दोनोंको साथ साथ अर्थात् अव्यक्त प्रकृति और पृथ्वी-पाषाणादिको ब्रह्मही जानता है,वह कार्यब्रह्म (पृथ्वी-पाषाणादि) की उपासनासे मृत्युको पार करके अर्थात् जन्म-मृत्युके चक्रसे छूटकर असम्भूतिके द्वारा अर्थात् अव्यक्त प्रकृतिकेलय द्वारा अमृत्व प्राप्त कर लेता है ।
अर्थात् जगत् के कारण रूप परब्रह्मको और नाशवान् प्रकृति-शरीर आदि को एक ही जानता है वो मुक्त हो जाता है ।"
ये श्रुति स्पष्ट कहती है - "ईशा वास्यमिद ँ् सर्वं यत्किन्च जगत्यां जगत् ! (शुक्ल यजुर्वेद ४०/१) अर्थात् - इस सृष्टिमें जो कुछ प्रत्यक्ष है ,जड़ अथवा चेतन है तथा प्राणी ,जीव, पर्वत ,समुद्र ,नदियां और भूमि हैं,वे सब परमात्माके द्वारा ही आच्छादित हैं !" जब सब कुछ परमात्माके द्वारा ही आच्छादित है तब प्रकृति-जड़ पाषाण-शरीरादि की उपासना निषेध क्यों होगी ? उसका फल अंधकारमय क्यों होगा ?
अब यदि दयानन्द उपरोक्त मन्त्र ४०/९ में पृथ्वी-पाषाणादिकी पूजाको अंधकारमय ही मानते हैं तब ये वेद मन्त्र भी देखिए -
"परि द्यावापृथिवी सद्यऽइत्वा परि लोकात् परि दिशः परि स्वः ! ऋतस्य तन्तुं विततं विचृत्य तदपश्यवत्तदभत्तदासीत !! (शुक्ल यजुर्वेद ३२/१२)
अर्थात् - जो द्यावापृथ्वी को समस्त लोकों और दिशाओं को ब्रह्म मानते हुए स्वर्ग की परिक्रमा करते हैं तथा यज्ञ-कर्मको अनुष्ठानादि से संपन्न करके ब्रह्मको साक्षाद् रूप से देखते हैं ,वे अज्ञान से छूटकर उसी ब्रह्ममें एकाकार हो जाते हैं !" इस उपरोक्त यजुर्वेदके मन्त्र में पृथ्वी-स्वर्गादि समस्त चराचर जगत् को ब्रह्म मानकर परिक्रमा आदि उपासना करता है और जगत् को ब्रह्म ही मानता है जड़ नहीं वो ब्रह्ममें लीन हो जाता है ये स्पष्ट हो जाता है .........
मूर्ति पूजा प्रतिपादन - सत्यार्थ प्रकाश में दयानन्द सरस्वतीने शुक्ल यजुर्वेदके निम्न मन्त्रसे मूर्ति पूजा का निषेध किया है किन्तु ये बहुत ही भ्रामक है - दयानन्दका मन्त्र भाष्य - "अन्धतम: प्र विशन्ति येऽसम्भूतिमुपासते ! ततो भूयऽइव ते तमो यऽउ सम्भूत्या ँ् रताः !! ( शुक्ल यजुर्वेद ४०/९) अर्थात् - जो 'असम्भूति ' अर्थात् अनुत्पन्न प्रकृति कारण की , ब्रह्मके स्थान में उपासना करते हैं ,वे अंधकार अर्थात् अज्ञान और दुःखसागरमें डूबते हैं । और 'सम्भूति' जो कारण से उत्पन्न हुए कार्यरूप पृथ्वी आदि भूत, पाषाण और वृक्षादि अवयव और मनुष्यादि के शरीर की उपासना ब्रह्मके स्थान पर करते हैं ,वे अंधकार से भी अधिक अंधकार अर्थात् महामूर्ख चिरकाल घोर दुःखरूप नरक में गिरके महाक्लेश भोगते हैं !"जबकि इस मन्त्रमें मूर्ति पूजाका कहीं भी विरोध नही है .
अब सही अर्थ देखिए -"अंध मूर्ति पूजा प्रतिपादन । सत्यार्थ प्रकाश एकादश समुल्लास पृष्ठ ३७७-३७८ में स्वामी दयानन्द ने - "न तस्य प्रतिमाऽअस्ति !!(यजुर्वेद ३२/३ अर्थात् - जो सब जगत् में व्यापक है उस निराकार परमात्मा की प्रतिमा ,परिमाण ,सादृश्य वा मूर्ति नही है !" ऐसा अर्थ करके मूर्ति पूजा का निषेध माना है ।
किन्तु इस मन्त्र का अब सम्यक् अर्थ करते हैं - " न तस्य प्रतिमाऽअस्ति यस्य नाम महद्यशः । हिरण्यगर्भऽइत्येष मा मा हि ँ् सादित्येषा यस्मान्न जातऽइत्येष: !! (शुक्ल यजुर्वेद ३२/३) अर्थात् - उस परमात्म स्वरूप पुरुष का कोई आकार नहीं है । उसका यशऔर नाम ही महान् है । "हिरण्यगर्भ" ,"यस्मान्न जातः ", और "मा मा हिंसित् " आदि मन्त्रों में उसकी महिमा का वर्णन हुआ है । " इस मन्त्र में कहा गया है यद्यपि उस परमात्मा का कोई आकार-स्वरूप या मूरत नहीं है तथापि उन महान् परमात्माका हिरण्यगर्भ आदि मन्त्रों में वर्णित है अर्थात् वो परमात्मा सृष्टि के आदि में आकार -स्वरूप रहित रहते हुए भी सर्गके समय स्वयं ही हिरण्यगर्भ ,विराटपुरुष ,प्रजापति और संवत्सर के रूप में मूर्तिमान् होता है । "संवत्सरे हि प्रजापतिरजायत । स इदं हिरण्यमाण्डं व्यसृजत् " ! ये विराट पुरुष या हिरण्यगर्भ ही इस परमात्माकी प्रथम मूर्ति है !
"संवत्सरस्य प्रतिमां यां त्वां रात्र्युपासते । सा न आयुष्मतीं प्रजां रायस्योषेण सं सृज " (अथर्ववेद ३/१०/३) अर्थात् - हे रात्रि ! संवत्सर (प्रजापति -परमात्मा ) की प्रतिमा (मूर्ति) जिस तेरी हम उपासना करते हैं ,वह तू प्रतिमा हमारी प्रजाको धान-पुष्टि आदिसे संयुक्त कर " की उक्ति से परमात्मा के साकार स्वरूप होने ,उनकी मूर्तिकी उपासना का प्रतिपादन किया गया है । भगवद्गीता में भी भगवान् कहते हैं - " मया ततमिदं सर्वं जगदव्यक्तमूर्तिना "(भगवद्गीता ९/४) । इन सब प्रमाणों से सिद्ध है शुक्ल यजुर्वेद का उपर्युक्त मन्त्र "न तस्य प्रतिमाऽअस्ति०"३२/३ में मूर्ति पूजा का निषेध नहीं है..
साभार-: कृष्णानुरागी वरुण
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Brain Waves Theory of Bhagavad Gita’s Consciousness and Vedas.

