Showing posts with label sanskrit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sanskrit. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Sanskrit is the Mother of Phoenician, Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, Latin, English.

Sir William Jones – the English Philologist who for the first time in 1786 suggested in his book “The Sanscrit Language” that Greek and Latin were related to Sanskrit and perhaps even Gothic, Celtic and Persian languages were related to Sanskrit.
It was this work which later gave birth to the so called Proto-Indo-European theory which instead of looking into Sanskrit being the root language of all Indo-European languages, suggests that all Indo-European languages including Sanskrit came from another so far unheard of language called PIE or Proto-Indo-European language.

The World’s Oldest Known Literary work - the Vedas – the root source of the Indian and Hindu Philosophy and Spirituality – are written in Sanskrit.
Be it Greek Latin English Hindi Lithuanian – Sanskrit is the mother of all Languages. Even Scholars like Voltaire, Immanuel Kant etc believed that Sanskrit was the root of all Indo-European languages.
“I am convinced that everything has come down to us from the banks of the Ganges” said Voltaire. He believed that the “Dynasty of Brahmins taught the rest of the world”.
“Mankind together with all science must have originated on the roof of the world ie the Himalayas” declared Immanuel Kant.
Jeffrey Armstrong (also known as Kavindra Rishi), the founder of Vedic Academy of Science & Arts (VASA) and a well-known teacher of Yoga, Ayurveda and Bhagavad Gita.This is not the first time in recent history that Yoga and Vedic knowledge have left Bharat and are having a profound effect upon world culture. It is only we, who are unaware of the true history of the spread of language, knowledge, and culture on a global scale. Those who colonize other cultures and those who have founded the three Abrahamic religions have not been inclined to mention the sources of those from whom they have “borrowed” the knowledge and practice. This is the third time in the last 5000 years that Yogic wisdom has become a mass movement and reshaped the world.
The first was during the Persian Empire in Babylon from 1500-700 BCE during which time thinkers like Pythagoras (“Pitta Gurus”) were trained in Yoga and Vedic philosophy. The second was just before, during, and after the supposed time of Christ. It is a well-known historical fact that at least 150 ships per year were traveling back and forth between Rome and Bharat at that time. The ships were filled with products from both cultures on both legs of the arduous journey. They also carried language and culture and of course Yoga in all its forms.
or example, Sanskrit is definitely the Mother of Phoenician, Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, Latin and numerous European languages, concluding with English. World culture of the time was abundantly present at the great university in Alexandria, just down the road from where Jesus was supposedly in exile. This means that all three Abrahamic religions were formed surrounded by yogic knowledge. As a note, religion means re-ligare or bound by rules. So only these three qualify as religions. Vedic culture including the Buddhist version are properly called “Dharma Cultures”, since neither are bound by a single “rule book”. Buddha was a reformer of the Vedic culture and not the founder of a religion; the same is true for the Jain Dharma and Mahavira. You could think of the three Abrahamic religions as “people of a book”, whereas the Vedic people are the “people of a library”.
Now the “God” word is the one and only cover word for the Supreme Reality in English. It does not have a specific meaning in English. What is mistakenly called Hindu religion should be referred to as Vedic Sanatan Dharma culture, meaning basically that they are involved with a body of learning which attempts to describe things that are always true. It is not just a book of rules, a blind-faith based club to join or an aggressive conversion based.
Pannini did not receive the phonemes of Sanskrit, they were given to him in a specific order as 14 combinations which facilitated arranging the 4000 rules of Sanskrit grammar in the best possible arrangement to produce concise sutras. Sanskrit should be seen as the residence of the Devas who are really the various laws of nature. The Vedic idea of creation is that matter was “downloaded” from the realm of Brahman by sound vibration. Pannini said that he was the last scholar in the 50 generations of linguists working on perfecting the written rules of Sanskrit Grammar. That does not mean the letters, which are considered timeless and originated with Pannini.
The point of Deva Bhasa or Sanskritam was to use it as a programming language that does not “drift” or change over time. This would have allowed teachings to be passed on without loss or distortion over very long periods of time.
The historical truth is that Bharat was the wealthiest country in the world when the British arrived. At that time, public education in Sanskrit and regional languages was free for all. That Sanskrit education was purposely destroyed by the British so they could enslave the people of Bharat and steal their wealth. It also explains why the British strategy to destroy India was to stop Sanskrit education of the masses.
he historical truth is that God began His journey as a part of the process of Vedic Yajna, wherein there are various components: the Kratur or Vrat – the vow or intention for the lighting of the fire; then there is the Svadhaa – Sva means “one’s own” and Dha means “intention or offering”; then there is Aushadam or the herbs and medicines which create a healing effect upon the environment including one’s own body. This word is rooted in two Sanskrit words, Ayus and Prashadam; next is the mantra which must be intoned correctly, and then of course comes the Aajyam or the all-important Ghee to be placed into the mouth of Agni, the Deva of fire into whose mouth all this is being placed; and finally, the Hutam or oblation poured into the fire and arising as smoke skyward towards Svarga loka, the realm of the Devas. This Hutam travelled via German as Guta (which it still is in Dutch) and then into English as God stinging the eyes as a minor irritant in the larger atmosphere of theological discourse. Therefore, God is the smoke arising from the offering in a Vedic Yajna.

