Kaaba, a Hindu Temple, Stolen by Muslims
Truth of Mecca and kaba
- Respecting Idol
- Paying obeisance to the structure around Idol
- Circumambulating around the structure where Idol is located (walking around it)
- Placing the image or painting of the structure above ground at home or office – giving it due respect.
- Gifting such paintings to friends
- Taking bath or washing hands, legs before Idol worshiping
- Donning clean, white cloth before praying
- Shaving head to bow in front of God with clean mind and head – thoughtless and pious.
- Chanting mantras as they move around the structure
Kaaba Is Hindu Temple Which Muslims Visit!
Muslims are Idol Worshippers in Mecca ?
So muslims are idol worshippers too, on their visit to mecca, they follow Vedic rituals prescribed in koran. In Koran (google “haribhakt 164 verses of koran” to know them) it is clearly ordered by so called god, allah, that killing idol worshippers pleases allah, so would muslims kill themselves to please allah in adherence to this demand of allah – after all they are also idol worshippers. Is n’t this a blasphemy, where they do not kill themselves for being idol worshippers – are they not kafirs themselves – which they call Hindus, Christians and Buddhists because they are idol worshippers too. Everything is same, the only difference is, they respectfully kiss the idol but do not fold hands towards it. And why they will do so, to differentiate themselves from others, they use open hands. Otherwise, each and everything they practice in Mecca is nothing but ignorantly following Vedic principles.
The research backed by supportive evidences which is also reflected by the acts of Muslims seen in Mecca and acknowledged by the religious scholars of World today which comprise mostly non-muslims. Internet is scattered with proofs that Kaaba is indeed Hindu temple; openly supported by all non-muslims and even recent converts who renounced Islam to embrace non-islamic religions after knowing truth of Islamic existence and how it’s history is tarnished with several religious buildings across the world demolished to construct mosques. Some major mosques which were constructed after dismantling religious structures are listed here.
An official archeological find in Kuwait unearthed a gold-plated statue of the Hindu deity Ganesh. A Muslim resident of Kuwait requested historical research material that can help explain the connection between Hindu civilisation and Arabia.
Was the Kaaba Originally a Hindu Shiva Temple?
P.N. Oak, a great historian awarded by US on religious research stated: Glancing through some research material recently, I was pleasantly surprised to come across a reference to a king Vikramaditya inscription found in the Kaaba in Mecca proving beyond doubt that the Arabian Peninsula formed a part of his Indian Empire.The text of the crucial Vikramaditya inscription, found inscribed on a gold dish hung inside the Kaaba shrine in Mecca, is found recorded on page 315 of a volume known as Sayar-ul-okul (memorable words) treasured in the Makhtab-e-Sultania (family history writings) library in Istanbul, Turkey.
Rendered in free English the inscription says:
“Fortunate are those who were born (and lived) during king Vikram’s reign. He was a noble, generous dutiful ruler, devoted to the welfare of his subjects. But at that time we Arabs, oblivious of God, were lost in sensual pleasures. Plotting and torture were rampant. The darkness of ignorance had enveloped our country.For those who would like to read the Arabic wording I reproduce it here under in Roman script:
Like the lamb struggling for her life in the cruel paws of a wolf we Arabs were caught up in ignorance. The entire country was enveloped in a darkness so intense as on a new moon night. But the present dawn and pleasant sunshine of education is the result of the favour of the noble king Vikramaditya whose benevolent supervision did not lose sight of us- foreigners as we were.
He spread his sacred religion amongst us and sent scholars whose brilliance shone like that of the sun from his country to ours.
These scholars and preceptors through whose benevolence we were once again made cognisant of the presence of God, introduced to His sacred existence and put on the road of Truth, had come to our country to preach their religion and impart education at king Vikramaditya’s behest.”
“Itrashaphai Santu Ibikramatul Phahalameen Karimun Yartapheeha Wayosassaru Bihillahaya Samaini Ela Motakabberen Sihillaha Yuhee Quid min howa Yapakhara phajjal asari nahone osirom bayjayhalem.(Page 315 Sayar-ul-okul, means ‘memorable words’).
Yundan blabin Kajan blnaya khtoryaha sadunya kanateph netephi bejehalin Atadari bilamasa- rateen phakef tasabuhu kaunnieja majekaralhada walador.
As hmiman burukankad toluho watastaru hihila Yakajibaymana balay kulk amarena phaneya jaunabilamary Bikramatum”.
