Finally Mercury was found in base of Pyramid in New Mexico. Why it is important and how much scientist could use it or misuse it. Ancient Indians made aeroplane that used Mercury as scriptures in "VIMANA SHASTRA",Ancient Indian Aeroplane technology, described it. In fact First aircraft was not invented by Wright brothers but by an Indian scientist who used Theory of building aeroplane by Sage Bharadwaj and really flew aeroplane on principle of Mercury. The largest pyramid in the world is actually in china has a massive stockpile of mercury, the strange part is that the Chinese government planted vegetation all over the PYRAMID to hide it from view, and bans anyone from coming close to it.
The city, dubbed the abode of the gods in the ancient language Nahuatl, was once the nucleus of an empire. About 200,000 people are thought to have lived there between 100 and 700 A.D., until its residents mysteriously hightailed it away. The city remained largely intact, but much is unknown about its people, how life flourished there and who was in the seat of power. Also unknown is whether power was passed down through a dynasty or if the ruler was an overlord.
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Monday, April 27, 2015
Mercury found in Ancient Pyramid in Mexico? Theory of Ancient Indian aeroplanes used Mercury.
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Sudan and Africa rules By Kush(Rama's Son) Pyramids of Sudan
The site, where Pyramids are in Sudan are almost as equal as to Egypt without visitors because po poor economy and politics in region called as the Island of Meroe because an ancient, long-dried river ran around it, once served as the principle residence of the rulers of the Kush kingdom, known as the Black Pharaohs. Their pyramids, ranging from 6 meters (20 feet) to 30 meters (100 feet) tall, were built between 720 and 300 B.C. The entrances usually face east to greet the rising sun. Egypt Pyramids were built by same kind of dynasty linked to Hindu Kings of India , migrated to all over world-Link-Ancient Hinduism and connected world.
The pyramids at Meroe, some 200 kilometers (125 miles) north of Sudan's capital, Khartoum, are rarely visited although it is UNESCO World Heritage partly because of Sanctions against the government of longtime President Omar al-Bashir over Sudan's long-running internal conflicts. Remember Africa has its own Hindu like religion before it was terrorized like Indian continent by first Christian missionary ~1500 years ago and then by islamic terrorism ~600 years ago and many had to be forcibly converted. In19th century Archaeologist tore off the golden tips of some pyramids accidentally as per Abdel-Rahman Omar, the head of the National Museum of Sudan in Khartoum. Al-Bashir's government, which came to power following a bloodless Islamist coup in 1989 and still christian and Islamist fight there as did for many centuries.

In this Thursday, April 16, 2015 photo, a view of the historic Meroe pyramids in al-Bagrawiya, 200 kilometers (125 miles) north of Khartoum, Sudan. The steep, small pyramids rise over the desert hills, a stunning reminder of the ancient Nubian kingdom that once ruled Egypt _ and ones not nearly as visited as those of its neighbor. (AP Photo/Mosa'ab Elshamy)
The pyramids at Meroe, some 200 kilometers (125 miles) north of Sudan's capital, Khartoum, are rarely visited although it is UNESCO World Heritage partly because of Sanctions against the government of longtime President Omar al-Bashir over Sudan's long-running internal conflicts. Remember Africa has its own Hindu like religion before it was terrorized like Indian continent by first Christian missionary ~1500 years ago and then by islamic terrorism ~600 years ago and many had to be forcibly converted. In19th century Archaeologist tore off the golden tips of some pyramids accidentally as per Abdel-Rahman Omar, the head of the National Museum of Sudan in Khartoum. Al-Bashir's government, which came to power following a bloodless Islamist coup in 1989 and still christian and Islamist fight there as did for many centuries.
In this Thursday, April 16, 2015 photo, a view of the historic Meroe pyramids in al-Bagrawiya, 200 kilometers (125 miles) north of Khartoum, Sudan. The steep, small pyramids rise over the desert hills, a stunning reminder of the ancient Nubian kingdom that once ruled Egypt _ and ones not nearly as visited as those of its neighbor. (AP Photo/Mosa'ab Elshamy)
kush dynasty and sudan,
sudan and hinduism
Friday, April 24, 2015
Science of Om, frequency corresponds with earth
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration” – Nikola Tesla
Many illiterate people think Om is religios and sign of Hindu religion. On the contrary, it is the most universal syllable that neither refers to any particular religion nor God. In fact it is cosmic sound which initiated the creation of universe (big bang theory). But that alone would not have been sufficient to turn it into a regular practice in Indian culture.
To know that you have to know scientific and practical explanation (based on the physics of sound, vibrations & resonance)-
Each syllable resonates with certain organ or part of the body.

An atom and the Solar System
108 number and its significance .Om produces sri yantra
Here is a short clip in which a Doctor explains the same:
Ancient Sanskrit Diagram of Energy Centres or Chakras and Nadis |
To know that you have to know scientific and practical explanation (based on the physics of sound, vibrations & resonance)-
For example, by chanting “aaaaaaa”, one can feel the sensation and hence resonance of nervous system in the stomach and chest region. Chanting “ooooo” creates sensations in throat & chest region and resonates with them. Similarly, chanting/humming “mmmm” resonates with the nasal cavity as well as skull/brain region. Earth produces a sound of 7.83 hctz, not audible by human ears, called earth hum and that corresponds to om's frequency. Time frequency analysis was published in a journal
The Hermetic philosophy of macrocosm and microcosm (as above-so below) is said to hold the key to all mysteries. The Cosmos is mirrored in man the small universe. The easiest way to visualize this is to compare the atom, that smallest of building bricks, with our universe, the electron orbits the nucleus in the same way as the planets orbit our sun.
OM or Schumann frequency.
Ohm- 7.83 Hz
Gam - 14 Hz
Hleem - 20 Hz
Hreem - 26 Hz
Kleem - 33 Hz
Krowm - 39 Hz
Sreem - 45 Hz
An atom and the Solar System
108 number and its significance .Om produces sri yantra
Here is a short clip in which a Doctor explains the same:
What happens when we concatenate (join together) the above syllables into one mantra? We get the AUM mantra which when chanted sequentially activates the stomach, spinal cord, throat, nasal and brain regions. The energy moves from the abdomen all the way up to the brain, thereby channelizing energy and activating the spinal cord & brain.
Following is an excerpt from a research paper which shows the waveform of A-U-M mantra made up of 3 syllables. Following research and linked abstract and full article are self evident-
Research paper:
Research paper:
Research paper:
The Sri-Yantra-Mandala is the image of the OM mantra, the primordial Hindu sound of creation. When OM is intoned into a tonoscope, it first produces a circle. As the tone is completed, the circle is filled sequentially with concentric squares, triangles and finally, as the "mmm" dies away, the Sri Yantra [i].
[i] How do Yantras work? ?At the basis of yantra operation is something called "shape energy" or "form energy". The idea is that every shape emits a very specific frequency and energy pattern. Examples of old believes in shape energy are the yantras and mandalas of eastern philosophies, the star of David, the five pointed star (pentagon), the Christian cross, the pyramids and so on. Certain 'powers' are ascribed to the various shapes.
When one focuses on a yantra, his mind is atomatically "tuned in" by resonance into the specific form energy of that yantra. The process of resonance is then maintained and amplified. The yantra acts only as a "tune in" mechanism or a doorway. The subtle energy does not come from the yantra itself, but from the macrocosm.
