Friday, January 16, 2015

GITA.PPT in simplest form#gita

Become a Yogi i.e. merge yourself in Brahman for a Yogi is the one who has become non-different from God.

Hare KrishnaKeep your mind stable in sorrow, happiness, anxiety, anger, passion and fear and become a "STABLE MINDED" saint and attain Brahman [Liberation].

Om Tat SatAbout REBIRTH in Shrimad Bhagvat Gita पार्थ नैवेह नामुत्र विनाशस्तस्य विद्यते। न हि कल्याणकृत्कश्चिद्दुर्गतिं तात गच्छति॥ श्री भगवान् बोले- हे पार्थ! उस पुरुष का न तो इस लोक में नाश होता है और न परलोक में ही। क्योंकि हे प्यारे! आत्मोद्धार के लिए अर्थात भगवत्प्राप्ति के लिए कर्म करने वाला कोई भी मनुष्य दुर्गति को प्राप्त नहीं होता।(गीता:6:40) The Lord tends to explain Arjuna about any man who walks on a path to reach the Almighty. Lord says, "Oh Parth (Arjuna)! A man who walks on the path to reach God never gets destroyed either in this world or in the divine world(s) [after this world]. Oh Beloved! It is so because, a man who works for the purpose of attaining absolution/emanicipation i.e. attaining God, never falls or attains misery. (Gita:6:40)

Pass out of the dense forest of delusion. Go beyond Maya and attain That Supreme.

Hari Om Tat Sat
Antakaale cha maameva smaran muktwaa kalevaram;
Yah prayaati sa madbhaavam yaati naastyatra samshayah.
Adhibhootam ksharo bhaavah purushashchaadhidaivatam;
Adhiyajno’hamevaatra dehe dehabhritaam vara.
Sri Bhagavaan Uvaacha:

Aksharam brahma paramam swabhaavo’dhyaatmamuchyate;
Bhootabhaavodbhavakaro visargah karmasamjnitah.
Holy Scriptures's photo.
Holy Scriptures's photo.
Pitaahamasya jagato maataa dhaataa pitaamahah;
Vedyam pavitramonkaara riksaama yajureva cha.

The sacred monosyllable (Om).

Background : google search.
Omityekaaksharam brahma vyaaharan maamanusmaran;
Yah prayaati tyajan deham sa yaati paramaam gatim.

Om—the Brahman.
Holy Scriptures's photo.
|| Jai Sri Krishna ||

Holy scriptures wishers all a very Happy Gita Jayanti.

This day Lord Krishna gave the eternal divine message of Bhagavad Gita to mankind.

What have you learnt from Bhagavad Gita please share. _/\_
Holy Scriptures's photo.
Holy Scriptures's photo.
Give your valued LIKE. 

"With a single fragment of My Power (Yogashakti) I pervade and support this entire Universe"
---------- Shri Krishna (Ishvar) in the Gita: 10: 42
"मैं इस सम्पूर्ण जगत को अपनी योगशक्ति के एक अंश मात्र से धारण करके स्थित हूँ"
----------श्री कृष्ण [ईश्वर]: श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता: 10: 42
"With a single fragment of My Power (Yogashakti) I pervade and support this entire Universe"
---------- Shri Krishna (Ishvar) in the Gita: 10: 42

"मैं इस सम्पूर्ण जगत को अपनी योगशक्ति के एक अंश मात्र से धारण करके स्थित हूँ"
----------श्री कृष्ण [ईश्वर]: श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता: 10: 42
Holy Scriptures's photo.
|| JSK ||

Verily mind is difficult to controls and is restless. 

What to do to restrain is disclosed by the Divine Creator in His sixth disclosure, path of meditation, in Bhagavad Gita chapter 6 verse no. 35.

Vedanta describes that consciousness is beyond the mind and the intellect and give the following hierarchy. 

Indriyaani paraanyaahur indriyebhyah param manah;
Manasastu paraa buddhir yo buddheh paratastu sah.

The senses are superior (to the body); superior to the senses is the mind;
superior to the mind is the intellect; and one who is superior even to the intellect is He—the Self.