Mainstream English words with Sanskrit Roots

Prati Shat (meaning for every hundred i.e percent)per centum (L)percent
Root Sanskrit WordMedian Word in Latin(L) / Greek(G) / Arabic(A)Derived English Word
Gau (meaning Cow)Bous (G)Cow
Matr (meaning Mother)Mater (L)Mother
Jan (meaning Generation)Genea (G)Gene
Aksha (meaning Axis)Axon (G)Axis
Navagatha (meaning Navigation)Navigationem (L)Navigation
Sarpa (meaning Snake)Serpentem (L)Serpent
Naas (means Nose)Nasus (L)Nose
Anamika (means Anonymous)Anonymos (G)Anonymous
Naama (means Name)Nomen (L)Name
Manu (means First Human)??Man/Men/Human
Ashta (meaning Eight)Octo (L)Eight
Barbara (meaning Foreign)Barbaria (L)Barbarian
Dhama (meaning House)Domus (L)Domicile
Danta (meaning Teeth)Dentis (L)Dental
Dwar (meaning Door)DoruDoor
Dasha (meaning Ten)Deca (G)Deca
Madhyam (meaning Medium)Medium (L)Medium
Kaal (meaning Time)Kalendae (L)Calendar
Kri (meaning To Do)Creatus (L)Create
Mishra (meaning Mix)Mixtus (L)Mix
Ma (meaning Me/My)Me (L)Me
Pithr (meaning Father)Pater (L)Father
Bhrathr (meaning Brother)Phrater (G)Brother
Loka (meaning Place)Locus (L)Locale
Maha (meaning Great)Magnus (L)Mega
Mala (meaning Dirt/Bad)Malus (L)Mal as in Malicious, Malnutrition, Malformed etc
Makshikaa (meaning Bee)Musca (L) (Meaning Fly)Mosquito
Mrta (meaning Dead)Mortis (L)Murder
Na (meaning No)NeNo
Nakta (meaning Night)Nocturnalis (L)Nocturnal
Paad (meaning Foot)Pedis (L)Ped as in Pedestrial, Pedal etc
Pancha (meaning Five)Pente (G)Penta, Five
Parah (meaning Remote)Pera (G)Far
Patha (meaning Path)Pathes (G)Path
Raja / Raya (meaning King)Regalis (L)Royal
Sama (meaning Similar)Similis (L)Similar
Sapta (meaning Seven)Septum (L)Seven
Sharkara (meaning Sugar)SuccarumSugar / Sucrose
Smi (meaning Smile)Smilen (L)Smile
SthaH (meaning Situated)Stare (L) (meaning To Stand)Stay
Svaad (meaning Tasty)Suavis (L)Sweet
Tha (meaning That)Talis (L)That
Tva (meaning Thee)DihThee
Vachas (meaning Speech)Vocem (L)Voice
Vahaami (meaning Carry)Vehere (meaning to Carry) (L)Vehicle
Vama / Vamati (meaning Vomit)Vomere (L)Vomit
Vastr (meaning Cloth)Vestire (L)Vest
Yauvana (meaning Youth)Juvenilis (L)Juvenile
Narangi (meaning Orange)NaranjOrange
Pippali (meaning Pepper)Piperi (G)Pepper
Chandana (meaning Sandalwood)Santalon (G)Sandalwood
Chandra (meaning Moon)Candela (L) (meaning light / torch)Candle
Chatur (meaning Four)Quartus (L)Quarter
Shunya (meaning Zero)Cipher (A)Zero
a (prefix meaning “not” ex: gochara – agochara)a (L)(G) (prefix meaning “not”)a (prefix meaning “not” ex: theiest-atheist
an (prefix meaning “not” ex: avashya – anavashya)un (L)(G) (prefix meaning “not”)un (prefix meaning “not” ex: do-undo
Arjuna (meaning Charm of Silver)Argentinum (L)Argentinum – Scientific Name of Silver
Nava (meaning New)Novus (L)Nova – New
Kafa (meaning Mucus)CoughenCough
Mithya (meaning Lie)Mythos (G)Myth
Thri (meaning Three)Treis (G)Three
Mush (meaning Mouse)Mus (L)Mouse
Maragadum (meaning Emerald)Smaragdus (L)Emerald
Ghritam (meaning Ghee)??Ghee
Srgalah (meaning Jackal)Shagal (Persian)Jackal
Nila (meaning Dark Blue)Nilak (Persian)Lilac
SrgalahShagal (Persian)Jackal
Man (Ma as in Malaysia) (meaning Mind)Mens (L)Mind
Upalah (meaning Precious Stone)Opalus (L)Opal
Vrihis (meaning Rice)Oriza (L)Rice
Upalah (meaning Precious Stone)Opalus (L)Opal
Barbar (meaning stammering)Barbaros (G)Barbarian
Jaanu (meaning knee)Genu (L)Knee
Sunu (meaning Son or Offspring)Sunu (German)Son
Ghas (meaning eat)Grasa (German)Grass
Samiti (meaning Committee)committere (L)Committee
Sama (meaning Same)Samaz (Proto Germanic)Same
Lubh (meaning Desire)Lubo (Latin and Proto Germanic)Love
Agni (meaning Fire)Ignis (L)Ignite
Hrt (meaning Heart)Herto (Proto Germanic)Heart
Yaana (meaning journey, wagon)Wagen (German)Van, Wagon
Nara (meaning Nerve)Nervus (L)Nerve, Nervous
They (th pronounced as in thunder, meaning they)Dei (Germanic)They
Pratiper (L)per
Prati Shat (meaning for every hundred, i.e percent)per centum (L)percent