A careful analysis of the above inscription enables us to draw the following conclusions:
1. That the ancient Indian empires extended up to the eastern boundaries of Arabia until Vikramaditya and that it was he who for the first time conquered Arabia. Because the inscription says that king Vikram who dispelled the darkness of ignorance from Arabia.
1. That the ancient Indian empires extended up to the eastern boundaries of Arabia until Vikramaditya and that it was he who for the first time conquered Arabia. Because the inscription says that king Vikram who dispelled the darkness of ignorance from Arabia.
2. That, whatever their earlier faith, King Vikrama’s preachers had succeeded in spreading the Vedic (based on the Vedas, the Hindu sacred scriptures) way of life in Arabia.
3. That the knowledge of Indian arts and sciences was imparted by Indians to the Arabs directly by founding schools, academies and cultural centres. The belief, therefore, that visiting Arabs conveyed that knowledge to their own lands through their own indefatigable efforts and scholarship is unfounded.
An ancillary conclusion could be that the so-called Kutub Minar (in Delhi, India) could well be king Vikramadiya’s tower commemorating his conquest of Arabia. This conclusion is strengthened by two pointers. Firstly, the inscription on the iron pillar near the so-called Kutub Minar refers to the marriage of the victorious king Vikramaditya to the princess of Balhika. This Balhika is none other than the Balkh region in West Asia. It could be that Arabia was wrestled by king Vikramaditya from the ruler of Balkh who concluded a treaty by giving his daughter in marriage to the victor.
Secondly, the township adjoining the so called Kutub Minar is named Mehrauli after Mihira who was the renowned astronomer-mathematician of king Vikram’s court. Mehrauli is the corrupt form of Sanskrit Mihira-Awali signifying a row of houses raised for Mihira and his helpers and assistants working on astronomical observations made from the tower.Having seen the far reaching and history shaking implications of the Arabic inscription concerning king Vikrama, we shall now piece together the story of its find. How it came to be recorded and hung in the Kaaba in Mecca. What are the other proofs reinforcing the belief that Arabs were once followers of the Indian Vedic way of life and that tranquillity and education were ushered into Arabia by king Vikramaditya’s scholars, educationists from an uneasy period of “ignorance and turmoil” mentioned in the inscription.
In Istanbul, Turkey, there is a famous library called Makhatab-e-Sultania (family history writings), which is reputed to have the largest collection of ancient West Asian literature. In the Arabic section of that library is an anthology of ancient Arabic poetry. That anthology was compiled from an earlier work in A.D. 1742 under the orders of the Turkish ruler Sultan Salim.
The pages of that volume are of Hareer, a kind of silk used for writing on. Each page has a decorative gilded border. That anthology is known as Sayar-ul-Okul. It is divided into three parts.
The first part contains biographic details and the poetic compositions of pre-Islamic Arabian poets.
The second part embodies accounts and verses of poets of the period beginning just after prophet Mohammad’s times, up to the end of the Banee-Um-Mayya dynasty.
The third part deals with later poets up to the end of Khalif Harun-al-Rashid’s times.
Abu Amir Asamai, an Arabian bard who was the poet Laureate of Harun-al-Rashid’s court, has compiled and edited the anthology.
The first modern edition of Sayar-ul-Okul was printed and published in Berlin in 1864. A subsequent edition is the one published in Beirut in 1932.
The collection is regarded as the most important and authoritative anthology of ancient Arabic poetry. It throws considerable light on the social life, customs, manners and entertainment modes of ancient Arabia. The book also contains an elaborate description of the ancient shrine of Mecca, the town and the annual fair known as OKAJ which used to be held every year around the Kaaba temple in Mecca. This should convince readers that the annual haj of the Muslims to the Kaaba is of earlier pre-Islamic congregation.
But the OKAJ fair was far from a carnival. It provided a forum for the elite and the learned to discuss the social, religious, political, literary and other aspects of the Vedic culture then pervading Arabia. Sayar-ul-Okul asserts that the conclusion reached at those discussions were widely respected throughout Arabia. Mecca, therefore, followed the Varanasi tradition (of India) of providing a venue for important discussions among the learned while the masses congregated there for spiritual bliss. The principal shrines at both Varanasi in India and at Mecca in Arvasthan (Arabia) were Siva temples. Even to this day ancient Mahadev (Siva) emblems can be seen. It is the Shankara (Siva) stone that Muslim pilgrims reverently touch and kiss in the Kaaba.