Basically yantras are secret keys for establishing resonance with the benefic energies of the macrocosm. Very often the yantras can put us in contact with extremely elevated energies and entities, being of invaluable help on the spiritual path. Available at
Om sounded in a tonoscope [© Madhu Khanna] - top row
3D Sri Yantra (middle row)
Sri yantra mandala (bottom row)
3D Sri Yantra (middle row)
Sri yantra mandala (bottom row)
It is stunning how similar cymatic sound pattern is to the yantra, the Star of David at the centre is surrounded by lotus petals, spookily similar to the geometry of the yantra.
Cymatic Light Picture Traditional Yantra
With kind permission from Photo/copyright:
Alexander Lauterwasser, homepage:
With kind permission from Photo/copyright:
Alexander Lauterwasser, homepage:
The efficacy of mantra and drugs for the attainment of perfection has been mentioned by Patanjali in his Yogasutra (iv. I). Antiquity of Tantricism By Chintaharan Chakravarti, in The Indian Historical Quarterly Vol. VI, No.1 March, 1930 pp. 114-126. Available at Iyengar, B.K.S. (2002) Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Thorsons; New Ed edition (21 Oct 2002) 288 pages.
[ii] The identity of the ancient plant known as Soma is one of the greatest unsolved mysteries in the field of religious history. Common in the religious lore of both ancient India and Persia, the sacred Soma plant was considered a God, the ancient worshipper who imbibed it gained the powerful attributes of this God. The origins of Soma go back to the common Aryan ancestors of both the Vedic Hindu religion of India and the Persian religion of Mazdaism. This common ancestry can be seen in surviving religious texts such as the Hindu Rig Veda and the Persian Avesta. A major connection is their use of a sacred plant, known in India as Soma, and in Persia as Haoma. From ancient descriptions, Soma/Haoma must have been a very special plant. The qualities of this sacred herb are given in poetic detail, and the love and admiration these ancient authors had for the plant can still be felt thousands of years after the texts were composed. Available at
According to Vedas, sound called "NAD" is starting point of existence of what modern scientist call Big-Bing theory. Sanskrit with 54 alphabets is a divine language unlike other languages of the world.
When Shiva started beating Damaru ,Sri Yantra and thus Om came in to existence.According to Vedas, sound called "NAD" is starting point of existence of what modern scientist call Big-Bing theory. Sanskrit with 54 alphabets is a divine language unlike other languages of the world.
The human ear can hear only 20 Hz to 20000 Hz. The rest is inaudible. This is why NO cosmic sound can be heard by the human ear.
These cosmic sounds were heard by 12 strand DNA maharishis in their spiritual trances which broadened their sense spectrums. However our brain can register the vibrations.
Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev , the great Russian chemist and inventor formulated the Periodic Law, and the periodic table of elements.
He was denied a Nobel prize for telling that his table is based on the divine Sanskrit alphabets. Mendeleev, studied Sanskrit at a university in St Petersburg, used Sanskrit prefixes eka, dvi, and tri to name those yet-to-be-discovered elements.
Mendeleev had expressed his appreciation and debt to the great Sanskrit grammarian Panini of ancient India, who had created sophisticated theories of language based on their discovery of the two-dimensional patterns in basic sounds.
When Panin was in meditation, Lord Shiva appeared before him and played his damaru in a specific manner 14 times.
Panini understood all that Shiva wanted to tell him and captured the sounds and translated them into syllables. From these sounds emerged the 14 syllables which provided Panini with the basis for formulating the rules of Sanskrit grammar.
These 14 verses are known as "Maheshwara Sutras" or "Maheshwara Sutrani" (in Sanskrit)
These verses are just a collection of sounds and if you say them aloud, in one breath, they really sound like drum beats.
14 Maheshvara sutras
nR^ttAvasAne naTarAjarAjaH nanAda DakkAm navapanchavAram
uddhartu kAmassanakAdi siddhAn etadvimarSe SivasUtrajAlam
At the end of the cosmic dance Lord Shiva the Lord of dance, sounded his damaru fourteen times.
For the sake of the upliftment of sages like sanaka.
According to legend, these sutras were written by Panini upon mystically hearing the beats of Siva-Nataraja’s damaru (hourglass-shaped drum). It has been said that the mantra is God in the form of sound. Therefore, words are an extension of that power. The tantra stresses the importance of sound as a divine substance and vehicle for salvation. And hence, entire cosmos is in the form of
these sutras.The 14 sutras are (in ITRANS format):
16 vowels (a – ch)
a, Aa, i, Ii, u, Uu, ri, rii, lri, lrii, e, ai, o au, am, ah
33 consonants (ha l)
ka, kha, ga, gha, gna
ca, cha, ja, jha, jna
ta, ttha, da ddha, nna
ta, tha, da, dha, na
pa, pha, ba, bha, ma
ya, ra, la, va
sa, sha, sa
News report:
Some more youtube video are linked here-
Pythagoras, whose life in the seventh century BC marks the inception of Hermetic philosophy and numerological mysticism among the Greeks. He travelled the world while still in his thirties and forties, studying with every priesthood and esoteric college he could reach and procuring the texts of those he couldn't physically visit. When he finally settled down to start his own school, he credited the Hebrew Kabbalists and Hindu Brahmans for enlightening him about their number mysteries in which his own teachings about the whole numbers and Sacred Geometry were grounded.
Available at
If you visualise quantum reality as a cloud of undulating glitter, each particle is a holographic film transparency, which contains all of the information needed to visualise the material world from that particular angle. This vision in combination with an understanding of how our senses [i] synthesise reality by only processing 20 conscious moments [ii] per second out of a possible 20,000, you can begin to understand how reality may not be how it so virulently appears. Hindu [iii] and Buddhist [iv] texts sit easily in the baffling arena of quantum thought. The illusiveness of material reality is the focus of the Upanishads[v]c.3, 000BCE.
[i] Not all the body parts receive the same attention of the brain. The relative importance is often represented by mapping over the length of the sensory or motor cortex. These cortical maps (Figure 22b) are not drawn to scale; instead they are variously distorted to reflect the amount the neural processing power devoted to different regions. This accounts for the grotesque appearance of the human body in the homunculus, which is a translation of the body's sensory map into the human form.
Available at[ii]That reality is an illusion constructed by our limited and inaccurate senses is a theme beautifully considered by Marshall McLuhan in the Gutenberg Conspiracy. Penny Lee explains in a passage entitled 'The biological segmentation of reality', Penny Lee in "The Whorf Theory Complex" quotes Bertalanffy: 'from that great cake of reality, every living organism cuts a slice, which it can perceive and to which it can react owing to its psycho-physical organization, that is, the structure of its receptor and effector organs', and further: 'any organism so to speak, cuts out from the multiplicity of surrounding objects [and actions!] a small number of characteristics to which it reacts and whose ensemble forms its "ambient". All the rest is non-existent for that particular organism. Every animal is surrounded, as by a soap bubble, by its specific ambient, replenished by those characteristics, which are amenable to it. If, reconstructing an animal's ambient, we enter the soap bubble, the world is profoundly changed. Many characteristics disappear, others arise and a completely new world is found.' [iii] Einstein Meets the Vedas: Parallel Sayings in Science and Spirituality Comparing wisdom from scientists and great religious leaders. Edited by Thomas McFarlane
Top of Form
A mathematical truth is timeless, it does not come into being when we discover it. Yet its discovery is a very real event.
Erwin Schrödinger
Realization is nothing to be gained afresh; it is already there. All that is necessary is to get rid of the thought `I have not realized'.