Sunday, November 16, 2014

Sanskrit and Russian: Ancient kinship

Sanskrit and Russian: Ancient kinshipThe striking similarities in Sanskrit and Russian indicate that during some period of history, the speakers of the two languages lived close together.
When was the last time you had a shot of vodka? Well, next time you have one, remember that this Russian word has its origins in the Vedic Sanskrit word for water – udaka.
The classical Sanskrit word for water is jal and is familiar to most Indians. But the fact that the Russian word for water voda is closer to the Vedic Sanskrit word points to the close – and ancient – kinship between the two languages.
пустым не оставлять!!While it is commonly known that both languages belong to the Indo-European family of languages, most people believe the relation between Russian and Sanskrit is as distant as that between Persian and Sanskrit or Latin and Sanskrit. Linguist and author W.R. Rishi writes in his book ‘India & Russia: Linguistic & Cultural Affinity’ that Russian and Sanskrit share a deeper connection.
According to Rishi, the relation between these two languages is very close and correspondence between these two languages is so minute that it cannot be attributed to mere chance. “The facts…lead us to conclude that during some period of history the speakers of Sanskrit and Russian lived close together.”
Rishi points to another feature of the Indo-European languages – the power to form compounds of various words. Such compounds have been carried on from Indo-European to Greek, Sanskrit and Old Church Slavonic.
Kharma BhoomiThe origin of the Russian word gorod (Old Slavonic grad) meaning ‘city’ can also be traced. In ancient Russia and in India the cities were built to serve as forts for protection and defence against aggression from an enemy. The corresponding word in Hindi is gadh which means ‘fort’. In modern Russian the suffix grad and in modern Hindi the suffix gadh are used to form names of cities: such as Leningrad (the city of Lenin), Peterograd (the city of Peter) and Bahadurgarh (the city of the brave).
The two languages have two broad similarities. One, Russian is the only European language that shares a strong common grammatical base with Sanskrit.
пустым не оставлять!!Secondly, both Russian and Sanskrit are pleasing to the ear. The very name ‘Sanskrit’ means carefully constructed, systematically formed, polished and refined. Colonial era linguist William Jones wrote: “Sanskrit language is of a wonder structure; more perfect than the Greek, more copious than the Latin and more exquisitely refined than either.”
Admirers of Russian are equally liberal with their praise. In a lecture at London University in March 1937, philologist and linguist N.B. Japson said: “It is nevertheless a matter of common experience that a person completely ignorant of Russian, who for the first time hears the language spoken by a native, will voluntarily exclaim: “Why, how melodious Russian sounds.” Novelist Ivan Turgenev wrote: “But it is impossible to believe that a language was not given to a great people.”
Linguist S. Zharnikova writes in Science & Life: “There are many Russian names and words in Russian the origin of which can easily be traced with the help of the Sanskrit language. For example, it is linguistically possible to find traces of the name of the Russian river Volga. Herodotus calls this river by the name of Oaros which can be best explained with the help of the purely Sanskrit word var meaning water.”