Arabic tradition has lost trace of the founding of the Kaaba temple. The discovery of the Vikramaditya inscription affords a clue. King Vikramaditya is known for his great devotion to Lord Mahadev (Siva). At Ujjain (India), the capital of Vikramaditya, exists the famous shrine of Mahankal, i.e., of Lord Shankara (Siva) associated with Vikramaditya. Since according to the Vikramaditya inscription he spread the Vedic religion, who else but he could have founded the Kaaba temple in Mecca.
History of Kaaba Temple and How It Became Mecca of Today
In pure scientific study about the mythical Muhammad raises basic questions concerning the prophet’s role as a moral paragon; the sources of Islamic law; and the God-given nature of the Koran. The scientists even doubt the existence of Muhammad. Scientists say that the Koran is a not a product of Muhammad or even of Arabia, but a collection of materials stitched together to meet the needs of a later age. There was no Islam until two or three hundred years after the traditional version at around 830CE. The Arab tribesmen who conquered in the seventh century vast territory were not Moslems, but were persons who worshiped idols and whom scientists call pagans.Even though Prophet Muhammad was born in the full light of history the earliest document date about a century and a half after his death. Not only does this long lapse of time cast doubt on their accuracy, but internal evidence strongly suggest, the Arabic sources were composed in the context of intense partisan quarrels over the prophet’s life. The earliest sources like papyri, inscriptions, and coins on the prophet’s life, contradict the standard biography. An inscription and a Greek account fix Muhammad’s birth in 552, not 570. Muhammad’s career took place not in Mecca but hundreds of kilometers to the north. Yehuda Nevo, The classical Arabic language was developed not in today’s Saudi Arabia but in the Levant.
Muhammad was said to be born in the full light of history but the earliest document about him came 150 years later, casting doubt his very birth, earlier versions of Koran have conflicting views on his birth, several sects of Islam also suggest different dates. Long before Islam came in to existence, Kaaba, in Mecca in Saudi Arabia was a pilgrimage site. The word Kaaba came from the Tamil Language which originated around 1700BC. In Tamil Nadu Kabaalishwaran temple is Lord Shiva’s temple and Kabaali refers to Lord Shiva. The black stone at Kaaba is Shiva Lingam and Kaaba is a Hindu temple.
As you know now that long before Islam came in to existence, Kaaba, in Mecca in Saudi Arabia was a pilgrimage site. The word Kaaba might have come from the Tamil Language which originated around 1700BC. In Tamil Nadu Kabaalishwaran temple is Lord Shiva’s temple and Kabaali refers to Lord Shiva. The black stone at Kaaba is held sacred and holy in Islam and is called “Hajre Aswad” from the Sanskrit word Sanghey Ashweta or Non-white stone. The Shiva Lingam is also called Sanghey Ashweta. So what is in Kaaba could be the same that Hindus worship. The pedestal Maqam-E-Ibrahim at the centre of the Kaaba is octagonal in shape.
In Hinduism, the pedestal of Brahma the creator is also octagonal in shape. Muslim pilgrims visiting the Kaaba temple go around it seven times. In no other mosque does the circumambulation prevail. Hindus invariably circumambulate or perform Pradakshina, around their deities. This is yet another proof that the Kaaba shrine is a pre-Islamic with Vedic way of praying.
The circumbulation is a practice based on Vedic science as prescribed in great Vedas and Upanishads.
In Shiva temples, Hindus always practice circumambulation or Pradakshina. Just as in Hinduism, the custom of circumambulation by muslim pilgrims around the entire Kaaba building seven times shows that the claim that in Islam they don’t worship stones is not true.
Allah was one of the deities in Kaaba long before Islam was founded. It might come as a stunning revelation to many that the word ‘ALLAH’ itself is Sanskrit.As explained above, again co-relating, King Vikramaditya inscription was found on a gold dish hung inside the Kaaba shrine in Mecca, proving beyond doubt that the Arabian Peninsula formed a part of his Indian Empire. (Ref: page 315 of a volume known as ‘Sayar-ul-Okul’ treasured in the Makhtab-e-Sultania library in Istanbul, Turkey). King Vikrama’s preachers had succeeded in spreading the Vedic Hindu sacred scriptures in Arabia and Arabs were once followers of the Indian Vedic way of life. The annual fair known as OKAJ which used to be held every year around the Kaaba temple in Mecca and the present annual hajj of the Muslims to the Kaaba is of earlier pre-Islamic congregation. Only major difference it was platform to discuss the social, religious, political, literary and other aspects of the Vedic culture. Vedas are not easy to comprehend and require series of discourses. Even to this day ancient Siva emblems can be seen. It is the Shankara (Siva) stone that Muslim pilgrims reverently touch and kiss in the Kaaba.