Bhagavad Gita 3:42

Kathaponishad  1:3:3
Know the atman (soul) to be the master of the chariot; the body, chariot; the intellect, the charioteer; and the mind, the reins.

Kathaponishad 1:3:4
The senses, they say, are the horses; the objects, the roads. The wise call the atman−united with the body, the senses and the mind−the enjoyer.

Kathaponishad  1:3:5
If the buddhi, being related to a mind that is always distracted, loses its discrimination, then the senses become uncontrolled, like the vicious horses of a charioteer.

Kathaponishad  1:3:6
But if the buddhi (intellect), being related to a mind that is always restrained, possesses discrimination, then the senses come under control, like the good horses of a charioteer.

Kathaponishad  1:3:7
If the buddhi, being related to a distracted mind, loses its discrimination and therefore always remains impure, then the embodied soul never attains the goal, but enters into the round of births.
सात्विक्, राजस या तामस?

भोजन का अपनी प्रकृति पर गहरा प्रभाव पड़ता है। इसलिए अपने आहार पर अवश्य विचार कीजिए।

For English version:

Is there any? 

Yes, it is. Please read and share.

"The mind, consists of food, the prana of water and speech of heat."

The subtlest part of food becomes mind as mentioned in Chhandogya Upanishad in Part 6 Chapter 5.
Who is a Sanyasi (संन्यासी)?

जो पुरुष न किसी से द्वेष करता है और न ही किसी की आकांक्षा करता है; वह कर्मयोगी सदा संन्यासी ही समझने योग्य है क्योंकि राग-द्वेष आदि द्वन्द्वों से रहित पुरुष सुखपूर्वक संसार बंधन से मुक्त हो जाता है।
गीता: 5: 3
Almighty resides in every living being. Field (kshetra) is this body.
Karai Ma's photo.
Karai Ma's photo.
Why we feel unhappy? Is there any revelation by Almighty in His Scriptures? 

Yes. Lord sermon in Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 66.

<3 Please share in your wall. :)
How is the Supreme Abode (Siddha Loka)?

Where the liberated soul goes?

We can know if we refer Almighty’s Divine Disclosure.
HE disclosed His Supreme Abode in Bhagavad Gita.
Share this to let all know. Let we all get the light of wisdom and take the right path to achieve liberation. Be it the path of action, wisdom, mediation or devotion.

“Free from pride and delusion, victorious over the evil of attachment, dwelling constantly in the Self, their desires having completely turned away, freed from the pairs of opposites known as pleasure and pain, the undeluded reach the eternal goal”. BG 15:5
Only Supreme can grant Supreme!!!!!

हे अर्जुन! ब्रहमलोकपरयन्त सब लोक पुनरानर्ती हैं, परन्तु हे कुन्तीपुत्र! मुझको प्राप्त होकर पुनरजन्म नहीं होता; क्योंकि मैं कालातीत हूँ और ये सब ब्रह्मादी के लोक काल के द्नारा सीमीत होने से अनित्य हैं।
(श्रीमद्भग्वद्गीता - अध्याय 8 - श्लोक 26)

After doing a sin/demerit, what that can do? Almighty ordinance clearly on this in His revelation in Bhagavad Gita. 

Please share to create the awareness that sin/demerit can’t be reduced by confession. Myths need to be wiped out.
Gita preaches the eternal rule of Humanity.
How one can know which is predominant in self,  sattva or rajo or tama. This is a test on self to determine next course of action. Read it. You will surely like it. This is truth. Words of Almighty.

SATTAV (good, noble), RAJO (passionate) and TAMA (ignorant), the knowledge of these three Gunas (virtues/qualities), which hold the entire universe and all creatures under their sway, is of vital importance to each and everyone for their progress and happiness in life.

The highest of the three qualities is Sattva. It is pure. It brings about happiness, wisdom and
illumination. The second quality of Rajo gives rise to passion manifested by intense
attachment and greed. It causes sorrow and suffering. The third, termed Tama, is the worst of all. It arises due to ignorance and results in darkness, lethargy and delusion.