What explains the similarities? Vedic Sanskrit was spoken as late as 300 BCE but its antiquity may stretch back thousands of years from that date. Russian may either be the result of ancient Indians taking their language and culture from the banks of the Saraswati river to the banks of the Ob. The discovery of Shiva statues in Central Asia and Russia points to the spread of Hindu culture far beyond the Indian heartland.
There is the other conjecture that Vedic Sanskrit was introduced to India by blond Aryans who originated from southern Russia. This idea is popular with Europeans, including Russians, despite clear evidence that the current belief in an Aryan invasion of India was the result of a body of lies developed by English and German scholars.
While DNA evidence is gradually chipping away at the notion that Aryans brought civilisation to India, scholars such as Shrikant Talageri have analysed the Vedic texts and showed how the older books talk about places in eastern India whereas the later ones provide descriptions of the geography of northwestern India. This can only mean one thing: the ancient Indians moved into Central Asia and perhaps then on to Europe.
While it may take decades to settle the issue one way or the other, it is a fact that Vedic Hindu civilisation was spread over a great area. According to Bulgarian linguist Vladimir Georgiev, geographical names are the most important source for determining how a group of people acquire their ethnicity. This can originate through a process of self-identification or it could be the result of outside identification.
Georgiev says the most stable – or longstanding – names are that of rivers. “But in order to preserve the names it is necessary to maintain the continuity of the population, transmitting these names from generation to generation. Otherwise, new people may come and give it their own name,” he says.
Georgiev illustrates that in 1927 a detachment of geologists "discovered" the highest mountain in the Urals. The mountain was called Narada by the local population, and interestingly the ancient Indian epics describe the great sage Narada as living in the north. But since it was the 10thanniversary of the October Revolution, the geologists decided to mark the event and rename the mountain as Narodnoy – or People. And that’s what it is now called in all geographic references and on all maps.
Luckily, many other words remain unchanged. Russian scientist and academician AI Sobolewski provides a list of Russian water bodies with Sanskrit names. In his article ‘The Names of the Rivers and Lakes of the Russian North’, he gives the names of the following rivers and lakes: Vaja (from vaja - strength), Valga (from Valgu - simple), Ira (a refreshing drink), Karak (karaka - water jar), Cala (black), Lala (lal - play), Padma (lotus), Punk (silt), Sagara (ocean), Sarah (sara - juice), Sukhona (suhana - easy) and Harina (goose).
The uncanny similarities between Sanskrit and Russian clearly indicate a close kinship between the two nations in the distant past. That could explain why Indians and Russians get along so easily compared with any other nation. For, both nations are sisters under the skin. As the science of language and DNA studies progress, more secrets will tumble out, providing us a better picture of the past.