In Sanskrit language Allah, Akka and Amba are synonyms. They signify a goddess or mother. The term ‘ALLAH’ forms part of Sanskrit chants invoking goddess Durga, also known as Bhavani, Chandi and Mahishasurmardini.
The Islamic word for God is, therefore, not an innovation but the ancient Sanskrit appellation retained and continued by Islam. Allah means mother or goddess and mother goddess.
Following Vedic tradition which ancient arabs always followed and never knew any other culture, Muslims shave their head and beard and don special sacred attire that consists of two seamless sheets of white cloth.That shows that in the Kaaba the Arabs worshipped the nine planets in pre-Islamic days. In India the practice of ‘Navagraha’ puja, that is worship of the nine planets, is still in vogue. Two of these nine are Saturn and Moon. In India the crescent moon is always painted across the forehead of the Siva symbol. Since that symbol was associated with the Siva emblem in Kaaba it came to be grafted on the flag of Islam.
One is to be worn round the waist and the other over the shoulders as don by Hindu priests originally. Both these rites are remnants of the old Vedic practice of entering Hindu temples clean and with holy seamless white sheets. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, the Kaaba has 360 idols.
Traditional accounts mention that one of the deities among the 360 destroyed when the place was stormed was that of Saturn; another was of the Moon and yet another was one called Allah.
The Hindu Vedic letter in Sanskrit ॐ (OM) if seen in a mirror one can see the Arabic numbers 786 and this is the most sacred number for Muslims and copies of the Arabic Koran have the mysterious figure 786 imprinted on them.
In their ignorance simply they do not realize that this special number is nothing more than the holiest of Vedic symbols misread and none of the Arabic scholar has been able to determine how they chose 786 as the sacred for them. No islamic cleric can ever explain to any of his muslim followers how 786 emerged but Vedic ॐ, OM, has that answer. Mis-pronouncing Vedic mantras and mis-representing greatest mantra of all, ॐ into 786 is a satanic act, which is the reason that symbol 786 generate negative energy and no muslim or islamic nation can ever stay harmoniously peaceful.
In short muslims are also going around Siva Lingam at Kaaba, seven times as Hindus go around it seven times – but in opposite direction.
Another Hindu (Vedic) tradition associated with the Kaaba is that of the sacred stream Ganga (sacred water of the Ganges river). According to the Hindu tradition, Ganga is also inseparable from the Shiva emblem as the crescent moon. Wherever there is a Siva emblem, Ganga must co-exist. True to that association a sacred fount exists near the Kaaba. Its water is held sacred because it has been traditionally regarded as Ganga since pre-Islamic times (Zam-Zam water).
Major startling fact is that Muslims never follow any of the Vedic rituals originally at their homes but when they reach Mecca they clearly follow rites which are similar to prescribed in Vedic texts. Even to this day, they practice these traditions in Mecca which further asserts that Kaaba is Hindu temple.
Evil History of Islam Asserts That Kaaba Is Indeed Hindu Temple
Mohammed and his followers confiscating Hindu Temple to built Kaaba is one of the barbaric methods to promote islam and establish death cult among arabs. Islamic history is filled with loot, deceit, killings, genocide,rape and barbarism.This further asserts that demolishing Hindu temples, building mosques over same places, converting Hindu palaces to islamic structures and tombs which were constructed by mughal emperors – Aurangzeb the butcher, Love Jihadi Akbar and Terrorist Tipu Sultan – were following legacy of mohammed.
Thomas King highlighted few of the evil deeds led by mohammed himself.
1) Mohammed torturing innocent man to satisfy his s*xual urge with a married woman: Unrighteous acquisition of Safiya bint Huyay by torturing her husband for treasure and murdering her relatives on the same day before finally forcing himself to marry her.
2) Mohammed’s lust fulfillment with daughter-in-law: Stealing of his adopted son’s wife, Zaynab along with encouraging his followers to steal married women in war.
3) Pedoph!le Activity and Child Abuse: Marriage to Aisha, who was only 6 on proposal and 9 when consummated, Muhammad was 50 years old, an age when he was almost great grandfather of the kid.
4) Promoting Death Cult Islam with Sword: Hatred of Hindus, Jews and Christians along with advocating murder of non-Muslims and apostates.