Lord Krishna reveals that these three qualities compose the Cosmic Nature. This Cosmic
Nature is the primal source and origin of the entire creation and all things in it. Hence all things
created are subject to their influence and irresistible power. The individual soul also is bound to the body by these three qualities present in Cosmic Nature. The Supreme Being brings about creation through the help of His Prakriti (Nature) endowed with these threefold qualities.

The three Gunas are present in all human beings. None is free from the operation of any one of the three qualities. They are not constant. Sometimes Sattva predominates and at other times Rajos or Tamas predominates. One should analyse and stand as a witness of these three qualities.

Almighty declares in the Fourteenth Discourse i.e. Gunatraya-vibhaga-yoga in Bhagavad Gita, that one who rises beyond all the three Gunas through spiritual practices, becomes free from birth, death, old age and sorrow, and enjoys immortality.
News papers, News channels hardly get a day off from such news. Did our Divine Creator alert mankind on anger, greed and lust?

Yes ofcourse. Almighty ordinance everything. Share please.

What exactly this syllable says. 

BG 17:23. “Om Tat Sat”: this has been declared to be the triple designation of Brahman. By that were created formerly the Brahmanas, the Vedas and the sacrifices".
Bhagavad Gita is an eighteen chapter disclosure of the Divine Almighty.

Here is a breakthrough!!!

We live in society. Have our families. Do our duties. What is the way out for us for divine peace who can’t do practices of meditation or acquire knowledge (wisdom). Is there any disclosure by our Divine Creator? YES HE DISCLOSED a simple way in Bhagavad Gita in Chapter 12 (Yoga of Devotion). IT IS RENUNCIATION OF THE FRUITS OF ACTION. 12:12
On our presentation so far from Scriptures of Almighty, if you feel enriched, please click LIKE. 

We shared Almighty’s ordinance on rebirth. Now let us check how we can judge from the time of depart of a soul from body about its journey (rebirth or liberation) which is mentioned clearly in Bhagavad Gita.
Why morality, humanity, honesty are showing a downward trend over the years? Is there any commandment given by our Divine Creator in any of our scriptures? Yes, HE HAS GIVEN.
What is the fate of the people having lot of doubt? Let us check in the light of Holy Scripture. Share this to save people live in doubt.
Love people are also lift people from the coffer of ignorance. We wish that this disclosure of Almighty be shared overwhelmingly to let us judge our own position with self (self is the best judge of self). Why there is degradation in our living mentally leading to non righteousness? 

It is not the law of the lands only but doctrine of the Divine Creator on living which can be the best solution for us to get out of this adverse climate. Please share and share to save one and all to make this world a better place for the one to come.
Divine Creator narrates the plight of the demoniacal human beings who say: “This universe is without truth, without a (moral) basis, without a God, brought about by mutual union, with lust for its cause; what else?” BG 16:8
Meditation as sermoned by Almighty in Bhagavad Gita is herewith having two revelations as below:-

Thus, always keeping the mind balanced, the Yogi, with the mind controlled, attains to the peace abiding in Me, which culminates in liberation. 6:15

When the perfectly controlled mind rests in the Self only, free from longing for the objects of desire, then it is said: “He is united.”

The Sharad Purnima or Kojaagari Purnima  is a harvest festival celebrated on the full moon day of the Hindu lunar month of Ashvin (September–October). It marks the end of monsoon. There is a traditional celebration of the moon and is also called the 'Kaumudi celebration', Kaumudi meaning moonlight. Some people believe that on this night Laxmi goes around from place to place asking, "Who is awake?" ("Kojagarti?") and shows her pleasure on those she finds awake. Hence, the night is spent in festivity, in the honour of the goddess. So people sit in the moonlight singing songs, or keep themselves entertained in some other way. They fast from solid food and take only fluids like coconut water or milk. Milk is boiled until it thickens, and milk masala (called kheer, a readymade combination of dry fruits) is added to it and drunk. There is also a tradition to have cool milk and rice flakes on this night. It is a harvest festival.

In which category of devotee/disciple one is, let us check by self (means what we ask from Almighty when we pray) in the light of Holy Scripture.
हम यहाँ, पवित्र ग्रंथों में  नए मित्रों का स्वागत करते हैं.
We welcome new friends here in Holy Scriptures.