 Russian  Sanskrit  English 
 Naš Nas Ours
 Svoi Sva One's own 
 Ty Tvam Thou
 Tebya Tva Thou
 Brov Bhuru Brow
 Dever Dever Brother in law 
 Govorit Gavati  To speak
 Grabit'    Grabhati To seize, loot
 Griva  Griva Neck
 Krov Kravya Blood
 Myaso Mansa Flesh
 Zhizn' Jivana Life
 Nosorog Nasasringa  Rhinoceros
 Okhotnik  Akhetika Hunter
 Nebo Nabhas Sky
 Veter Vata Wind
 Gora Giri Mountain
 Bog Bhaga God
 Pochitaniye  Pujan Worship
 Noch Nakta Night
 Ogon Agni Fire
 Dver Dvara Door
 Soyuz Samyoga Union

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Dmitri_Mendeleev and use of sanskrit.

मेण्डलीव की आवर्त सारणी में संस्कृत Sanskrit used in Mendeleev's predicted elements

यदि आप कभी विज्ञान के छात्र रहे है तो रासायनिक तत्वो की आवर्त सारणी के बारे मे अवश्य जानते होंगे| लेकिन क्या आप यह जानते है कि इसके रचयिता मेण्डलीव ने इसमे... तत्वो के लिये संस्कृत शब्दो का प्रयोग किया है? है ना आश्चर्यजनक!

वर्तमान आवर्त सारणी मै 117 ज्ञात तत्व सम्मिलित हैं। रूसी रसायन-शास्त्री मेंडलीफ (सही उच्चारण- मेन्देलेयेव) ने सन 1869 में आवर्त नियम प्रस्तुत किया। 1815 से 1913 तक इसमें बहुत से सुधार हुए ताकि नये आविष्कृत तत्वों को उचित स्थान दिया जा सके और सारणी नयी जानकारियों के अनुरूप हो। रसायन शास्त्रियों के लिये आवर्त सारणी अत्यन्त महत्वपूर्ण एवं उपयोगी है।

जब मेण्डलीव ने आवर्त सारणी नियमो के आधार पर बनायी तो उसमे कई रिक्त स्थान मिले और मेण्डलीव ने उन रिक्त स्थानों पर तत्त्व होने की भविष्यवाणी की। और उन तत्वों के नामांकरण भी कर दिये गए। आवर्त सारणी के चित्र मे जो स्थान खाली है। वस्तुतः ये स्थान नये तत्वो की भविष्यवाणी करते है| जैसे – गैलियम (gallium) और जर्मेनियम (germanium)| इन तत्वो की भविष्यवाणी मेण्डलीव ने 1869 मे की थी और 1875 और 1886 मे इन तत्वों की खोज की गयी| इन संभावित तत्वो को मेण्डलीव ने उनके उपर लिखे तत्वो के अनुसार नाम दिया| जैसे ग्रुप-3 मे बोरान के नीचे, संभावित तत्व को एक-बोरान (eka-boron), एलुमिनियम के नीचे संभावित तत्व को एक-एलुमिनियम (eka-alluminium) इत्यादि| मेण्डलीव ने कुल 8 तत्वो के लिये संस्कृत शब्दो का प्रयोग किया था|