5) Spreading terrorism and dacoity: Advocating brigandry and looting of non-Muslims, declaring it halal
Super Lift Offs and Thefts by Muslims from Ancient Hindu Traditions
From where Muslims Got the Principle of Anti-clockwise Circumambulation
Mount Kailash is revered by Hindus followed by Buddhists and Jainese. Hindus respect Mount Kailash, abode of Bhagwan Shiv, Supreme Bhagwan who is none other than Bhagwan Vishnu himself. When Bhagwan Vishnu is untouched by the external energy He is Bhagwan Vishnu, but when He is in touch with the external energy, He appears in His feature as Bhagwan Shiv. The symbol of Shiv Lingam signifies the presence of energy that drives the Universe, our world and all creatures. Hindus were the first people to revere the importance of Kailash Parvat (कैलाश पर्वत), due to their immense knowledge of Vedas and Puranas.Later local tribes also started worshiping Mount Kailash who later became the adherents of the Bon, the indigenous, religion of the region who maintained that the mystic region around Mt. Kailash and the Nine-Story Swastika Mountain was the seat of all power. When viewed from the south face, a swastika can indeed be seen. The sacred circumambulation of Kailash is done anti-clockwise by the Bon people. Bon people got this tradition of anti-clockwise circulation in legacy from their ancestral local tribes. In initial years of formation of islam, there was no reverence of mecca but to populate the religion, mohammed needed a place in response to several holy places of Hindu dharma and other religions.
While Hindus have thousands of revered holy places around the world. Newly formed islam had not, so mohammed thought of attacking a Hindu temple of mecca (revered by erstwhile idol worshippers) and declared it as an holy asset of islam while taking anti-clockwise deity circulation ritual from locals of the Mount Kailash. The non-Vedic anti-clockwise circumambulation is done to respect Bhagwan Shiv in Mount Kailash, who is revered in a different form of a deity. Similarly, non-Vedic anti-clockwise circulation is done in mecca to respect the structure where it is believed that Shiv Bhagwan is present in symbolic form.
Clockwise circulation of deity is Vedic practice, reversing the ritual to anti-Clockwise circulation becomes anti-Vedic.
From Where Muslims Grabbed the Concept of Crescent Moon
In Mount Kailash range, which is abode of Bhagwan Shiv and Shiv Shankar still resides there to protect the world, there are several lakes and mountains. There are two mystical lakes which is still a mystery for the scientists around the world. The Mansarovar (Devta) lake and Rakshas tal – As per Vedas, Devta lake is round in shape representing positive energy, while Rakshas tal is crescent in shape representing negative energy. They are also known as symbols of Solar (Devta lake) and Lunar (Rakshas tal) energies implying Sun and Moon respectively.Moon shows disturbance by reducing and increasing its shape for 15 days. While Sun stays calm and bright energizing the planets and moon with its super power solar energy. The dependence of moon over sun also indicate the symbolic names of these lakes.
Irrespective of the weather conditions, the Mansoravar lake remains calm, still and soothing even under massive storm and natural disturbance. While the Rakshas tal is a dead lake which is steamy, salty and stays constantly stormy. Mansarovar is fresh water lake so people use the water to bath and drink. Rakshas tal is disruptive and salty so no one dares to visit the lake and it is abandoned by the people.
Rakshas tal is a place where evil spirits, bhutas, pret, ghosts and black tantriks come in invisible form to enhance negative energies within their unholy subtle bodies, which cannot be seen by people. They revere the crescent moon shape of Rakshas tal and perform their rites in invisible form. The stormy and disruptive nature of salt lake Rakshas tal convey the dance of negative energies in and around the lake. Thus, crescent moon became the symbol of negative energy here. Sun represents Devta lake which is positive energy and is required for the moon to sustain. Moon sets before the Sun which also shows that the positive energy transcends and protects whereas temporal disturbance of negative energy ceases to exist. Crescent moon has been admired by tantriks long before islam came into existence.
For Good and positive energy to show its relevance to the world, existence of Evil and bad energy is required. The balancing act is done by the Rakshas for Devtas to show their strength and responsibility. The pious deeds of Devtas guide human beings to follow the righteous path.Founders of Islam Copied pious Star Symbol of Sanatan Dharm which represents fire and water necessary for the sustenance of the world. Daksha cursed Chandra (Moon) that he will wane. This curse was reduced by the Bhagwan Shiv who blessed “During krishnapaksha you will wane. And during shuklapaksha (the bright part of the lunar fortnight) you will wax.”
That is why the continuous full moon view by the people of the world became waxing and waning views of the moon. This also helped people to know the time and period of the world. Since then the waxing and waning of moon is used to calculate the days and months. Thus, the moon symbolizes time and Bhagwan Shiv wearing moon on his head denotes that Bhagwan Shiv has complete control over time and is beyond the measure of time and is eternal.