एक प्रस्तावना के रूप में, सर्वशक्तिमान के पवित्र शास्त्र से शुरू किया, कैसे जीवन के दु:ख से मुक्त करके हम बेहतर रह सकते हैं || 
यह भगवत गीता अध्याय नं 9 (राजविद्याराजगुह्ययोग) में उल्लेख किया गया है ||
As a prelude, we are sharing now the most secret disclosure of Almighty that "How to be free from sorrow?" This is mentioned in Bhagavat Gita Chapter No. 9 (Rajavidyarajaguhyayog). 

हम एक बार फिर पहली श्लोक पढ़ें ताकि हमारी समझ जारी रखने के लिए  आसान हो और वह है, "श्री भगवान बोले- तुझ दोषदृष्टिरहित भक्त के लिए इस परम गोपनीय विज्ञान सहित ज्ञान को पुनः भली भाँति कहूँगा, जिसको जानकर तू दुःखरूप संसार से मुक्त हो जाएगा"॥
At the cost of repeat we share again verse No. 1 to understand the context which reads as, "To you who do not cavil, I shall now declare this, the greatest secret, the most profound knowledge combined with experience and realization, which having known, you shall be free from the sorrows of life".

अब हम श्लोक संख्या 9 पर हैं... We are on verse no. 9 now...
Almighty discloses in JNANAVIJNANAYOG (Chapter 7: Bhagavat Gita) that whatever exists is nothing but Himself. He is the cause of the appearance of the universe and all things in it. Everything is strung on Him like clusters of gems on a string. He is the essence, substance and substratum of everything, whether visible or invisible. Although everything is in Him, yet He transcends everything as the actionless Self. Prakriti or Nature is made up of the three Gunas or qualities—Sattwa, Rajas and Tamas. These three qualities delude the soul and make it forget its true nature, which is one with God. This delusion is termed Maya. As narrated by SWAMI SIVANANDA.
We start to know from the Holy Scriptures of Creator of all living and nonliving, Eternal Almighty on better living by freeing from the sorrows of life.

One like = oneness with Almighty who created us.
अनादि, अनन्त, सभी जीवित और निर्जीव के निर्माता, सर्वशक्तिमान इस्वर द्वारा एक बेहतर जीवन के लिए समाधान और मार्गदर्शन के अध्ययन सब साथ साथ शुरू करते हैं|| यह उपदेश ऋषियों, देवताओं या गुरु से नहीं कर रहे हैं, यह अनादि सर्वशक्तिमान से है||

एक like = सर्वशक्तिमान के साथ एकता जो हमें बनाया
So much beautiful this earth is.

All HIS creations are miracles. We see but we are not aware. The burning sun, the serene moon, the hill, the ocean, everything living and non living on this planet and across entire universe.
Holy Scriptures's photo.
We perceive by our five senses. That give signal to brain and we understand and recognize. Without senses we are unable to comprehend any object. Is it possible for someone who left this planet and who is not in a body to know, recognize or appreciate objects we offer?

What Almighty says let us check.
Mahalaya Amavasya Day. This day of Pitr Paksha or Mahalaya Amavasya has great significance and importance for all Hindus in all parts of the world. It is the annual festival for worshipping and propitiating the spirits of our ancestors, with devout prayers for peace and spiritual tranquility.

Whom we should worship with devotion? Almighty gave a judgment in Bhagavat Gita. And also His sermon clears about the path of a departed soul after leaving this body.
The Bhagavat Gita is the cream of the Vedas. It is the essence of the soul-elevating Upanishads, a software to program human beings of all temperaments and for all times.
Holy Scriptures's photo.
Holy Scriptures's photo.
Are we really taught that we have the right to perform our prescribed duties and not entitled to the fruits of action. No rituals I remember from childhood has taught me this until I came accross self. I observed that more we taught to pray to God to get out of distress or accomplish some task than to be a seeker of knowledge or to become wise (submitting to Almighty).
Does God needs to born in human form? Holy Scriptures clearly says Almighty is unborn beginningless BG 10:3. So Who is not born can't have dimensions, means idol etc. Yajur veda 32:3 confirms that He has no idol. Also this is confirmed in Swetaswatorupanishad (SU) 4:19. Also nothing is beyond Him in many verses of BG and now I find in SU 6:9. "Thee has no lord, no controller, beyond gender, reason of everything, also lord of all living having senses, has no principal.".


यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भारत।
अभ्युत्थानमधर्मस्य तदात्मानं सृजाम्यहम्।।

Whenever religion [righteousness] is overpowered by irreligion [unrighteousness] [and the order is disturbed] I [Brahman/ Ishvar] incarnate [become manifest i.e. use a body (Avatar) to accomplish the worldly goal of maintaining the order through the body]
I am not the body, thus I am not born, consequently I never die. I just use a body [Avatar] to accomplish certain righteous worldly goals. World is material so I [God] use a material [body] [Avatar] to accomplish material goals. I am the Imperishable soul within everyone. The Avatar or the body that I use as an incarnation is spiritually at the peak. The Avatar or the body that I use has an embodied soul that is already merged in Me i.e. I [Ishvar] Myself. An Avatar is non other than the Best of all the Yogis i.e. Yogeshwar. It is I who directly access that body. An Avatar is not bound by maya like ordinary embodied souls as I [Ishvar] am not bound by Maya. An Avatar is ever free and independent, never overpowered by Maya.

Hare Krishna!!!!!यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भारत।
अभ्युत्थानमधर्मस्य तदात्मानं सृजाम्यहम्।।
Whenever religion [righteousness] is overpowered by irreligion [unrighteousness] [and the order is disturbed] I [Brahman/ Ishvar] incarnate [become manifest i.e. use a body (Avatar) to accomplish the worldly goal of maintaining the order through the body]
I am not the body, thus I am not born, consequently I never die. I just use a body [Avatar] to accomplish certain righteous worldly goals. World is material so I [God] use a material [body] [Avatar] to accomplish material goals. I am the Imperishable soul within everyone. The Avatar or the body that I use as an incarnation is spiritually at the peak. The Avatar or the body that I use has an embodied soul that is already merged in Me i.e. I [Ishvar] Myself. An Avatar is non other than the Best of all the Yogis i.e. Yogeshwar. It is I who directly access that body. An Avatar is not bound by maya like ordinary embodied souls as I [Ishvar] am not bound by Maya. An Avatar is ever free and independent, never overpowered by Maya.

Hare Krishna!!!!!

Friday, January 9, 2015


Ancient Vedic science “Nimisharda” is a phrase used in Indian languages of Sanskrit origin while referring to something that happens/moves instantly, similar to the ‘blink of an eye’. Nimisharda means half of a Nimesa, (Ardha is half).