The most scientific truth taught to the world by Hindu texts, Vedas are the sacred sounds and Vibrations that control everything within and beyond Vacuum. Universal creation and destruction revolves around sacred sound ओ३म् (ॐ). The Earth, the Moon and the Sun are moving and protecting all living things with a natural frequency pulsation of 7.83 HZ — The frequency is known as ओ३म् (ॐ) OM.
Our life and the surrounding around depends on two subtle environmental signals, the Yin from below and the Yang from above.
The Schumann wave surrounding our planet being YANG and the weaker geomagnetic waves coming from below, from within the planet, being the YIN signal.

The equilibrium of earth and revolvement of planets is maintained by Sacred sounds as mentioned in Hindu texts.
Our brain’s ability to become flexible and/or transition through various brain wave frequencies plays a large role in how successful we are at managing stress, focusing on tasks, and getting a good night’s sleep. If one of the five types of brain waves is either overproduced and/or under produced in our brain, it can cause problems. For this reason, it is important to understand that there is no single brain wave that is “better” or more “optimal” than the others.
Our brain waves get in sync with the waves of planets in deep yogic meditation.
It happens when alpha and theta waves are perfectly balanced w.r.t other waves across the entire brain, a communication is possible between the human being and the planet – connection is developed. Energy and information which are embedded in the Sunya or Zero point (Aether ) is shared with the human brain. The planet communicates with us in this primal language of frequencies. The communication happens through the divine sound language that transcends through inter-dimensions and exists everywhere
What the Invaders Missed and Never Knew
No invader or attacker can ever win over India or its local natives (Hindus). No one can ever destroy its culture. There is always the supreme Bhagwan protecting the Bharat Varsha (Divine India) and Sanatan Dharma.