Sri Ramana Maharshi
If we ask, for instance, whether the position of the electron remains the same, we must say "no"; if we ask whether the position of the electron changes with time, we must say "no"; if we ask whether the electron is at rest, we must say "no"; if we ask whether it is in motion, we must say "no."
J. Robert Oppenheimer
He is far and he is near, He moves and he moves not.
The Bhagavad Gita
It is a primitive form of thought that
things either exist or do not exist.
Sir Arthur Eddington
To say "it is" is to grasp for permanence. To say "it is not" is to adopt the view of nihilism. Therefore a wise person does not say "exists" or "does not exist."
Siddha Nagarjuna
The smallest units of matter are in fact not physical objects in the ordinary sense of the word; they are forms.
Werner Heisenberg
All things-from Brahma the creator down to a single blade of grass-are the apparently diverse names and forms of the one Atman.
There is no essential distinction between mass and energy. Energy has mass and mass represents energy. Instead of two conservation laws we have only one, that of mass-energy.
Albert Einstein
...Only an arbitrary distinction in thought divides form of substance from form of energy. Matter expresses itself eventually as a formulation of some unknown Force.
Sri Aurobindo
People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present and future is only a stubborn, persistent illusion.
Albert Einstein
The past, the future...are nothing but names, forms of thought, words of common usage, merely superficial realities.
T. R. V. Murti
The common words "space" and "time" refer to a structure of space and time that is actually an idealization and oversimplification.
Werner Heisenberg
There is nothing like an absolute time which remains as a reality apart from successive events. Time and space are derived notions, modes of reference.
K. Venkata Ramanan
What we perceive through the senses as empty the ground for the existence of everything, including ourselves. The things that appear to our senses are derivative forms and their true meaning can be seen only when we consider the plenum, in which they are generated and sustained, and into which they must ultimately vanish.
David Bohm
Wherefrom do all these worlds come? They come from space. All beings arise from space, and into space they return: space is indeed their beginning, and space is their final end.
The Upanishads
Causality may be considered as a mode of perception by which we reduce our sense impressions to order. Niels Bohr
Time, space, and causation are like the glass through which the Absolute is seen.... In the Absolute there is neither time, space, nor causation.
A theory is the more impressive the greater the simplicity of its premises is, the more different kinds of things it relates, and the more extended is its area of applicability.
Albert Einstein
As in science, so in metaphysical thought, that general and ultimate solution is likely to be the best which includes and accounts for all so that each truth of experience takes its place in the whole.
Sri Aurobindo
Physical concepts are free creations of the human mind, and are not, however it may seem, uniquely determined by the external world.
All such notions as causation, succession, atoms, primary elements...are all figments of the imagination and manifestations of the mind.
Time and again the passion for understanding has led to the illusion that man is able to comprehend the objective world rationally by pure thought without any empirical foundations—in short, by metaphysics.
By becoming attached to names and forms, not realising that they have no more basis than the activities of the mind itself, error rises…and the way to emancipation is blocked.
In our thinking...we attribute to this concept of the bodily object a significance, which is to high degree independent of the sense impression which originally gives rise to it. This is what we mean when we attribute to the bodily object "a real existence." ...By means of such concepts and mental relations between them, we are able to orient ourselves in the labyrinth of sense impressions. These notions and relations...appear to us as stronger and more unalterable than the individual sense experience itself, the character of which as anything other than the result of an illusion or hallucination is never completely guaranteed.
I teach that the multitudinousness of objects have no reality in themselves but are only seen of the mind and, therefore, are of the nature of maya and a dream. ...It is true that in one sense they are seen and discriminated by the senses as individualized objects; but in another sense, because of the absence of any characteristic marks of self-nature, they are not seen but are only imagined. In one sense they are graspable, but in another sense, they are not graspable.
According to general relativity, the concept of space detached from any physical content does not exist.
If there is only empty space, with no suns nor planets in it, then space loses its substantiality.
Physical concepts are free creations of the human mind, and are not, however it may seem, uniquely determined by the external world.
-Einstein |
All such notions as causation, succession, atoms, primary elements...are all figments of the imagination and manifestations of the mind.
Available at
[v] Einstein Meets the Vedas: Parallel Sayings in Science and Spirituality Comparing wisdom from scientists and great religious leaders. Edited by Thomas McFarlane
Available at
A mathematical truth is timeless, it does not come into being when we discover it. Yet its discovery is a very real event.
Erwin Schrödinger
Realization is nothing to be gained afresh; it is already there. All that is necessary is to get rid of the thought `I have not realized'.
Sri Ramana Maharshi
Physical concepts are free creations of the human mind, and are not, however it may seem, uniquely determined by the external world.
All such notions as causation, succession, atoms, primary elements...are all figments of the imagination and manifestations of the mind.
Research paper:
News Report:
Modified from
maheswar sutra,
science of om,
Western Scientists like Heisenberg & Schrodinger were inspired and influenced by Vedas
Recently Stupid Indian media was buzzing after a statement of Home minister Of India Mr Rajnath singh regarding Heisenberg’s theory and its roots in the Vedas. Let us look in to that-

News link:
Encyclopedias are usually the first level of references and since this is about ancient sciences, I referred “Encyclopedia of History of Science” (published by “Springer Science & Business Media”), in which page 204 says Schrodinger, the co-creator of quantum theory, was inspired by the Vedic texts and he along with Heisenberg built theories which were consistent with Vedantic concepts.

Page 204 of this book:
While Indian media and students are forgeting Vedas education, Europian Scientists learned and used Vedas in their research. Even Indian Genetry try to stay away from Vedas etc why? because they have inferiority complex developed by British for 400 years and before that by Mughals for 200 years. Time to reclaim identity you son of Bhartas and Aryavart before Europeans say that Sanskrit and Vedas are theirs.

Page 214 of this book:
See how Heisenberg’s theory of uncertainty is consistent with the teachings of Rig Veda, the book titled “The Hindu Mind” by Bansi Pandit provides more insights with simple illustrations and parallels at page 334.

Page 334 of this book:
A biography on Schrodinger (by William Taussig Scott) shows how he was inspired by the concept of “Brahman” in the Upanishads.

Page 141 of this book:
For insights into the Vedic interpretation of Quantum theory by Bohr-Heisenberg, the book “Unified Theories” written by RL Amoroso is recommended

Page 75 of this book:
Bohr’s fascination & inspiration from Upanishads is also well documented.

Page 168 of this book:
Moving beyond Quantum theories, Vedas had inspired scientists in nuclear sciences as well. For example, Oppenheimer (the father of atomic bomb) had publicly stated that access to the Vedas were the greatest privilege of the century.

Page 23 of this book:
Carl Sagan (a renowned Astrophysicist) was deeply inspired by Vedas and had stated that the Vedic cosmology corresponds to the modern scientific cosmology.

Page 25 of this book:
During his visit to USA, Swami Vivekananda had inspired Tesla (popularly called father of electricity) to look into Vedic Sciences to overcome the challenges imposed by conventional sciences, which in turn helped Tesla build theories which were later used by scientists for research on quantum physics & relativity.

Above references can be used to suggest that some of the Western Scientists were indeed influenced & some of their theories were inspired by Vedas & Upanishads.
News link:
Encyclopedias are usually the first level of references and since this is about ancient sciences, I referred “Encyclopedia of History of Science” (published by “Springer Science & Business Media”), in which page 204 says Schrodinger, the co-creator of quantum theory, was inspired by the Vedic texts and he along with Heisenberg built theories which were consistent with Vedantic concepts.