Muslims adopted the symbol of crescent moon from the Tantriks (who worship Bhagwan Shiv) of Bharat Varsh. Islam took the symbol instead to follow and believe in strengthening negative energies, to kill animals, hate civilized people, live in dirty places and led a violent life, devoid of peace and truth.
From Where Muslims Stole the Concept of Moustache less Beard Appearance
Being the newest cult founded by an anti-Vedic person, mohammed, inspirations from the oldest Vedic texts and images of Hindu Gods formed the basis of symbols, reverse rituals and principles of cult islam. Initial images depicted by muslim scholars showed complete beard for muslim clerics. Some of the different sects of islam realized that after mohammed there are still some of the truths to be revealed so they followed other clerics like Mirza Ghulam Ahmed who formed Ahmadiyya. Shia’s believe that only descendants of Ali ibn Abi Talib could be Imams. Mahdavia is an Islamic sect that believes in a 15th-century Mahdi, Muhammad Jaunpuri. There are Quranist Muslims who reject the Hadith.
During terror-prone mughal era, several fakirs and maulvis researched Hindu texts and created their own ways of praying God. It was mix of Hindu rituals and Muslim practices. Some of the fakirs as early as 12th Century started preaching Hindu text teachings to gain acceptance among Hindu majority, while also advocating the manmade principles of koran. These fakirs were mostly involved in relying on petty tricks to keep their livelihood. Most of the tricks were liberating evil spirits from the bodies and controlling emotions of their followers. But being anti-Vedic, they did more harm than curing the patients. These fakirs later came to know about Hindu texts and Rambhakt Hanuman who was anihilator of Rakshas and evil spirits. They started giving due respect to Hanuman Ji. Grand sons of these fakirs became proponents of Hanuman Chalisa and changed their outlook. Such fakirs also changed their appearance following some of the features of Hindu Gods. These muslims started keeping beard resembling facial features of Great Cheeranjeevi Rambhakt Hanuman Ji.
How Muslims started Burying Bodies
Hindus bury bodies of great Sages in the ground to give them utmost respect as these Sages never commit sin and have complete control over mayic (मायिक) attachments and body.There are majorly two reasons why their bodies are buried.
1) Souls after staying in the body for long time gets attached to the body under influence of maya (माया) and if the body is buried, it is left to rot, the body does not decimate and mix with the soil quickly, the soul being attached to the body is reluctant to leave and roam around the body. Hindus burn dead bodies as part of funerary procession because common people cannot remove dhananjay pran (धनञ्जय प्राण) from their body. Burying of dead bodies of great Saints is Vedic process, but it is never practiced for common people as they cannot overcome the urge of dhananjay pran to stay with the body. For commoners, dhananjay pran can only be removed when the body is burnt with fire. Moreover burning also stop rotting of bodies, the dead body of a person is the vehicle of the soul. Decaying of a body is insulting the death of a person who has no self-control. Hindus burn dead body to liberate dhananjay pran and respectfully let the soul follow next path without any affection and connection to the past. Though Karmic connectivity cannot be renounced by any one unless bhakti of Bhagwan Krishn. Practice of burying bodies of ordinary citizens is not scientific for newest manmade religions as common people cannot liberate dhananjay pran and affection with their dead body is not lost until it is burnt.
Fire is considered as the most pure of all the (पंच महाभूत) panch mahabhoot – Dhara (Earth), Nabh (Ether), Vayu (Air), Varun (Water) and Agni (Fire). The body is made up of panch mahabhoot so burning with fire is purifying it and mixing it with the origin, that is, panch mahabhoot.
2) To become a great Hindu Sage (साधू), one has to renounce worldly pleasures. Devoid of materialistic tangles, Sages (Rishis) practice self-control and penance. That is why these Sages enlighten their souls while they are alive, for them selfishness and attachment to body is shallow ahankar (अहंकार).
Rishis are not attached to their body so Sages in Hinduism are not cremated but buried. Children are innocent, guiltless and naive, they are not attached to the body due to an early death. Great sages are either cremated or buried while children are buried according to scientific Hindu rituals.
But Mohammed lacked such indepth knowledge and simply imitated the concept of burying great Saints from Hindu texts as the final path for dead muslims, which is unscientific, epidemic and invoke provocation of evil spirits. Not surprising that most of the haunted places around the world are nearby muslim and christian graveyards.