When sea mapping was done by Hindus of Bharat (now India), westerners flocked to the country to study the local civilization and truth about prosperity of native Indians (Hindus). Most of them were interested in looting the country, robbing off the wealth of erstwhile prosperous Hindu Rashtra, Bharat. There were very few seekers from West who came to India to realize the truth of existence and life. Once they somehow comprehended nuances of Hindu texts at surfacial level, they started renouncing their western traits of meat-eating and drinking. They made India their first and last home, never going back to the West. Hardly some of them became global ambassadors of Vedic wisdom. They were more of the view in finding solace for themselves than spreading knowledge of true human values. Some may call them selfish but that’s how they led their lives. Until the turn of the 19th Century, the Western view of the Hindu religion was mostly identified with a dazzling array of cultural mosaic and mysticism of India filled with both imaginable and unimaginable. It began to change after Swami Vivekananda gave his famous speech on the teachings of the Vedanta in Chicago in 1900 during the gathering of the World Parliament of Religions.
The loot and killings done by Muslims and Britishers led to decimation of their strength and ever-ending misery for the community people ever after. The Karmic cause and effect undid the prosperity and well-being of attackers.
If the invaders had instead embraced the Vedic knowledge with humility they would have made the world a peaceful placeTeachings of Srimad Bhagavad Gita and Contribution to Modern Science
The true teaching of the Vedanta contained in the Gita, Vivekananda told his mesmerized Western audience, has very little to do with the flying sadhus, the endless Hindul rituals, and the caste-system.
Citing the Gita, he voiced his opposition to organized religion, priestly control of spirituality, and then he also informed us of the existence of the female Rishis (Vedic teachers) in the Vedanta. Over night, Vivekananda introduced to the West the true liberated teaching of the Gita: pursue the beauty of inner Self through the art of detachment and meditation, and harvest the bounty of spiritual fountain. Half a century later, it was a nuclear physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer who finally brought the Gita into the popular vocabulary of the scientists in the West by citing this quote from the Bhagavad Gita.

With this began a western love affair with the wonderful tradition of the Vedic philosophy and the Gita. Since then, many scientists have quoted the Gita. For example, famous astro-physicist Carl Sagan was awed by the revelation in the Gita that the creation and destruction, an essential part of the cosmic evolution, was actually postulated in a more realistic vast time scale [8.17-8.19]
“The Hindu Dharma is the only one of the world’s great faith dedicated to the idea that the cosmos itself undergoes an immense, indeed an infinite number of deaths and rebirths. It is the world’s only religion in which the time scales correspond to those of modern scientific cosmology. Its cycles run from our ordinary day and night to a day and night of Brahma, 8.64 billion years long, longer than the age of the Earth or the sun and about half the time since the Big Bang.” Cosmos (New York: Random House, 1980).