Page 204 of this book:
While Indian media and students are forgeting Vedas education, Europian Scientists learned and used Vedas in their research. Even Indian Genetry try to stay away from Vedas etc why? because they have inferiority complex developed by British for 400 years and before that by Mughals for 200 years. Time to reclaim identity you son of Bhartas and Aryavart before Europeans say that Sanskrit and Vedas are theirs.
Page 214 of this book:
See how Heisenberg’s theory of uncertainty is consistent with the teachings of Rig Veda, the book titled “The Hindu Mind” by Bansi Pandit provides more insights with simple illustrations and parallels at page 334.
Page 334 of this book:
A biography on Schrodinger (by William Taussig Scott) shows how he was inspired by the concept of “Brahman” in the Upanishads.
Page 141 of this book:
For insights into the Vedic interpretation of Quantum theory by Bohr-Heisenberg, the book “Unified Theories” written by RL Amoroso is recommended
Page 75 of this book:
Bohr’s fascination & inspiration from Upanishads is also well documented.
Page 168 of this book:
Moving beyond Quantum theories, Vedas had inspired scientists in nuclear sciences as well. For example, Oppenheimer (the father of atomic bomb) had publicly stated that access to the Vedas were the greatest privilege of the century.
Page 23 of this book:
Carl Sagan (a renowned Astrophysicist) was deeply inspired by Vedas and had stated that the Vedic cosmology corresponds to the modern scientific cosmology.
Page 25 of this book:
During his visit to USA, Swami Vivekananda had inspired Tesla (popularly called father of electricity) to look into Vedic Sciences to overcome the challenges imposed by conventional sciences, which in turn helped Tesla build theories which were later used by scientists for research on quantum physics & relativity.
Above references can be used to suggest that some of the Western Scientists were indeed influenced & some of their theories were inspired by Vedas & Upanishads.
Heisenberg & Schrodinger and vedas,
Vedas and Indian Philosophy
Ancient Indian ASTROLOGY and effect of Sun on earth
Not only that new scientist acknodge that Solar does influence mind of all living in earth. Heard about Full moon and many unusual activites.
The radiation patterns of the Sun not only affects at individual level but might affect at society level as well. Extensive studies and historical evidences have shown the correlation between historical activity and moments of maxima of solar activity.
For example, this webpage from National University of Singapore gives more insight into the concepts of maxima-minima of solar activity (sunspots & sunflares) and their effect on humans
Carlini Research Institute, based in Canada, is involved in intensive study of the effect of solar activity on human psychology and has been publishing papers depicting the influence of solar activity on our lives.

Following is an interesting revelation from a science magazine which claims: “Solar activity affects every single aspect of human life”
A recent study published in the popular science journal NewScientist claims that solar activity affects physical & mental state of humans.
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Ancient Trade between Alaska and Asia
An incredible archaeological discovery in Alaska provided evidence that trade was occurring between Asia and the New World centuries before Christopher Columbus landed in the Americas in 1492. Researchers uncovered two bronze artifacts in a 1,000-year-old house in Alaska, which were manufactured in China, Korea, or Yakutia
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Namaskar, Namaste- Hindu way of greeting
Meaning and Benefits of Prostration to elders - Dhandavatha Pranam.
Namaskar - Namaskaram literally means a salute; traditionally it is practiced from the childhood days, to train the children to respect the elders and also to pay obeisance to the Lord God in temples. It is a gesture of action used to indicate respect & reverence. Namaskar in Military terms is a Salute, but it has other general populations use in different way of salutes. In the western countries, while such gestures as tipping one's hat as one passed others on the street could be considered salutes, the most common civilian gesture in Indian states can be seen, with each other greeting, that is rendered to the Seniors and Elders alike. In the United States of America, a civilians salute the flag by placing their right hands over their hearts and saying the Pledge of Allegiance.
Traditional Hindu verbal greeting of Namasthe & Namaskar are a kind of Mudra posture, where the palms are joined together and held at the level of their chest. This Mudra is also known as "Anjali" Mudra. It is a kind of devotion and a gesture made equally before a temple Deity, Sadhus, Saints, Seers, Priests, or of any such holy person, learned scholars, teachers & Guru, elders and senior persons, or a newly acquainted elderly persons.
The hands held together connects the right side of the body with the left, and brings the nerve and pulses (nadi) currents into poised balance, into a consciousness of the suskhama, awakening the third eye known as gjyana Njanam), within the greeter to worship God in the greeted. Now let us see what the actual benefits one gets by doing the Namaskar - the Anjali Mudra. It is from a researcher that gives the inner meaning & values for prostrating, paying obeisance and doing sashtanga (falling flat) namaskar. The following article by Sri Siddharth Dave, gives the fair value, scientific meaning to an age old practice in this Indian Sub-continent for ages.
It is always recommended that while prostrating, a person has to do it facing east and to whom it offered is to be facing the west. I hope this bit of information help readers to understand the inner meaning of Namasthe, the greetings each other make since time immemorial!
The word 'Namaskar' is derived from the root 'namaha', which means paying obeisance (Namaskar) or salutation. From Science of Justice - 'Namaha' is a physical action expressing that 'you are superior to me in all qualities and in every way'.
Worldly Benefits - By doing Namaskar to a deity or a Saint, unknowingly their virtues and capabilities are impressed upon our minds. Consequently we start emulating them, thus changing ourselves for the better.
Spiritual Benefits - Increase in humility and reduction of ego / Enhancement in the spiritual emotion of surrender and gratitude / Gaining the Sattva component and faster spiritual progress. We receive the highest amount of Sattva component from the posture (mudra) of Namaskar. By doing Namaskar to Deities or Saints we receive subtle frequencies emitted by them, e.g. frequencies of Sattva or Bliss.
How does one do Namaskar to an individual of the same age group?
When meeting someone of the same age-group do Namaskar by joining the fingers and placing tips of the thumbs on the Anahat chakra (at the centre of the chest). This type of Namaskar increases the spiritual emotion of humility in the embodied soul. Sattva frequencies from the universe are attracted by the fingers (which act as an antenna) and are then transmitted to the entire body through the thumbs which have awakened the Anahat chakra. This activates the soul energy of the embodied soul. In addition, by doing Namaskar in this manner to each other, frequencies of blessings are also transmitted.
What is correct method & science of doing Namaskar to God?
A. 'While paying obeisance to God, bring the palms together.
1. The fingers should be held loose (not straight and rigid) while joining the hands or palms.
2. The fingers should be kept close to each other without leaving any space between them.
3. The fingers should be kept away from the thumbs.
4. The inner portion of the palms should not touch each other and there should be some space between them.
Note: The stage of awakening of spiritual emotion (Bhav) is important to the seeker at the primary level. Hence, for awakening spiritual emotion (Bhava), he should keep space in between the joined hands, whereas a seeker who is at the advanced level should refrain from leaving such space in between the palms to awaken the unexpressed spiritual emotion (Bhava).
B. After joining the hands one should bow and bring the head forward..
C. While tilting the headforward, one should place the thumbs at the mid-brow region, i.e. at the point between the eyebrows and try to concentrate on the feet of the Deity.
D. After that, instead of bringing the folded hands down immediately, they should be placed on the mid-chest region for a minute in such way that the wrists touch the chest; then only should the hands be brought down.
A. The fingers should not be stiff while bringing the palms together because this will lead to a decrease in Sattva component from the vital and mental sheaths and thus increase the raja component in them. By keeping the fingers relaxed, the subtlest Sattva component will get activated. With the strength of this energy, embodied souls are able to fight powerful distressing energies.