Madan Mohan – Origin of the name of Mohammed
Dirty Islamic Trick of Reversing Vedic Words
Mohammed and blind followers of him cursed Vedic texts and concepts to populate their anti-Vedic cult islam. But since they were not literate and enlightened disciples, they simply referred Sanskrit – mother of all languages – to create their own contaminated form of language, arabic.One of the popular names of Bhagwan Krishn is Madan Mohan. Reversing several concepts of Vedic Hinduism, naming their prophet has the origin from Hindu God Madan Mohan, Mohan Madan becomes Mohamad, silencing common “n”. The concept of dropping “n” is followed by other words in arabic. A certain ‘t’ in Arabic becomes silent and pronounced as h depending on its position in that word – For example, ‘tun’ in Medinatun is replaced by h when pronounced (both t and n are dropped and silenced). Further, lifting from many Sanskrit words, Arabic are written backwards, keeping the parallel with the meaning of the term. Thus one can see the similarity between the word Kuntap and Bakkah (each containing letters k, n, t, p)”. The word ‘b’ in Arabic is used as ‘p’ in Sanskrit (even today, one live example is that of soft drink Pepsi; it is written and pronounced as Bebsi in the Arab world). Mecca comes from the Sanskrit root Makh or Yajna. The word arabic Aab (water) is contamination form of the pure Sanskrit word Aap meaning water. Here again ‘b’ replaces with ‘p’.
Another Stealing Act of Islam – Use of Mor Pankh by Fakirs
Bhagwan Krishn don Mor Pankh on his mukut. Krishn is the most pious and complete Supreme Being, Bhagwan, he is pure and sacchidanand (सच्चिदानंद) and consider only pious things as his accomplices. As per Hinduism, Mor Pankh is pious because Mor (Peacock) never indulge in physical relationship with (Morni) Peahen. Peahen sip tears from the eyes of Peacock and conceive. Peacock practices celibacy so Mor Pankh is considered pure and pious. Therefore, the recitement of HariBhakt songs and Hanuman Chalisa by muslim babas, fakirs is not shocking. Some of the fakirs renounce eating meat to completely adopt Hindu culture and tradition.
Tradition of using Mor Pankh as the blessing stick in mazars is inspiration from the kathas and description of Bhagwan Krishn given in Srimad Bhagwatam. But trusting such small fry babas and fakirs is fatal – they do not have sufficient knowledge to conduct Sanatan rites. They gained few information while remaining muslim and mixing anti-Vedic islamic practices with pious Hinduism, which further contaminated their brief knowledge. Hindus should never visit unholy mazars (sepulchered rotten dead body) and fakirs.
There are hundreds of rituals and rites of islam which are super lift-offs from Hinduism. Mostly by stealing and then reversing the Hindu practices, insulting the concept of divine Vedas. The striking differences being muslims made it bloodier, satanic and unholy when they reversed the rituals, making it evil, dirty and antithetical to nature and cosmos.
Gyarvi Sharif is Stolen form of Pious Ekadashi
What is Shiva Lingam?
The Sanskrit word ‘Lingam’ means symbol. Thus the literal meaning of Shiva Lingam is the symbol of Shiva. The Supreme Shiva doesn’t have a form and every form is his form. The Shiva Lingam represents him, the Supreme Shiva¸ who is formless. The way when we see a smoke, we infer the presence of fire, the moment we see Shiva Lingam we immediately visualize the existence of the Supreme Shiva.During the creation a debate took place between the creator Brahma and the preserver Vishnu that who Shiva is. Just then this “Column of light” appeared in front of them on the Hindu month of Margasheersha and Hindu date Poornima or Pratipada. When both the Gods failed to know the real origin and end of this column, Shiva appeared in his visible form. He preached both of them the real meaning of Shiva Lingam.
He said, ” I have two form, Sakala(with form) and Nishkala(with out form). This column of light is my real form. Brahman is my Nishkala form and Maheshwara is my Sakala form.From Vedanta :- A subtle representative of God that is present in our body. Kundalini is coiled with it in three and half coils. This is what Shiva Lingam and snake coiled round depict in our temples. It shows Paramatman in the form of Atman and Shakti in the form of Kundalini.
When I come with sixteen kalas, I become Sakala and when I present in the crude energy, I am called Brahman. Brahman means the most enormous (Brihat) and the creator of all. Lingam depicts my formless Brahman power.
This is my Lingam(symbol). Lingam (Braman) and Lingee (Atman) are same, therefore the great souls should also worship me. One who has established Shiva Lingam somewhere in his life, he gets Sayujya Moksha (eternal company of Shiva).
From Sankya :-The Mool Prakriti that absorbs all the Vikriti came from it finally.
From Nyay Shastra:- A source that can help us to know exactly about a matter or event. So formless Lingam represents the formless power of this universe that is the origin of all the matter and the events of this universe.