Meditation, yoga, and the idea of spiritual living have now become an accepted part of the mainstream society. These popular phenomena have also begun to come under objective scrutiny. As the science discovers the power of spirituality through various scientific tests, the essence of the Gita becomes ever more relevant to our modern society. The simple idea of meditation discovered five to six thousand years ago in the Rigveda (oldest of the four Vedas), and a preferred choice of the true knowledge seekers, has been scientifically shown to have power to alter brain waves. Experiments have also shown that meditation reduces criminal intent, stress, and anger, and helps with recovery from illness.
Based on the teachings of Gita, some scientists have been doing experiment by placing electronic devices around the world to detect the existence of concentrated brain wave. They were baffled by an unusual level of concentrated signal picked up by their detectors during the time of the 9/11 incident, Madrid bombing and the similar global catastrophes. A global attention on a single event like the 9/11 seems to have some sort of abnormal effect.
Friday, August 21, 2015
Jewels of Hinduism, Sanatan Dharm
Vedanta: Hinduism Quotes
“Most humbly we bow to You, O Supreme Lord.
At Your command moves the mighty wheel of time.
You are eternal, and beyond eternity.”
(Artharva Veda)
“The one who loves all intensely begins perceiving in all living beings a part of himself…
He becomes a lover of all, a part and parcel of the Universal Joy.
He flows with the stream of happiness, and is enriched by each soul.”
(Yajur Veda)
“The human body is the temple of God.
One who kindles the light of awareness within gets true light.
The sacred flame of your inner shrine is constantly bright…
The experience of unity is the fulfillment of human endeavors.
The mysteries of life are revealed.”
(Rig Veda)
“Sing the song of celestial love, O singer!
May the divine fountain of eternal grace and joy enter your soul.
May Brahma, (the Divine One),
Pluck the strings of your inner soul with His celestial fingers,
And feel His own presence within.
Bless us with a divine voice
That we may tune the harp-strings of our life
To sing songs of Love to you.”
(Rig Veda)
“Of everything he is the inmost Self.
He is the truth; he is the Self supreme.” (Chandogya Upanishad)
“Meditating on the lotus of your heart,
in the center is the untainted;
the exquisitely pure, clear, and sorrowless;
the inconceivable;
the unmanifest,
of infinite form;
blissful, tranquil, immortal;
the womb of Brahma.”
“Those in whose hearts OM reverberates
Unceasingly are indeed blessed
And deeply loved as one who is the Self.
The all-knowing Self was never born,
Nor will it die. Beyond cause and effect,
This Self is eternal and immutable.
When the body dies, the Self does not die.”
(Katha Upanishad)
“The whole mantram AUM
Indivisible, interdependent,
Goes on reverberating in the mind…
Established in this cosmic vibration,
The sage goes beyond fear, decay, and death
To enter into infinite peace.”
(Prashna Upanishad)
“O Almighty!
You are the infinite; the universe is also infinite!
From infinite the infinite has come out!
Having taken infinite out of the infinite, the infinite remains!
O Almighty! May there be Peace! Peace! Everywhere!”
(Ishawashya Upanishad)
“Meditating on the lotus of your heart, in the center is the untainted; the exquisitely pure, clear, and
sorrowless; the inconceivable; the unmanifest, of infinite form; blissful, tranquil, immortal; the womb
of Brahma.” (Kaivalyopanishad)
“O seeker, know the true nature of your soul, and identify yourself with it completely.
O Lord, (may we attain) the everlasting consciousness of Supreme Light and Joy.
May we resolve to dedicate our life to the service of humankind,
And uplift them to Divinity.”
(Yajur Veda)
“O Brahma, lead us from the unreal to the real.
O Brahma, lead us from darkness to light.
O Brahma, lead us from death to immortality…
Shanti, Shanti, Shanti, Om.”
(Brhadaranyaka Upanishad)
“Look to this day, for it is life, the very breath of life. In its brief course lie all the realities of your
existence; the bliss of growth, the glory of action, the splendor of beauty. For yesterday is only a
dream, and tomorrow is but a vision. But today, well lived, makes every yesterday a dream of
happiness, and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well, therefore, to this day.” (Ancient Sanskrit)
“The highest Self, all endless bliss, the unconditioned limitless consciousness, being realized, whether
through the great texts, or through Yoga, in all experience whatever—let one lose himself in the
ecstasy of Realization, for he has forever lost all touch with bondage of every description.”
“This ritual is One.
This food is One.
We who offer the food are One.
The fire of hunger is One.
All action is One.
We who understand this are One.”
(Ancient Hindu Blessing)
“A particle of Its bliss supplies the bliss of the whole universe. Everything becomes enlightened in Its
light. All else appears worthless after a sight of that essence. I am indeed of this Supreme Eternal
Self.” (Vijnanananka)
“The knower catches in the ecstasy of his heart the full light of that Brahman (that Divine Essence)
which is indescribable—all pure bliss, incomparable, transcending time, ever free, beyond desire.”
"Bright but hidden, the Self dwells in the heart.
Everything that moves, breathes, opens, and closes