B. In the Namaskar posture, the joined fingers act as an antenna to assimilate the Chaitanya (Divine consciousness) or the Energy transmitted by a Deity. While joining the palms, the fingers must touch each other because leaving space between the fingers will result in accumulation of energy in that space. This energy will be immediately transmitted in various directions; therefore the seeker's body will lose the benefit of this potent energy.
C. About the space to be maintained between the palms:
For a seeker at the primary level, it is advisable to leave space between the palms; it is not necessary for a seeker at an advanced level to leave space between the palms.
D. After joining the palms, bow a little. This posture puts pressure on the navel and activates the five vital energies situated there. Activation of these vital energies in the body makes it sensitive to accepting sattvik frequencies. This later awakens the 'Atma shakti' (i.e. soul energy of an embodied soul). And later, Bhav is awakened. This enables the body to accept in large measures the Chaitanya emitted by the Deity.
E. Touch the thumbs to the mid-brow region. (Please see images above..) This posture awakens the Bhav of surrender in an embodied soul, and in turn activates the appropriate subtle frequencies of Deities from the Universe. They enter through the ’Adnya chakra’ (Sixth of the 7 chakras in the Kundalini) of the embodied soul and settle in the space parallel to it at the back interior of the head. In this space the openings to all the three channels converge; namely, the Moon, the Central and the Sun channels. Due to the movement of these subtler frequencies in this space, the Central Channel is activated. Consequently it facilitates the speedy transmission of these frequencies throughout the body, leading to purification of both the gross and subtle bodies at the same time.
F. After doing Namaskar, to completely imbibe the Chaitanya of the Deity (that has entered the hands by now), instead of bringing the folded hands down immediately, place them on the mid-chest region in such a way that the wrists touch the chest.
The 'Anahat chakra' is located at the centre of the chest. Akin to the Adnya chakra, the activity of the Anahat chakra is also to absorb the Sattva frequencies. By touching the wrists to the chest, the Anahat chakra is activated and it helps in absorbing more of the Sattva component.
Effect of this Posture
By doing Namaskar in this manner, the Deity's Chaitanya is absorbed to a greater extent by the body, as compared to other methods of doing Namaskar. This gives maximum distress to negative energies. The negative energies that have manifested in a person are unable to touch their thumbs at the mid-brow region in Namaskar. (The negative energies are subtle. But at times they enter an individual's body and manifest it.)
Q. What is the reason for not wrapping a cloth around the neck while performing circumambulation, doing Namaskar, ritualistic worship, sacrificial fires, chanting and while visiting Guru and deities?
A. When a cloth is wrapped around the neck, it does not activate the Vishuddha chakra (in the throat region) and hence an individual gets less benefit of the Sattva component.
Why should one always do Namaskar to elders?
Meaning: When an elderly person arrives, the vital energy of the young person starts rising and when he gets up and does Namaskar, it returns to normal. - Manusmruti 2.120; Mahabharat, Udhyog, Chapter (Section) 38.1, Sr. no. 104, 64-65
Explanation: 'As the sojourn of the elderly person is gradually towards the southern direction, that is, towards the region of Lord Yama (towards death), his body starts emitting raja and tama frequencies on a high scale. When such an elderly person comes in the vicinity of any younger individual, these frequencies start affecting the younger person. A subtle magnetic field is created between the two. Consequently, the vital energy of the younger person is pulled upward. This way the younger person can suffer due to sudden momentum to his vital energy. When this younger person doesNamaskar to the elderly person, some amount of the Central channel of his Kundalini system is activated and the Sattva component in it starts increasing. Consequently the raja and tama components in him are influenced by the Sattva component and the vital energy comes back to normal state. Hence on arrival of an elderly person, it is customary for the younger individuals to do Namaskar to them.'
Doing Namaskar to Elders..
When travelling, prior to the commencement of a journey and upon returning, why should one do Namaskar to elders in the family?
'Namaskar to the elders in the family is one way of surrendering to the God principle in them. When an embodied soul bows in Namaskar to an elder by surrendering to the God principle in him, at that time a sense of compassion is created in his body. This compassion percolates right upto his subtle body. At that time, energy of his mind is activated and in turn activates the five vital energies, which are located at the seat of the Manipur chakra (situated in the Naval region). Transmission of these five vital energies all over the body then awakens the soul energy. With the strength of the soul energy, the Central channel gets activated and converts the expressed energy of spiritual emotion to the unexpressed energy of spiritual emotion. With the help of this unexpressed energy of spiritual emotion, the embodied soul, through the medium of elders, gains the required Deity's principle from the Universe. For this purpose, while leaving the house on a
journey, the embodied soul should do Namaskar to elders and with the strength of Sattva frequencies has to protect himself from distressing frequencies in the atmosphere. Similarly, returning from a journey, one should immediately do Namaskar to elders and awaken the God principle in them, which would disintegrate the raja-tama particles from the air around him, which might have been brought along.
What is the correct method of doing Namaskar to Saints?
1. The portion of head, which should be placed at the feet :
We can imbibe maximum Chaitanya through the Brahmarandhra (the seventh chakra of the Kundalini system located in the crown of our head). Since it (Brahmarandhra) cannot be placed at a Saints's feet, the part of head beginning above the forehead is to be placed at the feet of Saints. Due to this, maximum Chaitanya emanating from Their feet can enter into the one doing Namaskar.
2.. The exact spot to place one's head on a Saint's feet:
The big toes of Saints emit maximum Chaitanya; hence we should place our head on the big toe, than on their foot. If we are in a position to touch both the toes, then place the head on the right big toe.
3. The position of hands when placing the head on a Saint's feet:
a. Some interlock their hands behind their backs at the waist and do Namaskar. If we are in a position to touch both their toes, then we should place the hands one on each foot and the head should be placed on the big toe of the right foot. If we are in a position to touch one of Their toes, then place both the hands on it and keep the head on the big toe.
b. Some do Namaskar by placing hands on the ground. This is also wrong because if the hands are placed on the ground then the Chaitanya emanating from the Saint's feet are absorbed by one and then returns to the earth through the hands of the one doing Namaskar. Thus the person does not benefit from it.
c. Some cross their hands and place them on the feet of Saints, that is, their right hand on the right foot of the Saint and their left hand on the left foot of the Saint while doingNamaskar. This is a crude imitation of the manner in which Christians place their crossed hands on their chest. Instead, our right hand should be placed on the left foot of the Saint and our left hand on the right foot of the Saint. This is convenient also. However, if a Guru has started some procedure in a particular sect, then the hands are to be placed in that manner only.
d. The hands are to be positioned in such a way that the palms are placed on the feet..
How to do Namaskar to the wooden footwear (paduka) of Saints?
Namaskar to the wooden footwear (paduka) of Saints
'The left paduka symbolises Lord Shiva and the right symbolises Divine Energy. The left paduka is the un-manifest saviour energy and the right is the un-manifest destroyer energy of the Supreme God. The saviour or destroyer energy of the Supreme God emanates from the 'pegs' of the paduka as per the need. When we do Namaskar by placing our head on the 'pegs' of the paduka, some may experience distress due to the inability to tolerate the manifest energy emitting from it. Hence, while doing Namaskar to the paduka, instead of the pegs, place the head on the foremost part i.e. the place where the Saints place their toes.'
Should one do Namaskar to a dead body?