Eka-aluminium (एक-एलुमिनियमम) - Gallium
Eka-boron(एक-बोरोन) - Scandium
Eka-silicon(एक-सिलिकान) - Germanium
Eka-manganese(एक-मैंगनीज) - Technetium
Tri-manganese(त्रि-मैंगनीज) - Rhenium
Dvi-tellurium(द्वि-टेल्लुरियम) - Polonium
Dvi-caesium(द्वि-कैस्मियम) - Francium
Eka-tantalum(एक-टेन्टेलम) - Pratactinium

केवल इतना ही नही, आवर्त सारणी कई दृष्टिकोणो से देवनागरी वर्णमाला से भी मिलती जुलती है|
देवनागरी वर्णमाला द्वि-आयामी व्यवस्था है, जिसमे प्रत्येक अक्षर अपने क्षैतिज समूह के अन्य अक्षरो के समान है, साथ ही साथ वह उर्ध्व रेखा मे, अन्य समूहो के अक्षरो के समान गुण प्रदर्शित करता है। जैसे ‘क’ के साथ ‘ह’ का उच्चारण करने पर वह ‘ख’ बनता है, और ‘च’ को ‘ह’ से मिलाने पर ‘छ’ बनता है, तथा वर्णमाला मे ‘ख’ और ‘छ’ ऊपर-नीचे है| ध्यान देने योग्य बात है कि संसार की अन्य वर्णमालाये रैखिक है, जैसे रोमन (A, B, ….Z)|

मेण्डलीफ की आवर्त सारणी भी द्वि-आयामी है। इसमे क्षैतिज समूह और उर्ध्व समूह दोनो है|

स्टैनफोर्ड यूनिवर्सिटी (Stanford University) के प्रोफेसर पॉल किपास्की (Paul Kiparsky) के अनुसार, मेण्डलीव एक संस्कृतविद बौदलिंक (Böhtlingk) के साथी एवं मित्र थे, जो कि उस समय पाणिनि पर अपनी पुस्तक (Otto Böhtlingk, Panini’s Grammatik: Herausgegeben, Ubersetzt, Erlautert und MIT Verschiedenen Indices Versehe. St. Petersburg, 1839-40) लिख रहे थे, और मेण्डलीफ ने पाणिनि को सम्मान देने की इच्छा से ही संभावित तत्वो को ऐसे नाम दिये|

किपास्की का यह भी कहना है कि सम्भवत: पाणिनि के “शिव-सूत्र” से प्रभावित हो कर तत्वो की दो-आयामी व्यवस्था का विचार उनके मन मे आया| हालांकि इस बात के संकेत नही है कि उन्हे संस्कृत भाषा का गहरा ज्ञान था| निश्चित रूप से यह केवल संस्कृत वर्णमाला के सारणिक रूप का प्रभाव था, क्योकि यह तो किसी भी नये विद्यार्थी को भी मालूम रहता है| संस्कृत वर्णमाला के सारणिक रूप के दो कारण है- कंठ और श्वास का प्रयोग, और मेण्डलीव ने इस बात को ध्यान दिया होगा कि रासायनिक बन्ध और परमाणु भार के आधार पर तत्वो की दो-आयामी सारणी बनायी जा सकती है|

उल्लेखनीय है कि उन्नीसवीं शताब्दी के बहुत से यूरोपीय विद्वानो ने संस्कृत का अध्ययन किया था| बौदलिंक (Böhtlingk) भी उनमे से एक थे और मेण्डलीव के मित्र भी थे| मेण्डलीव St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences मे लेक्चर देते थे जब उन्हे उनकी पुस्तक “Organic Chemistry” के लिये Demidov prize दिया गया| बौदलिंक (Böhtlingk) उस पुरस्कार के नामांकन समिति के सदस्य थे|

विकिपीडिआ में भी बताया है कि आवर्त सारणी में रिक्त स्थानों पर तत्त्व होने की भविष्यवाणी के नाम में संस्कृत भाषा के उपसर्ग का उपयोग किया है।
Dmitri Mendeleev USE OF SANSKRIT