Lives in the Self. He is the source of love
And may be known through love but not through thought
He is the goal of life. Attain this goal!"
(Mundaka Upanishad)
“All is change in the world of the senses,
But changeless is the supreme Lord of Love.
Meditate on him, be absorbed by him,
Wake up from this dream of separateness.”
(Shvetashvatara Upanishad)
“O mysterious and incomprehensible Spirit!
“In the depths of my heart, there is only You—You, for all time.”
(source unknown)
At Your command moves the mighty wheel of time.
You are eternal, and beyond eternity.”
(Artharva Veda)
“The one who loves all intensely begins perceiving in all living beings a part of himself…
He becomes a lover of all, a part and parcel of the Universal Joy.
He flows with the stream of happiness, and is enriched by each soul.”
(Yajur Veda)
“The human body is the temple of God.
One who kindles the light of awareness within gets true light.
The sacred flame of your inner shrine is constantly bright…
The experience of unity is the fulfillment of human endeavors.
The mysteries of life are revealed.”
(Rig Veda)
“Sing the song of celestial love, O singer!
May the divine fountain of eternal grace and joy enter your soul.
May Brahma, (the Divine One),
Pluck the strings of your inner soul with His celestial fingers,
And feel His own presence within.
Bless us with a divine voice
That we may tune the harp-strings of our life
To sing songs of Love to you.”
(Rig Veda)
“Of everything he is the inmost Self.
He is the truth; he is the Self supreme.” (Chandogya Upanishad)
“Meditating on the lotus of your heart,
in the center is the untainted;
the exquisitely pure, clear, and sorrowless;
the inconceivable;
the unmanifest,
of infinite form;
blissful, tranquil, immortal;
the womb of Brahma.”
“Those in whose hearts OM reverberates
Unceasingly are indeed blessed
And deeply loved as one who is the Self.
The all-knowing Self was never born,
Nor will it die. Beyond cause and effect,
This Self is eternal and immutable.
When the body dies, the Self does not die.”
(Katha Upanishad)
“The whole mantram AUM
Indivisible, interdependent,
Goes on reverberating in the mind…
Established in this cosmic vibration,
The sage goes beyond fear, decay, and death
To enter into infinite peace.”
(Prashna Upanishad)
“O Almighty!
You are the infinite; the universe is also infinite!
From infinite the infinite has come out!
Having taken infinite out of the infinite, the infinite remains!
O Almighty! May there be Peace! Peace! Everywhere!”
(Ishawashya Upanishad)
“Meditating on the lotus of your heart, in the center is the untainted; the exquisitely pure, clear, and
sorrowless; the inconceivable; the unmanifest, of infinite form; blissful, tranquil, immortal; the womb
of Brahma.” (Kaivalyopanishad)
“O seeker, know the true nature of your soul, and identify yourself with it completely.
O Lord, (may we attain) the everlasting consciousness of Supreme Light and Joy.
May we resolve to dedicate our life to the service of humankind,
And uplift them to Divinity.”
(Yajur Veda)
“O Brahma, lead us from the unreal to the real.
O Brahma, lead us from darkness to light.
O Brahma, lead us from death to immortality…
Shanti, Shanti, Shanti, Om.”
(Brhadaranyaka Upanishad)
“Look to this day, for it is life, the very breath of life. In its brief course lie all the realities of your
existence; the bliss of growth, the glory of action, the splendor of beauty. For yesterday is only a
dream, and tomorrow is but a vision. But today, well lived, makes every yesterday a dream of
happiness, and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well, therefore, to this day.” (Ancient Sanskrit)
“The highest Self, all endless bliss, the unconditioned limitless consciousness, being realized, whether
through the great texts, or through Yoga, in all experience whatever—let one lose himself in the
ecstasy of Realization, for he has forever lost all touch with bondage of every description.”
“This ritual is One.
This food is One.
We who offer the food are One.
The fire of hunger is One.
All action is One.
We who understand this are One.”
(Ancient Hindu Blessing)
“A particle of Its bliss supplies the bliss of the whole universe. Everything becomes enlightened in Its
light. All else appears worthless after a sight of that essence. I am indeed of this Supreme Eternal
Self.” (Vijnanananka)
“The knower catches in the ecstasy of his heart the full light of that Brahman (that Divine Essence)
which is indescribable—all pure bliss, incomparable, transcending time, ever free, beyond desire.”
"Bright but hidden, the Self dwells in the heart.
Everything that moves, breathes, opens, and closes
Lives in the Self. He is the source of love
And may be known through love but not through thought
He is the goal of life. Attain this goal!"
(Mundaka Upanishad)
“All is change in the world of the senses,
But changeless is the supreme Lord of Love.
Meditate on him, be absorbed by him,
Wake up from this dream of separateness.”
(Shvetashvatara Upanishad)
“O mysterious and incomprehensible Spirit!
“In the depths of my heart, there is only You—You, for all time.”
(source unknown)
Friday, April 24, 2015
Western Scientists like Heisenberg & Schrodinger were inspired and influenced by Vedas
Recently Stupid Indian media was buzzing after a statement of Home minister Of India Mr Rajnath singh regarding Heisenberg’s theory and its roots in the Vedas. Let us look in to that-