Q. If this be so, should we do Namaskar to the dead bodies in Kaliyuga only as a custom? If it is a custom, can we discontinue it?
A. One can maintain respect for the dead person by doing Namaskar and in addition set an ideal with regards to respecting elders. In Kaliyuga, from this one will benefit at an emotional level and not at a spiritual level. However, one should not discontinue this custom; instead one could learn how to get spiritual benefit from it. Due to the deterioration of the Sattva component in embodied souls, this practice has become a mere custom in Kaliyuga.
However, as per the saying, 'God exists where there is spiritual emotion', while doing Namaskar to a dead body if we have a spiritual emotion that we are doing Namaskar to the God principle in it, then the God principle in the dead body awakens and we receive God's blessings. This happens because the God principle is immortal and has no limitations that a physical body has.
Q. It is said that one should not do Namaskar to a sleeping person. In Kaliyuga if one does Namaskar by touching the dead body, then are the chances of getting distress from negative energies not higher?
A. Yes it is; but while doing Namaskar it is important that the action be performed with correct spiritual emotion. Since Namaskar is done to the God principle in the dead body instead of activating raja, tama components, it activates the Godly principle in the dead body and bestows Sattva corresponding to the degree of spiritual emotion.'
'One hand' touch to the Temple Steps
Action: Touch step with fingers of right hand & move same hand over head.
Science: 'The area around the temple is charged with frequencies of Deities which leads to an increase in the Sattva component. The presence of Divine consciousness in the area charges even the stairs in a temple. 'Climbing' steps is one of the activities, which increases the raja component in the body. Hence, the raja component is already activated in the body of an embodied soul so by touching the steps with the fingers of the right hand, the Sattva component and peace from the charged premise, get transmitted to the body through the right hand. In addition, from this action, the activated raja component in the body can be controlled through the medium of the surya nadi (Sun channel). This means that, for a moment, the activities of the Sun channel can be stopped. From this process, the embodied soul learns to enhance the Sattva component through raja dominant actions. Therefore, it is very essential to perform the appropriate sattvik actions at each corresponding level, hence the method of touching the steps with fingers of the right hand and then moving the fingers or palm over the head. Even the dust present on the steps is charged with Chaitanya and so we must respect it and derive spiritual benefit from it.. If the embodied soul harbours the spiritual emotion that 'the Chaitanya from the steps be transmitted all over my body from the dust on my hand', then it will give increasing benefit to the embodied soul. In addition if the ego of the embodied soul is less at that time then it gives even more benefit. When any action is performed devoid of ego or 'I'ness it is treated as a 'non-action' (akarma-karma).'
Do's and Dont's while doing Namaskar
Q. Why should the eyes be closed while doing Namaskar?
'Joining hands while bowing the head amounts to saluting God or the divinity in the person in front. The eyes are closed while doing Namaskar to God or any respected person, to enable one to have the vision of God within us.'
Q. Why should the footwear be taken off while doing Namaskar?
While sitting, partaking meals, sleeping, wishing and doing Namaskar to Gurus and other elderly people, footwear should not be worn. - Gautamsmruti 9.
1. Footwear increases the raja-tama components in a person.
2. Paying obeisance (Namaskar) with high raja-tama components will not help in activating the Kundalini (centre in the spiritual energy system).
3. The ability to absorb the sattva component too is reduced, due to an increase in the raja-tama components, leading to little benefit from a Namaskar.
4. Doing Namaskar to a Deity, with footwear on, may also invite the wrath of the Deity.’
Q. Why is it not advisable to hold any object while doing Namaskar?
1. While doing Namaskar if an object is held in the hands, usually the fingers and their tips are in a curled position and not straight. As a result, the sattva component received is unable to enter the tips of the fingers.
2.. The sattva component emitted towards the seeker, strikes the object held and bounces back. Also, at times, instead of the person absorbing the sattva component, the object may absorb it.
3. If the object in the hand is raja or tama predominant, and if it is touched to the forehead or chest while doing Namaskar, then the raja-tama components from it mayenter the body of the one who is doing Namaskar.
Q. While doing Namaskar, why are men not supposed to cover their head, whereas women are advised to cover their head?
One should not do Namaskar with footwear on, covering the head or holding any objects. (But women should cover their head with their saris and only then do Namaskar) - Apastamb Dharmasutra
While doing Namaskar the Kundalini gets activated at the chakra which is touched by the folded hands. This leads to the absorption of the Sattva component in greater proportion in the body. Sometimes due to the activation of the Kundalini, Sattva component starts entering the body through the head. But at times the distressing energies try to take advantage of this and mix black energy with the Sattva component. The potential to activate the Kundalini is higher in men as compared to women. Hence they are hardly affected by this negative energy. Contrary to this, as women are more vulnerable, they get affected by distressing energies to a greater extent and thus they can experience distress. That is why, when doing Namaskar, women are advised to cover their head with the ends of their sari. This creates a barrier between the head and the distressing energies and prevents themfrom penetrating the body of the woman. However, to some extent this also blocks benevolent frequencies from entering the women. (Benevolent frequencies are subtler than negative frequencies; hence they enter a woman to some extent even though the sari covers her head.) However, the proper posture of Namaskar gives maximum Sattva component to an individual and hence women too get required benefits. This shows how God takes care of every devotee. Doing Namaskar without these restrictions is equally effective if the devotee does it with spiritual emotion.
Meaning and Benefits of Prostration to elders - Dhandavatha Pranam.
Namaskar - Namaskaram literally means a salute; traditionally it is practiced from the childhood days, to train the children to respect the elders and also to pay obeisance to the Lord God in temples. It is a gesture of action used to indicate respect & reverence. Namaskar in Military terms is a Salute, but it has other general populations use in different way of salutes. In the western countries, while such gestures as tipping one's hat as one passed others on the street could be considered salutes, the most common civilian gesture in Indian states can be seen, with each other greeting, that is rendered to the Seniors and Elders alike. In the United States of America, a civilians salute the flag by placing their right hands over their hearts and saying the Pledge of Allegiance.
Traditional Hindu verbal greeting of Namasthe & Namaskar are a kind of Mudra posture, where the palms are joined together and held at the level of their chest. This Mudra is also known as "Anjali" Mudra. It is a kind of devotion and a gesture made equally before a temple Deity, Sadhus, Saints, Seers, Priests, or of any such holy person, learned scholars, teachers & Guru, elders and senior persons, or a newly acquainted elderly persons.
The hands held together connects the right side of the body with the left, and brings the nerve and pulses (nadi) currents into poised balance, into a consciousness of the suskhama, awakening the third eye known as gjyana Njanam), within the greeter to worship God in the greeted. Now let us see what the actual benefits one gets by doing the Namaskar - the Anjali Mudra. It is from a researcher that gives the inner meaning & values for prostrating, paying obeisance and doing sashtanga (falling flat) namaskar. The following article by Sri Siddharth Dave, gives the fair value, scientific meaning to an age old practice in this Indian Sub-continent for ages.
It is always recommended that while prostrating, a person has to do it facing east and to whom it offered is to be facing the west. I hope this bit of information help readers to understand the inner meaning of Namasthe, the greetings each other make since time immemorial!
The word 'Namaskar' is derived from the root 'namaha', which means paying obeisance (Namaskar) or salutation. From Science of Justice - 'Namaha' is a physical action expressing that 'you are superior to me in all qualities and in every way'.
Worldly Benefits - By doing Namaskar to a deity or a Saint, unknowingly their virtues and capabilities are impressed upon our minds. Consequently we start emulating them, thus changing ourselves for the better.