Simple meaning :- Symbol that help us to know, recognize any event or matter as stated above.
It has been a common myth that Shiva Lingam represents male genital organs. This is not only false, misleading but also base less. Such misinterpretations are done in recent times and popularized to make it common, when Indian literatures actually came into hands of foreign scholars; Britishers and Muslims. They relied on extracting simple meanings of major Vedic terms used in daily life without addressing rightful context. It was difficult to interpret the language, a word may have different meaning depending on the mis-contrued understanding. Some of the easy interpretation may be misleading. And such misinterpretation may actually be welcome by skeptics, if you want to find the defects in somebody else’s faith. Lingam means formless, Shiva Lingam is state of God just before manifestation of Universe.
This misunderstanding is one of the most glaring examples of such a situation. Misinterpretations of actual Sanskrit literature led to this false belief. Shiva Lingam is a differentiating mark; it is certainly not a s*x mark. While the actual meaning of male genital is “shishna” in Sanskrit.
Let us know what Lingam means as per The Lingam Purana:
प्रधानं प्रकृतिर यदाहुर्लिगंउत्तम ।
गंध-वर्ण-रसहिंनं शब्द-स्पर्शादिवर्जितं ॥
The foremost Lingam which is devoid of colour, taste, hearing, touch etc is spoken of as Prakriti or nature.
The nature itself is a Lingam (or symbol) of Shiva. When we see nature, we infer the presence of its creator – Shiva. Shiva Lingam is the mark of Shiva the creator, Shiva the sustainer and Shiva the destructor. It also dispels another myth in which Shiva is considered only as a destructor.
Another authentic reference comes from Skanda Purana where lingam is clearly indicated as the supreme Shiva from where the whole universe is created and where it finally submerge.
आकाशं लिंगमित्याहु: पृथ्वी तस्य पीठिका।
आलय: सर्व देवानां लयनार्लिंगमुच्यते ॥
(स्कन्द पुराण)
The endless sky (that great void which contains the entire universe) is the Linga, the Earth is its base. At the end of time the entire universe and all the Gods finally emerge in the Linga itself.
Forms of Shiva Lingam
Shiva Lingam is worshiped in two common forms – Chala (Moveable) Lingam and Achala (Non-Moveable or Fixed) Lingam.
Scientific Reason of Pouring Milk on Shiv Lingam
Shiv Lingams are placed at the most pious place, garbh griha, in temple. At this location, there is tremendous amount of positive energy flowing all around. Hindus visit the temples not just to respect Gods but also to energize themselves with positive energies.
When milk is poured on the Shiv Lingam to do दुग्ध अभिषेक (milk abhishek) the flow of positive energy starts getting accumulated towards Shiv Lingam so a person who is devotee of Bhagwan Shiv when is closer to the Shiv Lingam and bathes Shiv Lingam with दुग्ध स्नान he accepts the flow of positive energy into his body. Milk is very good conductor of positive energy. Milk of Indian cow when poured on Shiv Lingam reciting mantras- ॐ नमः शिवाय – strengthens mind, body and inner consciousness of a person.
Milk is gift of Bhagwan to us, trees, food, air …infact everything is given by Bhagwan. When we all took birth, we all were naked…what did we bought to this world, what is our contribution to keep this world running…. nothing….because we all are negligible, we are staying alive at the mercy of Bhagwan. Who are we to question that pouring milk on Shiv Lingams is wastage of milk and instead should be feed to poor people. Are we owning the milk, trees, places, earth or anything offered for free by Bhagwan. No … then who gave us right to only question Vedic values which are based on scientifically driven principles. And not question on evil practices of other religion, whose evil anti-Vedic god likes to feed on the blood of innocent goats, cows, camels and buffalos – wherein till date billions of innocent animals are killed just to appease this anti-God satan – killing animals is more evil or pouring milk on Shiv Lingams. Think over it; its easy to bash our core Hindu values which is based on Dharma but very hard to rebut with same vigour about other adharmis because they are very violent and likes terrorism. The moment we start respecting our traditional values and become aggressive. All these satanic people and their terrorism will cease to exist.
Kaaba Shiv Lingam Hindu Temple
Update: Terrorist and ISIS member Abu Turab Al Mugaddasi seconding the thought that Mecca is indeed Vedic pilgrimage made this statement recently “If Allah wills, we will kill those who worship stones in Mecca and destroy the Kaaba. People go to Mecca to touch the stones, not for Allah.”
shiva lingam- scientific- truths