News link:
Encyclopedias are usually the first level of references and since this is about ancient sciences, I referred “Encyclopedia of History of Science” (published by “Springer Science & Business Media”), in which page 204 says Schrodinger, the co-creator of quantum theory, was inspired by the Vedic texts and he along with Heisenberg built theories which were consistent with Vedantic concepts.

Page 204 of this book:
While Indian media and students are forgeting Vedas education, Europian Scientists learned and used Vedas in their research. Even Indian Genetry try to stay away from Vedas etc why? because they have inferiority complex developed by British for 400 years and before that by Mughals for 200 years. Time to reclaim identity you son of Bhartas and Aryavart before Europeans say that Sanskrit and Vedas are theirs.

Page 214 of this book:
See how Heisenberg’s theory of uncertainty is consistent with the teachings of Rig Veda, the book titled “The Hindu Mind” by Bansi Pandit provides more insights with simple illustrations and parallels at page 334.

Page 334 of this book:
A biography on Schrodinger (by William Taussig Scott) shows how he was inspired by the concept of “Brahman” in the Upanishads.

Page 141 of this book:
For insights into the Vedic interpretation of Quantum theory by Bohr-Heisenberg, the book “Unified Theories” written by RL Amoroso is recommended

Page 75 of this book:
Bohr’s fascination & inspiration from Upanishads is also well documented.

Page 168 of this book:
Moving beyond Quantum theories, Vedas had inspired scientists in nuclear sciences as well. For example, Oppenheimer (the father of atomic bomb) had publicly stated that access to the Vedas were the greatest privilege of the century.

Page 23 of this book:
Carl Sagan (a renowned Astrophysicist) was deeply inspired by Vedas and had stated that the Vedic cosmology corresponds to the modern scientific cosmology.

Page 25 of this book:
During his visit to USA, Swami Vivekananda had inspired Tesla (popularly called father of electricity) to look into Vedic Sciences to overcome the challenges imposed by conventional sciences, which in turn helped Tesla build theories which were later used by scientists for research on quantum physics & relativity.