Spiritual Benefits - Increase in humility and reduction of ego / Enhancement in the spiritual emotion of surrender and gratitude / Gaining the Sattva component and faster spiritual progress. We receive the highest amount of Sattva component from the posture (mudra) of Namaskar. By doing Namaskar to Deities or Saints we receive subtle frequencies emitted by them, e.g. frequencies of Sattva or Bliss.
How does one do Namaskar to an individual of the same age group?
When meeting someone of the same age-group do Namaskar by joining the fingers and placing tips of the thumbs on the Anahat chakra (at the centre of the chest). This type of Namaskar increases the spiritual emotion of humility in the embodied soul. Sattva frequencies from the universe are attracted by the fingers (which act as an antenna) and are then transmitted to the entire body through the thumbs which have awakened the Anahat chakra. This activates the soul energy of the embodied soul. In addition, by doing Namaskar in this manner to each other, frequencies of blessings are also transmitted.
What is correct method & science of doing Namaskar to God?
A. 'While paying obeisance to God, bring the palms together.
1. The fingers should be held loose (not straight and rigid) while joining the hands or palms.
2. The fingers should be kept close to each other without leaving any space between them.
3. The fingers should be kept away from the thumbs.
4. The inner portion of the palms should not touch each other and there should be some space between them.
Note: The stage of awakening of spiritual emotion (Bhav) is important to the seeker at the primary level. Hence, for awakening spiritual emotion (Bhava), he should keep space in between the joined hands, whereas a seeker who is at the advanced level should refrain from leaving such space in between the palms to awaken the unexpressed spiritual emotion (Bhava).
B. After joining the hands one should bow and bring the head forward..
C. While tilting the headforward, one should place the thumbs at the mid-brow region, i.e. at the point between the eyebrows and try to concentrate on the feet of the Deity.
D. After that, instead of bringing the folded hands down immediately, they should be placed on the mid-chest region for a minute in such way that the wrists touch the chest; then only should the hands be brought down.
A. The fingers should not be stiff while bringing the palms together because this will lead to a decrease in Sattva component from the vital and mental sheaths and thus increase the raja component in them. By keeping the fingers relaxed, the subtlest Sattva component will get activated. With the strength of this energy, embodied souls are able to fight powerful distressing energies.
B. In the Namaskar posture, the joined fingers act as an antenna to assimilate the Chaitanya (Divine consciousness) or the Energy transmitted by a Deity. While joining the palms, the fingers must touch each other because leaving space between the fingers will result in accumulation of energy in that space. This energy will be immediately transmitted in various directions; therefore the seeker's body will lose the benefit of this potent energy.
C. About the space to be maintained between the palms:
For a seeker at the primary level, it is advisable to leave space between the palms; it is not necessary for a seeker at an advanced level to leave space between the palms.
D. After joining the palms, bow a little. This posture puts pressure on the navel and activates the five vital energies situated there. Activation of these vital energies in the body makes it sensitive to accepting sattvik frequencies. This later awakens the 'Atma shakti' (i.e. soul energy of an embodied soul). And later, Bhav is awakened. This enables the body to accept in large measures the Chaitanya emitted by the Deity.
E. Touch the thumbs to the mid-brow region. (Please see images above..) This posture awakens the Bhav of surrender in an embodied soul, and in turn activates the appropriate subtle frequencies of Deities from the Universe. They enter through the ’Adnya chakra’ (Sixth of the 7 chakras in the Kundalini) of the embodied soul and settle in the space parallel to it at the back interior of the head. In this space the openings to all the three channels converge; namely, the Moon, the Central and the Sun channels. Due to the movement of these subtler frequencies in this space, the Central Channel is activated. Consequently it facilitates the speedy transmission of these frequencies throughout the body, leading to purification of both the gross and subtle bodies at the same time.
F. After doing Namaskar, to completely imbibe the Chaitanya of the Deity (that has entered the hands by now), instead of bringing the folded hands down immediately, place them on the mid-chest region in such a way that the wrists touch the chest.
The 'Anahat chakra' is located at the centre of the chest. Akin to the Adnya chakra, the activity of the Anahat chakra is also to absorb the Sattva frequencies. By touching the wrists to the chest, the Anahat chakra is activated and it helps in absorbing more of the Sattva component.
Effect of this Posture
By doing Namaskar in this manner, the Deity's Chaitanya is absorbed to a greater extent by the body, as compared to other methods of doing Namaskar. This gives maximum distress to negative energies. The negative energies that have manifested in a person are unable to touch their thumbs at the mid-brow region in Namaskar. (The negative energies are subtle. But at times they enter an individual's body and manifest it.)
Q. What is the reason for not wrapping a cloth around the neck while performing circumambulation, doing Namaskar, ritualistic worship, sacrificial fires, chanting and while visiting Guru and deities?
A. When a cloth is wrapped around the neck, it does not activate the Vishuddha chakra (in the throat region) and hence an individual gets less benefit of the Sattva component.
Why should one always do Namaskar to elders?
Meaning: When an elderly person arrives, the vital energy of the young person starts rising and when he gets up and does Namaskar, it returns to normal. - Manusmruti 2.120; Mahabharat, Udhyog, Chapter (Section) 38.1, Sr. no. 104, 64-65
Explanation: 'As the sojourn of the elderly person is gradually towards the southern direction, that is, towards the region of Lord Yama (towards death), his body starts emitting raja and tama frequencies on a high scale. When such an elderly person comes in the vicinity of any younger individual, these frequencies start affecting the younger person. A subtle magnetic field is created between the two. Consequently, the vital energy of the younger person is pulled upward. This way the younger person can suffer due to sudden momentum to his vital energy. When this younger person doesNamaskar to the elderly person, some amount of the Central channel of his Kundalini system is activated and the Sattva component in it starts increasing. Consequently the raja and tama components in him are influenced by the Sattva component and the vital energy comes back to normal state. Hence on arrival of an elderly person, it is customary for the younger individuals to do Namaskar to them.'
Doing Namaskar to Elders..
When travelling, prior to the commencement of a journey and upon returning, why should one do Namaskar to elders in the family?
'Namaskar to the elders in the family is one way of surrendering to the God principle in them. When an embodied soul bows in Namaskar to an elder by surrendering to the God principle in him, at that time a sense of compassion is created in his body. This compassion percolates right upto his subtle body. At that time, energy of his mind is activated and in turn activates the five vital energies, which are located at the seat of the Manipur chakra (situated in the Naval region). Transmission of these five vital energies all over the body then awakens the soul energy. With the strength of the soul energy, the Central channel gets activated and converts the expressed energy of spiritual emotion to the unexpressed energy of spiritual emotion. With the help of this unexpressed energy of spiritual emotion, the embodied soul, through the medium of elders, gains the required Deity's principle from the Universe. For this purpose, while leaving the house on a
journey, the embodied soul should do Namaskar to elders and with the strength of Sattva frequencies has to protect himself from distressing frequencies in the atmosphere. Similarly, returning from a journey, one should immediately do Namaskar to elders and awaken the God principle in them, which would disintegrate the raja-tama particles from the air around him, which might have been brought along.
What is the correct method of doing Namaskar to Saints?
1. The portion of head, which should be placed at the feet :
We can imbibe maximum Chaitanya through the Brahmarandhra (the seventh chakra of the Kundalini system located in the crown of our head). Since it (Brahmarandhra) cannot be placed at a Saints's feet, the part of head beginning above the forehead is to be placed at the feet of Saints. Due to this, maximum Chaitanya emanating from Their feet can enter into the one doing Namaskar.