In Sanskrit ‘Nimisha’ means ‘blink of an eye’ and Nimisharda implies within the blink of an eye. This phrase is commonly used to refer to instantaneous events.
Below is the mathematical calculations of a research done by S S De and P V Vartak on the speed of light calculated using the Rigvedic hymns and commentaries on them.
The fourth verse of the Rigvedic hymn 1:50 (50th hymn in book 1 of rigveda) is as follows:
तरणिर्विश्वदर्शतो जयोतिष्क्र्दसि सूर्य | विश्वमा भासिरोचनम |
taraNir vishvadarshato jyotishkrdasi surya | vishvamaa bhaasirochanam ||
which means:
“Swift and all beautiful art thou, O Surya (Surya=Sun), maker of the light, Illumining all the radiant realm.”
Commenting on this verse in his Rigvedic commentary, Sayana who was a minister in the court of Bukka of the great Vijayanagar Empire of Karnataka in South India (in early 14th century) says:
” tatha ca smaryate yojananam. sahasre dve dve sate dve ca yojane ekena nimishardhena kramaman.” which means “It is remembered here that Sun (light) traverses 2,202 yojanas in half a nimisha”
NOTE: Nimisharda= half of a nimisha.
In the vedas Yojana is a unit of distance and Nimisha is a unit of time.
Unit of Time: Nimesa.
The Moksha dharma parva of Shanti Parva in Mahabharata describes Nimisha as follows: 15 Nimisha = 1 Kastha.
30 Kashta = 1 Kala,
30.3 Kala = 1 Muhurta,
30 Muhurtas = 1 Diva-Ratri (Day-Night),
We know Day-Night is 24 hours So we get 24 hours = 30 x 30.3 x 30 x 15 nimisha, in other words 409050 nimisha.
We know 1 hour = 60 x 60 = 3600 seconds.
So 24 hours = 24 x 3600 seconds = 409050 nimisha.
409050 nimesa = 86,400 seconds,
1 nimesa = 0.2112 seconds (This is a recursive decimal! Wink of an eye=.2112 seconds!).
1/2 nimesa = 0.1056 seconds.
Unit of Distance:
Yojana Yojana is defined in Chapter 6 of Book 1 of the ancient vedic text “Vishnu Purana” as follows:-
10 ParamAnus = 1 Parasúkshma,
10 Parasúkshmas = 1 Trasarenu,
10 Trasarenus = 1 Mahírajas (particle of dust),
10 Mahírajas= 1 Bálágra (hair’s point),
10 Bálágra = 1 Likhsha,
10 Likhsha= 1 Yuka,
10 Yukas = 1 Yavodara (heart of barley),
10 Yavodaras = 1 Yava (barley grain of middle size),
10 Yava = 1 Angula (1.89 cm or approx 3/4 inch),
6 fingers = 1 Pada (the breadth of it),
2 Padas = 1 Vitasti (span),
2 Vitasti = 1 Hasta (cubit),
4 Hastas = a Dhanu,
1 Danda, or paurusa (a man’s height),
or 2 Nárikás = 6 feet,
2000 Dhanus = 1 Gavyuti  = 12000 feet 4 Gavyutis = 1 Yojana = 9.09 miles
Calculation: So now we can calculate what is the value of the speed of light in modern units based on the value given as 2202 Yojanas in 1/2 Nimesa = 2202 x 9.09 miles per 0.1056 seconds = 20016.18 miles per 0.1056 seconds = 189547 miles per second !!
As per the modern science speed of light is 186000 miles per second ! And so I without the slightest doubt attribute the slight difference between the two values to our error in accurately translating from Vedic units to SI/CGS units. Note that we have approximated 1 Angula as exactly 3/4 inch. While the approximation is true, the Angula is not exactly 3/4 inch

Monday, January 5, 2015


Primary evidence
Image result for terracotta wheels AND HORSES in harappaImage result for terracotta wheels AND HORSES in harappaIn any field it is important to take into account all the evidence, especially evidence of a fundamental nature. This can be illustrated with the help of what we now know about the Vedic river known as the Sarasvati. The Rigveda describes the Sarasvati as the greatest and the holiest of rivers — as ambitame, naditame, devitame (best of mothers, best of rivers, best goddess). Satellite photographs as well as field explorations by archaeologists, notably the great expedition led by the late V.S. Wakankar, have shown that a great river answering to the description of the Sarasvati in the Rigveda (flowing `from the mountains to the sea') did indeed exist thousands of years ago. After many vicissitudes due to tectonic and other changes, it dried up completely by 1900 BC. This raises a fundamental question: how could the Aryans who are supposed to have arrived in India only in 1500 BC, and composed their Vedic hymns c. 1200 BC, have described and extolled a river that had disappeared five hundred years earlier? In addition, numerous Harappan sites have been found along the course of the now dry Sarasvati, which further strengthens the Vedic-Harappan connection. As a result, the Indus (or Harappan) Civilisation is more properly called the Indus-Sarasvati Civilisation.
The basic point of all this: we cannot construct a theory focusing on a few relatively minor details like the spoke-wheel while ignoring important, even monumental evidence like the Sarasvati river and the oceanic symbolism that dominates the Rigveda. (This shows that the Vedic people could not have come from a land-locked region like Afghanistan or Central Asia). A historical theory, no less than a scientific theory, must take into account all available evidence. No less important, a man-made theory cannot take the place of primary evidence like the Sarasvati river or the oceanic descriptions in the Rigveda. This brings us back to Einstein — "A theory must not contradict empirical facts." Nor can it ignore primary evidence.