Above references can be used to suggest that some of the Western Scientists were indeed influenced & some of their theories were inspired by Vedas & Upanishads.
News link:
Encyclopedias are usually the first level of references and since this is about ancient sciences, I referred “Encyclopedia of History of Science” (published by “Springer Science & Business Media”), in which page 204 says Schrodinger, the co-creator of quantum theory, was inspired by the Vedic texts and he along with Heisenberg built theories which were consistent with Vedantic concepts.
Page 204 of this book:
While Indian media and students are forgeting Vedas education, Europian Scientists learned and used Vedas in their research. Even Indian Genetry try to stay away from Vedas etc why? because they have inferiority complex developed by British for 400 years and before that by Mughals for 200 years. Time to reclaim identity you son of Bhartas and Aryavart before Europeans say that Sanskrit and Vedas are theirs.
Page 214 of this book:
See how Heisenberg’s theory of uncertainty is consistent with the teachings of Rig Veda, the book titled “The Hindu Mind” by Bansi Pandit provides more insights with simple illustrations and parallels at page 334.
Page 334 of this book:
A biography on Schrodinger (by William Taussig Scott) shows how he was inspired by the concept of “Brahman” in the Upanishads.
Page 141 of this book:
For insights into the Vedic interpretation of Quantum theory by Bohr-Heisenberg, the book “Unified Theories” written by RL Amoroso is recommended
Page 75 of this book:
Bohr’s fascination & inspiration from Upanishads is also well documented.
Page 168 of this book:
Moving beyond Quantum theories, Vedas had inspired scientists in nuclear sciences as well. For example, Oppenheimer (the father of atomic bomb) had publicly stated that access to the Vedas were the greatest privilege of the century.
Page 23 of this book:
Carl Sagan (a renowned Astrophysicist) was deeply inspired by Vedas and had stated that the Vedic cosmology corresponds to the modern scientific cosmology.
Page 25 of this book:
During his visit to USA, Swami Vivekananda had inspired Tesla (popularly called father of electricity) to look into Vedic Sciences to overcome the challenges imposed by conventional sciences, which in turn helped Tesla build theories which were later used by scientists for research on quantum physics & relativity.
Above references can be used to suggest that some of the Western Scientists were indeed influenced & some of their theories were inspired by Vedas & Upanishads.
Heisenberg & Schrodinger and vedas,
Vedas and Indian Philosophy
Sunday, April 5, 2015
Charvaka school , Vedas and Indian Philosophy
The Charvaka school was a philosophical movement in India that rejected the traditional religious order by challenging the authority of the Vedas as well as the hegemony the Brahman priests. Contrary to the view that India has always been an entirely religious and spiritual land, the Charvaka school is one of the most irreligious and skeptical systems of thought ever devised. This school is considered part of the heterodox systems (also referred to as heresies) of Indian philosophy, and it is also known as Lokayata, a term which in Sanskrit and Pali means “Naturalist” or “Worldly”.
Origin & Early Development
The Charvaka school started to develop around the 7th century BCE, during the time when the culture of world renunciation emerged in India. Buddhist scriptures occasionally mention the Charvaka as part of the wandering religious groups known as sramanas. Before the time of the Charvaka school there were other materialistic schools in India, but none of them managed to systematize their teachings like the Charvaka did.
The founder of the Charvaka school is considered to be Brihaspati, who seems to be more of a legendary figure rather than an actual person. The most prominent member of this school during the time of the Buddha was a man named Ajita Kesakambali (Ajita of the Hair Blanket), whose ideas are summarized in a Buddhist Pali text known as Samannaphala Sutta, where he denies the doctrine of transmigration of the soul.
Doctrine & Core Beliefs
The earliest texts of the Charvaka were written around the 6th century BCE, but unfortunately they have been lost. From what we can piece together, mainly through later works, these thinkers believed in a rigid materialistic perspective in which only things that could be perceived directly were thought to exist. Some of the key principles of this doctrine of materialism were:
All things are made of earth, air, fire and water.
That which cannot be perceived does not exist; to exist implies to be perceivable.
Heaven and hell are nothing but inventions. The only goal of humans is to enjoy pleasures and avoid pain.
Providing a good living for the priests is a sufficient explanation for the practice of religion.
The members of this school did not believe in ideas such as the soul, reincarnation, spirits, or gods. Religion, they said, is nothing but a fraud devised by clever men who want to take advantage of others. Soul or consciousness can be explained in natural terms as a side effect of having a healthy body: When the body dies, consciousness simply disappears. No existence other than the physical body exists for the Charvaka.
The attitude towards human conduct in the Charvaka school was a very flexible one: Right or wrong were seen as merely human conventions. The cosmos, they believed, was indifferent to human behaviour. If this life is all there is, if there is no afterlife whatsoever, then we should live enjoying the physical life the best we can.
There were a number of aphorisms ascribed to Brihaspati that have also been lost. Only a brief poem used to denounce the priestly caste has survived to our days:
The costly rites enjoined for those who die
Are but a means of livelihood devised
By sacerdotal cunning, nothing more....
While life endures let life be spent in ease
And merriment; let a man borrow money
From all his friends, and feast on melted butter
(Durant, 418)
This poem is particularly provocative if we keep in mind that butter was poured into the sacrificial fire by the Brahman priests.
In the novel about the life of the Buddha named "A Spoke in the Wheel", the author paraphrases some of the criticisms of the Charvaka school concerning the practices of Brahman priests. Although this is only fiction, it reflects some good points of conflict between the Charvaka and the traditional religious order:
[...] Spells, incantations, rituals, even the duties of the four varnas [castes] - all these are nonsense, invented for the livelihood of those destitute of knowledge and manliness. If a beast slain in the Jvotistoma rite [Vedic ritual] goes straight to heaven, why doesn't the sacrificer offer his father instead? If offerings to priests can feed ancestors in heaven, how is it that that person standing on top of a house cannot be gratified by food served inside? They cannot - because all such long-distance gratification is buffoonery!