2.. The exact spot to place one's head on a Saint's feet:
The big toes of Saints emit maximum Chaitanya; hence we should place our head on the big toe, than on their foot. If we are in a position to touch both the toes, then place the head on the right big toe.
3. The position of hands when placing the head on a Saint's feet:
a. Some interlock their hands behind their backs at the waist and do Namaskar. If we are in a position to touch both their toes, then we should place the hands one on each foot and the head should be placed on the big toe of the right foot. If we are in a position to touch one of Their toes, then place both the hands on it and keep the head on the big toe.
b. Some do Namaskar by placing hands on the ground. This is also wrong because if the hands are placed on the ground then the Chaitanya emanating from the Saint's feet are absorbed by one and then returns to the earth through the hands of the one doing Namaskar. Thus the person does not benefit from it.
c. Some cross their hands and place them on the feet of Saints, that is, their right hand on the right foot of the Saint and their left hand on the left foot of the Saint while doingNamaskar. This is a crude imitation of the manner in which Christians place their crossed hands on their chest. Instead, our right hand should be placed on the left foot of the Saint and our left hand on the right foot of the Saint. This is convenient also. However, if a Guru has started some procedure in a particular sect, then the hands are to be placed in that manner only.
d. The hands are to be positioned in such a way that the palms are placed on the feet..
How to do Namaskar to the wooden footwear (paduka) of Saints?
Namaskar to the wooden footwear (paduka) of Saints
'The left paduka symbolises Lord Shiva and the right symbolises Divine Energy. The left paduka is the un-manifest saviour energy and the right is the un-manifest destroyer energy of the Supreme God. The saviour or destroyer energy of the Supreme God emanates from the 'pegs' of the paduka as per the need. When we do Namaskar by placing our head on the 'pegs' of the paduka, some may experience distress due to the inability to tolerate the manifest energy emitting from it. Hence, while doing Namaskar to the paduka, instead of the pegs, place the head on the foremost part i.e. the place where the Saints place their toes.'
Should one do Namaskar to a dead body?
Q. If this be so, should we do Namaskar to the dead bodies in Kaliyuga only as a custom? If it is a custom, can we discontinue it?
A. One can maintain respect for the dead person by doing Namaskar and in addition set an ideal with regards to respecting elders. In Kaliyuga, from this one will benefit at an emotional level and not at a spiritual level. However, one should not discontinue this custom; instead one could learn how to get spiritual benefit from it. Due to the deterioration of the Sattva component in embodied souls, this practice has become a mere custom in Kaliyuga.
However, as per the saying, 'God exists where there is spiritual emotion', while doing Namaskar to a dead body if we have a spiritual emotion that we are doing Namaskar to the God principle in it, then the God principle in the dead body awakens and we receive God's blessings. This happens because the God principle is immortal and has no limitations that a physical body has.
Q. It is said that one should not do Namaskar to a sleeping person. In Kaliyuga if one does Namaskar by touching the dead body, then are the chances of getting distress from negative energies not higher?
A. Yes it is; but while doing Namaskar it is important that the action be performed with correct spiritual emotion. Since Namaskar is done to the God principle in the dead body instead of activating raja, tama components, it activates the Godly principle in the dead body and bestows Sattva corresponding to the degree of spiritual emotion.'
'One hand' touch to the Temple Steps
Action: Touch step with fingers of right hand & move same hand over head.
Science: 'The area around the temple is charged with frequencies of Deities which leads to an increase in the Sattva component. The presence of Divine consciousness in the area charges even the stairs in a temple. 'Climbing' steps is one of the activities, which increases the raja component in the body. Hence, the raja component is already activated in the body of an embodied soul so by touching the steps with the fingers of the right hand, the Sattva component and peace from the charged premise, get transmitted to the body through the right hand. In addition, from this action, the activated raja component in the body can be controlled through the medium of the surya nadi (Sun channel). This means that, for a moment, the activities of the Sun channel can be stopped. From this process, the embodied soul learns to enhance the Sattva component through raja dominant actions. Therefore, it is very essential to perform the appropriate sattvik actions at each corresponding level, hence the method of touching the steps with fingers of the right hand and then moving the fingers or palm over the head. Even the dust present on the steps is charged with Chaitanya and so we must respect it and derive spiritual benefit from it.. If the embodied soul harbours the spiritual emotion that 'the Chaitanya from the steps be transmitted all over my body from the dust on my hand', then it will give increasing benefit to the embodied soul. In addition if the ego of the embodied soul is less at that time then it gives even more benefit. When any action is performed devoid of ego or 'I'ness it is treated as a 'non-action' (akarma-karma).'
Do's and Dont's while doing Namaskar
Q. Why should the eyes be closed while doing Namaskar?
'Joining hands while bowing the head amounts to saluting God or the divinity in the person in front. The eyes are closed while doing Namaskar to God or any respected person, to enable one to have the vision of God within us.'
Q. Why should the footwear be taken off while doing Namaskar?
While sitting, partaking meals, sleeping, wishing and doing Namaskar to Gurus and other elderly people, footwear should not be worn. - Gautamsmruti 9.
1. Footwear increases the raja-tama components in a person.
2. Paying obeisance (Namaskar) with high raja-tama components will not help in activating the Kundalini (centre in the spiritual energy system).
3. The ability to absorb the sattva component too is reduced, due to an increase in the raja-tama components, leading to little benefit from a Namaskar.
4. Doing Namaskar to a Deity, with footwear on, may also invite the wrath of the Deity.’
Q. Why is it not advisable to hold any object while doing Namaskar?
1. While doing Namaskar if an object is held in the hands, usually the fingers and their tips are in a curled position and not straight. As a result, the sattva component received is unable to enter the tips of the fingers.
2.. The sattva component emitted towards the seeker, strikes the object held and bounces back. Also, at times, instead of the person absorbing the sattva component, the object may absorb it.
3. If the object in the hand is raja or tama predominant, and if it is touched to the forehead or chest while doing Namaskar, then the raja-tama components from it mayenter the body of the one who is doing Namaskar.
Q. While doing Namaskar, why are men not supposed to cover their head, whereas women are advised to cover their head?
One should not do Namaskar with footwear on, covering the head or holding any objects. (But women should cover their head with their saris and only then do Namaskar) - Apastamb Dharmasutra
While doing Namaskar the Kundalini gets activated at the chakra which is touched by the folded hands. This leads to the absorption of the Sattva component in greater proportion in the body. Sometimes due to the activation of the Kundalini, Sattva component starts entering the body through the head. But at times the distressing energies try to take advantage of this and mix black energy with the Sattva component. The potential to activate the Kundalini is higher in men as compared to women. Hence they are hardly affected by this negative energy. Contrary to this, as women are more vulnerable, they get affected by distressing energies to a greater extent and thus they can experience distress. That is why, when doing Namaskar, women are advised to cover their head with the ends of their sari. This creates a barrier between the head and the distressing energies and prevents themfrom penetrating the body of the woman. However, to some extent this also blocks benevolent frequencies from entering the women. (Benevolent frequencies are subtler than negative frequencies; hence they enter a woman to some extent even though the sari covers her head.) However, the proper posture of Namaskar gives maximum Sattva component to an individual and hence women too get required benefits. This shows how God takes care of every devotee. Doing Namaskar without these restrictions is equally effective if the devotee does it with spiritual emotion.
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