Sunday, January 4, 2015


Kali Yuga Timeline : Started on 24 January 3102 BCE at 02:27:30

The present Epoch (Kali Yuga), as per Hindu calendar in Surya Siddhanta started at sunrise on 24th January 3102 BCE, according to proleptic Gregorian calendar.
Bhagavata Purana clearly mentions that after Lord Sri Krishna’s exit from earth, effect of Kali Yuga started.

Sri Krishna’s death time and date :

Sri Krishna was shot by an arrow of a hunter on his feet on the thursday evening of 23rd January 3102 BCE.
He left his physical body on 24th January 3102 BCE at 02 hours 27 minutes 30 seconds.
The next sunrise was on Friday, with moon in Aswini Nakshatra, tithi (lunar day) being Suddha Padyami (sukla pratipad or first day of lunar month) of Chaitra Maasam (lunar month) in Pramādi named year.
This date is 18 February 3102 BCE according to Julian Calendar.
After exit of Krishna, his race, Yadavas fought among themselves and everyone died except Krishna’s grandson Vajranabha.
The date is confirmed in Sripada Sri Vallabha Charitra (life history of one of the Avatars (incarnations) of the deity Sri Dattatreya in kaliyuga during 14th century AD).

Mahabharata War and the decimation of Yadavas thus happened at the Yuga-Sandhi, the point of transition from one yuga to another. The scriptures mention Sage Narada to have momentarily intercepted the demon Kali on his way to the Earth when Duryodhana was about to be born in order to make him an embodiment of ‘arishadvargas‘ (6 bad qualities of human) and adharma in preparation of the era of decay in values and the consequent havoc.

Kali Yuga Timeline- The Age of Demon:

Linga Purana describes the following symptoms of the Kali Yuga.

Thieves will become kings, and kings will be the thieves.

Rulers will confiscate property and use it badly. They will cease to protect the people.

Base men who have gained a certain amount of learning (without having the virtues necessary for its use) will be esteemed as sages.
There will be many displaced persons, wandering from one country to another.

Predatory animals will be more violent.

Fetuses will be killed in the wombs of their mothers.

People will prefer to choose false ideas.

No one will be able to trust anyone else.
People will be envious.

There will be many children born whose life expectancy is no more than 16 years.

People suffering from hunger and fear will take refuge in underground shelters.

Young girls will do trade in their virginity.

The god of clouds will be inconsistent in the distribution of the rains.
Shopkeepers will run dishonest businesses.

There will be many beggars and unemployed people.

Everyone will use hard and vulgar language.

Men will devote themselves to earning money; the richest will hold power.

The state leaders will no longer protect the people but, through taxes, will appropriate all wealth.

Water will be lacking.

Pre-cooked food will be readily available.

This Kali Yuga spans for a long time period of 432,000 years, although multiple other durations have been proposed by many.
Human civilization degenerates spiritually during the Kali Yuga,which is referred to as the Dark Age because in it people are as far away as possible from God.

Ancient Vedic religion often symbolically represents dharma as a bull.

In Satya Yuga, the first stage of development, the bull has four legs, but in each age dharma is reduced by one quarter.
By the age of Kali, dharma is reduced to only a quarter of that of the golden age, so that the bull of Dharma has only one leg now.

Major differences of Karma and Dharma in each Yuga:

In Satya Yuga, if one person commits sin or crime, entire world has to share its burden.
In Treta Yuga, it was limited to kingdom.
In Dwapara Yuga, it was limited to family.
In Kali Yuga, karma and its consequences are limited to each individual.

Also, in Satya Yuga, one could please god(s) only by doing severe penance or meditation.
In Treta Yuga, one had to do Yagnas, sacrifices and donations.
In Dwapara Yuga, one had to recite mantras and generate energy. Also Astras (weapons) worked.
In Kali Yuga, only tantra and recitation(chanting) of name will work.