(Kanekar, 181)
The materialism that the Charvaka school advocated in India was popular for quite a long time. It claimed that the truth can never be known except through the senses: The body, not the soul, feels, sees, hears and thinks. Religions flourish only because people have become accustomed to them. Faith is destroyed by true knowledge and when this happens, people feel a sense of loss and an uncomfortable void that's difficult to handle. Nature is indifferent to human conventions, such as good and bad or even virtue and vice. The sun shines equally upon sinners and saints.
The Charvaka school challenged the traditional religious order in India, weakening the authority and reputation of the priests and encouraging a sort of spiritual vacuum in Indian society that compelled the development of new religious alternatives. The materialistic ideas were so strong that the new religions, which arose to replace the old faith, were devotions without a god or gods or, in other words, non-theistic religions. Such an idea might sound like a contradiction in itself, but that was exactly the approach of some of the main religious movements that appeared as a result of this religious controversy. In a reaction against the priestly class, these new religions originated in the Kshatriyas caste (the warrior rulers caste), opposing the traditional priestly hegemony
Origin & Early Development
The Charvaka school started to develop around the 7th century BCE, during the time when the culture of world renunciation emerged in India. Buddhist scriptures occasionally mention the Charvaka as part of the wandering religious groups known as sramanas. Before the time of the Charvaka school there were other materialistic schools in India, but none of them managed to systematize their teachings like the Charvaka did.
The founder of the Charvaka school is considered to be Brihaspati, who seems to be more of a legendary figure rather than an actual person. The most prominent member of this school during the time of the Buddha was a man named Ajita Kesakambali (Ajita of the Hair Blanket), whose ideas are summarized in a Buddhist Pali text known as Samannaphala Sutta, where he denies the doctrine of transmigration of the soul.
Doctrine & Core Beliefs
The earliest texts of the Charvaka were written around the 6th century BCE, but unfortunately they have been lost. From what we can piece together, mainly through later works, these thinkers believed in a rigid materialistic perspective in which only things that could be perceived directly were thought to exist. Some of the key principles of this doctrine of materialism were:
All things are made of earth, air, fire and water.
That which cannot be perceived does not exist; to exist implies to be perceivable.
Heaven and hell are nothing but inventions. The only goal of humans is to enjoy pleasures and avoid pain.
Providing a good living for the priests is a sufficient explanation for the practice of religion.
The members of this school did not believe in ideas such as the soul, reincarnation, spirits, or gods. Religion, they said, is nothing but a fraud devised by clever men who want to take advantage of others. Soul or consciousness can be explained in natural terms as a side effect of having a healthy body: When the body dies, consciousness simply disappears. No existence other than the physical body exists for the Charvaka.
The attitude towards human conduct in the Charvaka school was a very flexible one: Right or wrong were seen as merely human conventions. The cosmos, they believed, was indifferent to human behaviour. If this life is all there is, if there is no afterlife whatsoever, then we should live enjoying the physical life the best we can.
There were a number of aphorisms ascribed to Brihaspati that have also been lost. Only a brief poem used to denounce the priestly caste has survived to our days:
The costly rites enjoined for those who die
Are but a means of livelihood devised
By sacerdotal cunning, nothing more....
While life endures let life be spent in ease
And merriment; let a man borrow money
From all his friends, and feast on melted butter
(Durant, 418)
This poem is particularly provocative if we keep in mind that butter was poured into the sacrificial fire by the Brahman priests.
In the novel about the life of the Buddha named "A Spoke in the Wheel", the author paraphrases some of the criticisms of the Charvaka school concerning the practices of Brahman priests. Although this is only fiction, it reflects some good points of conflict between the Charvaka and the traditional religious order:
[...] Spells, incantations, rituals, even the duties of the four varnas [castes] - all these are nonsense, invented for the livelihood of those destitute of knowledge and manliness. If a beast slain in the Jvotistoma rite [Vedic ritual] goes straight to heaven, why doesn't the sacrificer offer his father instead? If offerings to priests can feed ancestors in heaven, how is it that that person standing on top of a house cannot be gratified by food served inside? They cannot - because all such long-distance gratification is buffoonery!
(Kanekar, 181)
The materialism that the Charvaka school advocated in India was popular for quite a long time. It claimed that the truth can never be known except through the senses: The body, not the soul, feels, sees, hears and thinks. Religions flourish only because people have become accustomed to them. Faith is destroyed by true knowledge and when this happens, people feel a sense of loss and an uncomfortable void that's difficult to handle. Nature is indifferent to human conventions, such as good and bad or even virtue and vice. The sun shines equally upon sinners and saints.
The Charvaka school challenged the traditional religious order in India, weakening the authority and reputation of the priests and encouraging a sort of spiritual vacuum in Indian society that compelled the development of new religious alternatives. The materialistic ideas were so strong that the new religions, which arose to replace the old faith, were devotions without a god or gods or, in other words, non-theistic religions. Such an idea might sound like a contradiction in itself, but that was exactly the approach of some of the main religious movements that appeared as a result of this religious controversy. In a reaction against the priestly class, these new religions originated in the Kshatriyas caste (the warrior rulers caste), opposing the traditional priestly hegemony
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