King Parikshit (Grandson of Arjuna) allowed Kali to enter into his kingdom based on the condition : In Kali Yuga, if one thinks of committing a sin, he will not be punished. He will bear punishment only after committing the act physically.
But, when someone even thinks of doing a good deed wholeheartedly, they will get the benefit of actually doing it.
So, this Kali Yuga is more powerful as our positive thoughts are good enough to overcome all negativity around us.

10,000 year “Golden Age” within Kali Yuga

Brahma Vaivarta Purana (in 4.129) (related to Rathantara kalpa) mentions a ten thousand year period, starting from the traditional dating of the Kali Yuga epoch (January 24 at 2:27 AM, 3102 BCE), during which bhakti yogis will be present.
Lord SriKrishna foretold that this Kali Yuga will be full of extreme hardships for people with ideals and values.

kaler daSa-sahasraaNi
madbhaktaaH saMti bhu-tale
ekavarNaa bhaviSyaMti
madbhakteSu gateSu ca

Translation : For 10,000 years of Kali such devotees of Mine will be present on earth. After the departure of My devotees there will be only one varna, Outcaste !

Found in 4.90.32–33 (Brahma Vaivarta Purana), where Krishna talks to Ganga about upcoming Kali Yuga:

kalau dasa-sahasrAni
haris tiSThati medinI
devAnAM pratimA pUjyA
sAstrANi ca purANakam

Translation : Sri Krisna said: Lord Hari will stay on this earth for the first ten-thousand years of Kali-yuga. Till then gods will be worshipped and the Puranas and scriptures will also be present.

5116 years have elapsed as of 2014 AD taking into account the start date of kaliyuga.
So, the Golden Period ends in 6898 AD and after that all religions and beliefs will vanish.


Recently, at the inauguration of the 102nd edition of the Indian Science Congress, union minister of science and technology, Dr Harsh Vardhan, mentioned that it was our scientists, from ancient India who discovered the Pythagoras theorem and we have always shared our knowledge with the whole world selflessly. This is something that each of us should be proud of. Right ? To my utter shock, many people including several scientists, objected and mocked the comment.
But Dr Harsh Vardhan is absolutely right !!
Ancient Indian mathematicians discovered the Pythagoras theorem. This might come as a surprise to many, but it’s true that Pythagoras theorem was known much before Pythagoras and it was Indians who actually discovered it at least 1000 years before Pythagoras was born!
It was Baudhayana who discovered the Pythagoras theorem. Baudhayana listed Pythagoras theorem in his book called Shulba Sutra (800 BCE). It is also one of the oldest books on advanced Mathematics. The word 'Shulba' in Sanskrit means rope or cord. Hence Shulba Sutra was a book of geometry. The actual shloka (verse) in Baudhayana Shulba Sutra that describes Pythagoras theorem is :
dīrghasyākṣaṇayā rajjuḥ pārśvamānī, tiryaḍam mānī,
cha yatpṛthagbhūte kurutastadubhayāṅ karoti.
The above shloka can be translated as – A rope stretched along the length of the diagonal produces an area which the vertical and horizontal sides make together.As you see, it becomes clear that this is perhaps the most intuitive way of understanding and visualizing Pythagoras theorem (and geometry in general) and Baudhāyana seems to have simplified the process of learning by encapsulating the mathematical result in a simple shloka in a layman’s language.
Though, Baudhayana was not the only Indian mathematician to have provided Pythagorean triplets and proof. Apastamba also provided the proof for Pythagoras theorem, which again is numerical in nature but again unfortunately this vital contribution has been ignored and Pythagoras was wrongly credited by Cicero and early Greek
mathematicians for this theorem. Baudhayana presented geometrical proof using isosceles triangles so, to be more accurate, we attribute the geometrical proof to Baudhayana and numerical (using number theory and area computation) proof to Apastamba.
Apart from the two, another ancient Indian mathematician called Bhaskara later provided a unique geometrical as well as numerical proof of the Pythagoras theorem, which works for all types of triangles (not just isosceles as in some older proofs).
Mathematicians and scientists from all over the world are now accknowleging and accepting the accompliments of ancient Indians in the fields of maths and science.
Now its our turn to do the same !!
Poonam Patil Kalra